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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1975, Section 2, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. January 8, 1975 Section Two Cancer Unit Discusses Ways Of Impro' A meeting of the Bowman- ville and District Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society was held at the home of Clarence Bell, President of East Cen- tral District, on Dec. 9th, 1974. A letter from Jack Brockie of the Mara-Rama Branch, Beaverton, was read describ- ing their agenda for the coming year, which proved to be a very busy and interesting one. Minutes of the last meeting were read andapproved with a couple of corrections; Mrs. S . McMurter is still President until September, 1975. A letter was read froa a Participation workshop held in Bancroft recently. Several ideas wer widely discussed and enlarged upon; such as how to improve cancer meet- ings to make then more interesting, so as to attract more volunteers t There were viorousdsussions of atti- tudes, ideas, best ways of conductîng meetings, improv- ing different offices etc. Publicty chairman Mrs. M. Kelly stated the only publicity business was a letter from headquarters stating she should use every resource possible for publicity. Transportation chairman Mrs. R. Brock stated there were very few trips to Toronto this month. Education chairman Mrs. R. Hansel informed us the new "Celly"' program is to be introduced into ahl schools. t was also suggested that a leaflet with a couple of phone OWMANVILLE ving Their numbers to be called when help is wanted fron the Cancer Society, to put in all professional offices and drug- stores. In the campaign report, Don Yeo felt letters to businesses asking for donations next year should be sent out before the end of the year. Two motions were put forward by Clarence Bell, seconded by Mrs. R. Brock and Mrs. Thompson, that a doctor be approached Gallery Photographer Records "Life as it Happens" Meetings to speak at a public meeting in February or March to be held in a church or hall; that Mrs. D. Hubbard be approach- ed about having a daffodil tea and sale of daffodil's in the spring. A warm wlecome was given Mr. G. Prout who attended our meeting. Our next meeting will be held at Mrs. B. Brock's, 9 Flett Street at 8:00 p.m. on January 13. 90,000 Needed for Addition to Oshowa Sheltered Workshop The Oshawa and District Association for the Mentally Retarded is renewing its campaign for the remaining $90,000 needed to complete the addition to the workshop of the Glenholme ARC Industries. The campaign is for capital funds as the operating ex- penses are met by grants from the United Way and from government sources. Theodesperately needed workshop'is nearing comple- tion but the necessary funds have not yet been raised. The extension willadd 7,000 square feet to the available workshop facilities at an estimated cost of $150,000. The workshop has two functions. As a training C HAMB E R centre, Glenholme ARC In- dustries provides each indiv- idual with specialized assist- ance and encouragement with the goal that each retarded person can learn to live and work in the community either independently or with mini- mal supervsion. As a shelter- ed workshop, it proviàes meaningful work for these people who may always re- quire special help to cope with their future. It is hoped that with this addition to the workshop, Glenholme ARC Industries will be self-supporting in the future from the profits on the products which are made and sold. Their products include wooden toys and pallets. They are also involved in printing operations and sub-contract assembly. At present there are 38 people provided with mean- ing ul work at Glenholme ARC Industries and it is estimated that in five years this number will be 100. Perhaps it would be a nice way to start out the new year by contributing to this very worthwhile project. We are advised that contributions are tax deductible and receipts will be provided for income tax purposes. It is also possible to spread your don- ation over two years if you wish. More information can be obtained from Mr., G. Boyd Chesney at 644-6715 (office) or 576-6548 (residence). Burketon (Intended For Last Week) Mr. L. Plain, Orono, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair and family this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatchell, Brooklin, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Stephenson and friends. Mr. F. Holroyd Jr., Caes- area, caUed on Mr, and Mrs. Frank Holroyd and faimiy recently. Mrs.R. Davey spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davey, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Spen- cer, Oshawa, spent Christmas OF COMMERCE The photographs by John Phillips of Toronto on exhibit at The Photography Gallery this month reflect his desire to record life "as it happens" - the skinning of a rabbit for dinner, peace demonstrations and childbirth are examples. Phillips photographs are easily found, hung on the Gallery's new modular display stands at the front of the Library. Additional work is also displayed on the lower level. Part of Stephen Livick's exhibition held here last month is now on view at the library in Orono. Friday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grose of Courtice Rd. were, Miss Jennifer Zabudsky, Willow- dale, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Axford, Melanie and Stephan- ie, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Axford, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, and Miss Betty Wright. Master Brook Clemens, Hampton, visited with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Bowmanville, were, Sunday callers at Mrs. E. M. Slem- on's. Mr. Rex King, Oshawa, was a Sunday caller at Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin's. Miss Betty Wright spent Christmaseday with Mr.sand Mrs. Jim Mufler and Darryl, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. The 40 degree temperatures encouraged about 75 worship- pers including two visitors Mrs. Bruce Bowman and daughter Juliet from London, Ont. to gather at our church for the Sunday a.m. service and received a warm welcome from our minister. This cosin- ess in the festively decorated sanctuary was the time when with her brother Mr. Orm Hyland. Mr. Joseph Cooper had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McCabe Lotus. Stanley Taylor was a dinner guests of his brother Douglas on Saturday prior to Christ- mas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Taylor, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Duffy and their daughter Chattel of Montreal and Kevin Duffy of Toronto were the welcomed guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Littley at the General Store. Stanley Taylor was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor, Enniskillen on the Sunday prior to Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Tra- qairs andhfamily enjoyed hristmas holiday in south- western Ontario. They spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Norma Traquairs' brother in London, followed with a visit to her sister and brother-in- law at Tabotvilhe in evening. Boxing Day was spent at Mr. LeRoy Traquairs mother's who had approx. 45 for dinner. Folhowing Boxing Day they visited Dan Traquair who formerly °ived in this neigb- bourhood. They returned Sat- urday. Chores were taken care of by Stanley Taylor. Mr. Jm Traquair is enjoy- ing a 5 day ski holiday in Quebec. Your correspondent has en- joyed one of the best Christ- mas seasons in recent years, and would ike to thank everyone very much and wish you all a happy New Year. Bowmanville Auto Parts Ltd. Selsto MKereA utomotive, i wish to express my sincere appreciation to al my cUstomers for their patronage through the years. I hope you will continue with the new owners as, Laurence Sherwin wilbe the store manager. Yours truly Doug Caverly E N NIsKILL EN IF PEOPLE SEEM TO MUMBLE ARE HARD TO UNDERSTAND JACK STEWART HEARING AID SPECIALIST Don't always blame them, even a mild hearing loss can make conversation sound blurred. Let us put your mind at rest. Have an Electronic Hearing Test with a Beltone Audiometer. This takes but a few minutes, and there is no obligation. Come in and see us at our regular service centre at Hooper's Jewellery 29 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ontario THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th 1- 4 p.m. orPhone623-5747 and oIL corne to see you. Beltone Hearing Aid Service 849 Alexander Crt. Peterborough, Ontario 745-3244 As a kind friend has stated our village and community will never be the same again with the late John Slemon's early death, at under 65 yrs, for John was one of those people who leave a great emptiness when they go- and Slemon's General Store and Post Office was an institution so also the whole world mourns the passing of the gentle comedian, the late 39 year old Jack Benny at 80 real years whose violin, "takes", myth and pose have made life better for all, our sincere condolences are added to the many to the comedian's wid- ow Mary Livingstone and their adopted daughter. Hospital patients Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry continue to have professional care with rapid improvement for Mrs. Werry we are pleased to report and add our hope for definite help in the near future for Mr. Werry. Mrs. Dick Rowan is minding her "P's & Q's" so is rapidly recovering at home. Keep this up Alma., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin are very well, but still enjoy a trip every two weeks for check-up at Memorial Hospi- tal, Bowmranville and by special conveyance "an am- bulance" if you please. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving, Ancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Garry Beckett, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tabb, R.R. 1 Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett, with Christ- mas Day guests at Mr. and Mrs. W. Beckett's and family. Mr. and Mrs. AI Osborne, Bowmanville was Christmas Day callers. Guests were Mr. Gord Walter, Bowmanville at Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Meer and family, Bowmanville, were guests Christmas at Mr. and Mrs. K. McGill's. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and family visited with the Peri- goe famiies at Caesarea on Christmnas bolidays.' Mr. David Cecchetto, Sud- bury, Miss Patti Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry attended the Martin-Reid wedding last Saturday at Bowmanville where their son Ralph was ring bearer at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Ahdan Werry and family attended a Christ- mas dinnerat Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tabb's on Tuesday and were Christmas Day guests at Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Grif- fin, Miss Heather Griffin, Mr. Dale Griffin, Miss Lynne TaylorGattended the Martin- Reid wedding last Saturday at Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mills and famly were Boxng Day guests at the Ted Werry's. A family gathering was held at Mr. and Mrs. Edgar- Wright's on Boxing Day. Mrs. May Slemon, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon, Hampton. Mrs. John Slemon, Mr. Robert Slemon, spent Christ- mas Day with Mrs. H. Millson and family, and Boxing Day Mrs. Slemon spent with her sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murphy, Toronto. Miss Lynne Taylor, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge, Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald lb IDEAL-WEIGHT CHART Height Women SMen 58, 100 59, 103 60, 105 15 - --8- 62- 117 12 63 123 128 64' 129 134 5' 1U2 140 we wHI nelp you iose --14 -51 weight FOREVER with -66--44 156 the aid of the famous "1514 Adelaide Daniels Canadian 1 6 Family Meal Plan. -78 ADELAIDE DANIELS 7"182 o o o ELS - -- -- - diet authority Founder 77" . 94 Director counterweght BOWMANVILLE ST. PAULIS UNITED CHURCH Monday, 7:30 p.m. Church Street encouraging hope was given in three messages. 1. The Child- ren's sermon - a legend of the shoemaker and his daughter who kept working to keep the Yule log burning so a similar partnership between us and God must continue. 2. The Sermon - "Face the New Year in the Strength of God's Christmas Gift". Gifts have become commercialized but God's gift remains the Perfect Gift as Christians have faith in Jesus' promise "I am with you always" Our Minister pon- dered over what 1975 had in store for us and turned the, attention of his congregation to the starving people in Bangladesh, almost beyond our understaniding also hie stated that 1975 wilh be a trial, testing and tribulation time with a brief reference to Darwin's disaster. Rev. Bigby said it is a journey with no return ticket but the good news message states we go along with God in all situa- tions. 3. The happy-faced Jr. Choir and leader gave a delightful musical message in their anthem "Every Star Shall Sing a Carol", Mrs. Eleanor Werry was in charge of Jr. Church in the S.S. room. The S.S session was led il its opening worship by Supt. Mrs Ella Bowman and pianist Brian McGill. A letter of appreciation from Social Worker Mrs. Lois Worden for the wonderful supply of white gifts for the Children's Aid in Oshawa. Mrs. R. Stenger was a special speaker whose subject was Christmas Cust- oms im ber native homeland Germany. She described so interestingly the beginning of the Christmas season on Dec. lst to Epiphany Jan. 6 with lighting of four beeswax candles, carol singing, special home baking, hand made gifts, hand carved wood, the Creche of Dec. 24th Christ's Birthday, Saint Nicholas on Dec. 6th. Midnight Mass and Candie huightservice, bell ringing, amusements and games, fir trees for Christmas trees. Mrs. Stenger invited one and all to her