The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 15, 1975 Il Special Mei Manvers TV À gpecial meeting of Man- ve,& ~ Council was beid on De U',ber 19, 1974 for the pur"(-,se of discussing viola- tions, of bv-iaw No. 1515-72. in respect ta seasonai dweiiings zoned seasonai, and being used aS permanent nesidences. The ;~tter of amendments ta zlý.,ing by-iaw 1515-72 came up for consideration, as tbe Municipai Board ruied that Hazard land zoning would bave ta be re-submitted to the propert owners within one year of tbe date of tbe municipal Board decision. After a one bour discussion on the matter the foliowing motion was pass:- Violations of By-law 1515-72, as neported by the By-iaw Enforcement Officer, in respect ta perman- ent homes being establisbed in a seasonal dweliing area, be turned over ta, Sam Murphy, Sôlicitor for the Townsbip of Manvers, for enfoncement of said by-law. The meeting aiso passed a motion that Charles Morton be appointed Township of Man- vers Zoning Adminîstrator. Tom Robinson was iziven a iist of proposed changes for zoning b y -aw No 1515-72, whicb wiii, be submitted ta council for consideration at a laten date. t was, moved that Sam Murphy be autborized ta prcedta prepare de-certifi- caindocuments ta cancel out aid registered plans in the eting 0f up. Counci Township of Manvers that are not in use and have not been buil ,t on hy reason of location or sîze of lot. The Janetville Athletic Assac. wiil bie given a grant of $250 ta assist in opening the indoor Janetville Skating rink. Lamne Curtin will be Man- vers Councîl representative on the Winter Works Lip pro- gram 1974-75. The failowing were adop ted as Manvers Townsbip's plan- ning poiicy: i. Section 3.8; 3;9 and,3.10 as appearing on page 4, of By-iaw 1515-72. 2. No 40 acre division of severance of gooci agriculture land. ORONO iMiss Doreen Winter attended the weddîng of bier niece Miss Sharron Williams, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wil- liams of. Camax, B.C., and granddaugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Winter of Orono. Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marrison, R.R. 1, were hier sister and brother-in-iaw Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cornish and their son Mr. Gardon Cornisb of Osbawa. The women of St. Saviaurs Anglican Churcb held their Jan. ilieçting at tbe home of Mrs. Herb Murray an Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. Rea Lavern Blewett Cowan, age 78, wife of the late IF PEOPLE SEEM TO MUMBLE ARE HARD TO UNDERSTAND JACK STEWART HEARING AID SPECIALIST Don't always blame them, even a mild hearing loss can make conversation sound blurred. Let us put your mind at rest. Have an Electronic Hearing Test with a Beltone Aw.llometer. This takes but a few minutes, and there is no obligation. Corne in ani see us at our regular service centre at Hooper9s Jewelle.ry 29 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ontario 1-4 p. m. or Phone 623-5747 and l'Il corne to see you. Beltone Hearing Aid Servicle 849 Alexander Crt. Peterboroug,1Ona- i 745-3244 John Cowan, passed' away suddenly late Saturday even- ing at the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviiie. Tbe. funerai, service was from the Barlow Funerai Home on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment Orono.Cemne- tery. Mr. S. B. Rutherford of Orono wbo bas spent many years as a teacher in the local area bas been appointed ta the Board of Regent of Durham Colege. He took up bis new duty, an appointment from the Region of Durbam, at the first of this year. Mrs. Marion Knox wife of tbe late Charles Knox who bas been a bospitai patient for over a year and a haif left the Toronto International Airport, iast week, for a Nursing Home in Sask. near her son Bob and wife Gail and family of Nipawin, Sask. Mrs. Knox's daugbter June and ber son-mn- Law Marshall Keast travelled witb Mrs. Knox. Mr. Robert Moffat is a patient in the Bowmanviiie Memoriai Hospital and Mr. R. E. Logan is now at the Sunset Rest Home, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs.- Ted Wilson and sons spent the Festive Haiidays in Minden witb ber brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. John Toyce and. ather relatives. 1Mrs. Oscar Luxton bas returned ta the Bowmanville Memoriai Hospital from a Rest Home. Mr. Ciiff Winter bas been a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital and Mrs. C. Winter is in Memoriai Hospital, Bow- manvilie. Mrs. N. S. McNaiiy ieft the Toronto International Airpnrt an Sunday for two weeks visit with friends from Coiborne. Then severai weeks visit with triencis from Peterborougb. On Monday, January 13tb, students of Grades 7 and 8 in Ward 3. (Newcastle, Clarke and Orono) took up their new residence in the Pines Senior Elementary Scbooi balf-way between Orono and New- castle. t is understood that some pupils were pbased into the school this week. These students, many who are now walking ta schooi, will in the future ride the bus. Two bours of power inter- ruption this Sunday at 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. if weather permits. RADAR CHECKS CRUISERS Four OPP cruisers travelli ing up and down the service road south of Hwy 401, just west of Bowmanville, mn' have provoked many a travel- ler's curiosity this morning. What was happening was that cruisers at the Newcastle Detachment Were having their speedometers checked. The radar machine that does the job is available once a montl ta the detachment. The cars are checked at 30, 50 and 70 nipi. BOWMANVILLE Welcome to MEADOWVIEW HEIGHTS Ail Single Family Homfes NOW!!lle is the time to buy and save EXECUTIVE HOMES (Up fo 2,000 Sq. Ff.) ESTATE SIZE LOTS - FROM 80 ft. to 100 ft. FRONTAGE Artist Pendering Only MEADOW VIEW BLVD. 00 ~The Mark of Building Excellence Third Goeneration Biiders - 1*- 0 -WY .401 CAI 0WMAN VILLE 623-3393 TORONTO LUNE 923-9114 Ask for Ext. 45 PHYLLIS Mc ROBSIE ................... 