jr Ite ms(Of tnterest Phone 623-3303 -~Highways weme crowdecl mind ailwav and air terminals bustled as people ail over the land tavelled to shame the joys of Christmas witb distant -!ovedi ones. Bowmanville bas e~jecelved its faim share of out of <fown visitors, somne from such famaway exotic places as Jamaica. Mm. and Mrs. Dale Taylor from Marietta, Ohio visited over the Christmas holiday wvith Mr, and Mms. Ernie Arch- er of Pamkway Cres. Mmr. and Mrs. Mace Arm- strong entetaîned Mms. Vi Ammistmonig fmom Atikokan, Ont. Faith Thiessen and Ted Donnelley hoth of Toronto spent Chbristmas with hem parents Mmr. and Mrs. Allan Thliessý-en of Simpson Ave. Mm7 . anid Mrts. Jim Allison of Lawrence ('mes. had Christ- mai-,s visitors from Dover, Delawame, Mm. and Mrs. Grant Smithi. They weme joned by Mirs. Alison's parents, Mm. and M7Irs. Lloyd Smith of Dr. and Mms. D.C. Cattran and thieir son Scott visited over- Christmras witb their parents, Mm. and Mms. C. Cattran of Centre St. and Mm. and _Mms. Lomne Allini of Prince St. Oni Christmnas Day, NMm. and Mlrs. Tom Anderson o, Deer-' park Cres. enitetainied Mm. and Mms. H. _Mulgr-ew fromi Toronto, Mmr. anid Mrs. I. Robertson from Lindsay visited with Mm. and Mms. Wmi. Beatty of Onttarjio St. M1rs. E. M1cEvers of Cobourg was aniother out of town isitor for the Beattys. M.anid Mms. Jack M\ac- donald of Wheatoni Illinois are spen1din1g C smswith Mm and Mms. George Bihiun of Morgandafle Cres, M. Land Mms. Louis Bickle anid their childmeni, Charlenie and David fromn Jamnaica are visitinig botb parents, Mm. and Mrs. C. Bickle of Concession St. and MmI. and Mrs. D. Clark of Durham St. M rs. Ed i tbiB la ck of King St. bad several out of town visitors. Mmr. and MmýIs. Gerald Black anid their sons, Philip and Douglas fomn Don Milîs an fd NMm. Albert Gay of Islinýgton ail visited. Rev. and Mrs. D). 1Diinick of Watford, Ont. are visitine with Dr. andc Mrs. Angus Blair and Catheinie at their home on Frank St. Rev. Dinnick was form erly the pastor of the Baptist Cbumcb in Ajax. Mm. ~and Miýrs. W. Panagapko witb their sons Paul, John and N< ark from Wasago also ,ryiss Donna Bristoi of Hlam- ilt;n spent ber Christmias hohidays witb hlem grand- Faith teaches When prayer reveals the infinite bounty of Godi's purpose for bu- mnanity, then for mani, ail things are made new. 623-4830 - 623-7744 Mother, Mrs. W. Cameron -of Wellington Street. Christmas Eve visitors with Mrs. Cam- eron were Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Alward and their son Richard. The.Alwards arrived af ter visiting wee Barry (their younger son) in Bowmanville HospitaL Over the holiday season Mrs. Cameron also received Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bristol of Hamilton and Mr. Davey Stainton, Zion. Mrs. A. Poole from Kings- ton, Jamaica is visiting ber daughter and son-în-law, Mr. and Mrs. E.. Carty of Simpson Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yang and their three children visited from Waterloo, 'Ontario with Mrs. E. Anderson of Welling- ton Street. