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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1975, p. 10

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10 The Canadiani Statesman, Bowmanviille, January 1, 1975 ~s.† . CLRSIlE RP lui s -'4.....~ ,4..".. DEAIDLINE FOR1 I CLASSIFIED Tue., :30p.m. M!NÂRD - Bill and Brenda (nEe esterbrooks) are happy to announice their first bomn, a son weighing 7 lbs. 13 oz$. at Oshawa General Hospital. Poud gandiparents are Mr. and Mrs. Estembrooks and Mr. and Mrs. .Minard.1- W ESTHEUSER - Robert and Su.anne proudly anflouicne the bi rth of their daughter Lesley ja ne on Decemnber 21sf, 1974. Asster tom Alyson. 11lx ÇA LABACK - At Memnorial Hospital, Bowý,manville, on Saturcay, December 2lst, 1974, William Roy Calaback, aaed 62 years, dear brother of Mgr. R. H. Calaback, Toronto. Service was held in the Morris Fu1neral Chapel, Bowman- ville, oni Tuesday, Dec. 24 at eie.ven o'clock. ýnterment Bowmanvffe Cemetery. COUCH, Hary - At Oshawa General Hospital oni Wed., Se c. 25, 1974, Hiarry Couch, of ýewcastle, in his 601h year. Beloved husband of Gladys Çrockatt, dear tather of Geg anid Stepheni. Rested at the North1-cutt Eliott Funemal Home. Funeral service was heldi Saturday aflernoon. In- ferment Bowmanlville Ceme- tery. - COWAN Suddenl y at Me- morial Hospi al, Bowmnan- ille, on Saturday, December 28fh, 1974, Mary Harris, in hem 52nd year, beloved wife of Clifford Cowan, 206 Simpson Ave., Bowmanville, dlear mother of Donna and Carol, both of Toronto, daught.'em of Mrs. 'C. A.' Harris, Oshawa, sister of Lawvrence-, Oonio, and Mabel (Mms. Tedl Wil- liamis), Pemvibroke. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvjlie. Service and comrmtal in the Chapel on Tuesday at 3 o'clock. Spring inierment Orono Cemetery. Donations to Ontario Heart Fourid-ation would be appre- clatled. 11 DOWVDING- Anne at Strat- laa yven Nursing 'Homne on Monday, December '23, '1974, Anne Joncs in her 94th year, diear mother of Alfred, Lake- field and jack, Actor.. Rested et the Northcutt Ellioti Funeral home. Service was hlci il a.m. Friday. Crema- i on. L EETOOZE -'Ai;1Oshawae L4etooze, 460 Norrnandy Si., shawa, (fommely of Maple Grove), aqed 78 years, wvife of thle late Alf red Leetooze, dear mother- of Betty <Mrs. Wm. Witon),, England, and Roger, shawa. Resting at the Morris F7unemal Chapel, Bowman- ville. Service and commnittal in-, the Chapel on Tuesday at Il a..lInterment Bowmanvilîe Cemietery.1- PEARCE - Suddenly, at his esidenlce, -Newcastle, 0on Sat- urday, ecember ?81h, 1974, W.,' Howard Pearce, in his 68th year, beloveci husband of Mrgaret Alldread, dear faier of Diana (Mrs. Ver-ne Rowe), isabel and Ronald Pearce, gandfather of Lori and Robert Rowje. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, for service on Tujesclay at 1:30 p.m. Inter- ment Bowman'/iI!e Cemetery. Masonic service MAondlay at 9 o'cdock.1- PEARCE -- Edith Laura at Memnoial Hospital, Bowman-. ville, Thursday, December 26h, 1974, dt Laura Rowe beloved wvife of the late John Thiomas Pea rce, dear mother oM Elva (Mms. Harvey Os- borne) Hope Twp., Ednia (Mrs. WaltEr Gayson) Point Claire, Quebec, Gladys (Mrs. EarI Walkey) Newýtonville, Laumna (Mrs. W. Whittaker> Toonto, and the late Louise, also survived by four sisters, one brother, ten grandchild- ren and eight great grand- childiren. Service was held af the Ross Funeral Chap5el, Walton Sreet, Port Hope, Saturday at 2 p.m. interment Welcome Church Cemnetery. "F 