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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1975, Section 2, p. 8

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8The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanvilc, Jaauany 8, 1975 Section Two Cl oulncillor, Kirk Entwisle Sees 197-5 As a Yeor of Soul-Searching for All 1974 bas been a pleasant and constructive year la ahl re- spects for me - àt borne, in business and in my municipal work, and I offer my sincere thanks to the Good Lord and to ail my lesser friends and associates wbo bave helped to make il so. The organization and ad- minfistration of your new Town of Newcastle bas corne toget- ber rernarkably well. Sure, we have those on Council who are far more concerned witb getting thein names printed, in hcad-lines if possible, than in the plodding process of gov-,ý ernment - but I believe that the accomplishrnents in'1974 werc great, and that all bodes well municipally for 1975. 1 arn silîl convinced that the Regional organization is more than. we need and perhaps more than we can afford. T he time to tell will be two or three years, from onow when the generous provincial transit- ional grants dry up. 1975 will be a difficult business year. Few of us - whether we are businessmen, farmers, workers, housewives, or pensioners - are free from the fear and the effects of insidious inflation. I pray that, the avarice wicb is withîn us ail, and wich is at the - root of this socially destructive evil, will be tcmpered b y Christian conccrn for our feilow men. Recession and lay-offs, de- pression and mass-unernploy- ment, rnay corne to an extent, wbich I arn not competentto predict. Hardsbips can des- troy or they can create social unity and determination that our bounteous gifts will be available to ahl citizens of this great laad. 1975 will be a year of soul-searcbing for all of us. We can come through it as better people, kindier people more conteîited wvitb a littlc lcss perhaps, with govcrnrncnts more attuned to the nceds and aspirations of modest people - if we are careful and consider- ate and,,al take our obliga- tions to our fellow mcn with a littie more tbougbtfulness. KIRK ENTWISLE Counillor Cý,ouncîllor Lyall Deto ils His Vîews on Evenfts During 19 74 Plus WhaotsAhead for 1975 It is the accepled Ihiag for pQiticiaas wbo can commuai- cale, 10 revicw Ibeir steward- sbip sorne ime durng the New Year season. So workiag with that idea, bere is how I, Keaaelh E. Lyall, Regional, Couacillor for Newcastle, Claekc and Onono saw bbc finst compîcte year of Regional Governent bere la Durham. As the current sayiag goes- "I bave sorne good news and I bave sorne bad acws." I will stant witb the good news first. Ia discussing bbe first com- pîcte year -of our Regional Goveranent il rnust be rea-_ lized Ihat wc are talking of the first yean of action following a great poitical1 upheaval. We anc discussing a year of remeadous change from bhc Baldwin-type goverament of bbc 1870s 10 a more sophisti- catcd Regional-type govena- ,ment of today. Here is the way that I sec lb. The mcan and womca elcctcd 10 comrnence Regional Gov- crnmcnt bere picked up the local govrnaments-sorne 23 communities spread over a 1000 mile arca composed of a population of 220,000 souls- and put Iis amalgnam in one lump. Then Ibis group of Council- lors-both local and regional -la 1974 formcd this lump labo a municipal business Ibat is opcnaîting in an acceptable- bhough rudimentary-rnan- nen. Do not be mislcad, wc are nol badly off. Vour Durham Regional- Go)vnerarn, la companison witb bbc other Il Regional Govenaments aow opcratiag la Ontario, is near the top wilb regards to operating cfficiea- cy. La my way of tbinking, tbc nexl gnoup of Counillors wbo will be lccted la 1976-and 1 hope to be one of Ibcm-will take Iis Regional Govern- ment roughiy sbaped la bbc ycars frorn 1973 10 1976 and nefine its operations funthen. Ia 1978, the followiag gnou p of Couaillors will bave the job of rcally gcbing Iis comn-, muait of ours bo work as lb should work as one of the fineSt aneas la Onbario's Golden Hoseshoe. Wc should not have expecl- cd too mnuch la bbc first year of Regionial Governea-it will take aI least six years ta gel bbc Region fully fuactional because there arc simply boo mayplicies 10 be cstablisb- cd before bbc rnccbaaics of Ibis aew-type goverament flow casily. Now to s pecif ics-accondia 10 Ken LyaIl, and stanting wibh, bbc New Town of Newcastle. }lce. the