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Coggins of Lawrence Cres. had aà houseful of guests! Among their callers were: Mr. and Mrs. Neil Matthews of El- mira, Ont; Mrs. and Mrs. Rick Dixon of Simcoe, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. W.J.H. Coggins of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs., A. Vanderzand of Toronto- Mr. and Mrs. B. MacDonald of Toronto; Mr., and Mrs. R. Hook of Richmond'Hili; and Mr. and Mrs. B. Hook also of Richmond Hili. Mrs. Shirley Auch and famnily from WNindsor spent Christmias week with Mr. -and Mrs. Les. Coomibes of Liberty St. The faily.. Christmas party was held at the home of Mr. and Mirs. Rowland Coomibes. Mi ss Lis'a Nicks of Toronto visited Vith hier mother and sister Erin at their home on Lover's Lane on Christmas Day., Mr. and Mrs. Les Smale of King St. spent a few days in Bracebridge with their friends, Mr. and Mlrs. J. Neville over, the Cbristmnas season. MIr. and Mlrs. Walter Mallett of P.E.. spent New Year's Dayv with M1r. and Mrs. Ken Ellis of Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Baker and their son, Shane of Toronto spent Christmas with his parents Mr, and Mrs. John Baker of King St. Dr. and Mrs. K. Siemon entertained their family at Christmi-as. Their daughter and son-in-law, Virginia and Jim Crozier were home from Kingston as was their son Mark who is attending, Queen's University. The Sle- mions' otherdaughter Laurie and hier husband Ian Mont- gomery also visited from Willowdale. Paul Slemon who ,is attending Waterloo Univer-, sity, broughitis fianicee Dean Muniro ihome \with im iifor the holidays. Mdiss Mlunro is also a student at Waterloo. M.and Mrs. Don W. zealand 19 southway Dr. entertained Mirs. Zealand'sý mother and brother on Christ- mas Day. They are Mrs. Lavernie Thorton and hier son Kevin of Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Trento, Zanderý of R.R. No. 6, Bowmanville, were visited by Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich Waterman and their two children f romn Georgetown and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Emmnersoni of Milton over the Christmias Holidayvs. Mýr. and Mrs. Maxwell Yourth of R.R, No. 6, Bow- manv\ille,,were visited by their son and'his wife Lison and Brad Yourth of Seagrave. Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. Arm-ond H. Young of 59 Church St. enjoyed Christmas Dinner ai their home wýith Mr. and Mrs. Edward Haw of BowmanvillE and their son Wallace Ham from. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. 1Ernest Jerrett of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Davey oi Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Penny of Orangeville, and iMiss Bernadette derrett of 1Montreal attended a -social gathering and supper at thE Young residence on Boxing Day. Mr._ and Mrs., ClemencE iYezik and family of 3 Maple Grov,- South spent December 24 through 30 at Mr. Yezik's parents, Mm. and Mrs. Anth- ony Yezik home in Wilno, Ontario. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Young of 33 Kingscourt Rd. and their 1two 'daughters spent Christ- 1mas with Mr. Young's parents lMm. and Mrs. Edwin Young of Grand'Mere Quebec. Mildred Young, Scugog St. attended family Christmas at her mother's Mrs. Ralph Young, in Bay Ridges where sixteen sat down to cat on December 22, then spent Christmas Day with her brother, Hubert and his family in Oshawa, then stayed home and attended the, New Year's party at St. Paul's United Church. The Anyan family of. 43 Horsey St. spent Christmas witb Mms. Anyan's sister Mrs. Jack Lang of Shawville, Que. They then travelled -to their parents homes in Thornlow and Englehart, and visited with friends and relatives. They returned home on Dec- ember 30. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hoff- man, Lesley and Sally, Port Hope, visited. Mrs. George James on 'Christmais Day, in Memorial Hospital. Christmas *Day guests of IMr. and Mms. Grant Herron and family, of Ebenezer, were Mr. J.H. Herron, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Linton Hermon and Kim ofWindsor. 