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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1975, p. 11

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Short-handed Eag les Didn 't Celebret e Boxîng l"iey Lost A short-handed Red Eagle Jr. team didn't have muich to celebrate on Boxing Day as they met the Port Perry Flamingos in Uxbridge arena and suffered a 6-3 defeat. Playing with only 13 players and a spare goalie, they found the going quite rough, espec- ially when two of those 13 stîffered injuries to make matters even worse. Fiamingos opened the scor- iag a'tthe 2:29 mark of the first period when Bave Jobb scor- ed, assisted by Bernie Aldred and Robin Kydd. The Eagles tied it up at 4:30 with AI Emard hitting the twine, assisted by Boyd Knox and Gary Cox. Port Perry went ahead at 8:32 with 'A.dred gatbering another p oint, ass- isted by Kydd, b ut again OuVat to Bowmanville manage count and tie things up mnarker going to Tom M~ this time with Doug Taii helpîng.l'fhe tart ma broke into the lead at the mark with Ricek Cain scoring, assisted by Marquis and Paul Hadd< The Eagles didn't me the score -sheet at allil second, aIlithogh they several great chances were foi leýd by Barry Hea the Flamningo net, but Perry came up with tv give themn a five to two Jeffrey and Elson did scoring, with assistsgoû Litt and Hll on the first a and Camipbell and Marqu the second at 17:13. Eagles' Boyd Knox pu teami back in the gamne TYRONE b unday found our Watson], Orangeville. fuîîy decor-ated Sorry to report Mrs., s an-d candles, Haithier'ly, Adamn's Rest1 wreathis. Mr.' Bowimanville feil Sati ii "Thie ork of afternioon & broke bier hiý on the first is 11nw a patient in O; ha. The choir General Hospital. Hope vely antheipms. speedy recovery. vice, our organ- Mr. & Airs. Bill 1M nt, was present- Bowmaniville; Mr, vz of theLiv'Tijfd T-.... May ali th e good 'thrngs in 111e be yours throughout 1975 . . . and along with pros - perity, may you enjoy bhatI which makes lite woîthwhile . . . love, goud health, and friends. From the Management and Staff at DYKSRA'SFood Market AND DELICATESSEN 77 King St. W. 623-3541 few days with Mlr. & Mrs. Geraid Taylor. Mr, & Mrs. H. Vaadorp & famiiy spent Sunday Dec: 22 with Mr. & Mrs. Peter Oprîca & family & Mrs. Viola Fornataro, Geor-getown'i when they heid a family gathering. MlrsLaverne Taylor's fam- ily along witb Mr. Bert Stevens, Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanville held their Christmas gathering at the home of~ Mr. & Mrs. Don Real, Greenbank. Mr. & Mrs. Mer ton Mavîn & boys, Oshawa; M/r. & Mrs. Ted Wood, Port Perry, were Chri- supper _guests -of their, leur Day When FIcm îngos ed to in the third at 4:16 wben lie p, the combined ,vith Rory Gibbs 4artin and Gary Cox, but that's as far niblyn as tbey went on the comeback akiers trail, while the Flamingos , 7:13 added another to their total at npbell 9: 19 wvitb M\arquis scoring and Bob Campbell and Craig assisting. den. The game was compara- ss up tively m'id 50 far as penalties ila the were conicerned, Port Perry b lad collectiag four and Bowman- ithat ville three. Steve Davey took ýard in two for, the Eagles and AI LPort Emard was aailed for the ýwo to third. Jobb, Aldred, Hadden lead, and Litt took the rap for the their Flamiagos. AIl of tbem were ing to for minor offences. Thiele and at 5:32 Oulette sbared goaltending luis on duties for Bowmýnanvîlle witb 42 shots on them, while Heard out bis in the Port Perry net had only yariy 26 pucks to hanidle. IEWS were Mr. & Mrs. Don Henclry Annie Toronto & Mrs. Keitha AIl- [omne, dread an-d Randy, Bowman- urday ville. i.she Christmas Day guests of haaMr.& Mrs. W, Park were Mr. for' a & Mrs. F.L. Byam, Mr. & Mrs. G. Byam & family, Mr. & Mrs. [leRaph Bowers & family, Mr, Cvirs. Clifford Byam, Mr. & MNrs. ,rst-S Pete Mý,urdoch & family, Mr. & rsS.Mrs. Allan Murdoch & daugh- Idrea ter, Bowmanville, Mr. & Mrs. ests of Douglas Park & boys, Ponty- ýVelsh, Pool. Th'le Rosevear family heid West their Chrstmas gathering at ýests & the home of Mr. & Mrs. John MrlS.