1ower Say it CARNATION' FLOWNER and SEED STORE 33 Division Streti Corsages ,$~GI4# Potted Plants ' Wedd ing Funeral Arrangements Phone 623-7141 or 623-5577 1-f URAGO -- in memomy of a brother, Stuart E. Crago, wha passed away suddenly, De- cern ber 28, 1970. -- Aîways remiembered by sisters and brothers. ADAMttS - In loving memnory of a dear sont, Garry, who passedc away Dec.,27, 1958. The tlowers we place upon youm grave, May wither, decay, But the love for you who sleeps beneath, Will neyer fade away. - Sadly missedi and a.iways remiembemed by momn, dad and family. 1 1-1 ADAMS - In loving memomy of a, dear and wonderful brother Garry, who returned to his eternal homesuddenly Dec. 217, 1956. You bade us not a last farewell N'ot even said goodbye,, You were gone befome we knew if, And only God knows why, t b-roke our hearts f0 [ose you, But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God called you homre. - Lovingily r-emembered' and greatly aost by brother Way- 'urn, Noreen and famîly. ALLDREAD - ln loving memnory of our dear iDarents, mother, Mary Harness, whci passed away Jan. 2nd, 1968 and dad (Mathew) who died April 24th, 1942.; Silent thoughts of times together Hold memories that wilI last forever. - Lovingly remembered by the famnily. JOHNS -- In lovingi memnory ot a dear tather and grand- faither, George Johns, who passed away Decemnber 17, 1972. Alone, but neyer quite alone, I face an empty chair, But sometimres in the silence I imagine he is there, My coinpanion for 50 many yearse No longer here with me, Andi yet in somne mysterious way, He keeps me company. - ver remnembemed by son Bili, davghter-in-laW.ý Betty and grandchildmen Ian, Blaine, Alex, Harlow and Heather. - JOHNS - In loving memnory of a dear mother and grand- mot her, Maud Johns, who passedi away January 4, 1972. God g ave us our mother, And H e tried to be fair, And when He gave us ourIs, We got more than our share., He took her back, Three years igo toclay, ,We re s. j rejý_g for The years He let her stay. - Ever remnemrbeed b y son Bill, daujghter-i:n Iaw Bety and grandchildreîn Ian, Blaine, Alex, Harlow and Heather. - LAWSON -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thomras. Edmund Lawson, Who passed away Dec. 30, 1969. Five lone 'ly yeams have passed Sînce you peacefully slipped away, The, heavenly gates were opened wide, There for youto. abide, Found memories of your cherishecfsmile, And kindly ways live with us always, ail along the way. -Ever remembered by your wife Ferne and son Bruce. 1-1 OLVER - In loving memnory of dear parents who God called home, father Sam iOlver June 21, 1965, mother Violet Olver Dec. 23, 1965. Nine sad and lonely years have passed, Since our great sorrow feil, The grief we received tlhat day No one can ever tell. God gave usstrengtlh f0 meet it, And courage to bear the loss, But what il meant to lose you both No one will ever know. lt's lonely here without you, We miss you both more each day, For life is not the same to us, Since you were called aw,%ay. - Sleep in the arms of Jesus dear ones, see you in the morning. Missed by daughter Pansy, Alvin, son Doug, VICE -- in loving memor y of a dear husband and father, Clarence, wha passed away Dec. 28, 1972. - Lovingly remembered by wife ian and family. e1 My sinceme thanks ta the cangregation of Eniskillen Church for their gift of a desk set in appreciatian of my yearsý of serviceas treasurer of their church. M. J. Hobbs 1-1x I wish to express