Section 'Jwo The Canadian Statesman, Bowmaniville, Decem ber 11, 19745 RotrinsUrged To Increase Memnbership by Jean Ahlvik At the Thursday meeting Of the Rotary Club, Gerry Ger- rits, local b uilder and fatber of eight, was inducted into the club. He was introduced by is proposer Fred Beaucage. A group of four past-presidents, Keith Semon, Stew McTa- vish, Keith Jackson and Bill Thiesburger performed the ceremony. Mr. Thiesburger provided a littie levity at the solemn occasion as hie called for a knife to bel p im penetrate Mr. Gerrîts' lapel s0 tbat bie could affix tbe mnembership button. Bob Stevens received a pin in recognition of 24 years of perfect attendance. President Aif Alun introdu- ced the speaker for the afternoon, Dr. Keith Billett, vice-president of the club and chairman of the membership committee and tb6 member- ship development committee. Dr. Billett bas been an optometrist in Bowmapville' since 1950 and a Rotarian, since 1952. Dr. Billett explained that the membership committee is cbargedwitb tbe responsibili- ty of rcviewing 'tbe eligibility Of proposed members while the membersbip developmnent committee bas the task of up- dating the classification index to see whicb job classifica- tions are open so that new members can be proposed for them. Rotary Clubs are restricted to one member from eacb walk of if e. However, after 15 ycars of membership, a Rot- arian becomes a "senior active member". This means that another individual from bis particular classifieation can be proposed for member- sbip. A 60-ear-old Rotarian wbo basb een an active member for 10 years is also considered a senior active member. This is also the case with 65-year-olds wbo bave been members for five years. The need to increase mem- bership was stressed'by Mr. Bllett. District,707 (to wich Bowmanville Rotary Club be- longs' bas lost 100,members in the ast year and Dr. Billett estimates tbat a 10 per cent increase in membersbip "FOR ME FOR CH RISTMAS?" Expensive gifts of furs, IeweIIry, sporting equipmeiit, cameras, TV or sterea units - it is wise ta insure them immediately, ta caver theft, lss, or accidentai cdamage. àJames Insureanýice Agencly e Limted 24 K ing St. E., Box, 100, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAME.. Of ice 623-4406 Residence 623-5023 would be necessary to offset this oss. Altbougb Rotary Interna- tional is increasing its mem-r bersbip, tbe figures for North America are declining or stagnating. Dr. Billett attri- butes this fact to a general societal malaise which is charactenized by a growing disrespect for the law and a lack of self -disciplining and self-denial. Specîficalhy in Ro- tary, this takes the farm of a hack of dedication to the rules of Rotary regarding classifi- cation and attendance. "Not only do we need more Rotaryj members," lie commenteci "1we nced more Rotary in our members." Dr. Bllett gave the mem- bers a brief refresher course in the procedure for proposing a new member for Rotary. He reinforced is point by show- ing a slide and tape presenta- tion of the enthusiastic in- vovement of the Guadalajara club in recruiting new mem- bers in Mexico. Tbey use the telephon es and business, dinectonies to disco- ver if any new classifications bave moved into their area. Tbey also divide tbemselves into groups of five to actively seek out new members. Once they bave inducted a new member they try to involve hlm îmmediatehy in the work of the club. He is teamed witb bis proposer as a guide, because they believe to become really invalved in Rotary, a man must know wbat it is ahi about. Since Service is the ideal of Rotary, the more growth the more service is possible. This was the essential message of Dr. Billett's presentation. In thanking the speaker, Earl Wolff accepted the chal- lenge on bebaîf of is fellow Rotarians, to work more closely with the membership committee in order to in- crease membership., President AIf Allin conclud- ed the meeting with a thought for the day whicb many members tbougbt panticulanhy appropiate: "You'ne getting a long in years when you don't dare resist temptation for fear you won't get' another chance. Obituariles MES. LINDA STONE