- Vaneyk. & Mr. were Mr. & MNrs. John Vaneyk & Mrs. family atîtended tbe Christmas Evýe Vaneyk famnily party at ndryte hme of MNr. & Mrs. Chas. swith -r rs. L. Miss Christine Brent left Alld- Monday mornîng for a holiday asaat Fort Lauderdale, Florida. ,aight 'lTle Brent family beld their hinner Christmas gathering at the ead's borne of M\r. & Mrs. Don Badour Sunday afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. A.A. Hilîs entertained Mr. & Mrs. David Craig & family, Sunday Dec. '22 celebrating Mrs. Hiuis & Miss Margie Craig's birtbday. Mr. & Mrs. Don Davey held their famnily Christmas Day gather 1ng. Mrs. & Mrs. Newton Hack- ney, Highland Creek were Sundav P-uests of Mr. & Mr, Don Davey. L Mr. & Mrs, John Wehb & Jason entertained the Webb famnily Christmas supper timne. Mr. & Mrs. TomDodd were Christmas Day guests of theiJr etson] Mr. & Mrs. Ben Dodd, Ajax. Mr. & Mrs. Richard yPerfect, Bowmnanville were Christmas Day guests of MIr. & NMrs. J. Gibbs & boys. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gibbs hield their famiily Christmas gathering on Boxing Day. Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Hoar & Adamn, Langley, British Co- lumbia spent the Christmas week witb bis parents Mr. & Mrs. A.J. boar. Mr. & Mrs. George White, Mr. K. Harmner & Stephen, r Bowmanville, Mr. L. Werry, Gordon & John, Orono were ISunday visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Geo.en Mr. & Mrs. A.J. boar held thieir family Chrîstmias gath- ering on Christmas Day & also entertained Mr, & Mrts. Geo. White, Bowmranvýille & their faMilies. Mr. & Mýrs. A.J. boar & Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Hoar & Adamr were Monday supper guests of Mrs. L. Werry & sons, Orono. Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Cook~ were Christmnas Day dinner guests of -Mr- & Mrs. John Cook & girls, Hamipton & supper guests of Mlýr. & Mrs. Ken Crowells & family, Salem. Sorry to report Mr. Clinton Bigelow b, as been a patient in Memiorial Hospital, Bowman- ville for the past two weeks. Glad to report at time of writing thispart of my news home to Meaford on Sunday afternoon after spending sev- eral days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris and family. Mr. Joe Pàrtridge of Toron- ;o University andhis sister Miss Valerie Partridge of Toronto with their parents _Mr. and Mrs. John Partridge for the f'estive season. Mrs. Bruce Whitniey of Newcastle visited with' Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutherford and Douglas during the festive season. MIr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Irwin [mlid Mrs. Fred Lycett wvere guests of her son Mr. Douglas .ycet't, Toronto, over Christ- nasad Boin~Day. mother Mrs. Edna Wood & John. MNr. & Mrs. John Taggart, MVrs. Alma Hiits, Mr. Hender- son, Scarborough; Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson were Christmas day guests ofMr, & Mrs. Mllan Wilson & family. Messrs. C.W. Woodley & Wilbur Marks were Christmas dinner guests of Mrs. & Mrs. Ron Rowe & family. Mr. Victor Hodgkinson; Scarborough spent Christmas with the Jim Woodley family. MIr. &Mrs. A.E. Youngman, Jim & Betty were Christmas 1day guests of Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Flett, Solina. * Mr, & Mrs. John Rundie & Gail were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Glen Rundie, Bowmnanvilie on Sunday celebrating Matthewv's birthday. Mr. & MIrs. Glen Rundle, Matthew & Christa, Bowman- ville were Christmas Day guests of Mr. & Mrs. John Rundle. Mr. & Mrs. F.L. Byamn were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Miller & fam-ily. The Christmas Euchre party was really weii attended witb people coming from Uxbrige, Raglan, Oshawa & Brooklin as wveil as the usual making up enough for 22 tables. The hall xas very prettily decorated and a delicious lunch was served at tbe close.Euchre prizes going to Molly Hortsman, Bowman- ville; Jim Lattimer, Raglan; Clarence English, Bowman- ville; Alice Beech, Bowmian- ville. Some of the special prýizes donated by Cliff 8yamn, Grenville Byam & John Virtue went to Bruce Bright, Osh- awa;Susan Harris, Black stock; Anne Manns, Port Perry; -John Laverty, Osh- a Wa : Margýaret Wilson. Brooklin; Dick Gibbs, Tyrone &Edith Clemens, Hamtpon. Mr. Fred Partner, Orono; MIr. & Mr\Iis. Stan Gobie & Bruce were Christmas supper guests of Mr. & Mrs. Keith Goble & boys, Blackstock. Mr. & Mrs. Stan Goble were Boxing day guests of Mr. &r MNrs. Leslie Goble & family, Pontypool. Mr. & Mrs. Barry St. John, London; Mrs. Alex MeMaster, Mlrs. F.B. GlaspelI, Hampton; Mrs. & M1,rs. Grant Glaspeli & boys were Christmas day guest of MIVr. & Mýrs. Ralph Glaspeli. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Knowiton were pre-Christmas Saturday nighit dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. Barna Meszaros and Sunday Dec. 22 visited Mr. K. Sidler, Mlillbrook to help celebrate his 75th birthday. Af ter the Christmas Eve Service Mr, & Mrs. A. Knowlton entertained Mr. & Mrs. Barna Meszaros & Eliz- abeth, New,ýcastle; Mr. & Mrs. Murray Yeo & family; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fitzsimmons & Hazel, Hampton: Miss Julie LÙxton, Bowmanville; Mr. & Mrs. John Rundle._ Christmas day visitors at the Knowýltons were Mr.& Mrs. Ted Meszaros, Oshawa& Mr. K. Sidler, Millbrook& Christmas night Mr. & Mrs. A. Knowlton, Bruce, Peter & Janet & Mr. Pat Wernham visited Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sidler, Whitby. 1Mr. Pat Wernham is spend. ing the holidays wit A. Knowiton family. This community was shock- ed and deeply grieved by the very sudden death on Sat.* afternoon Dec, 29th of Mrs. Marry Lucy Jane Cowan, the former Mary Harris age 51, wfe of MNr. Cifford Cowan of Bowm anv il le. Mrs. Cowan was borai on the samne farm on 8th line where sbe was visiting, her brother MIr. Lawrence Harris. Fun- eral service wiil be on Tues. at 3 p.m. fromn the Morris Funeral Chapel. Mrs. C.S. McLaren and Mr. Joe Staples were recent pa- tients in Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. Mr, and Mlrs. Chas Pearce vis-itef d overChristmas wiith1 623-3381 BOWMANVILLE n 246 KING ST. E. Mrs. H.G. Freeman spent Christmas wvith ber daughter, Mrs. E.L. Gilbank and family, Orono. On Sunday Dec. 22nd, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swallow called on her sister Mrs. M.A. Densem, Scarborough and had dinner with her sister Mrs. E.L. Niddrie, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Cryder- man and Susie, Guelph, Mr. Ken Cryderman, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. David Cryderman and girls, were Christmas Day guests with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman, Jim, Esther and Ralph. *Mr. and MVrs. Leslie Colla- cutt ceiebrated Christmas with their family, Mrs. Pearl Johnson, Robin' and Wayne, M1r. and Mrs. Randy Rodgers and Amber, Mr. David John- son and Miss Cathy Zwicker, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Johnston, Kingston. Miss Dianne Hoar, Oxford University, England at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Ted Hoar, Bowmanville. Christmas dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tamblyn were Mr. and Mrs. Geraidf Tamnblyn and famiiy, Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tamblyn and family, Cam- bray, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Tamblyn ani family, Fenlon Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Peyton, Oshawa, and Miss Lillian Tamblyn, Bowman- ville. Mrs. Clifford Wilson was Christmas Eve overnighit guest of ber son and wvife Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson and family, Oshawa and for Christmas dinner were joined by Mrs. Wiison's daughter and huisband, Mr. and Mrs. Wii- liim Kolenko and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Martin were Christmas Day g uests of their daughter and husband, M\r. and MNrs. Maur- ice Preston, Marty and W'ay- de, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swal- low were Christmas dinner guests with her sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cruickshank, Ajax. Miss Barbara Wright, Ham- ilton, is spending Christmas holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright and famîly. Mr. Bob Desmond, Hamil- in the church hall on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Albert MNitch- ell, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Sine of Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bradley and sons spent the long weekend at West Lake. Mrs. Ab. Harris of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulford and three children of Meadford, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hird of