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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1975, p. 1

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'Te.nFoot Snbwman on Waverly Rood NewPhne1 ystem ere blyAugust At $2.7'illion ElectronEc Centre. Intricate equipment is being in- stalled by Bell Caniada in its rnewt Bowmanvillle electronic telephone switching centre on Liberty St. Once the centre, opens, in August, 1975, the operator wil no longer have to cut in'and ask for the number when a subscriber dials his own long distance cali, Ken Hird, local Bell Canada manaqer, said today. Volume 121 15e Per Copy BOW1M AN I (Automatic Number Identif-ica- tion-) wilIbecone of théfeatujres of the $2.7 -rilliion exchange centre. Begin- ning August 23 the number will be automatically recorded on direct dialed calis placed by individual' or two-party lïne customers. To ensure identification of the correct telephone niumber on a two-party line, it is necessary to modi-fy or change the telep'hone set of one of the customers, Mr,. Hîrd said. Bell Canada installers are already performing this function. A brochure is being left with each customner when the set has been modified for ANI. 1The Iatest and most sophîsticated telephone switching equipment avai 1- able wiII be in the new building. It is made by Northern Electric Co. and known as SP-i. 24 Pages NUMBER 2 Adapt and Survive Western Man Must Assemilate Lessons of Tribal Cultures To Survive - Dr., Robt McClure by Jean Ahlvik ,Dr. Robert McClure, former Moderator of the United Church of Canada is a fascinating speaker. Bowman- ville residents are very lucky as he has spoken here seven times in the last three days. He spoke first at the evening service at St. Paul's United Church on Sunday and came back to the church Monday evening for a "rap session" with the United Church Wo- men and other guest ladies' orgniztios.Tuesday he spoke to three separate gr'oups at B.H.S. andlater to two more at Courtice Secondary School. We estimate that approxi- mately 2,500 people in the area have heard him speak. (Turn ta Page Two) Dr. MAcClure TeUIs Students About, Head Huntersý LLOYD ELLIS DIES Llyd EIlis, 56, owner of Ellis Shoe Store, Bowývma- ville, died this morning iin Memorial Ilospital, Boman- ville, alter a recurring inss. He had been i n hsitonlY a short timne. The body is at Morris Funeral Chapel for service atr3 p.m. on Frîïdayý.He is survived by his wif e Trudy and one son, Robert. CoucilBogged Down With Re-enactment of Commeittee Discussion, This Time With took most of Friday for four B3owmnanville children to build this 10 foot îow-manria t -Qa W;averly Road. 'lhe snowmpan has rocks for eyes and a dliii for a n-ose. Reynold Seimplonius, 1:3, of 10 Waverly Road, -his sister EL, and David Kný,ightL of 3 Waverly Road pose with their mrasterpîece. Curtis, 13 o)f 27 Waverly Roacl also helped with the snowman's uctiot but refused to have bis picture takent because of shyness or WNinnrier1-sa t The winners in the Remem- brance Day Lîterary contest at Zone leve as follos: Seniior Poem - 1. Susan) Vice - Courtice Secon)dary,, School; 2. Joyce Mlulder - Po rt Perry High Schoo. Senior Essay - 1. Býen Jetten - Denis O'Connor Hlighi,Wi by. Zone Level Ireland - Port Perry Hligh School; 2. Cynthia Bah - Bowmianv1ille fiHii hSchool1. Junio-'r Essay - 1. Silvia Ruegger - Newtonville Public School; 2. Yvonne Catty - CarwrihtCentral Public Brian Purdy, who for the past five months has been in charge of Special Pooin for The Caniadian Statesmran, this week was appointed Advertising Manager.,1He will be assisted by Joanine MeKnight. Tlhe appointment wl relieve Patrick GoiId of the dual resp)onsibililty so- that he mnay .devote 'his fui! time to the rapidly expanding commercial printing depa-rmenit. Alil the Players Present 1 By Bixl Arnott moeeting. The dise It might be assumed that the Cuclo Ivan H-obbs comr- Councillor committee, system doesn't miented on what was proving ed items 9 work, as Newcastle Counicil ta- be a lenigthyv discussion"w report. ' became boggedi dow-n over a repeat exactly what w have dations d niumber of recomymendations said before, or nleed ta repeat (Tur fromn the Finance Comminttee exactly what we have said Reprt t onday night's before". Coquncillor Hobbs $3,'50 F( expressedý his frustration over Newcast CANCEL PERIT what semed amd was a repeat apoe N~waste Cunef uthr- erfrmaceOf what hiappen- 3 50 fr1 emente agentý and thbilding (see the front llpage of lastDalnt insecor o akeimediteweek's Canadian, Statesmian) ý,tvria* anl action in cneigabuiling by offering to su p port ay spai ve permnit to Penwest Dvelop- otion fthat would end th o the lowel mnent who wished tor build aýn discussion. reSýsons. industrial building on the corner of the Baseline Road al6d the Cemetery Rond. Under the terms' of the contract with the Town, the firm bad to start building by January 1, 1975. Councillor ti* n %.,Ullluu zï* J .1Ç Ivan Uobbs stated ne ol Counillor Kirk Entwisle's, pa ut rnl place on the, Public Works prefers pepnle h heDuirinmg Telethlon Committee. On a motion fromn an industry and not specula- Volunteers are needied toprvdarei (Tuirn ta Page Twa,/) tors. 