1On Boxing Day, the ýHerr- ons entertained Mr. and Mrs. Allin Cole 'and famîily, Mrs. Bernice Cole, Town, Mr. and Mrs. ýBob Emberson and family, Arkell, Capt. and Mrs. Peter Leentjes and Christ- opher of Oromocto, New Brunswick. The December meeting of the Lionettes took the form of a Christmas party, and was K ed at the, home -of Mrs. R. en t. Santa armived after a lovely dinner bad been en- joyved. The draw for the Ceramic Christmas Tree was wýon by Marion Colville, 245 'Liberty Street, North. A Christmas par ty was enjoyed by the staff of Sunset Lodge Nursing Home and tlieir escorts on Wed. Dec. il, 1974 at the I.O.O.F. Hall on Queen St. A dinner of Christ- mnas tradit ioni was served in' !he 4dielpfhtul. decorated lhall with Rev. (Gilhrist offering grace. Rev. and Mrs. Gilcbrist weme honoured guests. Mr. A. Pitt of Pitts Nursing Homes Ltd.,1 owner of. the L.odge,- spoke to bis guests and staff. Gif ts of appreciation were presented to-Mrs. H. Wallis, Mrs. T.,Smidstr-a and Mrs. M. Maynard. The Dorset Nursing Home of, (Pitt's Nursing, Homes Ltd.) Port ,Hope.was represented by Mrs, Vargies, admti'inistrator., Mrs. Casoline, domestic :supervisor, Mrs. Wynn, activity director and Mr. Wynn. A record of Christmas music was given to eacb above also to Mirs. J. Clark, Mrs. D. Code and Ms P'. Foster of Sunset Lodge. AIl kept swinging to the mutsic of Ross Jackmnan with Terry Black as mnaster of ceremonies. Several prizes were given during the even- ing. The n)ightý's actîvities closed witbi shouts of "A H1appy Hlolidlay Season to Ail". On Thurs. Dec. 18, the residents of Sunset Lodge Numisinig Homne tboroughly en- jed ai drink of wine before beîn'.,g served thieir dîiner. On Fn. Dec. 20. the, resident11s of thie Lodge field their Christ- mas party. There wxere read- ings, solio and caqroling by the Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Chatham Spent Christmas weekend wit hbis mother Mrs. James Hall, Liberty North. Mrs. J. Brownlee and girls spent a few days in Agincourt and also spent a few days at the Hloliday in in dowlntown Tomonto over Christm-las. Maryv -Jean enjoyed ber skate at Nathan Phlillips Square. Mr. and Mlrs. Wi. Maindon- aid and Mms A.. ardinjg visited during Christmas week t eo m1ais ()f Mr. and AMrs. Pauil Symions and Mr. ancI Mrs. Brian Mlelville, hoth of St, Catiainiesalso included in the fawnily gatheringwvere Mr. and MTrs. Robert Symons of Court Bowmanville -No. 964 Canadian Foresters District Deputy Milton Daking presents cheque for $350. to Stuart Carson Past President of Oshawa & District Association for Mentally Retarded (Building Fund); also in the picture is Brother John Luffman, Chief Ranger of Court Bowmanville.ý Wins Foresters' Draw Newtoniville Mm. and Mms. E. Searle spent two weeks in Bermuda, with their son, Steven, dumîng the Christmas holidays. Mms. Gertie Rowe spent Christmas witb Mm. and Mms. Neil 'C-,onnell and family, C'obourg. Mm, and Mrs. F. Gfilmer were sýupper guests, Moda, ith MAiss Inez Sym- ns ai Momrisb. 