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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1975, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman Bowmanville, Januar 8, 1975 . CL IIED RDS lIII" DÜEADLINE FORi CLASSI FIED Tues., 4:30 p.m. AXFORD-Murray, Doris, Melanie and Stephaniie thank God for the safe arrivai of Julie Ann born Jan. 5, 1975 at Oshawa General Hospital weighihg 6 lbs. 8 oz. Mr. and Mrs. William Axford, Hamp- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, Enniskilleni are proud grandiparents. 2-ix FRANCiS-My name is Char- lie and l'm proud1 ta anounce the arrivai of my sister Irene Christa Louise born on1 Dec- ember 23rd, 1974, weighing 7 lbs. 111V2 ozs. Our parents are Bruce and Betty, aur grand- parents are Mr. James Moo re and Mr. and Mrs. Lau Francis. Special thanks ta Dr. J.D. Rundie and Dr. Cunning- ham, also special thanks ta the Maternîty staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 2-1 x HENDERSON Winnie and John are very praud ta announce the safe arrivaI of their second child, a daughter Clarissa Danielle, 5 lbs. 131/2 oz. on Dec. 28, 1974. A little sister for Laverne. Special thanks ta Dr. H. B. Rundle and maternity staff. 2-1 McROBBIE-Jamie Lloyd McRabbiearrivedat3:2Ô p.m. Jan. 1, 1975 weighing in at 8 1lbs., 31/4 ozs. His. mummy and daddy are Lloyd and Lynda McRobbie (Rundie) and his proud big brothers are Todd and Lance. Jamies' grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs. A. McRobbie and Mr. and Mrs. L. Rundie. His great grand- p arents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pingle, aIl of Bowrnan- ville. Jamie and his mumrny would like ta say special thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundle and nurse Vera Elljott who assist- ed in the delivery and al other staff for their efficient he[p and care. 2-1 NICHOLS-Doug and Audrey are very happy ta announce the arrivai of their son William (Bitiy) Douglas5i bs. 7 ozs. on December l7th, 1974 at Lakeshore Hospital, Paint La Claire, Quebec. Proud grandparents are Bob and ia aes and Lloyd and Lis Nichais. 2-ix VANCE-Johni and Linda (nee Cooney> are pieased ta an- nlounce the arrivai of their daughter Amanda Noel 7 ibs. 15 OZS. on Decemnber 26, 1974. Proud grandiparents are Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Cooney, Newcast le, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vance, Bowmanviîîe. Gat- Grandparents are Mr. adMi-s. Jack Webb, London, England. Thank you ta Dr. Sylvester and maternity staff. 2-1 MAr: and Mrs. Harry Dick- ison Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox, Sauina are very pleased ta announce the forth- coming marriage of their children, Donna Lillian, ta Robert~ Dean. The ,vedding is ta take place February 8th, in St. Mary of th~e People Church, ~Oshawa. 2-lx Announcing the engagement of Donald and Cathy the daughter of Mr. and MArs. Richard Amadea, Can'îbridge St., Toronto and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carman White, Orono. Wedding to take place May 24. 2-ix Mr. and Mrs. Adriaan L. Bons, announice the enga e- ment of their daughter ,Wille- milntie, ta Mr. Murray D. H-ammand, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Hammond, bath of Bowmanville, The wedding wili take place in June. 2-1 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gust, R.R. 2, Orono are pieasedl announce the engagement their eldest daughter Barb< Ann ta Peter Adrian, son Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sw of Orano. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry L ergne, Bowmanviiie, a pleased ta annçunce the( g agement of their eld( daughter Luanne Elizabeth John Gardon Bakeiaar, son Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bakelai Stratford, Ontario. 