Whitby, Mrs. Geo. 'Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Harris, Richard and Kim were Christ- mas Day guests of Mr. and -Nrs, Lawýrence Harris, Do4Ig- las and Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Harris, Richard and Kim were Christ- mas night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wiiford Hawke. Regular garbage pick up on Jan, 2nd a.m. It sure was a mix up on Boxing Da 'y.Il wouid be nice in the futur:e re same when it is a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mor- ton and son Kevin were guests of bier parents Mr. Don Stapleton, Newtonville for Christmas night dinner. Mr. Gordonj Walker and daughter Gail of Thornhiil, Miss Susan Bail and Mr. Les Hrebiceh of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Mercer, Kenny and Trevor of Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patterson were. Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baîl, Kirby. Mrs. E. Hamm and Mrs. J. Richardson were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamm and family. Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moffat, Douglas, Blain and wa %ere Mr. and Mlrs. Gould of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Moffat, Frank, Bob, and Donald of Oakviile, Mr. Douglas Wade of Newcastle, Mr. Lawrence Squair, Mr. Fred Andrews, Miss Cathy Odgen_ of Kendàal, Mr. and MAPLE GROVE NEWS Year rings in the very best for you. Good Iuck, good health and good times to ail! Kool Enterprises 24 Division $t. everything you neeci to make it on your own. Weishinýg Yfou AlIthe Best in the Bowmanville BEA VER PLEASE DRIVE CARIFULLY ton, was a weekend guest with Mr. and MIrs. Fred Wright an.d family M r. and Mrs, Ken Sharpe hiave returned from a pleasant week's holiday in FlQrida. Mrs. H.G. Freeman was Boxing Day supper guest with bier daugýter, busband and famnily, Mr. and Mrs. Denis Rickard, Bowmanville. Mrs. Roy Van Camp ac- companied ber son Mir. Samn Van Camp to Bowmanville on Wed. afteraoon, Dec. l8tb and they cailed on the former's grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. Gerry McDonald; tbey visited Mr-,and Mrs. Grant 'Bennett and also visited with Mrs. Van Camp's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden. Sat. evening supper guests with Mr. anld Mrs. Clifford Swallow were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downey, Bowman- ville and Mrs. Don Feather- stone, Haugh, Halifax. Sunday, Dec. 22nd supper guests xith Mrs. Roy Van Camrp were ber grandson Mr. Tom V\an Camp, Toronto and Miss Janette Henderson, Ot- tawa, Mr-. and Mrs. Cbiarley Hljnes and Gregory, Bowman- Mrs. L.C. Snowden and Bob accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John Huband, Oshawa, to Manotick where they spent a few days over Christmas with Mrs. Otis Pritchard and ber family. Christmas Day guests with Mrs. Roy Van Camp were Mr. and MUrs. Sam Van C amp, Lori and bisa, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hynes, and Gregory, Mr. and Mlrs. Gerry McDonahd Bowmianville, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brownell, Valerie, Lee, -Diane and Roy. -On BQxing Day, Mr. and Mrs. Samn Van Camp and Mrs. j e .:~*::. ~ f rom all the Staff at Mrs. Van Camnp's brother-im- iaw Mr. No ble Metcalf, Oshawa, and with Mrs. Wes- ley ,Werry and Ewart, Osh- awa. *A famnily gatbering was held at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bentley and Mark on Christmas. Day. Miss Barbara McGuirk was aluncheon guest witb Miss Leslie Evans on Dec. 24th. Christmas Day guests witb MIr. and Mrs. Harold Evans and Leslie were Miss Ada Knister, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs, John Brouwer John and James, Wbitby and Mr. Warren Hung, Oshawa. Supper guests with Mr. and Mlrs. Ted White and family on Sat. Dec. 21st were Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg, Miss Debbie Bragg and Mr. Sam Aflin,Mr Doug Bragg and friend Peggy, Bowmanvilie, Mr. Phillip Bragg and frienci Lynda and Mr. P. Bragg's children Wayne and Lynd, .Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dickson and famnily, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Stapleton and family, Ajax, Mr. and ,Mrs. Doug McCoy and famnily, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Parton and family, Wbitby, Mrs. Walter Park Sr. Bowmnanville, Mrs. Irwin Bragg, Providence and Mrs. Sharon Ward,, Bramp- ton. IMr. and Mrs. Ted White and family were Cbristmnas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin White and family, Courtice for the White family gathering. On Fni. Dec. 27th Mr. and MIrs. Ted White and family spent the day with Rev. and Mrs. Bernard Warren and at Bezak Centre, Campbell- ville. A large congregation at- tended the regular Maple LET US HELP YOU TO STOP SMOKING Countdown on Smoking Smoker's Withdrawal Clinie at R. S. MeLaughlin Colleglate Stevenson Rd. N. and Rossland Rd. W. Oshawa Beginning January 6th at 7:30 (seven evening sessions) Jan. 6, 7, 8th; Jan. 13, l4th, Jan. 20th &Janl. Z7th. Sporoed byhe Duham Regirn-àâid Respiratory Disease Association If you wish further information please eall 723-3151 Please mail to: Durham Region TB-RD Association 757 Grierson Street, Oshawa,,Ont. L1U 5J8 COUNTDOWN ON SMOKING Narne..... ...................... Address ............................ Telephone ....... Postal Code. Registration Fee Enclosed $5 '00 F Students and Senior Citizens Free - 1 arn a Senior Citizen 3 1 arn a Studenf [i ANOTHER CHRISTMAS SEAL SERVICE Kenda on theéir 25th wedding1 anniversary on Sunday, Dec. 29th and relatives ami friends hield a surprisepot luck supper JOEIN F. Generai Insurance FIRE ani .AUTOMQDILE t INSURANCEb Contact:a HARRY VOERMAN S, 62.1-3111 or 823.S95 Il18KING ST. E. L The Çanaclian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 1, 1975 i on Sun-day morning with Rev. and Miss Grace Barnes wert David Harris in the pulpit. Mr. ami Mrs. Paul Mcllntyre Mrs. Cedric Russell favored and Brenda, Bowmanville. A with a delightful solo and Miss celebration for Mr. ami Mrs. Hilary Johnson sang the solo MVcIlntyre's lOth anniversary. part in' the choir's anthem. Mr.' and Mrs. J. Artbur Immediately foilowing the Barnes and Air. and Mrs. chû.rch service èveryone gat- Bernard Diliing, Bowmanvîlie hered in the Christian Educa- were recent dinner guests tion Hall for the'Sunday School with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Christmas program. Superin- Tink; Hampton. tendent Mr. Ted White wel- Miss Grace Wilson, Oshawa. comed everyone and we sang was a Moncday dinner guestý, "O, Coime Ail Ye Faithfu". with Miss Grace Barnes. Mr. Ted White then led us in Christmnas Eve Candle1ight. prayer. The Sunday School Service was weli attended at- sang "Cold and Frosty was the Maple Grove United Church at Night". MViss Brenda MeIn- 7:30 p.m. The Rev. David,' tyre favored with an accord- Harris was assisted by Mr.-, ian solo; Mrs. Ken Brook's Colin Soutter and Mrs. Wil- class sang -Away in a liam Laird was pianist for an. Manger" foliowed lby the evening of carols and prayer. Kifidergarten class of Mrs. Your correspondent andi Wayne Wright and Miss Bey- family wish one and al] a very erley Wright portraying "The happy, healthy and prosper- Friendly Beasts". Mrs. Ray ous 1975. McColI and Mr. Colin Sout- ter's clas sanmg "Angeis. we FINE QUALITY have heard o~n HiglV'. A MONUMENTS AND passage from the scriptures MARME~RS was read by Miss Dawn Mosienko; Roy Brooks sang a solo 'While Shepherds Watch- 4slfwS ed", Miss Elaine Groen read a passage from the scripture OFTAFFORO foilowed by the playing of a M RS. LTD. piano solo by I an Soutter; 'U "We, Three Kings" was por- trayed by Bre a Mclntyre, .ujhorf*d lan Soutter and Kevin White; * Miss Nancy White gave a piano solo and this was folowed by alI singing the Stafford Brothers bymnn "Joy To The Wiorld", Mr. Ken Brooks' class staged Monuments a play "The Real Spirit of' LIMITED Christmnas", "Hark ,th'e 1er- Box 133 aId Angels Sing" was sung by 31C Dundas St. E. - Whitby everyone and the program Phone Whitby 668-3552 ciosedwith Miss Marie"Brooks giving the Beniediction. ,), Mr, White thanked the teachers and Mrs. Colin Souit- ~,~~~L.l.NI. ter, pianist, and ail others whoA 1PV RQ EfO had helped make the p ro gram A'I? VY ROPR01 a success. A s pecial th an ks to VEI412 Mr. Bob Laird who had taken sldes a few weeks ago, which f py J / were to have been used for the " VE O E, main part of the program. The slides were delavpci due tn the BOWMANVILLE

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