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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1975, p. 13

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CLRSSI FI ED [Imm...,~-'-ç....._ TOWNsO , lw mileage,1350, 4 NEWCASTLE ANN BRADLEY výF, i.'HX55 TENDER CALL Permanent hairremoval $-759Li. HX5590Simcoe St 'N. STenders are invited for the Oshawa 723-7682 construction of a Cammunity fll iSTANG MACHI Centre in Tyrone. fHNL îow mileage. 'In Plans and specificaf ions UQ 4t ;old olaurLicmay be picked up at the Office gol V80u. ic of the Town'Clerk. AO87Cieariy mfarked tenders fa POESO A $3595. be submitted by 4 p.m. an _ Friday, January 24, 1975 ta: ELECTROLYSIS J.M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Permanent Hair Removal VMONTE CARLO Town Clerk B PONMN N' p. Mias ta be seen 40 Temperance St.BAPONM TNL Bowmanville, Ontario 112 Simncoe St. N. eciated. Lic. A05,170 Li C 3A6 Ohw 7-7 $3695.. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER Ohw 7-7 ______ îNOTNECESSARILY 5 n i . tACCEPTED., t ,ke new,1 ,peed, AM '73 MUS One owner, a nice q, '73 CHEV 2-Dr. H. tcr to be appreq '73î 2- Dr. V8, 3! and black. 2-1 Townshîp of Scugog Township Of Scugog 'for ? arbage collection in Wamd 4, former Township of Cart- wiqht). Appoximatelv 700 Lakeshore Area residents. Collection once weekly. The Tender forms are availabie at, the Township of Scugag Muni- cipal Office. Tenders close Manday, January lJth, 1975 at 12:00 Noon. Lowest ar any Tender not necessamily accepted., Doreen M. Van Camp, Clerk, Township of Scugog, Box 209, PORT PERRY, Ontario. 52-3 SCRAP paper bargains. We have a real bargain in scrap paper for you. AIl sizes, shapes and colors in bundies of 50 cents and $1 .00. Great for drawings, leaving messages, g roup craft, womk, etc. Trhe Statesman office. 42-tf '72 MU -STAN~G MACH I Beautiful silver wNith black tape stripes. Lic. FBD348 $2695. '71 PONT. CATALINA 2-Dr. H. Top. Unusual ta findaonei1ike this. Lk. E KDT28 $2495. '71 COUGAR CONV. There hard ta find,' Loaking for a good home. Lic. HB0770 * $2495. '71 CAPRI 4 CV., 4 Speed. Real Econ- amy, nice red colour. Lic. H PY41 6 $21 95. '71 PINTO ,4 Cyl., 4 Speed. Local owned. Low mileage. Lic. EBF921 $1895. TRUCKS '74 DODGE V-8, Auto. with cab on the back. Reacjy ta go. Lic. H22094 $3995. '74 CHEV PICK9 UP ,5 Cyl. Aut. Low nmileage. Nice ight brown colour. Lic. C95539 $3795. SFOR-D- PCK UP V-8 Stol. Reacly ta ga. Lic. C97130 $2895. 1970 SUNBEAM 4 door sedan ini A-1 condition, engine over- hauled, certif led. Ideal for second car. Phone 623-5752. 2-ix '74-CHEV V/2-ton, 6 standard, with Cirtus cap top. Phone 623-4690. 2-ix 1969 BUICK Riviera,- V8, utomnatic, power steering, power _ brakes, power. win- dows, air., radio, rear defrost, all tinted windows, vinyl roof, mag wheels (by G.M.), no rusf, certif ied, excellent con- dition, private, must be seen, will bring to your house and show y ou. Full price $1,800 firrn. Phone Oshawa 576-7151. 2-1 1973 MAZDA,' 808 coupe, 15 rnonths old, beautiful condi- tion, 27,000 miles. Owner Ieaving country. $1,850. Phone 623-5016. 2-1 1970 PONTIAC - excellent condition. Newcastle 987-4483. 51-tf CLEAN, quiet, self-confained ( odgiing for one person. Local an Toronto references pro- vided on request. Ideally 'm Ilooking for a country or lake front situation but wiil con- sider anything. Phone 987-5031 after 5. 