Area Students Win Awards in Remembronce Contest HOME ULLL Honeywell Limited on 'Friday afternoon announced it willbe closing its 40,000 square-foot plant in Bowmanvitle, Ontario, effective January 31. Approximately 100 employees wilI be affected, some of whom willbe transferred to' the company's Scarborough facili ty. The company is setting up an employment centre in Bowmanville to help the others find new jobs. Honeywell attributed the action principally to the decline in demand for products of the type made. in Bowmanville and 'to the need to Volume 120 24 Pages maintain costs at competitive was erected in 1968 to build entry device for computers. levels. The plant Keytape, a data The closing of the Bowmanville plant wil reduce Honeywell's total Canadian manufac- turing space by approximately 10 per cent and bring the company's- total employment in Canada to 2700. The- bulk of Honeywell's manufacturing activity in Canada is carried ouf at a 400,000-square-foot facility in Scarborough. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1974 15C Per Copy NUMBER- 50 Propose Courtice As Heart of Future Town of Newicastle, W'ith 45,000 People Newcastle Planning A,%dvisory Committee adopted a concept plan which would make Courtice area the chief urban centre of the new town of Newcastle. The plan entitled the: "Courtice Concept" was prepared by Murray Jones and Associates of Toronto for the town. It envisions the Courtice area with a population of about 45,000 by the year 2000 spread ont over the 2,200 acres. According to the plan, Bow- manville and' the Village of Newcastle will grow only marginally in the future., The committee passed a M.P., Greefs Friends, at Thon k.You Part y motion to take the, plan to the public, regional government and the press for input and approval to implement phase (Turn to Page Two) Allan Lawrence Hosts Thank-you Party 'For His Campa,,ign or ,t.ýkers Winners of the annual Legion sponsored Remembrance Day poem and essay contest were announ.ed tbis week by Brancb 178 coItest chairman Bob Brown. In the top photo, the two senior poemi winners, from i.iCouxrtîceSeodr School are congratulated by Principal J.E. ýSpeers, eft, and Bob Brown, rigbt, Susan Vice, r-igbit, won iïfirst and $50. Barbara Kristahn' was second and won $25. l3ttm icture showVs Cynthia Bail at j.eft, next to BHS Principal Earl Wolff, who won $30 for ber first place junior poemn. The offher two stud-ents are Silvia Ruegger of Newtonville Puiblic School who placed tirst 'n the Junior essay con~ rîdwo $3, ad ilan Carr, aiso Of Newtonrvý-c-IiP.. wù Rre eohîn hai-ipem in won $15. Cai 7a rowý,n is at rigbt Represen1ting Pollul ix representatives of Ont- ton Nulear Generating Sta- ario Hydro attended New- tlion is ta be located on the land castle Counicil last week and adjacent ta St. Mary's Cemnent gave council a brief presenta- on the west side, on the lake tion of what the Proposed, shore. Darlington Generating tation Hydro representative W. would look like. The arling-, Morrison tol councillars that they were in the process of OPPOSITE OPINIONS provi ding- a documaented study Peter Weston approached of the plant and ifs effects on the Newcastle Commnittee of the area, however it was not the Whole on Monday and ready yet. As ta the hîstory of informed the members that their proposai, Mr. Morrison where> the town's lawyers stated that Darlington town- have decided that the zoning ship council had been ap- of block was legally defined as proached in May of 1971 and residential, his lawyers were an order from council ta of legal opinion that the land purchase the site for the plant was zoned commercial. Block ha been ohtained that Au- A is, the location of the gust. proposed department store on Reg Burnard, project ca- the corner of King Street and ordinator for the plant told Simâpson Avenue. council that the plant would be si ,milar ta the Picering sta- tion but the reactors wouild be of the Bruce Station design. one item of particular interest was 'that the plant accarding ta the proposai will not be visable f rom Hwy. 401. A dyke ill be'constructed in the lake of rocks, then the land from 'the site will be graded toward the dyke making a new land mass. This land-will be of an elevation that the plant when build will be, 20 feet, below the eye level of Hwy. 401. The site will be a mile long and 100,000 'cubic yards., Dr. Ray Feffer who has done environmental documen- t'ation for 4 or 5 other generatîng stations told coun- Continued on Page 6 Sectionf Twa H"ighwoy on Fire Af ter 2-Car Collision Black smoke clouds filled the air on Saturday afternoon as Higbway 2 burst 'to flamnes east of Maple Grove. Firemen from Bowmanville were on the Veewithin a few minutes and managed to extinguish the sizzling asphaît while line-up of vehicles formed east and west of the spot. The fire followed a two-car collision during which the gasoline tank on Robert Haskill's westbound car, shown above, was tomn off, spilling gasoline on the road that was îgnîted by a spark. The second car driven by John Bentley came to rest on the south shoulder. Both men weretaken to Memorial Hospital by ambulance and released with minor injuries. The drivers are from t he Bowmanville-Maple Grove area. Charges are pending. On Thursday evening, Dec- ember,5, Conservative Mem- ber of Primn for North- umberland-Durham, Allan Lawrence and his ,vile Moira entei'tairied tLheir friends and Supporters at the Legion HFall ini Port Hlope. The ocýcasion was~, baa yopirtyQb'r the worker whê elLed r-elect Il BTS0 PE S NO POIRTR,ýiAITS -- Ail thiose who were planning to take their chfildren to Stedm-Pans i n Bowmanville next week to bave their portraits taken for 88c will bave to change their, plans, the big event bas been called off for Lthe present due to a lack of available, space. So,, leave the children home and go t Stedmnans to buy your Christmas presents instead, or one 0of the other stores whose advertisements appear in The Statesman. TRAGEDY STRIKES - Several deaths, of well known citizens havýe shocked the community this week.'On Sunday, Harry (Jr.) Collacutt, King St. _E., died f rom a heart attack he suffer- ed Saturday night. ,H-e was a decorator here for many years. A.W.G. 