'a r, 1ta 1of ara iof BARTON - Leonard Harry at Oshawa Cpneral Hosoital an Tuesday, January 7; 1975 Leonard H. Barton belaved husband af Dorothy Vinsan, dear father of Mrs. George Roberts (Bannie), Mrs. Dan Lake (Beverley), bath, of Newcastle, Douglas of Osh- awa and Mrs.' A. Hofstead (Sharon)' of Janetviile, also Ioved by twelve g randchild- ren. Brother of Mrs. Viola Forbes of Grayling, Michigan, Mrs. Dorothy Thompson, of Florida and William of Corn- wall. Resting at the Mclntosh- Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East, Oshawa. Service in the chapel on Thursday, January 9th at 3 p.m. lnterment Union Cerne- tery. Florence Nightingale Odd Fellows No. 66 wili hold a service at the Funeral Home an Wednesday (tonight) at 7:30 p.m. Memorial donations to the Canadian Cancer Soc- iety will be greatfully acknawledged. 2-1 KI NG - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Saturday, January 4th, 1975, Elizabeth Poolton, aged 76 years, wife of the late Benjamin King. Dear maother of Gladys (Mrs. Arthur Etcher) ' and John, grandrnother of six grand- children. Service was held in the 'Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvile, on Tuesday at 1.30 o'clock. Interment Low- manvil1le Cemetery. '2-1 MacDONALD - At -Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa, on Thursday, J.anuary 2nd, '1975, Harriet Young, aged 78 years, wife of the late Harry MacDonald, dear mnother of Peter, Stew- art, Am y (Mrs. George Young), Dorothy Mrs. Lepn- ard Downey>, John and Art- hur. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, on Saturday at 1.30 o'clock. Interment Bawmnan- vil le Cemetery. 2-1 PAYNE - At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Sun- day, January Sth, 1975, Milton Payne, Newcastle, aged 76 years, dear brother of Flor- ence (Mrs. Cecil Ferguson), Frances (Mrs. Russell Maunt- iav) and Laura (Mrs. Wilfred Murray). Service was held in the Marris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanville, On Wednesdlay at 1.30 o'clock. Spring inter- ment Pontypoal Cemetery. 2-1 RICHARDS- At Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville, on Monday, Jlanuary 6th, 1975, Gardon Richards, ;,n his 72nd year, beloveçi husband of Olive Davison, clear fat-her of Audrey (Mrs. Victor Cook- son), Donald, James and Morley Service was heid in te Mrris Funeral Chapel. Bowmanville, on Wednesday at -3 o'clock. Interment Bow- manvilie Cemeteryb. 2-1 SHRED, Robert-Suddenly at the Pitt Nursing Home, Port Hope, on Thurs., Jan. 2, 1975, Robert Shred, husband of the late Emily Jane Shred, dear father of Daisy, (Mrs. Lamne Haynes>, Bewdley, Harriet (Mrs. Donald Ellis) and Bob, bath of Grafton, Abert of Engiand, Ciiff of Bowman- vill1e, Georgeaof Toronto, Betty (Mrs. Elwood Jones).-of Cas- tieton, and Stephen of New Brunswick. Brotherof Clifford and Emily of Toronto. Rested at the Nrthcutt Eli;ott Fun- eral 'Home, Bowmanville. Funeral service 2 'clock Saturday afternoon. Inter- ment Bowmanviiie Cemetery. 2-1 WILKINS - At'St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on Thurs- day, January 2nd, 1975, Irene (Annie) Tkatch, aged 52 years, beioved wife of Roy Wikins, dear mother of Don- ald, Wanda Hall, Joan (Mrs. Robert Golder>, Carol (Mrs. Joe Burgess), Tony and Bann- ie (Mrs. Gar y Wôooner). Service was hel d in the Morris Funemal Chapel, Bowman- vil le, an Saturday at 3 o'ciock. Interment Bowmanvilie Cemetery. 