2-lx WANTED. Pre 1920. Bank Cheques. Used or unused. ~Wtn. Laveil P.O. Box 182, Port eidit, Ont. 24 USED Furniture and Applian- ces. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton 263-2241.' 33-tf WANTED ta) bu y good used fýuniture. Town Used Furnit- jre. 623-4681. 2-1 s mis --ý "Waverly Gardens- a Lu .1 1In Bewmanville 'Y 05 2-tf STRAYED from propertyon December 30, 1974 a white faced Hereford steer. Last seen two miles north of Mosport. Reward. Cali' 983-5170. 2-lx ONE bassett hound, maIe, VIroden-tan color. Lost in urPlie Hill, Burketon area. Reward. Phone 986-4730. 21 G BAR S RANCH Now just one mile east of Bowmanviîîe, on Number 2 Hwy. New Box SMails, built as you want themn. Roomn for 24 boarders. So tel vour friends 1we BOARD, BUY, SELL AND RENT MORSES. Phone 623-4027 .- ... ... FACTORY HEL P >Wanted PERMANENT POSI TIONS Apply J. Anderson Smith Co. NEWCASTLE THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATIOII Invites applications tram quaiified technicians far the pasit ion of: AUDIO-VISUAL, ,TECHINC »L Location: Learning Rescurces Centre, Cobourg, Ont. Duties to Begin: January 20, 1975 Written applications should be submnitted by J anuary 14, 1975, not later than 4:00 p.m., ta: J.J. Shortaîl, Co-ordinator of Learning Resources, The- Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, P.O. BOX 470, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 4L2. Applications wiii be e- ceived by the undersigned until Wednesday, January 8th, 1975, for the position of HEAD, at the Kirby Centenniai Public Schooi., Applîcant mnust have practi- cal knowiedge of mechanical and electricai apparatus. Good warking knawiledge of caretaking, pracedures. The, ability ta work harmaniausly with others. The ability to organîze own work and work of others. Repiy in writing stating qualifications, address -and telephone number ta: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and, Newcastle Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street, P.O. 1BoX 470,, COBOURG, Ontario K9A 4L2 2-1 CLEANER NO. i required for 129 bed hospital. Preferably with Grade 10 education. Basic mechanical background an asset. Must be physically fit. EXCELLENT FRINGE BENEFITS &WORKING CONDITIONS. Apply: Personnel Office Memnorial Hospital 47 Liberty St. S. Bowmanville, Onfario 2-1 MATURE woman, for part- timec store work. Phone 623-2826. 2-1 COU LID y ouuse an extra $50 a week? Would you beAwilling to spend 6 hours a week t'o earn that $50? For personal inter- view call Lois dt 576-3468 betwveen 5 and 7 p. m. 2-2 CARETAKER wanted for Centennial Hall, Queen Street. Apply in writing toAdvertiser 527, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville. 2-2 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for real estate office. Cali Sam Venn, W. Frank Real Estate, *Ltd., Realtor 623-3393. 2-1 HOUSEKEEPER for elderly lady, live-in, modemn home, Bowmanville. Cali collect, 1-741-7853, Mr.. Barr. 2-1 HOUSEKEEPE-R-Companion to Vive in with elderly couple, in Pýort Hope. Light house- keeping only. Phone 623-4104. 2-1 BABYSITTER required for twvo children. Waverley Rd. area. Phone 623-7956. 2-1 LIGHT work, full time for dairy plant, must be dlean appearance, ambitious,' no previous exoerience neces- sary. Lonscien+Îous >iouth would be given preference. Apply in person G3len Rae D.airy 1-4 p.m. Jan. 9, 10, 1llth.