'Mm. and Mrs. Douig Gray anid faily have miC.oved in)to t1he bouse on Paynle Cecnformemly oc- cuiedýc by Mmr. anid NMs. Bill Hlendersoin. The annujal New Yeam's Eve Owen(2t Souind, Mm. Ted Symons of Guelph, and Douglas ai Visitors with Mms. A.W. Harding on December 301h, wýere Mr. and Mrs. Hary McC ru , m and Mms. Rob Mc.lCamus and baby Barry, al of Ida, and Mm. Donald M\ýcCamus of McMastem Uni- versitLy, Hamilton. Mm. and Mrs. J. Newman, Silver Street, spent the Christ- m1as holidays with their daugbitem Mm. and Mrs. George Lawingem, Leslie and Ray- muond, London, Ontario. Also attended the confirmation of thei r gandson Raymond. Visitors with Mms. Domothy Payne, Concession St. E. over the holidays have been Mm. and Mms. Jack Shaw, Klien- bumg; Mm. and Mrs. K. Jeanes and Robbie, Bramalea; Mr. and Mms. Harmy Lynch, Jason and Sean, Brampton; and Mm: and Mrs. Bernard Lynch, Lomi, Eileen and Kathy, Tom- onto. On Christmas Day had hiem father, Mm. Hammy Rowe, Beau Villa, as hiem dinner guest and took him for a visit witb bis sister, Miss Elsie' Rowe, Newcastle. Miss Irene Casbourn, Ham- ilion, a forpmer esident of Bowmanville, was in town duing the holiday, enewing acquaintances. Mftýand Mms. Nomm Casey, Montreal, visited Mm. and Mms. Tom Cowan, and Mm. and Mrs. Leon Connors, Bowmaln- ville, over the bolidays. Opening ceremonies ai the Robert McLaugblin Gallery, Oshawa, will commence ai 8: 00 P.M. on January l5th and Gordon Sinclair, the nation- ally known boadcaster from Toronto will open the exhibi- tion. Mmr. and Mms. Keith Ferg- uson, David, Brian, Katbryn adAndrewý, Enniskillen-, Mms. Donald Lee, Oshawxa weme New Yeam's dinnier guiesis of Mm. and Mrs. Jimn Abernethy. Katbryn remainied ,with hem grandparents for the bolîdiays. Mm. and Mrs. Doug Flett, Soliiaa, wmeFriday eeji visitors with Mrý. winli'lî ('ameioni, Wellington ,St. Party was beld hem'e hy the Hall Commitiee beginning as usual, wiih an enjoyable supper in the Sunday School hall. Some fifty couples aît- iended and afier supper went on to the Community Hlaill 1 dance 10 the music of the "Additions Orchestra" fmomi Orono. The'chosen "L1ady of the Year" was Mms. Gus Wilson. New Year's Day dinner guests with Mm. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and famfily, were Mm. and Mrs. L. Clysdale, while callers weme Mm. and Mms. Wallace Boughen and Mr. and Mms. F. Gilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Alldmead and famnily, formerly of New- castle have moved int the bouse of Main Street fommely occupied bhy the Yeo familv. New Year's Day dinner, gusswitb Mr. and Mrs,. George Kimbaîl, in Newcastle included Mr. and Mms. Danny Morton, Mm. and Mrs. Alf. Graham, and Miss Spragge,ý Mr. Doug Cooper of Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port1 Hope, Mm. and Mms. Fred Graham, of Ottawa, Mm. and IMms. Jack Kimbaîl and June, Mliss, Diane Kimbaîl and Mm. Ken Birney, and Mm. and Mrs, F. Gilmer. Mr. Ed Hoad, Lakeshore, is a patient in Memomial Hospit- al. Mrs. Mary Wadewas home from Barrie over the weekend and enteriained Mm. and Mrs. Ted Watts, of, Port Hope, ai supper, Saiurday eveming. A few fiends met at the home of Mm. and Mrs. C.M. Jones, Satumday evening to celebrate the bithday of Mm. Roy Smith (bis 39th, of course!) A couple tables of bridge were in play, with high lady being Madeline Payne and bgb man, Frank Gilmier. The bitbday cake, aglow with candles, was hroughi in, with aIl joining in singin~g "Happy BimthIday" and extending Best Wishes 10 Roy,. Rev. MIontgomewry's Sunday, m4yning topie was "The ihe choim's selection (I)y special requesi) was the, repeat performance of the duet hy Penny Webster and June Kimbail, "O Holy Night" and again most enjoyable. Members of the Official Board are eminded that their annual meeting will be beld on Tuesday, Jan. 14 at 8 p.m. in Newtonville, Sunday School -Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Tueman Heniderson drove daughter Brenda back to