2-1 van Carnation 2-1 FLOWERSHOP Aiways Pleased are You .n- 623- er77 est or0 lta 623-7141 ! l of 33 Division S. kar, 2-tf 2- COUCH - At Memioriai Hospit- ai, Bowmanville, on Wednes- day, January lst, 1975 Ida (AI lin) Couch, Newcastle, in hier 98th year, wife of the late Fred Couch, Sr., dear aunt of Pearl (Mrs. Req. Woodhams), Myrtie (Mrs. Robin Alidred) ard Neta (Mrs. Lesl ie AIlldred> Service was held in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bawmaàn- ville, on Friday at 2 o'clock. Intermient Bawm-anvilie Cemetery, 2-1 FORGET - At Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanvile, on Sunday, January Sth, 1975, Elleen Forget, Newcastle; in her 4,6th year, beloved wife of Joseph Forget, dear mat her of Gary, Gregory Wesley, Larry, Brian, Valêrie, Joseph Bobby and the late Richard. Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bawmanviîîe. Funer- ai mass in St. ioseph's Roman Cathoîic Church on Wednes- day at eleven o'dîock. Inter- mient Bawmaniviiie Cemetery. 2-1 'Flowers say it Best", 'À VAN BELLE DAI LY Deivery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Ai Phone 623-4441 E-n H-OLROY-In Ioving memý- amy of a dear husband, father and Grandfather Fred who 79ssed awvay Jan. 15, 1969. You went away 6 years ago And ieft hearts who love you 50 In God's continuation we wili meet i Heaven's eye there's no defeat When the bluebird takes wing &Song We'll be toget-her where we beiong. - Aiways remrembered by his wife Doris and famnily. 2-1 HYLAND - ln memory of Francis Leroy Hyiand who passed away January 8th, 1972. Always wonderful memories, Often a silent tear, Alwvays a secret longing, Wishing you were here. - Sadiy mrised by mother andsÉisters. 2-1 COOK - ln iaving memory of a dear father, _randpa and great grand pa, Francis Rab- ert (Jack )Cook, who passed away January 7th, 1965. Also a loving moQther, grandma and great g randma, Rose (Craw- ford) Cook wha passed away February llth, 1973. Memary moves, as shaldows fa l. Back ta days of happiness, Back ta days beyond recali, And a vision cames before us Sa calm, 50 dear, 50 sweet, 0f sweet lips that now are 1, suent, 0f dear eyes now closed in sleep. We dream of you, dear ioved anes, And see your smiling face, And know that you are happy, ln aur Father's chosen place. May God keep you in his iovîng c are tili' we meet again. Lovngi remembered by daughter or en, san-in-law Frank Wetlake and their family. 2-ix VICE- ln loving memaryof a dear husband and father Carence, who passed away Dec. 28, 1972. - Lovi ngiy remembered by, wife Jean and family., 2-lt FRANK- In memary of 'a ioving -mother and grand- mather, Victoria Frank, who passed away Dec. 30, 1970. U pright and just in ail her wýays, Loyal and true through al her days, Silentiy suffered, patiently 1 .bore, God took her home ta suffer no .more. -Ever remembered by Jim and Shirley, Ron and Peggy, Peter and Bey and the grandchildren. 2-1 il wish ta thank Friends, Neighbours and Famiiy for cards, gifts, flowiers and visits while i was in haspital, also many thanks ta Drs. Sylvester,, Masienko & Grant and the nurses who were wonderful. - Doris Holroyd 1 wish ta th ank my family, friends and neighbouirs for their kindness shown during my recent stay in hospitai and special thanks ta' nurses and staff, second floor and ta Dr. Ewert. Eva Marris 2-1 x I wish ta express My sincere thanks ta friends, relatives and nieighbours for their thoughtfulness and phone calis, flawers and fruit'during my stay in Bowmanviiie and Scarborough General Hospi- tais . Special thanks ta' Dr. Mc Kenzie, Anderson, Hug- enhalgz and Elgie and nurses. A Happy New Year ta everyone.