ý 2-1 WOMAN wanted afternoon avery third week for cleaning. Cali 623-2675 after 12 noon. 21I DIESEL MECHANIC The successful applicant must have, previous experience in repair andmaintenance of heavy diesel equipmient, as wel,. as a certificate as a icensed Cîass A Mechanic issued by the Ontario Dept. of Labour, and have a complete set of'taools. Please appîy in writing to: Personnel Dept. St, Marys Cernent Company P.O. Box 68 Bowmanville, Ontario. Wè-âûy Scrap cars ,FREE TOWING DOM'S AUTO PARTS 723-1121 tf SECOND cutting hay also, cattle hay. Phone 723-2593 af ter 9 p. m. 2-1 Cars, Trucks, Tractons, Motorcycles, Snowmobi-les- For Wrecking Purposes 5MALL SCRAP METALS KIGI$EST PRICE PAIO ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Y<ard 623-5756 Residence -623-7112 45-tf c r =p For Sale- Doberman pinch- er maie, .5 months aid, cropped, tatooed and needies. Gentie disposition. Cali 786-2657. 2-1 Part Coilie puppies, $10 each, 5 femaies,ý 2 maies. Phone 263-2177. .2-1 BORDER Callie Pups, male or temale. Born Oct. 2. WVel g rown for age. Star.iey Ta .ylor, B ackstock 986-481 evenýinrgs.- 2 If RESULTS COUN! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board Bowmanville - Jane St. Price reduced below replace- ment. 2 bedraom bungalow. Rec moom and third bedroom n basement. Extra large double garage. Paved drive. Nice land-scaping. Good deep lot. Asking oni $41,900.00. Terms. Cali R .Bud Virtue. 55 Acres Oshawa Area Beautiful 4 bedroom brick ranch bungalow with attached garage. Painted barns, stream, white ranch, fences. Thi-, - ; reai showolace with alimost 2000 ft. road f rontage. 3 miles tram Oshawa. Terrific value at only $175,000.00. Bowma nvi île Elegant 2 starey century home on large lot 106 x 253 with mature frees. The perfect house for a large family. 5 spaciaus bedroams, 2 wash- rooms. Gracious living room with marbie fireplace. Separ- ate dining raom and a beautiful cozy kitchen wîth dinette, family room and den. Asking only $81,900.00. with very good terms. Please contact Kay Brown. 4 Bedroomn Brick Bungalow - Orona Countryside This lovely landscaped home has a large rec room, enor- mous, living room-dining room cambination with new carpet, sunny kitchen, single car attached garage plus ut'ility shed. One of the best buys in, the office. Asking $55,000.00. Terms. Cali Charlie Reid. Bowmanville Lovely 3 bedroom' back spiit home on quiet street. Sepamate, dining room, finished family moom.' Attached garage, 2 washmooms, many other ex- tras. Close to shopping and schools. Exquisite decor. Mas gaad mortgage and terms. Cali R. Bud Virtue. Asking only $53,900.00., Newcastle Bungalow Cutmbuilt 3 bedmoom with living room, dining moom, 2 fi replaces., Attached garage, enclosed breezeway. Large rec raom. Close to 401. Asking $64,900.00. Terms. For this i-ovely country home cail Bill 3 Bedroom Back Split - Bowmanvi île Here is a tastefuliy decorated home situated on ane af the largest lots in the area, family moam, living room-dining room combination. 91/2 per cent martgage. Fridge, Stove, and washer included iii total price. Askîng $51,900.00 with low down payment. Phone Charlie Reid. Newcast le Immediate possession. The owner of this 4 bedroom home with finished mec room and holiywood kitchen moved away and is anxious fo seil. Large 75 x 200 lot. Home is in mint condition. Asking $52,900. with temms but will look at any offer. Please caîl Christa Winterhelt. BOWMAN VILLE 623-4403 Oshawa - Toronto 723-2265 921-9248 $56,400.00 Less than a year old 3 bedroom backsplit. Family room Iwith fireplace and sliding glass, doors' to