my sincere appreciation f0) my many friends wvho so thoughtfully remembered me during my recent ilniess. The vislis, cards and gifts did much f0 hasten my ïimiprovemient. Spe- ,cial thanks to Dr. Grant and Dr. Mcllmoyle and the nurses of 4G, Qshawa General Hospi- ta I1. Alice Arniold - 1-ix I wish ta thank relatives, friends and neighiboiums for cards and gifts sent while in hospifal. Special thanks to Dr. Rowseil, Dm. Spmole, Dr. Fontaine, Dr. Hampole and Dr. Kestie. Also nurses and staff in Wamd B on the 9fh floor. 1 would also like to wish a Mermy Christmas and happy New Yëar ta ail. Percy Westlake The famnily of the late Mm, Oscar Adams would \like ta express their apprediîation and hearttelt thanks ta their rela- tives, friends and neighbours for their« many acts of kind-, ness. Floral tributes, dona- tions and cards at the time of their recent loss. A special thank you to Rev. Basil Long, Dr. MýcKenzie, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospitalý, Bowmranville, Strathaven, Nursing Home and Northcutt- Eliott Funeral Home also the Heather Rebekah Lodge for serving lunch. lI-x The family of the late John Johnston wvish to express sincere thanks and apprecia- fian ta relatives, friendls and, neighbours for cards, floral tribu-les and dfnatians to the Canadian Cancer Society and many other acts of kindness, shown ta us in the loss of a dear father and grandfather. Special fhanks to Rev. N. E. Schamemhorn and Morris Fun- eral Chapel. 1-1 Mms. M. Babcoçk vwishes to thank very sincerely ail w1ho 50 kindly sent Christmas cards and gifts to hem at Christmas time. They were very much apprecdiated. ~Mrs. John A. King and Mrs. Fritz Marti thank their rela- tives and friends mosf sincere- ly for their help, kindness and symrpathy in thne loss of their beloved husband and father. 1 l Shady Acres, Caesarea, and MAr. and Mms5. Grant Campbell, R.R. 1 Nestieon, are ver pleased to announce the en g agemnent of their chilidren, ýhara lyn Mamie to Richard Stewart. The wedding is to take place September 6, -1975. ,Mrs. D. W. Arm--istead would be pleasedto mneet her famnily and friends January 4, 1975 at St. Paul's Church fom 2-4 on. the occasion of her 8th bithday. Best wishes only. 52-2x BI1NGO0 N EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tuesday, Jan. 7th Earîy Bird Ga mes 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 IN PRIZES PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS WOODVI EW COMMUNITY CENTRE MAONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY - 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. The Bowvmanville District', Branch of the' Canadiani Red Cross Society Annual Meeting will be. held Thursday, Jan. 9th, 1975 at the Red Cross kRooms, 28 Dv sio t, at 8 p.m. Everyone Welcome. 1-2 MONSTER BINGO New Star-ting Time THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON 0$HAWA 50-tf RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & Distric.t Real Estate Board The famil y ot the lafe Earl Wright wouldç like to express their appreciation and heart- felt than.ks to their relatives and friends for their nmany acts of kinidness, floral tri- butes, donations and cards at the ime of their recent loss. A spi thank you to Rev. Geoerdon Fickoand to the ladies of the Ballyduff Cornmunity. Mrs. Earl Wright PROF ESSIONAL E -LE CT ROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal BY APPOINTMENT'ONLY 112 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 