- Rod Carveth Our si!ncere thanks ta al laur friends and neighbaurs for the. loveiy cards and flowers we received on aur 25th Wedding Anniversary. A speciai thank- you' ta alilwho arganized, entertained and attended the happy occasion heid in aur honour in Kendal Church, Dec. 29, 1974. Garland & Annie Cathcart 2-1x I wouid lîke ta express my sincere thanks and apprecia- tion ta my famnily, friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, fruit, visits and telephane calis during my stay in Memorial Hospita , Bowman- ville. Special thanks ta Dr. Cunningham and nurses, o n ffhe third floor. Lloyd Clysdaie 2-1 x The family of the late H-arry Collacutt, wish ta express sincere thanks and apprecia- Mion ta relatives, friends and neighbars for floral tributes, cards and donations ta Cystic Fibrosis andi the Heart F und and many other acts of kîndness shown ta us in the loss of a dear husband and father. Speciai thanks ta the Kinsmen Club, Kinette Club, Rev. W. Oake and Northcutt Eiliott Funeral Home. Jean, Scott, Jamie, Joanne & Rick i wou IdIliketo say thank you ta my family and frlends for kra fiawers, dards, gifts and visits during my stay in Bowman- ville Hospital. Speciai thanks 43-tf ta Dr. Sprouil, Dr. John SRundie, nurses on surgicai mm floor and my private taxi ÙM home. KayGustar We wish ta thank the Governor General of Canada James Legere, Prime Minis- ter Pierre Trudeau, Robert Stanfield, Allan Lawrence, M.P., premier Wm. Davis, Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., the Mayor and Council of the Town of Newcastle, the Long Sauit "-Club 50", friends and famnily for telegrams, fiowers, gitTs and carais on 1fhe occasion of aur 6th wedding annivers- ary. Bert & Jean Johnson I wish tai thank my friends, co-workers, relatives for gifts, flowAers and cards, also Dr. Hubbard and lst floor staff for ail their care when I was a patient. Mrs. Greta Luxton 2-1 x I wish ta thank mny neigh- bours, friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness and concern shown me during my recent illness., Ross S. Metcalf 2-1 The brothers of the late Kate (Kay> Moore, Douglas and Hugh, wish ta express sincere apprec 'iation for the many kindnesses of friends and neighbors during her illness and their bereavement. Spe- cial thanks ta Dr. Allan Sylvester, Dr. Anderson, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville; and personnel of Marris Funeral Chapel, and pallbearers. The wonderful spiritual message by Rev. Wesley Qake of Trinîty United Church was a great comfort. 11 2-1 x I wish ta thank relatives and friends for cards, flowers and visits white in haspital. Spec- litl thanks ta Dr. Mosienko, and nurses on the third floor. Alsa ta the kitchen staff for aur.Iavel.y 6lst wedding anni- versarv cake. Luella Pingle I wauld ýlike ta thank neighbaurs and friends for flawers and gifts, the nurses at Memorial Hospital, Bawman- ville and Dr. Ferguson who assîsted in my recovery. Nickalas Sherba , 2-1 1 wauld like ta thank my relatives, friends, St. Paul's U.C.W., -Salem Unit and the 500 Club for cards, flowers, fruit and g ifts white I was, in haspital .A special thank you ta Drs. Slemain, Sylvester and Grant, the nurses, candy . stripers and volunteers on the 3rd floar for their excellent care and klndness. Bessie Welsh 2-1 x 1, would like ta thank relatives, friends, neighbors and especially aur sans in- law for aIl their thoughtful' acts of kindness while in hospital. Special thanks ta Dr. Westgarth, Dr. Kestle, Dr. Spi-oui1, nurses and staff of 6th Floor, G. Wing, Oshawa Generai Hospital. Frank Vetlke ~4M 24lx We would like ta thank the Hampton Community for the chest of silverware and aI l the lavely appl lances and special thanks ta Mrs. Fawler, Mrs, Naef, and Mrs. Smith. Date &:Brian Brown 2-1 The famnily of the late Mrs. îIda Couch would like to express their appreciation and heartfelt thanks ta their rela- 1tives and f riL-nds for their many acts of kindness Ilso floral tributes and donations. Speciai thanks ta Rev. T. Smith, Newcastle, Morris Funierai, Chapel and a special thanks ta Mrs. Bessie Steph- enson. 