rear Sard, double garage. Priced eiow new homes in area. Large lst mortgage at 934 per --sent. Caîl today. $5,000.00 Down Will put you into a six month old-3 bedroom home, sliding glassdoors to patio and large fenced yard. Owner will look at any reasonable offer so why JusI Reduced-$34,900.00 Very nice 3 bedroom starter or retirement home in Oshawa handy, to all conveniences. Try $5,000.00 down. Affer 5:00 Cail Josie Doxtater Donna Holmes Elfie Josf. 5 Acre-Country Building Site BuilId f0 your own design in an area already boasting several new homes. 35 miles northeast of Oshawa, Priced at $13,900. with hait down. Cail Pat Yea. 48 Acres Christmas Trees Now is the time to gef inta the lucrative Christmas, tree market. Entire praperty planfed in 1971 to spruce trees. Locafed tiear- Mospart Race Track. Good qravei deposit. Priced for quick sale at $65,600.00. Terms. 86 Acres Newcastle 25 acresapple orchard. Barn 80 x 40. Feediot with autama- tic silo unloader. Silo 18 x 65. 200 head of cattie capacity. Wilmof creek trout stream. 7 roomn home in buiit-up area with large pa.ved road f ront- age. Terrific buy af anly $185,000.00.' Terms. Cali Ray Foster. Il Acres Corner Property Mostly waoded. Excellent view. Good building site. Terrific value. $25,000.00. $10,000.00 dawn. Cail Roy Foster. Bowmanville - 10 Acres Horse Farm Thi1s is a unique property with a trout stream, horse- barn and large shade trees plus a 2,200 sq. ft. home with 3 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms and iaveiy f ire- place. Asking $97,500.00. Terms. Cail Tony Klamp- maker today for .viewing. 100 Acres Retreat Property - $15,000.00 Down Only one hour f ram Taronto this picturesque piece of property has spruce and aak trees. Garage an this praperty would be a great place fa store your snowmabiles. Asking $75,000.00 with easy terrfs. Cail Charlie. Reid. Pontypool 10 roliing scenic acres. 700 ff. road franfage. 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Walkout basement. School bus and mail at door.ý Asking $64,900. Cali Bill Turansky. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? 'Ne ar -,ipýi&o pj your hom~e needs anywhere in canada and U.S.A. .Built by Marianna Developmenfs Your Guarantee of Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 93/4 DOWN Draw for Free Trip to Florida Features include: Clean Dependalble -Electric Heat, -Large family kitcheri -Finished family room -Completely broadloomed -11/2 baths -Fireplaces -Attached garages -Fully sodded lots -Completely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Dai ly 10 A.M. toi P.M. A LSO Open Houseý at Newcastle Saturday & Sunday 1-4:30 p.m. Choîce of 2 Deluxe Models f0 Choose Fram. MAR tANNA Vîltri Son Limited Weil known for qua lify construction and superior workmar'ship. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS -M -LI41~gL. W 234 King St. E., Bowmnanville Coast to Coast' Drc 623-3393 DietToronto Li ne 923-9174 Real Estate Service ___________ Ron Hurst Orono 983-5131 Charlie Reid Orono 983-5914 Roy Foster Garden Hill 797-2213 -I Bill Turansky Oronc 983-5420 Bill Sutherland 623-3102 _______1________ Paf Yeo 983-5725 Phylîis McRobbie 623-7159 REALTOR Bud Virtue Newtonville M 2-2503 786-2614 Orono - good investment, legdl, Audrey Plain, 623-3563 duplex on main street, asking Dane Found 623-3965 $63,900. Kay Brown 623-3150 Orono - lovely new 2 bedroomn Tony Klompmaker 623-2052 brick bungalow now being