Ontario Govera- ment of Uncle Billy Davis with bis Bill 162-an Act 10 cstab- lish The Regional Municipal- ity of -Durham-swept away one village, one police village, one town and two townsbips replaciag Ihese 'five historic communities witb the New Town of Newcastle. >1 The fact that representa- tives from cacb quadrant of bbc New Town of Newcastle sit down togethen aI meetings and make décisions is an amazing cvent. For, is il gencrally nealized just bow mucb parocbialism and smal town tbinking exists betweca municipal leaders and residents of the former Village of Newcastle, bbc Police Village of Orono, bbc Town of Bowmanville,i The Township of Clarke and tbc Township of Darlington? Il is no secret that the reason why Clarke High School was locatcd out in the fields of Clarke Township on Highway 115 was duc 10 the inability of municipal leaders of bbc former Village of Newcastle and bbc municipal leaders of bbc former Police Village of Orono 10 corne 10 an agreement bo place il la ither communîty. So, as 1 said, bbc fact that representabives from eacb q uadrant of bbc New Town of Newcastle sit down at meet- ings is an amazing tbiag la itsclf-tbough lb must bc admittcd ib is something else to sec the Counillors from Darlington and Bowmanville la Ithere awhceling and adeal- ing. I an happy with rny year's work. At limes I was frustraI- cd over my inabiliby to impant facîs and ideas that wcre very apparent to me, bo my fellow Counillors both aI Newcastle and Region, but one can'b win bbem al-thougb I did win a fcw. I was very pleascd with rny share of lanput during the lime of asscrnblfng tbc Town of Newcastle's new building by- law. Council wanted bo write a by-law that would include a section giving a Town building inspector the rigbt tb enter any home at any lime for bbc purposes of inspection under bbc terras of Ibis by-law.. Voicing very sroag opposi- tion b Ibhis section-afber aIl, not even police officers have bbc rigbt 10 enter a, pivate borne witbout holding a seancb warrant-I baîble d Council and was hoobcd for rny pains. The by-law went to bbc Town lawyer and wbcn is decision was neceivcd back aI Council, bbc by-law bad to be cbangcd 10 read "with the consent of the home ownr." In consequence my st4nd, well supported b y Counciglon Entwisle, was -substantiatèd. I was also plcascd oven bbc results of rny battle concera- ing penalties for ovendue taxes. The Town of Newcastle was askcd by another Ontario muaicipality to support their proposition of raîsiag bbc penalty for overdue taxes fnom 1 per cent to 2 per cent. I was bornified because bbc rcqucsbed bike would amount 10 24 per cent per ycar which would be usury and 1 spoke vcbcmently -against sucb a proposal. Howcver, some members of Council, with dollar sigas for cychalîs, supportcd and car- ried bbc proposition by motion and bbc matter was referrcd to the Regional Goverrnent aI Witby and there tbc Regionai Finance Commîtîce had enough sense 10 orden the idea to be droppcd. A penalty of 1 per cent is high enougb for anyone la that mucb trouble that thcy can not pay their taxes. I was happy when the Town finally concluded legal stcps 10 punchase the former Brow's School on Golf Course Road east of the former Village of Newcastle 10 be uscd as a comrnunity centre. This was a long tirne hatchiag but il is now a reality and the people of Newcastle secured, at an excellent price, bbc nucleus of a fine and nceded spacious municipal centre at this location.1 In view of the unlcasait, Deceber leeI~ondaythat w,ýe had weather-wisc to select our Board of Education Trus- tees, a day markcd by icy roads coupled witb slippcry sidewalks, 1 introduced a motion aI Region nequesting that Region petition bbc Ont- anio Govcnnmcnt bo hold lections la September or Octoben togel away from bbc bad wcabher balloting. I was very pleased that I rcceived unanîmous support on my motion and il will go forward to Qucca's Park tbrougb proper chanacîs. -Day Cane Centre I am pleased with rny year's work for I misscd fcw meet- ings. I found my. work as Chairman of the- Town's Commibtec of the Whole very intcrcsbiag. As a sitting mcm- ber of the Rcgion's Social services Commibîce, I bad a hand la pushing 1aiong the succcssful project that saw a Day Cane Centre established la Bowmanvilie. This Centre will cost up to $250,000 and will totally be p aid for out of Provincial unds witb the maintenance this category of problems. Il will be interesting o eei the Town Council l put its foot down in 1975 to haIt the flow of "Stop Work Orders"~ and the issuance of building permits-under dublous condi- tions. Ridiculous Situation This problem bas arrived at the status of being a ridiculous situation b igblighted by a "Stop Work Order" being issued agaînst thce'Town of Newcastle when someone fail- ed to request a building permit for the Town's new dog pound presently under construction. Now to some philosophy. 