576-4705 52tff ANN BRADL.EY Permanent hair memoval 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 Reliom 44-fl * s Box 30" CONTI'ENTAL Spring and Mttress. condition. Call 623-7142. New ONE pair of H78-15 snow tires. Almosf new wifh spame wheel, fo fit a '67 Ford. Phone 987:4511. i - ~ WHITE'S TV ANTENNAS STowers, UHF, V H S Aerials, Rotors& Repairs SApartments & Homes Pre-Wired S Ask About Our Guarantee SPhonre 576-5606 E. WHIT E, COURTICE 46-ff Oshawa TV -Anten na s &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Colored Aeriaîs Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired R EPAIRS3 Workmanship Guaranteed AIl priced ta SAV E you Money Phone 623-5122 L HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf INSTALL AN Q ~FU R NAC E BO ILE R HUMIDIFIER oHOT WATER H EATE R No 0Paymrents for Six Monfhs CALL HARVEYýî PARTNER Yaur ESýSO Service Dealî!r FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono' or - Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service THRI1FTr SHIOP- 32 King W.ý Reer. Dmygoodj and Knittedi art. New and Used Cb-thes, F-urnlure and appi. Canvas MVat. Skldoo-covems only $6.00. Bambie doîl clothes, etc., etc. Come and see, Tuesday- ThuILrsdey 10-4- Fiday 9:30 - 8:30. Tel. 263-2042. 49-8 LLOYD baby carniage in goad condition. Asking, $30. Phone 623-5820.i- 1970 SNOW JET snowmobile in good condition. $250. Phone 623-2958. 1-1 1WARKWORTH COLD stomage epples by-.thE bushel, dîfferent verieties, nc Sunday sales, 263-8473, Frank Hiemstra, R.R. 1, Enniskillen 44.t FULL length,' centre baci' muscraf coat, excellent condi flan. $175 or best offer. Cal 623-2624.11 PADDY'S Market now ha, new furnitume, appliances T.V.'s and stereo's and aIsc used funiture and appliances Will accept frade-ins. Paddy'. Market, Hampton, phone 263 9?241. 33- Senior Bookkeeper WANTED IMMEDIATELY Someone capable of hand- ling a complete set of books under the direction of the confroller. Incumbent shoud tf be enrolled in a recognized accounting course, and be I willing f0 make accounting their car.eer. lnterested part- ies please contact: CURVPLY he Wood Products Ok 1-416-983-9171 W. For an application form. as s 53- tf NEWCASTLE three bedroom mobile home: Cali, effer 6, 987-4817, 51-4 1, Robert (ibson will nof be held responsible for any debts incurred, in my name as of Monday Dec. 30, 1974. 1 1 1-1 lx Dr. R. K. Singal F.R.C.S. (C.), Wishes ta announce the opening of his office for practise of GENERAL SURGERY at BEDROOM suite, '7, piece; 222 King St. E., Bowmanvil dining roomn, 9 piece; living Consultation by appointmet oomn, ail Burmna-Danish feak . 623-3042 or 623-5,1W wood. -New furniture very reesonable. Phone 1-247-4377. GOOD qualify baled claver hay, also oats end -berley, nof RIDE f0 ueeh .- nversit) mîxed Cao deliver. Phone Avenue area, Tomonfo, Moi Cavan 1-944-5371. Mel Morton. day tbrouoh F-riday, leavirý 52-2x Bo vile approximafely _nv e .m., or ft he G o train i GieApples Not aPickerinq(. Phone 623-3303. Sweets This We have fresh, crisp Mc- San'a Claus ,suif in go00 Intosh, Deîicîous, Russets and condition. Phone 623-2624. Bosc Pears.. We, have apple gift packs and Christmas trees. Fred's Fruit Market Hwy. 1liS,.LP SouthofetOrono 2 HOLSTEIN heifers. Du Open AIl Winter Jan. 16 and Feb. 14. Phon 50-3 ville. Vo -- lNetVixr 88 ly, ng )ie ,)e one USh7D Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market,s Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf A THREE beom twn Rubber-back