Judy Schuett Orono 983-9459 completed with carport & Christa Winterhelt Orono broadloam throughout, north 983-5465 end area, asking $48,000. Newcastle - excellent family ,George home, 3 spaciaus bedrooms & ample storage areas, paved B lyleven drive, garage & hedged back y ard, asking $48,000. REALTOR Bowmanville - lovely older 2 Phone 623-5300 storey brick home, very Bowmanville: Large 21/2 tastefully decorated thraugh- stoeý ellbuit ad kptout, 4 bedrooms in choice sorey wviel builtoua ptnorth end area, asking $60,000. ments. Priced1 at $52,900.Bwavle-nal e Owner had f0 move try $10,006 bedroom B.S. bungalow, has dlown and the balance at 10/2. attached gara ge, sunken tam- iiy room with f irepiace off the Outskirt s of Newcastle: kitchen, 11/2 baths and broad- New 'splif level home wifh loom throu ghaut, asking large kifchen-family room and, $56;500 wi thtlerms. Vendors france sliding doors, electric anxiaus. Cal ta see this one. heaf. One acre'lotwith plenty Bowmanviîle - Simpson Ave., of room fa keep horse or pony. 4 new, 4 bedroom semi Asking price $52,900. detached bouses now being compieted, braadloom Rice Lake: One, haur drive thraughaut, sunken dining from Toronto five raam caf- raam, 112 baths, walkout tage with safe sandy beach basement, siiding patio doors and natural spring for drink- ta baicany overiaaking iavely ing water. Good fishing, park setting, asking*$49,990. boafing and ski-doaing. Priced Will accept trade-ins. Calilta A+ " On WA re %npnfnrsee these. offer. Garden Hill: 5 acre partiy wooded lot with trout Stream and roam for a big pond. Priced at $18,900 haif dawn. 983-9593 Phone 987-5220 Dick Woudstra 263-2032 Oea. Blyleven Nellie Boiten Peggy Gray La mie Rasen Ed Drumm Louise Whale Peter Chopee Lynda Kinsman Pam Carr Bill McFeeters "ESTABLISMED 1936" CAN YODU BELIEVE IT? Betfer-than-new 7 raami, 2 starey, detached home o, qiet cr.escenýt. Broadioome thl-roulgýouf', cdrapes, vwasher, dyer, patio, cedar feiced lot. E, 3/ ýýPer cent mortgage witlh 35 yr. term. Oniy $55,900.00. This cannat last! Affer 'Hours Samuel Annis James Robinson 623-7664 623-3795 983-5915 623-5300 2-1 PRIVATE SALE TWO starey brick house on Concession St. W. Large lot with garage. Hanchymanl's speciai. Contact seller. 221 Liberty. St. N. Bowmavile. 2-2 THREE bedraam bungalow with attached garage on large fenced lai, nicely decorated, carpeted. Asking $48,900. Cali Newcastle 987-4207 affer 5:30. 2-lx BRICK house, Miii St. and Manvers, St-, Newcastle, double lot. For furfher details cail Oshawa 728-5638 or New- c~sfl 987 951.2-1 HOU SE For Sale, Orono - very centrai, suit retired farnily, 3 nice bedroomfs, dinîing room, 1'2 bathroams, tail basement with a doar ta garden, low dowrn iPavment. Te-rms, eariy passession. WNrite fa P.O. Box jj, Urano. 50 ift Sh irley Mogg 1 623-3500 Mac Mc Donald 623-3911 Wilf Hawke 983-5274 Helen McD*nald 623-3911 Edwin Jeans 623-7152 2-1 162Ï6941 137 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-7694 - 6237661 - REALTOR JUST LISTED, beautiful 3 bedroom brick & aiuminum home with large family room with stone firepiace,ý double car garage, patio doors tram the famniiy room ta the sun deck averloaking the park, very scenic ravine lot in Bawmanvilie. TWIN HOME 2 yrs. aid iacated in. Bowmanvile, 4 bedroom brick & auminum, f tnished family raamn, patio doars ta veranda, this home is tastefuliy decomated, carn- pletely fenced yard. 2-1 Newcastle cdncil Mlonday voted