Fohhowing a lengthy ilness, Mrs. Linda Stone, aged 90, passed away in Hillsdale -Manon, Oshawa, on Monday, December 2, 1974. Born in Wawanesa, Mani- toba, the former Linda- Smith was educated in Clarke Town- sbip, Ontario, and married -ta James Stone in,1911. A former resident of New- tonville, she bad resided of late in Oshawa for 25 years. A devoted bousewife, she was a member of Oshawa, Simcoe St., United Cburch, and of the U.C.W. Surviving are a daughter Helen (Mrs. Douglas Ogden) and a son Lewis Stone. The funeral service was conducted b y Reverend T. -Smith fnom the Morris Fune- ral Chapel, on Wednesday. Pall-bearers were Messrs. Arthur, Cecil, Stanley and Adoîphus Payne and Lanford and Eric Stone. Interment was in Bowman- ville Cemetery. CECIL PATRICK SULLI VAN A former employee of Gene- rai Matons of Canada' in the parts department who retired in 1970 witb 35 years' service Cecil Patrick Sullivan died at Scanbonough Centenary Hos- pital, Tuesday, Dec. 3, 1974, suddenly. He lived at 71 McGregor St., Oshawa. Born April 15, 1907 in Lindsay, a son of the late Mn. and Mrs. George Sullivan, he was married in Oshawa in & USED CARS e LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP, GOOD SELECTION 0F USEP CARS R. R. 2 - Newcastle 987- 4636 Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd. 1928, and bad lived here for 40 He was a member of Holy Cross'Cburch, and was also a memben of tbe UAWA Local 222. His wife, the former Chris- tina Pritcbard, died Juhy 25, 1971., He is survived by two daugbters, Mrs. Arthur Bur- rows (Athiel) of Oshawa; Mrs. Banner Passant (Dorotby) of Bowmnanvilhe;- two sons, David of Vancouver, B.C.; Joseph of West Hill; one brother George of Oshawa; and 12 grandcbild- ren. Mr. Sullivan rested at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa. Requiem Higb Mass was cehebrated in Holy Cross Church Friday, witb inter- ment in Resurrection Cerne tery. Rev. Mario De Guisti officiated. Prayers were recited at the funeral home on Thursday. MYRTLE G. K. BLAND A resident of Oshawa for 40 years, Myrtie Gertrude Ke- own Bland, 65, died on Wednesday, December 4,1974, in Bowmanville, fohlowing a two year's ihhness. A former resident of Bow- manvihle, she was 'born and educated in Powassan, the daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert John Keown (nee Annie Lawrence) and was married to Robert Bland on June 10, 1960. A housewife, she was a member of Kingsview United Cburch, Oshawa, the Bow- manville Rebekah Lodge, and the L.O.B.A. 1244, holding offices in both lodges. She leaves to mourn ber passing, husband Robert, a son Douglas Dehaney, a dau- ghter Joan (Mrs. Nonnie Rivett) 6 grandcbihdren. 3 great-grandc ildren, 7 sisters Mrs. James Alston (Ethel), Mrs. John MeCharles (Idelle), Powassan, Ont., Mrs. Jamnes McQuoid (Lila), Mrs. Mack Delorme (Grace), North Bay, Ont., Mrs. Arnold Christanson (Aletha), Mrs. Joe Todd (Wilda), Sudbury, Ont., Mrs. Aubrey Hickson (Elsie), Lin- dsay, ont., one brother, Her- man Keown, Powassan, Ont. The funerah service was held on Saturday, from the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Reverend J. T. Irwin, officiating. Paîl-bearers were Walter Wehhman, Walter Van Ike, Herh Powell, Jack Wilson, Clarence Bradley and Russell Brown. Many beautiful floral tri- butes were received in ber memory. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. EVAN M. QUANTRILL A farmer at Kirby, and retired 12 years, Evan M. Quantrill, aged 76, passed away on Friday, November, 8, 1974 in Meémorial Hospital Bowman- ville, following an illness of 2'2 montbs. Born i Kendal, and educat- ed at M!cbean'*s Puýblic School,, he was the soni of' George and Margaret (Miller) Quantrihi. On June 10, 1933, be married Mary K. Cooper. He bad nesi ded in Orono for 14 years upon retirement. A member of the United Cburcb of Canada, and tbe Masonic Lodge No. 325, Orono, be leaves to mourn b is passing, bis wif e, daughters Shirley, (Mrs. Wm Moffat) Iroquois, Marilyn (Mrs. Char- les Peers ) Cahgary,,sons Francis, and Allan, of Orono, and six grandcbîldren. Reverend Basil Long, off ic- iated for the service on Monday, from the Morris Funeral Chapel. Paîl-bearers