'Is Regional Goverament better than the old systeu?" This is question frequently costs being borne by the Province-paying 80 per cent and Region paying 20 per cent, 0f the Region's share of 20 per cent, the Town of Nw castie will pay approximately 4 per cent,., This Day Cre Centre will be a great boon to wiorking mothers witîh pre-school child- ren. Here, in my opinion, are some of the delicate areas of decision for the Town of Newcastle in 1975. New Nulear Station My biggest fear for the community oce s Ontario Hyro's pi ans to establisha nuclear electrical generating station--one of the biggest in the-world which Uncle Billy Davis and Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. and the rest of the Ontario Governrnent wish to place on the Front at Bow- mariville. To this deal, 1 have the following warning-îf the Newcastle Counicil through a recommendation of the Plan- ning Advisory Board and the people of the Town of New- castle allow this generating station to be built west of the- Cernent plaht-or in any other location in our Town-we will have allowed a blight to be created in our community for which our children's children will neyer forgive us. It is hoped that responsible citizens wlll form a battling committee NOW to fight, step b y step any action that would ailow Hydro to have its way with this project.- Home Building Problems With regards to Housing. Between the Federal tax on building materials, the Pro- vince of ntario Planning Act and the efforts of the land speculators our Housing is in a mess. 1 arn quite convinced that certain members of the Town of Newcastle Council do not want any homes built by local contractors or by the taxpay- ers. The problems that beset any private person who wishes to buy a lot and have a borne built thereon are almost unsurrnountable. Zoning by-laws building perrnits, unopened road. al- lowances and on and on andt on, make borne building for the indîvidual almost an impossibility. On the other hand-the big shot developers, that -is another rnaiter. By-laws are cbanged, land expropriated, unopened road allowances sold f or $2 and other goings on take place for this elite, the developers. It would appear that your Town Hall can not do enougb for the wheeler dealers. "Meetings fordevelopers? Yes, sir, right away-tomor- row soon enough?" "Having a problem, Mr. Developer, fine, we will fix it, fast"-just be sure to see the rigbt mer. on The little guy? Forget it. Iný case anyone wants to start a debate on this subject -let thern start talking ln Council, 1 have a good filing systern. We are -in a mess with housing and the politîcians brought it ail on thernselves with the Planning Act, Zoning by-laws, spot zoning, O.M.B. and rneglomaniac civil ser- vants on one level and obliging elccted representatives who can qui te cheerfully make fisb of one request and fowl out of another. Housing is a bad scene. 1975 will brine on some desperate in-fighting betwcen the Province, planners and, land speculators over the Housing Action plans for the Town of Newcastle. Already plans for Courtice have corne forward and to say the least or most, 1- arn no irnprcssed. Fierce Infighting The înteresting part will be the tug of war between land speculators with holdings ln the Courtice area and other sp eculators with holding land in Bowmanville and yet again others in the Newcastle Vil- lage area. These people have millions tied up in raw land One year bas passed since the formation of Regional Goverament, replacing tbe County system whicb bad been la effect for over 100 ycars. WiIh bbc change came bbc nestnucburing of local muaicipalibies and studies wbicb bad begun la cannest in 1965 became rcaiity la 1974. This firsl ycan, 1974, bas been one of .onganizabion and adjusîment. Mucb of oun lime la 1974 at bbc local level was spent in bringiag four munic- ipalities together labo one and working ouI an effective administration la providiag services wbicb arc requîrcd la Ibis cbangiag socicty and la atempbing t0 resolve nol oniy the issues involvcd la Ibis modern society, but