to spend $1,300 for steel cages and floor drains at the Dog Pound in Bowrnanville, with mnoneyI to corne frorn the pounid's 1974 budget. Thp C l'li Affer ours Caîl J. Barton, G. Brown G. Beech P. Kowa1 J r. 62 62 62 62 IJRGENTLY REQUIRI We have cash buyers homes in the' Bowmai area. Perhaps your1 would bring top dollar? be pleased ta appraise1 you and help you locat "home. of your dreams". For friendiy effi cient sale of your home, cali P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd., and No. 2 Hwy,., Bowman vi 1le 576-6120. l7-tf ENNISIKILLEN As youm correspondent may I take tbis oppomtunity ta wish a very wondemful yeam in 1975 for aur Editor and Staff of the Catiadian Statesman and ta aur readers who provide the news for this column. The first Sunday of the new year-lef t-nothing ta be desimed as a sunny morming dawned. A large cangregation gathered for wvorship at the morning service. The baptism of two wee boys was an extra special ceremnony which brought grandparents and other rela- tives ta the service., Hev. Bigby's story for the children included Happy New Year's wishes toalal for 1975. His stary expiaiaed that "Lips" speak no evil of you, "Hearts" aiways love yau, "Hands" always bel p yau and Emb- race, is also expression of lave. He suggested that a good New Yeam's mesolution with God's help; would be ta lave arneigboum and honour each other and be kind, laving and.-thoughtful. Our minister's sermon was introduced with pertinent me- marks about sermons viz! length of time, practising what is preached, variaus messages from sermons, re- marks ta minister on sermon and employment of serman's message in week following. He stated that high doctrines - low practice do not go together. The titi' e af aur minister's sermon "Let Youmý Light Shine" was Jesus' advice and we as meal Christians with ail its duties must not be too busy ta seek God's help in accepting aur respQnsibilities ta aur neigbbours and face the un- knawn in thie new year with the motta "Let Youm Light Shine". In the Baptism. ceremany twa young couples and their littie sons-were at the altar and Baptismal- Font and were jondby chiidren of the Jr. Congregation and six mem- bers of Session the Eiders, Mrs. j. Siemo6n, Messrs. Edgar Wright, Wilbur Black- burn., WilfridBowman, Keith Mciland Ross Ashton. The littie boys being baptised were Gregory William Griffin, son of Mm4i. anid Ms. Donal~W GriffiYii7nfield and Keith Christopher Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alty D. Jones, Oshawa. Miss Betty Wright had the IliuM? Peter IKowi Real Estatei Insurance Ltg 52 King Sf. W., Bo0wmî Telephone 623-245' REALTOR Wellington Sf. Reai ci able brick home on wel lot with garage ar foilowing features: 4 bedrooms and tilied bal vanity on upper floor; hall plan, with dining living room, family sizE en with dishwasher an( of cupboards, large room with fireplace, li room, celar with ail-fir water heating system. truly a "spic & span" h, excel lent repa ir and is( for sale because it's to( for present owners whý owned it for 35 yrs, C price and financîng, Hampton: Older Il trame home on large I low taxes. Large enoug families. Priced to $35,000. $15.000 dlown, Estate Sale: 6 room home with' garage, schooi. in excellent si repair. hot watem heatir ail (new bolier), 112 Asking $41,000. but look offer. Terms arranged. Centre Street 2 store) home in excellent cor with garage. 7 rooms Real good family hom, working man's price o 500. Terms arranged,. 