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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1975, p. 1

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Family of Three lias Narrow b» ~;i>o floingDay flouse Fr -a- Et- / .e %,FA- by Bill Arnott At 12:-.01 noon, Thursday, a fiÏÏre broke out in the grounid f loor apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hayes causing approximately $9',000 damage Plus contents. Total damage was probably in excess of $15,000. The apartment building owned by Andy Tielemans is at 39 Elgin Street, Bowmanvîile. MAr. Tietemans and his family live in the other ground f loor apartment and the 'I upstairs is rented to the Jake Gerryts family. Mr. Gerryts was away at- the time. Mrs. Nancy Gerryts and her t-wo smnal. children Michael, age 2 and Shaninq ,4-,'ï months, were forced to the roof of the veranda by sm-oke tlhat bPýe 1:n through the hot air rgA~ Hl ayes' aparïnment, asn be drawn in by the cold air registers in thle apartmenit which in îurn was forced out the hot air registers in the ~Ge rryts apartment. Mrs. Gerryts anid her children wr r ' scued by Mr. Tieiemnans who put a (I~a~d~to the veranda and with the \ýhel"-ôWaIIy Ruiter, a fireman who arrived early on the scene, brouciht the m4 o( safety. Six months oId <Turn to Paie Two) Volume 121 15e PerC ges NUMBER 1 ýy 1 ~2OOGrant In Principle1 To Visuail Ar Newcastle Finance Cr- $ rnitee passed a r'ecomnltil4. C( ation to couricil to ~approve a M essect jis eonicern ta 1shÔÙ ci net be given to a rate group to administer. uncflor HObbS !made a ion to table but could not a seconder. ýayor Garniet Rickard told (Tom tfo Page Two) V-o put 1 ýafety. Anc Co mn une HMpton o)Irm- (nuoiclior Weai-n statedl rBe Reconm The Newcastle Committee of the Whoe nmade a recom- mendation as to a Clerk provide council with a recomimendation as to a standard price for industrial land. At the tirne whenii a price is established agremrents will be renegotiated, but no exten- sion at this time will be olution. awarded- to Wincrest Farms $14 an andi Ronald C. Deeth Ltd. ançl ho 'T'hp mnoin iae a iended correspondence of the Nyew- castle Counlcil Meeting of December 16 a letter was received fromi the companies stating that tbey wvould pay the Town of Newcastle $1I,O00J per acre for an extention oft the ternis of their present agree- ment for One addiEtionalyer The agreement is to purchase indulstrial land. Andy Tielemnans, own, Hcayes' apartmrent. H1e Damaage was estimated Mrs. Hayes' apartmnent. f-it a -canrac o Bi Westn îr5U)11 ofHaptn forý- the snow, (Tv n Io Page 'Iwo) Renowed Mssionari es To Speak At St. PauVs TisSun ay, anary 5, presen oti 972. Whe Saint au'sUnted Churcb firstrunetoCad wvll feature two ý)men v1,wh bavelsering for 10 years in Iï becme renowned in m-tissio- lie had thoughýt tbat fr a ok The Reveren..d Canad ian affluence iw to ;Normain H.Ma-Lzi, s- (Tu-rn to PageITwo) Te socaeSceay Division of ook NMissiinCanada of tbe 5IGNS RECOVEREIJ 2 an Unitd Church will peak at Durham Regional Pt per the Il an.Service. Retired say thie Newcastle IV the Mfissionary of the Uited department bas been tber Chrc o Caniada, Dr. Rlobert five traffie signs found d to Bi. McClure, M.D.,F..CS. asement lacker room by aers F.IC.S., D.D. LLD illi give John Hendry on- Kintg Si D O',- an addiress althte 7:30 service. BowanvullRe. 'hirdA Dr. INorman MalýcKenzie, The ýigns are a stop, ad born in Ciao isinr 0 -ph, slo-w childIren parens, was appoined is heekeruboard sign. in he after ndia, tthe 'ould given in a yield, iand $1,M00 WINNER- iiam-fo s iane, staye ail set f'or' a'big (, through to put heri But, the nag didn'tv $Iffo prize she did, Police suspect it was a juvenile or juveniles which entered the home of Harold Watson, throughi a small wvindow on the south side of the bouse. The window is 14 inches by 12 inches. Nothing was taken and there was nio damage althoughr a number of drawers were searched. CORRECTION In the report of a police raid on Bill's Billiards Hall, two. weeks ago, it was stated the police recognized Gerald Poir- ier who had given another name and sent for his father to corne andidcentify him. AccQr- ding to MUr. Poirier Sr. he knwnothing about the inci- dent until after midnight tLhat night when a reporter contact- ed him and asked if bis sonr was in jail in, Oshawa. Mr. Poirier went to Oshaw,ýa and identified bis son there, not at the scene of the raid. 