home to see many of these customs and received a hearty applause from ber listeners. On Christ- as Eve Mrs. Shirley Drap er's Sr. Teen's class went a carolling in our neighbour- hood and collected $25.00 for the M. & S. Fund whicb was augmented by a money gift from Mrs. Hazel Bigby's Junior Teen's class. Holiday S.S, class arties have been the order of e day. Mrs. Gladys Ashton's and Mrs. Eleanor Werry's Jr. girls enjoyed a skating party at our new Arena with lunch and fun at Mrs. Ashton's home. Mrs. Hazel Bigby's Jr. Teens class an open air skating party in MrEarh Trewin's field with refresaments at the Manse, Miss Elva Orchard and Mrs. Dorothy Sharp Sr. girls had games and good food at Mrs. Sharp's home. Events to corne viz: - ')a) Baptism on first Sunday in Jan. 1975. (b) Sacrament of Lord's supper on second Sunday in Jan. 1975. (c) Remember to prepare reports by organizations on highlhghts of their activities and finan- cial statements soon. (d) Rev. Bigby gave out a suggestion to have the congregation consid- er and decide to have Congre gational meeting following thE' morning service with refresh- ments in Jan. 1975 with S S. changing their time. Church Drectory; bopefufly will be ready la Jan (75) when proof reading is completed. As day follows night so that local church auditor is hurking, ready to appear and request each organizations 1974 trea- surer's book to be checked ana as usuai to lind no prrors. Please heave with bier, your book in early Jan. 1975. Thank you. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton jomed with their immediate family for a pre - New Year's dinner party at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. O. Ashton's, Oshawa. Pilot Robert J. and Mrs. Kozak, Montreal, visited briefly at Mr. and Mrs O. C. Ashton's. Happy New Year to States- man staff and my local people. Frorn CorrespondentLJ7 PEERLESS OPAL ESSENCE Reg. $21.95 Sq. Yd. O5R PRICE $,j.9 5 Sq.Yd. mnnnual Meeting LYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN Wednesday, January 22, 1975 Guest Speaker - Mr. John C. Eaton Chairman of the Board of Eaton Canada Ltd. 6:00 p.n. $7.50 Per Person Tickets available from your local banks or Chamber of Commerce Directors PEERLESS LAGUANA SH AG Reg. $20.95Sq. Yd. OUR PRICdE $9,95 Sq.Yd We Have Just Received a Shipment Of 20,000 sq. ds Of ...w. 100 PER CENT 100 PER CENT ' PATTERNED NYLON NY LON SH AGK ITC HE N LEVEL LOOP CARPET from $4.95 Sq. Yd. from$4,95 Sq. Yd. om$4.95 Sq. Yd. PPLUS MANY OTHER OUTSTANDING SPECIALS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION WE ALSO CARRY A WIDE RANGE OF QUALITY CARPETING FROM CORONET-CARAVELLE-ARMSTRONG-CENTURY the CaretWaehus 110 King St. W. 728-0292 Oshawa Mon. - Fri. 10 A.M. - 8 P.M. - Sat. 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. FREE PARKING - FREE ESTIMATES - YES, WE INSTALL CHARGEX - MASTER CHARGE mil Sis 95c and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family, Haydon, Miss Karen Yellowlces, RR. 1 Enniskillen, Mr. Russell Or- miston, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and family. vere celebrities have come under the scythe of old Father Time in this merry season as we receive the news of actor Jack Benny's death from malignancy. Family gatherings were one of the popular holiday festivit- ies. Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Ashton were Christmas Eve guests to join with their family at the hoe of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Worden, Bowmanville, R.R. 2 and during the weekend a repeat party at Mr. and Mrs. Chas, O. Ashton's, Oshawa. On Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. OC. Ashton entertained their family at a dinner partýî at the "Coach and Four' Orono and they renewed acquaintance on Boxrng Day with Mrs. Nora Featherstone- Haugh Halifax, NS. at the home of her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Down- ey, Bowmanville. A pleasant surprise on Sat. evenng was a long distance telephone call for the Ashton's from one of Mrs. Ashton's brothers Dr. and Mrs John E. Dalton, New York City. Several local bird feeding stations are providing ample food for our many feathered friends. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Dick Rowar is a bed laient at her home from a ack injury but is recovering slowly. Our wish from the paîinless and speedy returnt the best of health. Lo L tI E is AN LVE LASTIN6 XR#6bu >'o KEEP MON Y COMIN61NAND TEETH AN DAR FROMCOMNó OUT PLUMBING & HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING TYRON, ONTARIO Phone 263-2650 1

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