97.5' x 132'- lot with a5 brick bungalow with g. Very centrai.,Older desi n good condition foi $40,000. Terms arrange Large Family?? Look a- bedroom home on 90' x2 Living room, dining family room, iaundry 11/2 baths, large kitche patio. Only $65.000. F financing. 3 Years New!! -1 bedroor homne with rec. roomn stores and school, ir neighbourhood. 1"2 Eiectric heat. Eariy oci cy., Asking $43,900. arranged.: in, Isowmanville, Januiar 8 1975 13 DEADLINE F OR CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:030 p.m. Jrý Congregation in hem came in the S.S. oomn. The Sm. Choir relaxed in the choir alcove as thvle in the hymns onfly. Tfhe Suinday Bulletin hiad th e wish for a speedy recovery and better health for '1975 for & our hospital patients, Mm. E.A. d. Wery, Western Hospital, Toronto; Mm. Wallace Pascoe, ianville Sugery; Mm. Art Leadbeatem, i3 Oshawa Genemal, also fmom Tyrone Congregation, Mms. )mifort- Bessie Vanieyk .with hip fltreed fracture) Mm. Art Youngman, id the (respiratomy disorder) and lovel y Mrs. Janet Heming. th with The S.S. Session had its centre opening worship led by Mms. room, Hazel Bigby assisted by plan- e kitch- ist Brian McGill. Two other id oads members of ber S.S. class famiiy Donald 'Rowan'and Allan laundry Ashton ead two poems with ired hot This is worthwhile advice. Mrs. Big- iome in by's stomy of Epiphany an, offered appeamance and an exhibition o large and she also toid of celebra- io have tions of New Yeam's amound ail for the world. Mrs. Dapem's class piease. of- Sm. teens continue to have theim class peiod atthe ,room Draper home. ot with -The Christmas tmee for the h for 2 church provided by Dale ;cl t McGill,> was stipped- of its pretty decorations and moved to play a second useful role, a trame shelter for our wintem birds in naearf a neighbouming garden. tate 0f Past events this wveek in- baths* lued the Mother's Fellow- ing for ship meeting on Mon. evening at Mrs. A.J. Werry >s home when Mrs. Termy Russell, ýy twin Oshawa as gues t speaker gave )ndition a pleasing demonstrationi of in ail, an art she bas learned ie at a ecently. of $36,- Events ta come: 1. The Sac rament of the Lord's Supper will bie obsemved next Sun. Jan 5raom l2th, 2. The S.S. staff meeting arage. will be Mon. Jan. l3th at Mrs. ign but A.J. Wermy's hon e. 3. U.C.W. - only, meeting will be Wdd an. lSth d. at Mrs. L. Stainton's home ýt this 5 with Mms. Russell Best, Solina, 21' lot. as guest, to ptealk on, her room, ber your donations of a. used en and postage stamps, b. used Chri- rivate stnas cards. Remember ta plan annumal reports punct- ually foIr audit and annual im twvin meeting. inear Siunday dinner guests at Mm. n fice anid Mrs. O.C. Ashton's were baths. Mijss Anna Barber (R.N. in 'cpantm-taining Durham College, Terms Oshawa), Mm. Barry Bragg, Bowmanville, R.R. 4, Mm. and Mrs. Keith Womden and Rich- '23-3098 ard, Bowmanville R.R. 2, Mr. 123-3702 and Mms. Chas O. Ashton, ý23-5265 Oshawa. i23-5868 Mms. Mamigaret Ashton, Mmrs. 2-1 Agnes MacKenzie and wee so, fDarryl wcre holiday -visitors of Mr. and dMrs. Rý Stenge2r îtaenj,)y ventertain- ment al another cuflture. Mm. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor. ED! were Chistmnas guests at Mm. -s for and Mms. Wilbum Toms, Pumple ahvilie Hill.