also those which bad -been cannicd over frorn cacb of the form-er poscd t10 meand rny standard answcr is "Ycs, Regional Goverament is belten Iban the old sysîern-if wc can make il work." Duplication of Services Under the oid sysbem, local goveram-ýenit was dloser to the people but the even prescal drawback was the fact that there were not enougb tax dollars generatcd ina srnall comrnunity, 10 provide the services deînandcd by, tbe inhabitants. There was a tremeadous duplication o f services. For instance, under the old systeru of Baldwin Govera- ment, the anea 'preseatly fonming bbc New Town of Newcastle had four municipal clcrks and someone ta look afler the affains of the Police Village of Orono. Thene werc four Ircasuners or sorne sort of a moacyman. Tbcre wcre tbrec fine depanîments. There were four work departîrnts. There wcne tbrce watcr de- partments. Wide duplication of effort. Now Ibat al Ibese municipal services bave been mclcd into the New Town of New- castle or tbe Region of Durham it is ta be bopcd that the ncw system wili be much more efficient and lcss costhy than the aid Baldwin-type of goveraneal. Time will tell. Taxes? That is- sornetbing else. As long as people demaad m ore municipal services sucb as swimrning pools-even do- nated ones, need maintenance -better iibnary service, bet- ber fine protection, betten equipment 10 maintain their roadis, more'anenas and com- munity halls as wchl as a lot of other municipal services- taxes wilh go up. Afler ail, ib is not bbc bax rate that is set Ibat cosîs tbc rnonéy. What is important is the mannen la, which the tax dollar is spent by the munici- pal authorities afler bbe bax dollar bas been collected. Pie in Sky Spending If tax dollans are spent wiscly Ihen our tax dollar neqirernent will lessen. Il is pie la the sky spcnding that is playing bob wibb our tax total. We alh must moderate our municipal nequiremeats and we must spcnd oun tax dollar wiscly. To conclude. We anc Canadians living la bbc greatest country on Ibis earlb and the good Lord bas given oun country cverytbiag in abuadance-and il belongs ta the people. With Iis wcallh of oun borneland, no penson must be jobless, no famihy hack a comfortabhc home and the words cohd and huagny must not-even-be used 10 de- scribe aay one of us. 1 fIefogte mypubicife t10 bat E fo te cimpleîc estab- lishmnent of thig panagrapb. Tbnougb aur economy aI the moment iooKs scrcwcl up owing- to bbe mismanage- ment of public affairs by aur leaders in supenion govern- ments I would like la take Ibis opportunity of extending 10 al my best wisbes for a belter 1975. Kcaneth E. Lyalh Regional Councillor Newcastle, Orono and Clarke 'Year End Statement' by Allan Lawrence, MP. Nort hum berlan d-Durham NEW VEARS 1975 annually. precisely the type of g( The past year bas heen a The West Coast Grain Hand- ment it voted into offic disappointing one nationally ler's strike was settled by July. It is a governrn for our country. A minority awarding them a wage in- bas no clear ideas wha governrnent manouvered crease of62 per cent. of the way it can and sho merely to stay in power, and The federal governrnent tackling our number did nothing to.grapple with now is proposing to increase problem of inflation. Canada's ever-growing pro- Judges salaries by, 75 per The only good siga fo blem of inflation, cent. nationally, is that oh' The election carnpaign pro- The spending estimates for the situation can't getN duced the strange spectacle of almost every federal govern- As Northumberland-Du the Trudeau goverrnent be- ment dcpartmeat for 1975 is up M.P. I shahl continue tc ing returned to power, not on by at icast 25 per cent to 35 per expose the Trudeau g( the basis of any program of cent. rnent's sballow tbinki their own, but on the inad- And now, of course the regard to inflation, an equacies of the. Conservative Liberals have proposed the resulting miserieg it is ci opposition's proposals. ill-tirned and misconceived to many of oun agricu The ncw majority Liberal salary raise for M.P,'s of 50 producers.and our consu government bas continued per cent,. and a 65 per cent And 1 shaîl try to cont.l with its policy vacuumT.Ilt bas increas 'e for Cabinet Minis- propose sensible, viable no realîstic prograrn to corn- ters. structive alternatives. bat inflation, but on the In spite of tbisobvious trend To do this, as in the contrary, secrns determined of increasing spending, whicb will look forward to bavi to add to it by increasing should have been apparent to opinions, comments, aiý governrnn expenditunes. t ail, the Press and the Public icismns of everyone i is literally trying to spend its bave been surprised and, quite rîding., way out of inflation. rigbtly, angered at this latest And 1 hope that 1975 wi For instance, last year move. ycar of contentment, pr Deputy Ministers salaries If I was a cynic. 