2-1 I wouid like ta take this opportunity ta thank the nurses and, staff of surgicai floor and Dr. A.B. Sylvester for their kindness shawn me during my stay. in hospital. Murray Adams 2-lx We wish ta express aur gratitude ta our many friends and relatives for the iovely f lowers and other kind expre- ssions of sKympathy we receiv- ed at th e t ime of our bereavement in the loss of a loved wife and sister, Louise Saiter. To Dr. Rowseil for his care and kindness, ta nurses and staff of Oshawa General Hospital, ta Rev. Paul, Erb for his visits, prayers and consol- ing words, ta the Hampton ladies for their hospitality failawing the service. To everyone aur sincere thanks. The Saiter and Johns familles 2-1 I wish to express my since re thanks ta Dr. Mosienko, Nurs- es and staff, Memarial Hos- pital, Bowmanviile. Thanks aiso ta those who sent cards, 1gifts and visited me. Clinton,,Bigelow. 2-1 x GIRL wanted ta share ex- penses with two girls in a three bedraom apartment la- cated in Bowmanvilie. For full particulars please cali Orono 983-5422 after 6. 2-1, DAY CARE NEEDED for 2 school age children Manda y ta Friday. AioÀna Street area, Waveriy HuIs. Phone even- ings after 6, 623-2926. 1000'BALES of hay more or less. Keith Connheil. 623-5655. 2-1 For Removal,0f FRESH, DEADand DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf . .. .. .. ..- Buchre Party at Newton- ville Hall, Friday January 10, 8:15 p.m. Ladies bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 2-1 Dance i n Blackstock Recre- ation Centre Saturday, Jan- uary Il wifh Music by Frank Barkey. No liquor, please. 2-1 The Bawmanviiie District Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society Annual Meeting wiil be helci Thursday, Jan. 9th, 1975 at the Red Cross Rooms, 28 Division St.; at 8 p.m.,Everyone Weicome. 1-2 WOODV IEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21-tf DANCE_ At Centennial Hal Queen Street Jafluary 11, 1975 9 p.m. - 1a.m. $3.00 per couple. Refreshments MUSIC BY E. ARCHER .2-1 x Dance, Newcastle Town .Hall, Sat., Jan. il, 1975, 9-1 p.m. Music by "S.O.M.". Door prizes, spot prîzes, refresh- ments. Admission $5 cou ple. S ponsored b y Durham N.D.P. Lveryone Welome. 2-1 Dance, Le gion Hall, Sat., Jan. 18,1 Ted Koss' Orchestra. Dancing 9 - 1_ a.m. 2-2 Osaca Barn Dance (couples only) every Saturday night, Country and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 2-tf Appearing this Sat. nîght Jan. 1 lth at the Wagonwheei Barn Dance at Lindsay - Fay Adams and The Country Hits. Square dance caller Lloyd "Cl em" Brown. 2-1 x Bowmanvilie and 'District Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society' will hoid a, further meeting for organizing a biaod donor committee on Wed., Jan. 15 at- 7:30 at 28 Division St. Ail interested please at tend. 2-1 WÎNTERWONDERLAND Fashion Show -At Bowmanville High Schooi 1On Thursday, Jan. 9 at 8p.m. ADM ISS ION 50 CENTS Sponsored by the HOME ECONOMICS DE PT. 2-1 SU NSHI1N E TOU RS Florida, CircleTour Na driving. S20 Days February 9-28 1Escorted, For Information phone or write:- Cobourg - 36 King St. 372-9961 Port Hope > 885-2200 2-2 SUNSHINE TOURS Ice Follies Chartered Buses Friday - 17th Sunday -l9th Saturday - 25th For Information phone or write Cobourg - 36 King, St. 372-9961 Port Hope 885-2200 2-2 DANCE ATTH E BOWMANVILLE LIONS C LU B Sâturday,,January 18, 1975 D.J. FAKU L L Tickets - $3.00 per couple Phonie Maurice Richards 623-2032 2-2 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THUR5DAY - 7: 30 P.M. 1Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softbail JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 50 tf 1, Robert Guy Gibs6n, 9 Jane St. Bowmanville will no, longer be responsibie for debts incurred in my name by my wife Deborah Muriel Gibson, 9 Jane St. Bowmanviie from this date Jan. 8, 1975. 