4 The Canadian Statesman, NWEDITORS Weae pleased to announce thýat next week, Hazel and Jaýck Crýago will be taking over the Eidorial duties for the NecsIn dependent page (À The Statesman. Both are weILL known and are looking torwlard to gathering the news e3f the village. Their phone number is 987-4201. Give themn a cail if you have any news. They will also be pleased to âccept new or renewal sub- seriptions Our thanks to Miss HeIelen Lovkin who found ber school duties at Clarke a bit too heavy to continue doing the, news budget. This week's Lions Bulletin .indicates the.club was quite b appy with the resuits of their recent, stag and is' now planning the annual Christ- mas party for tonight when the Lionettes will be guests. They are aise preparing for the rhildren's Cristmas Par- ty this Saturday at 1 p.m. witb Santa ail set to make an app earance and pass out good es to the youngsters. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard have purcbased the home of the late Mrs. Marie I. Gart shore, 18 Emily, West. Mr. Thomas Lennard, Mill St. is a patient in Oshawa General' Hospital, where hie underwent emer gency sur- gery recently an d bis many friends will be pleased te learn hie is making progress in his recovery. .Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ste- phenson visited friends in Belleville on Saturday. Mvrs. Garnet Riekard was the guest speaker at New- castle United Church on Sunday morning. Many ladies attended tbe Rebekah Lodge Bazaar in Orono on Satnrday. Mrs. Llew Hallowell was a dinner guest witb Mrs. Bill Reid, Orono, on Saturday, and later attending tbe bazaar. Mrs. Ewart Robinson came home from Memorial Helspital Bowmanville,, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Dave Scott spent the weekend with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell, Mr. Gerald Hallew- ell spending Sunday. Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd were given a surprise party by, their family on the occasion,«ethteir 3ûtb Weddinig Anniversary D-c. 9th. Tboseý present were r. and rs. Bruce Todd, Scotth i, and Billy, Miss Anne 'Toýdd. Mr. and Mrs. Lary inlair, Tod and Tara, M âr. and Mrs. Ross Todd, C'atby and Robbie, Mr. aýnd Mrs. Glen Farrow and Jain Mr. an d Mrs. Clinton Farow, Mr. Stan Bowen,,Mr. Rýob Henderson, adMr. and Mrs. Norman Le. Mr. and Ms. Harold Litie Çampell1rç~,were re!ent! îwnday dîner guests wt M.ndMrs-. ILlew Hallowell. Mr.110dMrs. John M Aurphy Mr.andirsBrianiiCaswell, anid snswre Sunday dinner guètswib M. ndMrs. LIew Mr adirs. CarlTodd and Ann, nd r.Rob Henderson w cre Sunday upper guests wîb r. an Mrs. Larry Chuch ervcewill be held Sunday a. Christmas Conceit i e hehd at the -hrhon 'Dec. 201b' The Pot Luck supper is being held tonigbýt (Monday) at -the home of Mrs. Bert Trirn's. More details of the supper and meeting in next w ek's columm. Mrs Tab, Bowmanville, vîstedotveýr the weekend with Mr an -r. .Svain and family* Mr. and Mrs. B. Vandam, Oshawa, were guests of Mrs. Irene Vandami and f4mily. A -olf was sbot onfthe The funerai service was conducted by Reverend Ert, on Thursday from tbe North- cutt Elliett Funeral HTome. Interment was in Hampton Cemetery. More than P,5,hundred Cana- dians were under