sq. Yd ho)use, ideal for faimily livingi, Shag $5.88 located on1 a quieCt couLrt in Basemrent Sq. Yd Bowvmanville, close ta sch-ýools, $275 per rmonth, available Carpet $4.95 immrediately. Cal sam Venn, REMANANTS Toronto 923-917-1, Bowm-an- 50 Percent Off ville 623-3393, orMm.Cooniey, Tomonto 444-5082. WV. Frank Tlwese and miany other Real jEstafje Realtor. bargains at: 38-tfý County Broadloomn 1742 Brock St. South (Off 401) TWVO bedroom apàtriitnent; available Jan. 1, 1975. $ý190, all Whitby inclusive, First and last month Phone 1-668-8895 in advarjce. Small child wel- 15co me. No pets Phone 623-7574. Buy direct fromn Manufac- tume -' Rutter Granite Cc, -1i M has a huge selection of fine, quality monuments, large and small1 to fit any need. Come by our display yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or telephone 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf CHEESE HOUSE Situated on Hwy. 115,2 Miles North of 401. FAMOUS CANADIAN CHEDDAR & IMPORTED CHEESES Variety Boxes for Christ mas - Cheese Trays for Parties Available with One Day's Notice. Phone 987-4339 OSHAWA SAND ANPqD GRAVEL SUPPLY Washed Sand Ail Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL AND DIRT FILL TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King Sf. East (East of Harmony) CALL, 725-0232 81 RICHMOND ST. W OSHAWA 576-5522 D ECEM BE R WAREHOUSE SALE 1EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTiED FOR 1 MMEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOMI WAL L TO0 WALL 1INSTALLAION As Lowv As 2 Price And Less On Remonants and End's of RoIL, o,,,> ONE bedroomn basement apartment. Adult couples only. Available now. $135 month. Caîl 623-434. TWO bedýeroimaprmet Available Jan. 1, 1975,.Aut only, no children. Apply in person' f0 12 Scugog St. etween 12 noon and 1 and 5 p.m. to 10 pm. ONE bedroom apartment, stove and fridige, heated, central location. Aduits only. *623-3303.1 OLDER executive home, four bedrooms, broadloomed throughout, large lot. Caîl 1623-5252 befween 9 and 5. $350 per month. 1-1 FURNISH-ED bedrooms by -month, week or day, shower and bath, licenced premises, reasoniable ratesý Castle Hotel, Bowmançville 623 7072. 51-ff ME&!, -- M Township of Scugog Township of Scuigog for garbage collection in Ward 4-, (former Township of Cart- wvriqhf). Apotoximatelv 700 Lakeshome Area residents. Collection once weekly. T-he Tender fomms are aveilable et il tf the Township of Scugog Muni- - cipal Office. Tenders close Mondey, Jenuery l3fh, 1975 et 12:00 Noon. Lowest or eny Tender nof necessamily accepfed. Doreen M. Van Camp, Cîerk, I Township of Scugog, Box 209, PORT PERRY, Ontario, For Removal 0f IRESH, DEADandl DISABLED FARM STCI CALL MARGWI LL FUR- FARM Hampton 263-27r 1970 PONTIAC - exc condfition. Newcastle 987- .............a, 0 BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET -Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cali1623-2641 FRANK~ RIAL ESTATE LM E ( 1 r )U, ~*s. ~ 4.' aven Garden-'" InBo manville , Marianna I1 Your Gu~ Quality C HOMES F evelolpmenfts îrantee of nstrucf ion ROM $47,985 4% DOMESTIC &COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26ff DARLINOTON MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY &FIREPLACES CHIMANEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Geddes Electric Renovations - Alterations Rec. Rooms Rewi ring Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimates Phone 623-2398 48-tf VINCE MOOREý CARPE NTRY House