Waterloo, Sunlday, Ifter the Christmas holidays and supper guests wih them weme Mm. and Mrs. Bill Henderson, and Shawnia. Mrs. Leone Lane and Mms. ea Jones weme dinner guests Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. Bil Lune, in Port Hope. HA Y1 Mr. and Mms. Bill Mason, Brockville, Mm. and Mrs. Bob Jones, Welland, Mr. Harry Degeer, Blackstock, Mr, Ray- 'Degeer, Miss Coma Degeer., were New Year's Day guests of Mm. and Mms. John Jones,, Tom and Sandy. New Year's Eve guests of Mm. and Mrs. L. Christensen were Mm. and Mrs. J. Potts, Mms. Ruth Bertrim, Mm. and Mrs. Tom Potts and Charlene, Mms. Arthur Trewin and Paul, and William, Kyle Graham, Bill Potts, Tom Jones and David Buttemy. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ander- son and Bill_ Port Hope, Mm. and Mrs. Arthum Tewin, William and Paul, Mm. and Mrs. L. Christensen, Mrs. A. Read weme Christmas Eve guests of Mm. and Mms. J. Potts and ýfamily, Enniskillen, were Saturçlay'ý supper guests of Mms. A\. Read in honor of Wayne's bithday. Mm. and Mrs. Clayton Read, Robertiand Steven, Bowman- ville, Mm. and Mrs. John Liptay, weme dinner guests of Mrs. A. Read on Sunday. Mm. and Mms. Gordon Dud- ley and Neil have been holidaying wiib Mrs. -A. Read. Glad to hear- Neil Dudley is home baving been a patient in Bowmanville and Oshawa hos- pitals having the flu. 11 Mm. Russell Ormiston, En- niskillen, Miss Karen Yellow- lees,, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ash ton, Ronald and Ray weme New Yeam's Day guests of Mm. and Mms. Ross Ashton and family. Mrs.' Boyd Wery, Lynne, Bonnie andean weme ecent callers at the'Lloyd Ashton's home. Mm. and Mrs. Wayne Black- bumn and Susan, Orono, Mr. and Mms. Doug Blackburn and Wendy, Enniskillen spent New Yeam's Day with Mm. and Mms. W.B. Blackburn and fami.ly. ,Mm. and Mms. Bob Jones, Welland, spent the weekend with Mm. and Mms. J. Jones. Mm. and Mms. John Jones Jr. and famil'y weme Sund ay visitors of the J. Jones famaily. Mmr. andMms. Ron Ruskey Caesamea called on fthe Roy Paterson family on Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Arthum Tmewin William and Paul spent New Yeam's Day with Mm. and Mms. Walter Loveidge, Tyrone, Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Susan and Fred weme New Year's Day guests of Mm. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Donald. Mms. Irene Tabb, May, Lily, Jim and Shirley were Sunday dinner guests of Mm. and Mrs. Russell Tabb, R.R. Bowman- ville.' Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton, accompanied Mm. Russel Ommiston, Enniskillen, and weme Sunda'y dinner guests of' The Canadian Statesman,E DO N Mr. and Mrs. Evert Brown, Orono., Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- humn were supper guests of Mm. and Mrs. Farewell Black- burn, Salemn, the .Sunday before Christmas. Mrs. J. Potts was a supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin and family on Sunday. Mrs. W. Martin is stayîng at Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa, now. Mrs. J. Potts and Mary and Arthur Trewin visited Mrs. Martin at Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa, on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Susan and Fred, were supper guests of Miss Nancy Johns and Mrs. Will White, Hampton the Satumday before New Vear's. Mr. and Mrs. John Roth spent New Year's Day with Mm. and Mms. Bostelmann, Oshawa. Mr. John Roth re- ceived word that bis father passed away on' Christmas Day at the age of 95 in, Gemmany. Sympathy is ex-_, tended to Mr. and