1 could say îty, and fulfilîmeat for were increased to $60.000 that our country is getting one of you. New Year s Message From Mayor Garn 1et Rickard on Behaif of the New Regional Municipality of Newcastle Now One Year Since Inception 55 KING ST. W. municipalibies. At the regional level wc had 10 make the aecessary adjust- ments frorn being a part of bbc United Counties of North- umberland and Durham. la that of bbc new Region of Dunham, and 10 a wboic acw sel of municipal acquaint- ances. Ia short il bas been busy, somebimes, difficult, but al- ways cballcngiag. The nesulîs of the ycar's activities anc not yet easy 10 dislinguish for bbey anc not neccssarily immediabe but wihh be reflcbed la bbc years ahcad. At this tirne of ycar as wc pause and reflecb, I would like ta pay tribute 10 all those wbo bave served this municipality during the- pasl year; mcm- bers of Council, members of Staff, alIbe ErnpIoyees, Ibose wbo bave scrved on variaus boards and cammiltees, bbce reporters fnorn aur vanlous aewspapers wbo bave co-open- atcd wilth us and kept the, public iaforrned and toalah those citizens wbo bave sbown laberest 'and aderstaading. The r-ny lterphone ct, ýa 1is and visits' I have nece;cic have been mosb welcornc. AI Regianal Council bbc represcnatives fnorn Ibis municipaiby have been at al limes accordcd and respect. The egisiationwbicb cneated Regional Goverament gives la il much broader powcrs Iban Ihat of bbc County system, Ibcrcby rnaking il rnucb more rcsponsible and effective. As wc move forward labo 1975 wc sbould be able 10 distinguish more cheanly wbat our local goverrneat is all about. Some of the work and studies initiatcd la 1974 are as follows. Your Council bas gcncrally workcd througb four avenues la dealing witb municipal problems. Ia Finance, I cx- pect our studies will head us 10, a more rcalistic rnclhod of financing oun Imunicipality rather than relying upon bbc somewbat arcbaic mctbod of taxing. Granîs frorn the Pro- vince will tend te, be uncondit- lonal and services pnovidd by the local municipglality wil becone doser ta be self-sup- porting. Our Public Works prognams will bc gencnally based upon nccds studies and bbc services prvddwihl broaden, bbc utihizabion of our resources wibhin the municipalily sbould provide more cfficiency la operabion and cxtend services bbrougboub bbc anca. Garbage collection is a local issue, whilc maintenance of disposai sites is Regional nesponsibil- ity, as are watcr and'sewage facilibies. lonal Goverameat, planning bas rcceivcd tbbcgreabcsb attention as each municipality bad been planning scparately, and arc now beingpandn an oven -ahli Ofcial Plan. Witbin this Official Plan each rnunicipality wili bave a District Plan. La order 10 assist bbc pnocess and tnry and resolve as quickly as possible, some of bbecrcitical problcms we fouad in Ibis munici ality, our Couacil, tbrough tbe Ontanio Housing Action Pro- gram, iaitiatcd sccondarv -"JANUARY Opposition to CP Rail Landfill Site govern- ice last cnt that itever, ould be er one for 1975 )Viously wors e. )urbarn ,try 10 govern- dng in ind the ultural sumers. miue to de, con- past, I ving the id cnit- in the 'ili be a )rosper- ýevery Aleic Carruthers, MPP for Durharn County, after two years of debate, confrontation and political rnanoeuvring by officiai bodies and the public over the issue, hasrannounced bis opposition 10 the 450 acre CP Landfill site proposed for Hope Township, 10 bouse metro's garbage. Mr. Carruthers stated that it was bis oDinion that the proposed dump will bie "tura- ed down". He bas scbeduled a meeting with the Minister of the Environment, and an official staternent is expected by the end of the week. Public opinion on the enviroanental point of view bas deterrnined studies in three areas, Cour- tice, Bowrnanville and New- castle Village. The cost of these studies is finaaced through O.