2-1 Winner ot Maybe 80's Club $100 lucky draw; Ken Bowler, 155 Nonquon Rd., Oshawa. 2-ix Bowmanviile Peewee sel- ects Town of Newcastle Rec- reation draw winners *ere:, First pr'ize - Warren Hart, and Bert Payne, bath of Bowman- ville. 2-Ix CHESTERFIELD chairs for reupnolstering $5, pale lamp $10, telephane tables $8, carp- et swee pers $4, iroining boa rds $6, chrome chairs $2.50, wood- en chairs $4, roomn divider $15, packet books 10 cents, hard caver 'books 20 cents, L P records'50 cents. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St. 2-1 ANTIQUE brass bed, ginger bread dlock, Gane With the Wînd coal ail lamp. Phone 1-705-277-2115. 2-1 ONE uprîght freezer and one self-defrasting refrigerator, bath in A-i condition. Mrs. Blake Short, 623-3057. 2-1 1974 340 Ski Dao, free air, excellent condition. Phone 623-2962 atter 5 p.m. 2-1 x BALED hay. Phone 983-5585., 2-2x THRIFT SHOP -32 King W. Rear. Drygaod and Knitted art. New and Used Clothes, Furniture and appi. Canvas Mat. Lee blue jeans $11.95, Barbie dail clothes, etc., etc. Came and see, Tuesday- Thursday 10-4. Friday 9:30- 8:30. Tel. 263-2042. 2-3 $6 A WEEK, 1975 RCA 26 inch color, traditionai ail wood cabinet. Full warranty. No down payment. Cali anytime, Regency 576-7300. 2-4 $4 A WEEK, new RCA color portable, woodgrain cabinet, one button calor tuning. Full warranty. Na down payment. Cali anytime, Regency 576-7300. 2 4 BABY CARRIAGE, dressing table, basinette, deluxe swing- omatic. Alil items very dlean and in excellent condition. Phone 1-983-9310. 2-2 ONE GE automatic washer, like new. Phone 728-0882. 2-1 FIREPLACE wood for sale. Cal 1263-2368. 2-1 APPLES $1.50 and $2.75 a bushel while they iast. Good quaJity. Bloor St. East, oppo- site South Courtice Public School. 579-3039.11 2-1 TWO wicker chairs with matching table and hanging plant basket, $$5.00; Phone after 6,p.mi.,983-9402. 2-1 x OLIJ rectangle chair with matching antique iamp and mat. $25.00, Phone after 6 p.m. 983-9402. 2-ix BLACK and, Goid di.nning table with matching antique buffet, cabinet. $100. 'Phone after 6 p.m. 983-9402. 2-lx HIDE-A-WAY bed, $20.00. Phone after 6 p.m. 983-9402.* 2-îx ON E record player with two speakers, $20.00. Phone affer 6 p. m. 983-9402. 2-Ix ANNUAL SALE 0F U PHOLSTERY REMNANTS Various sizes and pieces. 1 STARTING JANUARY 8th WHYTE'S UPIIOLsTrERY 9 Division 2-2 WHITE'S T VANTENNAS STowers, UHF, VHF ~. Aeriais, Rotors& Repairs .,Apartments & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee SPh one 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46tf Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF - VHF - Coiored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Warkmanship Guaranteed Ail priced ta SAVE yau Môney Phone 623-5122 L -HAMILTON, MANAGER i 38-tf INSTALL AN O FURNACE BOIsE HUMIDIFIER rHOT WATER H EATE R No Payments for Six Months CA LL HARVEY PARINER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono orý Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 6 4-PIECE plac e settings- of Pinetree Sterling Silver by International, ealsa sugar spoon and buttr' knife. 786- 2685. 