Mrs. J. Roth in the death of Mr. Roth's father. Douglas Paterson bad the mîsfomtune to cut his eye with barbwire and spent several days in Oshawa Hospital. He wil1 have to be out of school for a couple of weeks. Mm, and Mrs. Leslie Gra- ham and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowmnanville, January 8,1975 7 Graham had Sunday dinner at the BonFire restaurant, Lind- say. The occasion of Mr. Roy Gmaham's bimthday. Club 21, January meeting will be held at the centre on Monday night, Jan. l3th. Mrs. A. Read will be showing slides that Mr. Gordon Dudley took whîle on his trip to Russia last year. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garm- ard, Barry and Lori-Ann spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Garrard. ENNISKILLEN Miss Lavemne Orchard, Bowmanville is spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton, due to a broken bone in' her ankle, sommy Laverne. She and Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey and Miss Velma Dickey, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stain- ton and family were Christ- mas Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp weme among the puests at the Martin-Reid wedding, Bow- manville. Mrs. Herbert Leighton, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mms. Les Leighton and family, Oshawa, Mrs.Eugene Sewell and, Nancy, Courtice, were Christmas day guests at Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry's, Cartr' ot eonbbtetLb 10% OFF New Arrivais "A SPeci Shop fbr Special Wornen Cartr'~ tI»livhret 'Igytb* 44 Bod St I/VOpen Thurs.'til 6 on ai Winter Footwear Men's Women's Chîldren's Leather and Vinyl Boots AT REDUCED, PRICES Lloyd Ellis Shoes KING WEST - BOWMANVILLE ARE YOUR 1974 INCOWME TAXES TOO H1I+I? WHY NOT DO SODMETHING TO LOWER THEM? THERE 18 STILL TIME, TO LOOK INTO A REGISTE-RED RETIREMINT SAVINGS PLAN 1FInd Out How Voit Can: À -Guarantee financial security for you and y<lir familyý -Build a substantial metrement savings, fund. -Reduce your income tax each year. Contact Your Local'Representative: ýA. H'. (BERT) JOHNS TON 623-3675 London Life Insurance Co. St. PauI's United Churcb Minister - Rev. N. E. 8chamerhorn, B.A., &.D. Organist - Gerald K. Burgess SUNDAýY, JANUAIRY 12, 1975 il A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL NuirseryCare for Pre-Sehool Children Every Sunday. Are yeu a Newcomer Io Bowmanville? Yeu are assured of a warm welcome at St. Paul's. Sunday, January 12, 1975 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 100 a.m. - Aduit, in tJpper-Room 10:00 a.m. - Classes for ail ages, 9and up 11-.00 a. m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten 11;15 a. m.- Primary Dept.,ages4to8 11 A.M. -WORS HIP -SERVICE SACRAMENT 0IF BAPTISM A warm welcome awaits you at Trinity Jan. 12,2 p.m. - The Session wilI meet in the Board Room Jan. 14, 8 p.m. - Rev. Ted Colwell will show sli -des and na rrate them. A cordial invitation is extenided to the public to join us for a most enlightening 'and entertaining evening. Week ot Prayer for Christian Unity beginning Jan. 19 to Wýednesday, Jian. 22, at 7:30 p.m. in T rinity. On Jan. 23 a Ministerial Community Service wiil be held in St. PauI's Church. ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29~ wili begin with a pot-luck supper at 6:30 with business meeing te folow when the members of the congregaion wilI have t he opportunity ta approve or reject the plans for proposed addition to the present property. w ------------- BOWMANVIL 1 LIE KING WEST