'After 44 Years with Roy Nichols Mofors wtiLiy n e weiCUIiC.. STAY ON THE JOB - There waàs goiod n.ewis for provincial civil seýrvants and bad newýs for taxpayers on Sunday when the province's civl -servants voted to accept the government~s offer averaging 2P1½ percent and flot preci- pitate an illegal strike that migcht have been rough on them and a great mnany othier péoýple. They had been holding out for 29 percent. That increase, based on an average $170, per week, will be more than $35, which is a sizeable jump. It should put most of t.hem over the $10,10M a year bracket. Maybe Premnier Davis isn9t such a cheapskate after ail. It's a nuztty world. You start out demanding 61 percent and end up at 21½ thilat probably was the figure they were hit- ting for ail along. Overali cost to taxpayers is estimated at 16.6 millions a year. DUPLICATE BRIDGE - The initial mneeting of this group sponsored by the 'Recreation Dept. will be held Wedniesday, Jani. 8th at the lions Centre, Beech Ave., at 7:30 p.m.P There will be nio admissioni on opening night when instructions in the general mechanies of the event wil] be given and somne boards will1 be planned. Those interested should be advised tChat attendance at ail mieetings is not necessary, so they won't necessarily be tied up every week. HOLIDAY THURSDAY - The Statesman office will be closed on Thursday of this week, as well as on. New Year's Day to compensate the staff for working on the Saturday before Christmas to prepare that big editiont. Frankly, we're ail ixed up with MVonday publications and it will be sort of fice to get bac,.k to normal Wedn;esday paper day next week. DREADFUL SHJOCK - Our'hy ges out to Cliff Ccwan and his family, 206 Simpson Avenue, whose wife Mary, 51, died on Saturday afternooni whifle they were snowmobiling near Lookou,t 1HilI in the Ganaraska Forest. Apparently, she had been shopping in the morning and they had gone north of Orono to visit relatives where they keep tCheir machines. As they wxere cruisin,)g along, Mrs. Cowan's machine stopped suddenly, she slipped off and was dead when they came back to find out what the trouble was. nute break trom a e Committee meeting, Veston served a Writ of mus on the Town of dae s set for lThursciay, January N,9th atil1ilarn. in Newcasle. Te wrî is lun- Huý1i, qit III IOIUIILV. r aIe uiii1u~ ched~~~~~ aEis h onb h euwrastleFina nce committee letter, the chamber deveaopers ofeBonA t inge the nmade a rcmnedtin teir view t hat the Stretan Smo Ave ýnue 1,jtocuncil that the Town square foot proposed Tis asndh siteofpoposvnec Solicitowtkethe necesary ellig space xwasexu denaristhen stor.pp e steps to protcti the inteests of for te area and tbey hede-tcîsin heh Ilolte tw.wloea so-und propw Bowman v suille Wom-an Wins$20 Three of our are also somne .ie on-- the- je you' were Ich Ms Barbara Thertel of 100 ing Street East won $2,500 in D4e,-ý e S. O'Coinnor !igh Schoofl's 'Lotofun, lottery. Mrs. Therteli, an emnployee ýe AomivlMemoril Ho)spital,ý is the second winner, There are five dra;,, ir altQgetletanid tickets arec-, o sale for- the next one. Mr.1 Therteil says she iýý ok going te use tlhe moieo take atp down east to visit hier relatives. Dlenis Y~OConinor is a Ctoi eaaeScholinitbywhich doces not receive provinicial gE.,rant4s. The monG crey raised bin the lott ery is used by the sehoo to ~ei operatin.g costs, Vice Pincipal Tom ity mmn made tue presentation. na.iday ndard Price for ustiai Land ,to igles ;and 0wthte Ad the fire,i -year, $20,0 iletermin the chi ýt rienn > ple onthe é -M--Jjý l*-ý ýy mv ý - - Zn

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