2-1 COLD storage apples by the bushel, different varieties, no Sunday sales, 263-8473, Frank Hiemstra, R.R. 1, Enniskillen., 44-tf BEDROOM suite, 7 piece;' dining room; 9 piece; living room, ail Burma-Danish teak- waad. New furniture very reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377. 52-f PADDY'S Market now has new fumniture, appliances, TV.'s and stereo's and aisc> used furniture and appliances. WilI accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf NEWCASTLE three bedroom mobile home. Cali after 6, 987-4817. 51-4 Rubber-back Sq. Yd Shag $5.88 Basement Sq. Yd Carpet, $4.95 REMNANTS 50 Percent Off These and many other bargains at: County Broadloomn 1742 Brock St. South (off 401) Whitby Phone 1-668-8895 1-5 OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY Washed Sand - Gravel and Stone Limestone Products Alil Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL AND DIRT FILL TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 81 RICHMOND ST. W-, OSHAWA 576-552f WuAREHOUSE SALE EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION As Low As V2 Price And Less On Remononts and End's of RoIIs 81 RICHMOND ST W, (Nexi doar fo Ruddy Electric) Opon+. rom 9 to 8 p. Mon, ta Fri. Sot O9to à CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY THRIFT SHOP - 32 King W. Rear. Drygaod ýand Knitte.d art- New and Used, Clithes, FurnlTure anci dppl-. 1anvas Mat. Skidoo-cayers only $6.00. Barbie doîl clothes, etc., etc. Came and see, Tuesday- Thursday 10-4. Friday 9:30 - 8:30. Tel. 263-2042. 49-8 USÉD Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf, KELVINATOR fridge, run- ning' condition $40 and large used range $25. Phone 623-2271 after 5. 2-Ix REFINISHED antique dining table and six chairs $125, 3/4 size bed complete, $40 in new condition, Hoover washer-spin dryeïr $75, and electric ironer $15. Phone 623-4632. 2-1 CHESTERFIELD suites, dressers, beds, sewing ma- chine-cabinet madel, occa- sional chairs, aluminumn door, platfarm rocker, washstand. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., BowmaLj- ville. 2-1 QUANTITY of AI baled hay. Phone Eber Milison 12:15 ta 1 p.m. or.6 p.m. ta 7 p.m. 2-2x ONE pair of skis and boots. Phone 623-5179., 2-1 SINGLE bed skî-doo trailer. Asking $50. Phone 623-2958. 2-1 AVOCADO range and r efrig. erator. Late model $400 pair, aiso aider white auto washer and dryer .$150. Can be seen in Bowmanviiie. Phone' 623-7181 between 1 and 4 p.m. Sat. and Sun. Jan. il and 12 or cali 1-889-1293 affer 6 p.m. 2-1 ONE Druro'water 'pump and tank in good condition. One 32" truck cap. John Kîlleen 623-5068. 2-1 Buy direct =from Manufac- ture- Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd., has a huge selection of fine, qualITy monumenTs, large arTcr smali ta fit.any need. Came by cur dispiay yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or telephone 885-5216 for a monument thiat endures. .35-tf Custom uphoisterinq, reco- vering, re-styling, very rea- sonabie, work guiaranteed, 20 years experience. Free esti mates. Please cailcli t 1-986-5072. coli1ct PROFESSIONAL PIANO) TUNING &SERVICING' Certif led Piano Technician. Prompt reliable service. Remember, "'The tuner a lotie, preserves the tane.", Member, Piano Techniclan's Guild. Derek Hill 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby 668-6247 9-tf VINCE MOORE CARPE NTRY, House Renovating Paper Hanging - Painting 24 Liberty N., B owmanvi île 623-3568 GORD SIMPSON 983-5808 ORONO Painting Paperhanging Carpentry Remodelling GENERAL REPAIRS Interior Exterior 2-2x Ref rigeration AND Appliance Service Com mercial1 and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers Phone BERT SYER Days.............. 623-5774 Nights ............. 