Renovàting Paper Hanging - Painting, 247 Liberty N., Bowmanville 623-3568 49-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for, most anti- que docks, pocket watches and modern watches and clocks. Our repairs are done wiith modemn up-to-date equipment, and qualified Swiss tralned watchm aker. HOOPER' S -JEWELL ERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623- 5747 34-tf Wiiami G. Beatty Painting and Paper Hanging Light T1rucking and Odd' J-obs PHONE 623-4728' 43-tf PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING & SERVICiNG Cerfif ied Piano Technician. Prompt reliable service. Remember, "The tuner, alone, preserves the torie.- Member, Pliano Technician's - Guild. Derek Hili 502 DurdlppSt. W., WhitbY 668-6247 9-tf GLASS and MI RRORS LTD. 70ivision St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Un its - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patternedand Colored Glass and Gla zîng. 17ff Remodelling -Additions CUSTOM HOMES Repairs of Ail Types, You na me if and we do if. Don Brooks &>Son Contractor and Builder 723-6176 45-8x JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf Draw for FreeTrip to F orida Features incl de: îeq e- f CA~ Bowmnanviîl:CufyLvn Hurry ouf, it's too good to miss this 3 bedroom, spofless, side splif brick home. 11/2 bafhs, family roomn on main floor with classic brick firepla.ce. Dinling moomn with patio doors ,.eading to a 100' x 200' treed and landscaped lot, oufdooIr stone barbeque. Finished play moom. Double atfached gar- age. Ail this and more for only $65,900. Terms. Cail Phyllis Mc Robbie. Ponfypool Area 10 acres and 3 bedmoom brick bungalow. 700 ft. of road frontaqe. Hiqh .molling lot. School bus and mail at door. Small barn. Asking $64,900. Caîl Bill Turansky. Newcast le Commuter Home 3 bedroem brick bungalow on a pie-shaped lot with a good view. Separate dining room. Fimeplace in livinq room. Built-in ranqe and aven. Lots of cupboamcFs. Askinq, $47,500. with existing ,61/2 percent mortgage. Cail Bill Turansky. Bowmanviîîe North 31 acres. Corner property. Mostly wooded. Excellent view. Good building site. Territic value at $25,000, $10,000 dow,\n. Cal11 Roy Foster. Bowmanvile Commercial Property Pmesently used as a duplex. Suitable for many small types of business. Live in and let the ment help payments.- Asking only $43,900 w ith terms. Cail R. Bud Virtue for defails. Are Yau Consîdering a MOV Eor TRANSFER? We'are Equipped ta handîe your home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. SCoast toCéoast Real Estate Service Affer Hours Cal: Chrisfa Winterhelt - Orono 983-5465 Ron Hurst- Orono 983-5131 Charlie Reid- Orono 983-5914 Roy Foster- Garden Hill 797-2213 Bill Turansky - Orono 983-5420 Bill Sutherland - 623-3102 Paf Yeo - 983-5725 Phyllis McRobbie .623-71-59 Bud Virtue . Newf4onvihie '786-2614 Aujdrey Plain - 623-3563 Oane Found - 623-3965 Kay Brown - 623-31 50 Tony Kiompmaker- - 623-2052 Judy Schujett - Orono) 983-9459 -Large fa mili -Finished fan -Completely I -11/2 bathS - ireplaces -Attached gai -FuIIy sodded -Compî-eeys O'pen for This VWeeke Open at Ne, Saturdey,& SL Choice of 2D .Chool MARI DEVEL( Veltri& 234 King SP, E. 6 é23- Direct Toronlc HOUSE For Sal central, suit rýý nice bedrooms, 11/2 bafhrooms with a dloor -- downn pay me, i possession. MWr 33, Orono. ( kitchen ily roomn roadloomned -ages lots e,rviced Inspection nd and Daily to 7 PAM, 1L50 House 'vcastle nda3y 1 41:30 p.mi. e From. t ;PMENTS Bowimanmiîle o Uine?23-9174 43tff le' Orono -v emy 'tired famîly, 3 dining room, feul basement oe gade, 1ow tTems, ear ly ýie t-o P.O. Box 50-tf f M B e -C URGENTLY I~EQUIREDI h Lfd. is pleesed to announce tIi eppointment of Mrs. Pa- Marjerrison as sales consul tant for the BowmanvillE erea. Paf wilI be pleased ic assist you in ail your, rea estate needs. Cili hem al 623-24 78. 