6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 8, 1975 ON E ýS T LEmTON This communîty was sbock- ed and saddened to hear of the stidden death of Mr, Charles Earnishiaw, of Caesnrea, on Sunday, January 5 at the CommI-unîtyý Hospital, Port Perry. Sincere sympathy is extended to his wife and family. Sincere sympnthy is -also extended t, Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish on the sudden death of bis sister Mrs. Wm. Stobbs in alverni, England. A letter had been received from ber at Christmas. Mrs. Stobbs and her husband had many happy reunions. with her famîly bere in Canada, last summier. M\r. and Mrs. Norman Johnstone spent Christmas Day with bier sister and husband Mlr. and Mrs. C. Beckstead and famnily at Alliston. Boxing Day guests with the Johnstones were Mr. NOW HAPPY! 1I had ugly sup- erfluous hair ... was unloved ..discouraged. Tried many things . . . even razors. Nothing was satisfactory. Then I developed a simple, painless, inexpensive, non- electric method. It has helped ttîousands win beauty, love, happiness. My FREE, book, "Whlat i Did -About Super- fluous Har" explains method. Mai led in pFain envelope. Also Trial Offer. Write Mme. Annette Lanzette, P.O. Box 610, Dept. C514, Adelaide t. P.O., Toronto 210, Ont. and Mrs. Ml. Reynolds, Missý Donna Turner, Rexdale, Mr. and Mrs. H. Vaughan and Paul of Mnrkham, Mr. and Mrs. D. Warren, Mississauga were Thursday over-night vis- itors. Mr.« and Mrs. A.W. Brown, Oshawa, visited on Monday evening, with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mrs. Margueri te Hicks, Miss Betty Hicks and Mr. George Hicks spent Christmas Day and New Year's Day with ber father Mr. Wm. Arm- strong, Port Perry. Revereiîd and Mrs. James Echols, Michael and Elizabeth, Betb- esda were also dinner and supper guests on New Year's. Friends will be interested to know that Mrs. Wm. Arm- strong is at Lakeview, Manor, BeavertQn., On Saturdny of last week, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers hosted a f amily get together at the-Nestleton Community Centre. Those nttending were Mrs. Dorotby Chapman, bisa, Ryan and Jeffrey, Mr., and Mrs. Paul Chapman and Tammy,, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chapman and Dustin, North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bower, John and Briah, Osb- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers, Iani, Todd, Craig and Tracey, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Vine,, Herbert, Chris, Laurel, -Darlene and Debbie, Mr. Earl Bowers,, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams, Steven, Janice, Scott, Dale and Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams (Clarke's birthday) of Nestie- ton, Constable Gerald Bowers, Millbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray, Orono were evenîng guests. On Thursday Mrs. Dorothy Chapmpan, Ryan and bisa accompanied ber parents to worth into Complete eyeglasses Single Vision $2550 Bifocal$ 34.00 ~p~J Came into King Optical and discover the outstanding values in price, qual!ty and ____________________selection. The Iow price, includes: 6choice of 65 frame styles, shapes and colours CDM- * your prescription in white, ¶~Jrose or greei enses -*one year replacement Warranty against breakage oe wde selection - 4 oz. bottle cf eyêegtass claigsobjtion . bfoas n KRYPTÔK, FLýATr-TOP or ULTEX styles Latest mod and metai stylos for only $11.00 more. Lowest prices on special types ______________________of lenses & tints. ~ Chargex accepted. 23 BOND ST. EAST OSHAWA bier home in North Bay. Dale Williams returned home with Jeffrey Chapman on Sunday. Christmas Day guests- with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Malcolm, Shelley and Kevin were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Aylwin Haines,, ,nnette and Anthony. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malcolm and Jodle, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Malcolm, Bradley and Tra- cey, Mr. and Mrs. 'James Kent, Orono. On New Year's Day the Victor Malcolms were hosts to a fnmily gathering when al were present except Wayne and fnmily. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart End- icott and Lynn, Peterboro visited for New Yenr's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Malcolm and family. Thursday visitors with the Victor Malcolms were Mr. nnd Mrs. Murray Beatly, Michael and Virginia, Ottawa. Mrs. Laurie Conboy, Toron- to spent a couple of weeks witb her son and dnughter-in-lnw Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson during the Christmas season. On Boxing Day they visîted Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gibson, Danny and David in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore hosted a party on New Yenr's Eve when twelve couples, friends and neigbbours enjoy- ed an evening of cards and dancing. Mr. Vernon Moore, Toronto spent ýa few days last week witb bis brother and bis wife, the Balfour Moores and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robinson of Stroud were guests on New Year's Day. Miss Lillian Lawson, Lind- say, was an afternoon and evening guest on Sunday of last, week witb Mrs. Ed Lawson and Bryce. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm and family were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Brooks, Gordon, Glenn and Glynis of Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moffatt of Welland and Mr. Garry Malcolm, Toronto visited re- cently with Mrs. R.W. Jackson and Alan. New Yenr's Day guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jackson, Carol, Car- men, Yvonne and Robert of Port Perry, Miss 'Marilyn Jackson, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Jackson, Lnrry, home from the University of Guelph, Donna and Lorinda, R.R. Nestleton. During the holiday Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Jim, Leishman at Reaboro. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannister in Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ifallnnd, Bowmnnville. Winners at the Womens Institute euchre party were Ladies-lst-Ednna Lywood, 2nd -Dorothy McDinrmid, 3rd- Muriel Hloskin; Men's-lst- Reid ÇCook, 2nd-Norm Johnr- stone, 3rd-Grahiame Fish. At the card party on Decem- ber 16, !Ur. Ross Hisop won the door prize, a Christmas cake, which wvas donnted by Mr. George Heaslip. The New Yearý's Eve dance at Nestieton Comnmunity Centre wýas a tremendous' success. Garry Bristow's Orchestra provided excellent music, nîl tickets were sold weeks in advance, everyone had a marvellous time and the buffet supper was par excel- lent.' At the Caesarea Community Hall the New Year's Eve dance was also most enjoy- able. Mr. Chester Pedsi Kowski had a splendid selec- tion of records and the hall was filled to eighty per~ cent capacity. The buffet supper was most delicious. On Sundny of last week, Mr. and Mlrs. Bey. Veale, Jackie, and David of Vancouver were af ternoon callers with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Sadler were hosts on Suniday for their family New Year's party. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ian Scott, Charles and Jennifer of Corbyville, Mr. and Mrs. Richard MacKenzie, Claire and Leslie Ann, Caesnrea. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cnwker of Scugog Point "hosted" a Christmas dinner pnrty held in the Nestîcton Community Legion Draw's 1,7OO Winner SOId Herself Winning Ticket So Increased Her Win by $17O The December draw of B3r. 178 Royal Canadian Legion Welfare Fund was made in the Legion Club Rooms on Satur- day,1 Decemiber 28th, 1974. Total sales for the month of $3652.00 were just $103.00 less than the Novemnber total buti was $630.00 mnore than the, Decemnber draw total of 197:. Actual total for, the 12 draws oft 1974 was $42,571.00, an fin- crease of $184.00 over the 1973, total. Centre, Dec. 29th, with over forty relatives and friends in attendance. We regret quite a number were unable to be present due to flu bein&ge pealent. Those present included: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cawker of Scarborough, Mr. Kenneth Cawker and friend Miss Ivana Koratvickova of Simon Fraser University B.C., Mr. and Mrs. James Cawker and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cawker and family of Manchester, Miss Lois 4 Cawker of Edmonton Alberta, Mýr. and Mrs. Robert Cawker and family, Scugog Island, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hastings and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Forder of Port Perry. Miss Terry Reamshottom of Cal- gary, Alberta, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cawker and Mr. and ucyWnetr cWhny Mrs. Gran Cawker and famil- LcyWne rn hte ies of Oshawa, Miss, Lea First ,prize ticket for the $370.00 more the -the ,tta Cawker, Western University, $1700.00 was drawn by MrÉ taken in, making a total of London, Mr. Andrew Cawkei: Rick Drew of R.R. 3, Bowman- $42,946.83. of Seneca College, north ville who was a guest in the Toronto and Mrs. an'd -Mr$. legion-he drew ticket No. b Rai ph Cawker and family of 2968 held by Irene Whitney, Millbrook. RR 6 owmanville. -Mrs. At 5:30 p.m. a bounteous lbhitney bad sold herself the array of delectable foods winning ticket and also rc- tempted the most jaded ceived the seller's prize of appetite. Weight watchers $170.00. threw discretion to the winds The second prize ticket was and thorougbly enjoyed the drawn by Mr. Pete Bradley, B ,K sumptuous turkey dinner Bowmanville who selected complete with all the trim- ticket No. b 3157, hield by Clint ,,>"e - mings. Crawford, 260 Kinmount Cres- Due to many talented cent, Oshawa , Ontario who musicians in the family, received the customary $100. favourite song hits-old and with Pauline Loople of Osh- new-were enjoyed, bringing a awa the winner of, the $10.00 pleasant evening to a close . seerspie The Sam Cawkers' visited During the month the follow- Mr., Otto Bragg of, Bowman- îng donations were made from ville, who has been apatient in the fund, Salvation Army Oshawa General Hospital for Christmas Appeal - $200o00 the past few weeks. Solina Scbool for the Retarded Mrs. Mabel Cawker attend- $19.00, payment of Armistice I ed a meeting of Ontario South Parade expenses $150.00. Dur- District Women's Institute ing the year 1974 prizes, held in Greenwood recently to donations and expenses were assîst in planning the next District Annual to