treatment for tuberculosis as of the end of December- 1973, reports the Durham Region T(ubercýulosis andReproy Disease As- sociationî, ltb C ristmas Seal Morthani eleven thousand Cn diasded cf Respiratory Dieaesi 1972 warns your CrsmsSeal Organizatiôn the Durham Rlegien Tubercu- osis and R.espiratory Disease Association, Bowmanville, December 11, 1974 C OOKED, READY-TO-SERVE SMOKED HAMS ASrERB BLEND RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES ÉiGHT'cK BEANCOF FE E 1-LB BAG di' OMSTEAD, rkOZEN, STRAIGHT CUT, FANCY Gireen Beans 2-lb pkg 77< PARIY CRACKERS OR SOME 0F EACH ACTION PRICEDI McC%'ormick's Crackers 12 oz pkg 79 SCHWEPPES TONIC OR Bitter Lemon 10-FZTINS $4.99 GREEN, YELLOW, PINK, WHITE Pkg of 4 RoIls ACTION PRICEDI White Swan Bathroom Tissue 79< PLAIN, WITH GARLIC, POLISH ACTION PRICEDI' Bick's Diii Pickles 48-fi-oz.jar 99< PLASTIC ACTION PRICEDI Saran Wrap î00foot ro 8 7 Choice Peas & Carrots or Mixed Vegetables ACTION PRICEDI Libby's Vegetables 3,14-fi oztins 8 9< DEEP BROWN IN TOMATO SAUCE ibb', S Baked Beans l19 fi oz in 52< GREEN GIANT, FANCY, SLICED ACTION PRICEDI Beaons Green or Wax 314 fi oztns$1 .00 For Saîads, Baling & Frying - Pure Vegetable ACTION PRICEDI St. Lawrence Oil 25-fi-oz btl $1.3 9 KELI.OGG'S CEREAL ACTION PRICEDI Special "%K" IS-oz pkg 99< MONARCH Soft Margarine 1-lb tub 115; Chocolate CIip, Oatmneaî Chocolate Chip, Shortcalce, Digestive Dad's Cookies 1-lb bag a89< PURE - CHERRY, RASPBERRY, STRAWBERRY,1 SEEDLESS RED RASPBERRY ACTION PRICED! E. D. Smith Jams 9-fi-oz jar 59< HANSON, RECONSTITUTED, PURE, IJNSWEETENED- (PREPRICEDI Orange Juice 64-fI-oz btl 77< ALL PIJRPOSE ACTION PRICEDI Mvonairch Flour 5-lbbag 79< SA VE 20C Action Pricédl! REGULAR KRAFT PHIADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE JANE PARKER FRUIT -CAKEý 2/3 FRUITS AND NUTS 11/2-LB PIECE 1 3-LB RING' .5-LB RING $6.99 Actio, 0np ric ed E. D. SMITH GARDEN COCKTAIL I CONIA:NS RiCH BRAZILIAN COFFEES EIGHT O'C(LOCK INSTANT COFFEE $ SAAVE Io-ozSO JAR PRODUCE FEATURES! S CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, FLORIDA, FIRM RIPE SOMÀATOES 2-LB TRAY f7 S NOW AVAILABLE SWEET SEEDLESS JAPANESE MANDARIN ORANGESI CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, SMALL ONTARIO RED Delicions Apples 3-lb cello bag 69< TEXAS WASHDREADY TO CUT spinach 31o oz cello pkgs $1 .00 A VARIETY 0F COLOURS FOR YOUR CHOICE 6-ïNCH PO0T Potted Chrysanthemums $3.19 Jane Parker- Fresh Baked Treats! ~JANE PARKER, ENRICHED WHITE OR 60% WHOLE WI4EAT, SLICED (BUY 2 LOAVES- SAVE 19c) SANDWICH BREAD I LOAVES79ý JANE PARKER, Lemnon Meringue, Rlubarb-Apple or (SAVE 111,,lJANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGARED, CINNAMON (SAVE 10c) SCherry Pie, FULL 8-INCH PIE Each 8 9< Cake Donuts pkg of 12 .5 JAEPARKER (BUY 2 PKGS - SAVE 19t) JANE PARKER (SAVE6c) Snowflake Rolis 2 pkgsofl2 79< Lemon Roll 14-oz cake 75ç JANE PARKER (SAVE 16c) JANE PARKER (SAVE 8c) àT SChocolate Browni 15o«fltry83< Babka Coffee Cýke î-zck 9 JANE PARKER JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) Y~Sliced Cheese Bread 12 oz loaf43< Sweet Rolis PINEAPPLE TOPPED pkg of 869< N JANE PARKER (SAVE .16c) JANE PARKER (SAVE 14c) eIy Roll 9-oz cake 69ç Angel Cake large size cake8