ý home Boxing Day guests of Mm. We'll1 and Mrs. EHR. Taylor weme if for Mm. and Mrs. Bob Dittburner, ýe !he Ottawa. Dy srasDELICATESSEN Dyksra"sFOOD MARKET' IQUALITY SERVICE SELECTION BONELESS .9 i PoT ROAST l Lb FRESH Summit Or Chapmans Asst. Flvours Ceîery Stalks Ice Cream JUMBO q o 1/2 SIZE ~~a IGai FROZ-EN FOOD SPECIAL! HIGH LINER SAVE 16e BOSTON BLUEo8 Oz Pkg FISH qS#TICKS 69l8zPg SCHNElIDERýS PRE PACKED SLICED COLD MEATS SAVE UP TOfý 30e f79e B97Pks SAVE!! SAVE!! MIOTHER PARKER TOAST MASTE R Coffee WVHITE SLICED $129 BREAD M Lb. 24Oz 7-Oc SAVE 20e 2 Loavesl Ë OLD SOUiTH SAVE loc GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 6748z Tin GRACE TINY WHOLE SAVE 29c BABY CARROTS 2 10z6 9 NOBO FANC Y SAVE 19e S5HORT BREAD 2Pk9 ç BISCUITS 2 k g DIAL DEODORANT89 'SOAP SAVE 20e 4lBars89 SHOP-ý AND SAVE AT Dykstra's DELICATESSEN FOOD MARiKET FREE PARKING Enter From Queen St. 77 King St. W. Bowmanville speed Std. Nice red, Real sporty. Lic. HDC760 $2695. W *. *,o uE. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence- Avery and fam-ily weme New Year guiests at M\,r. and MVrs. Joe-Rekker and family, New- castle. Mr. and Mirs. Bey Veale, Jackie and Da vid, returned to Vancouver, since spendirig the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and relatives. Miss Patti Werry has me- turned home from spending holi days with Mr. David Cecehetto and bis family at Sudbury. Miss Sue Cotton, Enfield, Mr. John Werry, Etobicoke spent New Year's with the A. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Lamb and Lesley, were New Year's dinner Ruests> with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb and family. Mr.' and' Mrs. Lamne Lamb were New Year supper guests of Mrs. Jessie, Trew's, Bailie- bora. Mm. and Mrs. Dave Both- well, Bowmanville had Satur- day supper witb Mr. and Mrs, C. Stainton. Sunday supper guests with 'the, C. Stainton's were Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns, Peterboro. Mr. Stanley Taylor, Enfield bas been a ecent guest at Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor., ,Mm.-and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scamboro weme Sunday visitors witb bis parents Mm. and Mrs. S. Petbick. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland spent New Yeam's day with Mm. and Mrs. Stan Turner, Oshawa. Mr. S. Kemsey, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas'Asbton, Bowmanville, Mr. Clame Ash- ton, Oshawa weme Sunday suppem guests at Mm. and Mms. H. Ashton's. 1Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe, spent New Yeam's witb Mr. and Mms. Harvey Howe's and relatives at Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Susan and Fred, Haydon, Mrs. Albert Wright, Mrs. Fred Tewin, Lloyd and Earle, Blackstock, Mrs. C,E. Horn, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor were New Yeam dïinner guest and Mmr. Russell Ormais-, ton,ý joied the folks'for supper at, Mm. an(; Mrs. Earl Tmewin and Donald. Miss Donna, Lamn spent holidays with Mrs. Doris Holmoyd, Bowmanville. Mm. and Mrs. M.' Stainton were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mms. Everett Brown, Orono. Mm.. and Mmrs. Tomn Sobil, Taunton, Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedmon, Mr. Fman)k Lee, Qsaw, eme Sunday supper .gusts wih 4li'. andI -Mrs. Allan Wýery and faifl.y. Newýcastle council Mîonday the Finanice Commiiitte-e to ge apo in pnrinciple to a $2,5W0 grant for a visual arts centre at the Cmream of Barley Mill on Soper Creek. m i ýllilliýun - - -- 1, , ll 1 , ý

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