*H.A.P. The report on Courtice bas been released and is ready for public participation. The study on Bowrnanville should be pre- pared by Marcb and the one on Newcastle soon af 1er. Witbin the District Plan, every area in the rnunicipality will bie considered, wbîcb in total will be part of the Region Officiai Plan. It sbould be ready by the end of 1975. Community Services is an every cxpanding program. Some nefer, to il as the exploding municipal service. During the past yean, we bave workcd toward the uaifyiag of these varlous services. The Library Boards now function as one, also the Museums, the Arenas are working together, bbc cornpleting of the Sports Centre aI Hampton will pro- vide much needed accommo- dation. The Fire Departments bave beer neorganized and wonking as a unit. New fire stations have been program- mcd, one for Wand 3 and one for Ward 1. Comrnunity services pro- gram, is studying Parks, Playgrounds, as well as sev- eral types of recreation. Then 100 Anirnal Control is bcng studied, a committce is doing research on the main- tenance of Cemeteries. Thene are several Commun- ity Centres throughout the area, each pnoviding a valu- able service to the Commun- ity, operated by people witbin the area. There sbould be two more la bbc near future at Browns and Tyrone. This is but a brief surnrary. In 1975 1 trust that I will find lime 10 report on a more regular basîs our activities, pneqeating to thie public- t.he objectives and goals of both local and Regional Council. I firmly believe la public g articipation. Only whcn we ave a concerned electorabe will we achieve ,our best 3ovcrnrncnt. To Ibis 1 pledgc iny best efforts and ask bbc, citizens of Ibis rnunicipality to corne forward with your idcas and concerns. Witb Ibese tbougbts I would wisb that 1975 will be for ail of us a ycar of peace and prospeiby. Mayor of Newcastle Garnet B. Rickard 623-5431 BOWMANVI ILE S'ALE, 20 % Offl Paint-Wallcoverings Brushes-Rollers 20%Off Benjamîib Moore \MI Point CHOOSE FROM ANY FINISH ANDOVER 1500 COLORS 20 % Off Brushes and Rollers by T.S. Simms Ltd. 20%0/oOff WALL COVERINGS VI NYLS-WALLPAPE R-FLOCKS-MU RALS-FOI LS CHOOSE FROM THE BOOKS OR FROM OUR STOCK' OVER 5,000 ýROLLS IN STOCK A BER ETHY' Paint & Wallpaper bis opinion, bie stated. Mrs. A.F. Sculthorpe of- the Help Oust Pollution Escala- lion (Hope) group 9,, forrned bo oppose the site, stated that tbey werc "very pleased 10 bear Mr. Carnuthers thiak this way" and would be delighted t0 bean bis officiai staternent. "However, ib is not up, 10 Mn. Carruthers," she cautioned, "it's up 10 the rnistry." The group is awaibting an official statement from Minister of the Enviroanent Bill New- man before considering the sanîtary landfill site issue finisbedt. Tw yeas ao,' C P Rail orpaiiy prposcd the site for Mtroarbage. A 30 car train was desfizned 10 transport 400,000 - 500p000 tons of solid waste to the site annually. The proposed site is locatcd west o f Port Hope and norbh of bbc Ontario Hydro Wesleyville powen plant. At preseat, Metro Garbage is sbipped 10 a site in North Pickering. This site is expected b tolast approximately thnee ycars when bbc Hope Durnp site would be consîdened. Several weeks ago, CP spokesmen made proposalË 10 co-operate with local officials and people in an attempt 10 obtain the dump site in Hope. But tbey wene promptly ne- buff ed. The total land parcel is over 100 -acres, assessed environ- mentally by the Ontario Nat- uralists and the provincial ministry. The large stand of pines in bbc area, the abuni- dance of wîldflowers and vegebation, as well as bbc natural habitat for many animais wene ahl cited as being of promineal import- ance 10 the area. YELVERTON Mr. and Mrs.- Dale Stinson accompeanied some of thein Peterboougb friends and spent the weekend la Mich- igan, U.S.A., attending sev- eral hockey games la that area. Mr. and Mns. Allan Gundny of Barrie, spent bbc weckend wîbh Mn. and Mrs. Tcrny Malcolmn. Weekend visitons aI Mal- conia inciudcd Miss Mitzi Malcolrm, Mn. Bob Fick, Mn. Terny Kilpatrick aad friead John Mac sorncthing or othen. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Rowan Mn. aad Mrs. Ralph Pfob, Mrs. Ella Pattenson, and Miss Annie Rowan of Lindsaywçe ail Christmnas guesîs of Mn.r 'lunldMn& Keith Baker and se, of Etobicoke. The sarne tnibe anc scbeduled 10 spcnd New Yeans with the Ralph Pfoks. Ernpbyserna, thie lung crip- pliag nespinatony disease s0 closely relabcd to smoking, physicians frequcntly refer 10 , it as the smoker's disease, killed 1,529 Canadians in 1972, waras the Durhamu Region Tubenculosis and Respinatony Disease Association your Chistmnas Seal Organization.

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