were Messrs Business Direclory Accountanc-y WM. J. H. CQGGINS Chartered Accounitaut 115 Liberty Street' South, Bowirffnville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Coni. Chartered Accountant C h i rop r ac tc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hiours: By appintnient D en ta 1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank -St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:0a.m. ta 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street, East Professional BIdg Office Hours: <Weekdays - 9 - 5 Teléphone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 ta 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E, Bowmanville Office Hours: 1., rues., and Thurs. 9 til 5 Wednesday 9 tii 2 Friday 9til 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Plione 623-5i90 Ernest Bryson, William Reid, Artbur Thompson,,Harry Mer, cer, Lyalh Lowery and Evenett Browýn. Floral tokens were received in bis memory fnom, Kirby United Church, Orono Atbletic Association, Orono Masonic Lodge, friends and neighbors. Interment was in Orono Cemetery. JOHN HOWARD SLEMON A prominent member of the community, respected and admired by everyone, John Howard Semon, aged 64, passed away in Memorial Hos pital, Bowmianivlle, on Friday, November 29, 1974, folhowing sevenal montb's ilness. Son of Etta May Semon, and tbe late Tbeo Semon, hie was horn in Haydon, and educated in Enniskihhen Public Schooh, and Bowmanvihle High Scbool. In 1942 be was married to Jessie Kathleen Knox. A former residént of Hay don, and of Enniskillen for tb( hast, 55 years, lie was a menchant and postmaster ai Slemon's General Store, En- niskihhen bcing witb the store for 55 years, and postmaster for 28 years. A member of Enniskihlen United Churchlhe was on the Board of Session, the Enniskil- hen Bowling Team, a member of Canadian Club, and the Enniskilhen Quartette. Lef t to mourn bis passirg are bis wife Jessie, daugbter Katbryn Coverly, son Robert, and bis mother Etta May Siemon. The funenal service xvas conducted by Reverend Lei- cester Bigby from the Morris Funenal Chapel, on Monday,ý December 2. Pall-beaners were Messrs. Wilfred Bowman, David Hall, Laverne Clemens, Harold Martyn, Gordon Stevens, and Orville Ashton. Among tbe beautiful floral offerings received were ones. from Coutice Secondary Scbool, Enniskihhen United Churcb, Haydon Club 21, and Haydon MacDonalds. Interment was in Bowman- ville Cemetery. LONG SAULT Mrs. W. Penwanden and Mns. MacPhenson,' Bowman- ville were "twins for a day wben tbey celebrated their bitbdays togetber at a lovehy supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron on Wednes- Mr.RCaen Mrn. r.R aeo were Friday evening visitors of Mr., and Mrs. D. Oke, Bowmanvilhe . Tbey also visit- ed ber sister at Lindsay General Hospital on Sunday. Mrs. Doris Killett, Janetville., she is out of intensive care now and is coming ahong slawlvv but we alh hope surel,ý Get weli wisbes from ail. Mn. and Mrs. John Mallery, Oshawa, were Saturday visit- CANADA NO.iGRADE BAG C FIRM RED SLICERS PROI3UCEGFUc.SAi RIMRAE T.omiatoos La.39 FLAVORFUL PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. Spinach 3oz 9 FARM FRESti BRAND CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Carrots L CANADA NO. 1 GRADE 3LB 3 Cooking Onions BA,39i CRISP, PRODDCE0F U.S.A. Celey Stlks EACH 39 ASIY-FPRODUCEOFU.S.A. Pitted Dates69 Fruit Cake EHICKEN, SALISBURY STEAK OR TUR KEY Sav-arin ROZEN ilOZ 5 Diilnoz. PEEK FREAN - DIGESTIVE, SHORTCAKE OR NICE Biscuits KG PUSSN BOOTS Cat ood ST'D> CatFoodVAR 1ET 1lES IGA Salad Dressing CHIPITS SEMI-SWEET, Chocolate Chips IGA Mincemeat Pies TOASTMASTER (41 OFF) Bran Muffins ors, and also Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. Miss Linda Leavinis. Hay- don, spent tbe weekend witb miss Ruth Baker. Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Ruth and Garry were Wednes- day evening iýuests of Mr. and Mrs. fi. Baker and girls, County Rd. 57. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall, Brookhl, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker, Club 50 ladies will meet at the home , of Mrs. Harold Murphy for their Christmas part y. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Van- eyk were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. De Mille, Boxvmanville celebrat- ing Walter's birtbday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jobnston and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Shields, Newcastle, were Fni- day ex ening guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. Murphy.- Mrs, Harold Murpby visited ber siser, Mrs. Fred Parrish, Oshawa on Tbursday. Synjpathy of thecommunity is extended to the family of tbe late John Semon, Enniskilheni, wbo passed away in Mernorial Ilospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cor- nish, Misses Mary and Wendy Cornish were Sunday supper guests of Mr. I. Hardy, Stanley and Mrs. Endicott, Lindsay, celebnating Stanley's birthday. Togr i'stoucils To Reýtin Id7,entity yeanr of negotiations witb the Ontarlo Government, an agreement basheen neached between the Central Ontario group of Tour ist Coun-cils and the Ontario Miristry of Indus- ti y and Toui ism. Under the agreement, indi- vidual Tourist Councils sucb as Great P ine Ridge wil retain thein identity and at the same tirnecax n betten promno tional support from the go- vernment. ln retoîn, the Central Ontario group - name- ly Great Pine Ridge, Bay of QuJinte, Hliburton Highlanids, H-ighands of Hastings, Lake Sunmcoe, La nd OLakes and Kawartba Lakes- will speed up thein joint promotional activities. The Couincils wilh cooperate on administration. President George Coling, Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council, empbasizes thât this accelenated coopieration will hielp the whole negion 1'For instance, more and betten, promotional material wihl be produced and distrihuted. He stresses that, unden the new tourism scbemýe success of an) individuah area wihl now, depend larigel-y upon the aniount of money raised hy tbmough county and municipal grants and individual mcm- berships. The governnnent will tic its financial help to the aniount raised in the Regions. We wisb to emphasize that money raised in a given region. wilh be spent solely for the benefit of that region. lFor the punpose of admini- stra tion ,the Central Ontario 'I avel Association wilh be divided into tbree zones: 1) South zone - Great Pine Ridge, Bay of Quite and Lake Simcoe, 2) North zone - Kawantba Lakes and Haibur- ton Highlands, 3) East -zone Hlighlands of Hastings and Land O'Lakes. The Great Pine Ridge Tour- ist Coucil expresses apprecia- thon to membens of the Ontario Government,' municipal offi- ciaIs and Tounist Council membeî s for their support whicbh eiped to make this new scheme possible. Your inte- nest and assistance are very înuch appneciated. Thbe Great Pine Ridge Tou- rist Region now received some $35 million annually frorn visitors. Witb increased l ocal and government financing this dollar incomne to our~ commun- ALUMINUM F011 Reynolds _fI~m,(18 INCH WvmUp WIDTH) GROUNO N abob, C0f fe e TRAVEL GUIDE '75 are made and space booked at a number of Travel and Sport- mens Shows for 1975 promo- tion. Over 29 tbousand asthram; cases were treated in Cania- diari hospitals in 1971. Christý mas Seals figbt astbma and otber lung cripplîng respira- tory diseases. LÀAUNDRY ROO REC- ROOMD6AAG 700, ' ZE rtUS /NSTAU. L PROPER NEATING ý ORONO 983-520a f 5SO HOME HEAT SERVIC,, 25-FT. ROLL PKG. on~ 99C 2 x32-FL OZ, Liqulu PLASTIC BUS. Detergent 2 CHRISTIE'S STUART HOUSE 9" J9F Bis .N Bites PKG:590 AluminiumPie Pl ates F127 79 JOHNSON'S DISPOSABLE - McCAIN FANCY FROZEN PKG.1o. 15- 88. Daytrime Dlliars o2 ,9 BrselSrut OO 9 32-FL OZ. JAR PIa5C..LUCKY PUCK FEATURE 0F THWEE 12ON (CFREAM 0f MUSHROC 1, TOMATOD 12G 850 RCHCKN g9~ ~ abitan PKG. 610 B LUEFWATE Hnaddoî FBIUNSWE Orange 77 KING ST. E. BODWMA N V1L LE SIJNDAY STORE HOURS 1FRDZ EN ck Fisli Fries P 65ý ETENED PURE 9 Juice )>BTL 45 Brown 'N Se-rve- -- - PRICES EFFECTIVE WEO. THRU SAT. DEC. 11,12, 3,14 W1E RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT GUANTITIES MON EV ON QUALITY w DX PREMIUM FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or'Dial 1-668-3381 CALL US -DX ' FU E L OIL TO-DAY ý FOR PROMiPT,COURTEOUS S ERýý?VIC E PKG 0 F 1