be heid in ~ G so Greenbank in May.'Also on the G ,n G b o agenda -' plans were being formnulated for the Women's W ins Afgnhan Institutes tent re the Interna- Drn h einPei tional Ploughinig Match. which During athe gon N P ei- wil behed a Brokin nx Day, mrost o0f those attending September. More information bought tickets on a beautiful later, as a meeting is sched- aga lne rceejb uled for January.CordFoenenihad SnaSeicsdonated for a draw, witb the Prýesbyterian Droceeds for Legion Auxiiîary In the Presbyterian Church sports. on Sunday, Decémber 29, Mr. The winner's ticket was also Brian Fraser chose "What drawn during tbe partvy withi God Has Done" as the theme Ms wnGbo e for his msage. "Thispast castie being the winner. week we have celebrated wbatÏ God has done for man in Jesus O uN w Y a Christ. God acted that man Odu dN w Y u might be freed from the A ,, 1 r of death and walk with God. Marred For Àady John speils out wbat this means in His letters. As well 39em ElÎgin as the Gospel Christian ma- Tefrtdaofheewyr turity requires that ouré Te- didntst a veryhel for And sponse to God's love in Christ Tielns, of 39 Elgîfr n St be self-sacrificing love rather TBowmanvîle o3lgi Said.h than self-serving love. Our Bwavle oiesi i security and worth lies in was driving on Liberty St. N. God's love, not in thersne in Bowmanville, Wednesday, of tose hom eose about 10:30 a.m. wben a On Sunday, January 5; Mr. !iidden marksman shot a hole Fraser spoke on the Adoration intý ndhe o s .r of the Magi reading Matthew causing an estimnated $40 2: 1-12. The account of the dmg.Plc r net Wise Men.in Matthews Gospel gating. pointed out that Jesus' mes- The year 1974 didn't end sage was not only for the very well eitber for Mr. followers of Jesus or for thle Tielemans, wben on Thurs- few Christians .wbo made up day, December 26 a fire broke the churcb. It was a message out in a clownstairs apartment to nîl men. The cburch, which in bis building at 39 Elgin St. bas care of that message must Mr. Tielemans is reported] to be. active, in reacbing; out have spent $20,000 over a Instali Off icers At Trinity ýUCW Trinity U.C.W. held its Christmas meeting in Decem- ber.in the cburch hall. The president, Mrs. R. Coombes welcomed ahl with a poem "Christmas in the heart" and led in prayer. Mrs. L. Tomlinson read minutes of last meeting and Mrs. A.W. Harris gave the Treasurer's report. Mrs. R. Byers gave the corresponding secretary's report. Roll cal was taken. Mrs. T. Rehder read the report of the nominating cotmmîttee. Offices were de- clared vacant and Rev. W. Onke instailed the officers for 1975. Mrs. A. HuIs gave the missionary prayer. Mrs. R. Coombes rend the annouince- ments. The worship service was in charge of Unit 9. Mrs.*W.* Maliey ,read a poem "His coming . Hymn, "O Come, All Ye Faithful" was sung. Scrip- ture lesson was rend by Mrs. Malley; and hymn, "Silent Nigbt, Holy Nîgbt" was sung. Mrs. E. Shackleton rend a Christmas story "Flour and meaning of love. Mrs,- Salt" taken from "Under Shackleton read a poem "One Open Skies" and followed witb Star". prayer. Carol singing was Meeting w-as closed, with enjoyed accompanied by Mrs. Mîzpah benediction. A social A. Amacher. Wîth Mrs. Shack- time was spent over tea and leton as leader, unit 9 mem- fruit cake. ber,., Mrs. Rehder,, Mrs.*1ý Malley, Mrs. Beech, Mrs .yucnipovthceal Moffatt, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. yoca mrvthceaGibson put on a skit "A Gift e win s ie o w ip o hers b You Cnn't Buy - Witb Money" 'e idh Ied wpr The portrayed how Christmas rubbing a knife or the striking is so commercialized today par t of a matchbook cover on instead of showing the true the rubber underneath. - B. s s e £ S beginning the iast quarter of Thie summary day is to be the 20th century. In each of the Jan. 20 in Orono and cookies Does Good TF first two qatr a are asked for. dîsastrous World War We The meeting was then didn't have pence, in the third. turned over to Mrs. W. Wood ch arnge o ciated in . for the program of wbicb Mrs. Reg. Prici Wean are. n ocatep inrahd Wood had wat Christmas read- change mnny see decay. True ing. We then had the Chirist- there are reasons for anxiety. mas exchange of whicb was But there is hope and our good cheer to 22 members and cball1enge is nt to live in the 4 visitors. After whicb Mrs. ' ast but to catch a vision Woodhehnd Mrs. Elliott and Iuture. ProvebsysWhr Mrs. W. Hoy 0f Kendal give a there is no vision, the people dlemonstration on making perisb." jewelery fromn bread dough We look in the rear view and was enjoyed by ail. P'ÇIý mirror as we drive along the Meeting was closed and a highway of' time to make the deiouCrstslncws present and the fuiture better served by Murs. Wood and her' and safer. Can we see a just, group including Christmnas Peaèeful and free wý-ld a: cake. Bernice Milligan had the Bead? There, go forwai -d! lucky cup, We, at the Bow manville Pet'Shop Hope You Had a Great Christmas. We Wish Everyone the Best In 1975. CorneIn, and Look ai Our Wide Selection of Pets of Ail Kinds. Our Low, Low-Prices WilI Pleas e You and.Your Pocketbook. THE PT HOP ' 32 King St. W. 6322 **BowmanviI1," IComplet e Pet Headquarters" 1 623-2921