623-317i Lancier Hardware and ELECTRIc, WilIiam G. Beatty Painting and Paper Hangin Light Trucking and Odd Jobs PHONE 623-4728 4-t NEED A 2 PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 -Ze nith 14620 41-tf Bi I I's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., BowmanviiIe, Ontario. Phone 623-5187 sheetand EJoat Glars Sealed Unts - Stormi Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 17-tf rnTHREE quarter ton van, for Iight maving.' Bowmanville- Oshawa amea. Phone 263-2695 anytime. 2-ix WATER Wells bored, 30" tile. Ward's Well Boing. Tele- phane 342-2030. Representa-. tve Harry L. Wade. Tele-, ahane 987-4531.16f JA CK B UR G ESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACE- CL EANE D PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-215 1 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 -Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repa irs Service and Estimates CaIl 623-2641 33-f Remodelli#mg -Additions CUSTOM HOMES Repairs of Ali Types, You name it and we doit.. Don Brooks & Son Contractor and Builder 45-8x PART-TIME house cleanling or babysitting during the day. Phone 623-7476. 2-1 DOMESTIC &COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES &, SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHON E 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf DARLI NGTON .MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Geddes Electric Renovations -- Alterations Rec. Roomns Rewiring Older Homes New Homes - Free Esimates Phone 623-2398 48-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most aniti-que. docks, p6cket watches and môdern watches and cloç1ks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-to-date equipmrent and qualified Swiss trainepd' watchm4cker HOOPER'S JE WELLER5 LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf~$ WiLL do babysitt;ng rm my home, Briar' town area. Phone 623-79)95. 2-lx ENNISKILLEN Village, two bedraom apartment, second flbar, private entrance. Adults preferred. Phone 263-8868. 2-1 ROOM for rent - board availabie, women preferr able, phone 623-5986. 2-1 UPPER apartment, heated with fridge and stove, 1'/2 bedrooms, 2 miles east 'of Bowmanville on -Hwy. 2. Available, January 1. Phone 987-4474. 2-1 BRIGHT basement apartment married couples oniy, avail- able n9w. $135.00. Phone 623-3434. 2-ix BASEMENT apartment in dlean quiet home, private bath and entrance, $120 monthiy for responsible working woman. Abstainers only. Phone 623-2384. 2-1 TWO bedroom apartment. Available immediately, adults only. Appiy in persan ta 12 Scugog St. 2-1 ONE bedroom apt., stove, frig, central, aduit preferred. Write Advertiser 528, c-O Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville. 2-lx SELF contaîned 3 roomn base- ment apt., in north end, dehumidifier provided. Suit- able for, young maLried couple., Available Jan. 31, 75. Phone 623-7053 af ter 4:00 p. m. 2-l ROOM and kitch-en ýprivileges for working womnan.On quiet street close ta downtown. Cali 623-2687, evenings. 2-tf A THREE bedroom town- house, ideai for famîly living,!, iocated on a quiet court,!'i Bowmanvil le, close to schools;, $275 per mônth; avalabie immediately. Cali Sam Venn, Toronto 923-9174, Bowman- ville 623-3393, or Mr. Cooney, Toronto 444-5082. W. Frank Real Estate Realtor. 38-tf FURNISHED 'bedrooms by, - month, week or day, àhower Y and 'bath,Ilicenced premnises, reasonabie rates'. Castie Hatel, Bawmanvilîe 623-7072. 4 HOLSTEIN calves for veal-, ing. 2-4 weeks aid. Phone 263-8883. 2-1, ýý VI Ur* a m a Nýý

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