'Arley' Northcntt, a' member of the Northcutt Elliott'funeral dir- ectors1 died Moniday' evening, and Tuesday morning while on his mail route at Tyrone, Leon Moore suffered a fatal heart attack., It's difficuit to understand why so often these sud- den wiexpected tragedies happen so close to Christmas. _____ POPULAR PUPPETS- Apparently, several hundred showed up for the Puppet Show at the Town Hall, sponsored by the Library, last Thursday, and had a great time, especially the majority of the audience wbo were youngsters. It's amazing what the string pulling and twisting Srofessional puppeteers can do with those almost uman dolîs. _____ SANTA'S COMING,- Charlie Reid of Bow- manv ille Kiwanis Club advises that the club, bas arranged for a special appearance of Santa Clans' at the Town Hall oun Monday, Dec. 23rd. at 7:30 p.m. Merchants have donated candy canes for the children, a magician will be on hand plus other entertainment. Admis- sion price is a toy your youngster does n't use any more that will be handed over to the Salvation Army and the hospital for use there. COLOR TOUR - Again this year, the Kinsmen Club wfil be sponsoring the annual color tour for Senior Citizens. The Editor took a shorttrip around town on Tuesday night and reports that some of the newer areas are looking magnificent witb attractive outdoor ligbting, and asDec. 25th cornes dloser, no, doubt the wbole town will be lit up. Details of the color tour miay be found under the' Coming Events column. EARLY PUBLICATION -fWlth Ch ristmas Day on Wednesday this year, The Canadian' Statesman for that week will be published Monday afternoon, Dec. 23rd so most sub- scribers will receive their copies before Christmas Day. That edition will incînde Greeting advertisments froni stores, indust- ries, and individuals. If yon would like to be included, jnst phone 623-3303 and one of our courteonis advertising staff will take, care of you. Correspondents are asked to have their copy in early becanse the staff will be working most of the weekend. The next edition' will be published on the Monday before New Year's. Mr. Lawrence to parliament last July. Several hundred people danced to the up-tempo music provided by the Variations from Cobourg. The Lakeshore Waves drîessed for the occas- ion in crinolAines anal ginghamn- ginýgham !,shirts an neker c'hiefs for the rû enl, did somIne intricat.e square - dancing. There was som)"e dvletin the calling of Neil Cane, but if his intention was; tonmix them up, he failed miserably. (Turn o Page Two) Town Caught in Own Red Tape, Newcastle Council was caught in its own red tape last week as the building inspector slapped a stop work order on the extension to the dog pound on Liberty Street, Bowman-, ville when nobody obtained a building permit. Coun. Don Allun explained at the committee of the Whole meetine. Mondav. that hie had given the builder a go ahead on the understanding it xvas a town building and the town would obtain, the necessary approvals., The committee of the whole approved a $1,900 payment for electrical wirinçi to the pound., The only items to ne acequired now, are new steel cages . . . and a building permit. Several hundred of Alla n Lawrence s friends and supporters attendeda "Thank You" party he and bis wife Moira sponsored last Thursday at tChe Legion Hall in Port.Hope to express his appreciation of their help in r-e-electig bi to the House of Commons in the .July election. Here, the M.P. for Nortiiui-.berland-Durham constituency greets Peggy and Terry Staples from Manvers Township where he is Vice President of the Manvers Assn. In the background, another supporter gathers the ingredients for lunch. Plannrs Approve i Principle Veltr's Proposai for Buoldimng, King St. càSoresand Apartments Newcastle Planning Advis- ory gave approval in principle ta Maria Veltri ta develop the area where the old Bowman- ville Bus station and Bills Billiards building are and the area adjacent where the abandoned Sunoco Gas Station is if he -can reach a"h agreement with Sun Oil. Maria Veltri, owner o~f Marianna Developments, told the committee that he would lie approval inprinciple for a proposai he had made ta council earlier in the year. T7he proposai is for a building tihat would consist of a street level floor- of retail stores, a second floor of offices and seven floors of apartments, ta be located where the oId Bawmanville Bus station and former badminton c lub are. He said modifications ta the plan could be made through site plan agreements. He explaîned that the council had put off approval of his development until the Murray Jones and Associates study of (Turn ta Page Two) Family of Five Receives. Early Christmas Present Mr. and Mrs. Pat King and their tbree daughters of R.R. 5, Bowmanville received great news late Friday evening when their winning ticket was drawn durîn g the Bowmanville Lions Club's Turkey Roll at, tbe Lions Centre. Mr-. King works in the office at General Motors and will niow be driving a slee k 1975 Monte Carlo. He bougbt the ticket ini bis wife's namne from fellow office worker Glenn Fryo Bowmanville, wbo won a sizeable Christmas cheque as the seller. Bruce Ls et n e ilr right represented the Lions Club for the presentation Monday evening when the entire King family was present. Their daughfers are Pam 8, Susan 12 and Steffanie 10. Mr, and Mrs. King in their spare time are ski instr-uc tors atlDevîl's Elbow, Hydro ets opposition FromCouciland BUi Peden- -ýL