'answer phones and take pitiead sen( pledges for the ]Participation physically band House Telethon fromi 6 p.mi., aduits. BITS mo PI E CE s Sunday, Feb. 2 in the BellIHo Towr a th OsawaShop- contact Mrs. F COINCIDENCE - Last year on January lst, Dawn ping Centre. 623-7240 as, soc Morris, daughter of Don and Dorothy Morris, Pledges collected in this The Telethon vÀ Bowmanville, broke ber leg while skiing at OshawaarailbeudinterataheGolNt Ski Club, Kirby. Believe it or not, she did it again Fire at Mos port Par this year, on Janiuary' 2nd, the same leg, in the same spot - - and she's inthe samrte bed in the same ~ room at Memorial Hospital. it's getting to be a 91ST BTRTHDAY - Congratulations to former Memiber of Parliarnent W. Frank Rickard of Newcastle who on Tuesday celebrated his 9lst, birthday at his horne in Newcastle Village. Probably he'd have been out picking apples if it was that time of year, he just doesn't like sit- ing around relaxing too much because ahl his life he's been a worker. Happy birthday! FINDý DOG - Long Sault correspondent Grace Smith advises that the dog that bit two people in the Bewdley area has been captured at the hom~e of David Shankland on Concession 9. No word has been received concerning its condition, ýrabid or not. If it isn't, the two vie tims who have been taking rabies shots will be considerably relievedi, especiallyif they still have some shots to take in the series. MAN ALIVE - Rotarian 'Bill Thiesburger brought in an article this week about an interesting television program over CBC's Channel 5 next Monday at 10:30 pan. We hope to include the article but in case it's crowded out, we'll mention'it here. It is part of the Man Alive series and is entitled "I arn not what you see" - the Mie story of a 36-yr-old woman, afflicted with cerebral palsy who overcame her dimn future and becamie a psychologist. It ties in closely with Rotary's Easter Seal campaign and he recommends ià to everyone, and is joined by Bud Allen and Fred Bosmia, chair men of the Crippled Childrený and Easter Seal,! Committees of Rotary. FIRST CASU ALTY - It's an old saying that life , can be cruel, but crne doesn't ex-peet an arena i which you put so much energy te, bite back.- Councillor Don Wearn of Hamrp'ton was a prime ,, An early morning fire at MNospori mnover behinid the new Darlington arena. 1He destroyed six fomrula Ford racinig carý watchd over ifs construction like a m-ot.her hen and an 800-foot garage anid machine shop becamýe its first casualty.-On 'Moniday, hie showed in damages. Newcastle Fire Chief Ji up a' council with bis arm in a sling. Hle'di employees discovered the fire at albo dislocated his shioulder playing hockey on the new came in to work, and every indicati ice surface. buring for ýat least two hours beforE scussion began wheni )r Ken Lyall question- 9, 10, il and I12 of theý These recommeinýi- [al with a number of jrn to Pa qe 'Two) FOR NEW AREMN tle Council Monday 1an expeaditure of an aluninum oor W the bouts a i re n w SprsCentr Caf- I pu plex-lassin a rlookig a stairwayý 'r corridfofr saf'ety lence and'facil- wices for our icapped youing ihelp, please R. Campbell at on as possible. will be seen on twork. Retired Missionary of the United Church of Caniada, Dr, Robert B. M'VcClure, MI.D.,F...SF.I.C.S. D.D_ , LLD., tells students at Bowmnanvillh lligh School aboihýut his three and a haif years stint at the Methodist Christian Hlospital, Kait, Sarawak, Malaysia (Borneo,). He tells the student's that the for-mer head hunters he met ther.,e were the most "peace-loving, the most placid peopfle in the world, bar nione," In IN ýewcaistl0e Viage Discussed at Meeting A special meeting was held Frýidaýy aL4ernoon in the New- castie Commiunlity Hall to djiscuss parking9 in the Village' of Newcastle. Mdayor Garnet Rickard, Councillor Ken Ly-, aIl, Planning Director George NEW METER MINDER Necastle council Monday a~etda committee of the éhoie recomimendation that, Kennieth, Webster be hired as park-!ing meter attendant for $7,000 a year. Hiowden, and Director of Public Worlks Jaclk Dunhlam went over the mnerits of a p roposal made by tý wo mem- bers of. the Newýcastle Chlam- ber of Commerce. The proposal was discusse-,d in the format bhat ai parcel of land located inthe central area of the vila g e would have to bje iurchasedi by the Town of Newcastle, then the new fire hiall wouldl be built on the site as well as a miuniicipal1 parking lot. Councillor Lyall commented that the price asked for the land ,vas high, and that the Bowmrianvýille and Darlington councillors would flot readily (Turn to Page Twvo) BORRHOW $2 MILLION ecatecouncil Monday passed a byl vaw, authori;zing the muanicipaity to borrow $2 ilfion from nlthe Canadian Imperial Bank of Cormmerce until tax'es are collected by the muniipaitytis year-. k Early Saturday Morning Causes $ 100,000 Damage 'raceway on Saturday ,s and about one-third of pcausing about $0,0 iîm Hlaymnan said trac-k out 7: 15 a,ým . when they Jon is that the fire was ýe they arrived. lie said the blaze was probably caused by a faulty space heater. A four-whel drive Jee-p, snowmîobiles andcl urriculumn papers used in the tr-ack driving schooil were lost in the blaze that also saw the roof and walls of dhe steel and wooden structure cave in. No o-ne 'was in the park at the timne of the fire. -Photo by Rick James Voluinteers Needed To Answer Phones

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