2- e lf e tl aif 2 WATER Wells bored, 30" tule. Werd's Weil Boring. Tele phone 342-2030. Represenfa- tive Herry L. Wede. Tele- ohone 987-4531T. 16-ftf BAL9 Ref r ige ration _623__2571 AN D Apptlanc Serice EXTRA, EXTRA ApplanceServce Wsher, dryer, drapes, broed- Commercial and Domestic Ioom, ceder fenced lot, these Refrigeration - Milk Coolers are just some of the extras in Phone BERT SYER this immaculefe, 2 storey, 4 Days .......... .... 623577J bedroom defached home, and Nights.. 623-3177 here's the besf part, only $55,900. with 83/4 percent Lander Hardware mortgage. See if tôday l 1 C K, Samuel Annis - 623-7664- Cujsfomr upholsfeming, reco- James Robinson- 623-3795 vering, re-styling, very ea- 1-1 soneble, womk guar anfeed, 20 em yeemrs experience. Free esti- a oÏ '21 mnates. Pease caiI collect, 0- 1-986-5072. 51-'4 We Buy Scrap Cars 30-tfFREE TOWING ~ ~ DOM'S AUTO USED Fumrni'ureeand Applien- AT :eleint ces. Peddy's Mlarket, Hamp 723,1121' -4483. ton 263-2241. 33-4f t -51-tf _____________________ __ Cars, TruCKS, Tractors, Mtryl~ S Snowmobi les For Wrecking PUrposes 1? SMALL SCRAP METALS KES H11GHEST PRICE PAID r ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS 14620 Yard 623-5756 4'1-tf Residence- 623-7112 We have cas homes in the area. Perhap wouid bring f0 be pleased to you and help "home 0f your friendly effici e home, cali F Company, Re Rd. and No. 2 F v il le 576-6120. h buyems for Bowmanvi île Syoum home p d ollar? W e l you locafe ithre dreams". For & R. Realty 1 t o , B e n e t t lw y ., B o w me-), n il7tf A e, Privais Estate Property Mrs. A. 137 S.mrcoe St.I 2 D'1, Saturday Jan.' Tuesdlay Jain. fo bel1 Stirtevant's 27 Hall St Modemn and fume, Kelvinetc Free refriger stove, automaf er wesher,, chesterfielçl su' lion), coffee a fireplace scre brass woodbo W felevision chairs, raunc centre table, r glass top coff i plete set of Rog in flooir madel ,arge scellopec pce. antique 1 aval picture fi glass), antique ers, antique( centre fable, s tel bed, cedla shelf, antique v bedroom chai table and chai ceptain's chaih chairs, lewn stools, si lver te, quentity cut china and c quantity of line chrome, suite. Th!$_ is a.nathg plan toaettenc no reserve. excellent candi MYLES Auctioneer ofthe Late ;allagher .,Oshawa 'Sale 1975 1: 00 p- m. e1975 6:-00 p. m. eId et PAuction Hall Oshawa r 2-door Frost- afor, elecfmic c dmye-,, wning- 1eige 3 pce. te (good candi- id end tables, n anci tools, occasional led gl1ass top -iegezine rack, e tabl, comn- ar s silvermare chest, smoker, ~~ wal m irro , ledmoom suiteY ame (conica-ve, chest of drawj,- iresser, rounid ngie contin-en,- rchest, býook s, telephone utiîify table, rugs, basket chairs, foot eservice, large glass, silver, ystal, large raend bedding, r lame estate. 1Terms cash AlIl furnîtume 'ion. KING nd Cartage 52-2 -Gravel and Stone Limnestone Products NEEDL PRESSURE SYSTENý SUMP Pumps ' ' REPAIRS TO ALL MAI INo bRuddy Elcir,, Harv,,ey Prn Orono 983-5206 -Znt çtcLOED AI . AV$U 6 f 1 1 723-05()i =ýý Clean Qependsble Electri, Heat DOýIN1, 50-4 1 --4'D--ý

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