623-7159 RONHURST .................. 983-5131 BILt TURANSKV ............ ......... 983-5420 V u ui FRN E y Sally Ann Dignitaries Vis it Bowrnan ville Bowmanville Rotarian and local Salvation Army Captain Scott Hewlett introdfIced hissuperiors to the club at Thursday's meeting. They are Salvation Army Commissioner for Canada, Arnold Brown (centre) and Division Commander for this area, Harold Sharp (right). Annual:Awards Banquet Honors Local Resident By Jean Ahlvik A very surprised Hal. B t Knap of R.R. No. 5, Bowman- E ville was awarded the John Ir Reid Trophy for "outstanding ýE service ta, motor sport" at the ýe ioth Annual Awards, banquet h of the Ontario region of the S Canadian Automobile. Sports Club~ on Sat., Jan. llth. The beautifully refurbished O1d M111iii inTaronto. As the award was announic- ed, Mr. Knap's expression cbanged from increduiity ta warm pleasure. His wife, Muriel, Who- bas been the executive secretary for Ontar- io region for many years, was awarded the tropby in 1969. Apparentiy, on the occasion she was so surprised that she literaily feul off bier chair as she rase ta receive the trophy. Motar sport bas been a consuming interest for the Knaps for about 20 years. In maikinig the oresentation. President Ted Williams talk- ed of the "unsung beroes of motor sports". The John Reid Tropby need nat be awarded every year and the Knaps wbo are very close ta the centre of things in Ontario region motor sport fett that it would flot be awarded this yean. Part way tbrougb the presentation speech, Mrs. Knapnudged ber husband, "It's yau!". After the presentations, Mr. Knap was obviousiy very pleased as lie showed hiý trapby and spoke of the previaus winners. Severai years ago, Eiieer and, Genry Noone of Naone's Motel. and Restaurant decidec ta donate'a tropby to matot sport. The traphy that wasç finaiiy decided upon is quite unique - a wooden representat ion of the track at Mosport witb a beautiful silver cup mounted on it. The tropby is awarded annuaily ta the circuit racing champion of the Ontario region. This year, for the second time in a row the traphy was -won by Mr. Paul Lambke. Our community bas several motor sport entbusiasts. Bern- ice Annibal of R.R. No. 6, Bowmanville, is the National Ladies Slalom Champion. Ailan Fice of Queen St., Bowmanville, races Formula Ford cars in the Bulova senies. Don Forsey of R.R. No. 6. Allan Lawrence WiII Appear on 'Under Attack' Allan- Lawrence, M.P,, (Northumberland-Durham), was recentiy invited to make a, guest appearance on the tetevision p rogram "Under Attack". The, program was taped at McMaster University, Hamil- ton, in early December, and can be seeri tocally on the following stations: CHCH, Channel 11, Hamil- tan, Saturday, January 18, at 6:30 p.m. CHEX, Channel 12, Peter- borougb, Friday, February 28, at-1:00 p.m. Among thesubjects discuss- ed by Mn. Lawrence are the maintenance of order in modern society, and capital punishment. Bowmanville, bas the only racing Toyota (Celica) in >Canada; be races in the B Sedan ciass. Don Yourth of R.R. No. 6, Bawmanville, races fîbreglass Kelly Form- ula Vee car. Other local residents invoived are Don Clement of Orono and Barry VirtuLe. obe t nd Max E1ii o! Hamptfon b1ave aften been Marnhais for the Mospont races. Althougb racing usually at- tracts the most interest, railying is another important part of motor spart. Attend- ance at the awards banquet was dlown somewhat from previaus yeans because many sports car entbusiasts were invotved in a rally in Quebec. In the last few years, motor sport bas really came into its own thanks to the dedicated work of people like Mn. and- Mns. Hal Knap, LONG S AULT Mn. and Mrs. John, Baker and boys were Sunday supper guests qf Mn. and Mrs. Barry Clemens, Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. James and Chnis, I'oranta were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bak cn. Mn. and Mrs. G. Kayacs and girls were Friday evening guests of Mn. and Mns. G. Baker and Saturday evening guests of the J. Woodley famity. Mn. and Mns. W. Vaneyk were Saturday evening visit- ons of Mr. and Mrs. A. Milison, Mr. andMrs. J.C, Cook were guests of Miss G. Smith on Sunday Mr. aînd Mns. H. DeMilie and girl1s, Bowmanville spent Sunday afternoon and evening witb Mi. and Mns. W. Vaneyk. Mn. and Mns. Ted Hall, Brooklin were Saturday eVen- ing visit ors of bier parents, Mn. and Mn . G. Baker. Gtad tane p ont Mrs. Rye Gibson is slowly necovering in Oshawa Hospital, T RO0N E Mr. and Mrs. L. PbiIlîps and Caria, Bowmanville were Sat- urday supper guests of Mn. and Mrs. G. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bartlett and boys, Paudasb Lake, were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. Don Davey. Mrs, Genereaux, Manilla, visited ler parents Mn. and Mrs. T. Dodd Sunday aften-, noon. Mn. and Mns. Gerny Corn- ish, Shannon and Ken were Sunday supper guests of Mn. and Mn . Gardon Miilson and famîly, Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. F.L. Byam were Sunday nigbt dinner'ý guests cf Mn. and Mrs. Cecil 1Wood, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Gable were Saturday evening guests of Mr'. and Mns, Lamne Annis, Hamptoni. Mrs. rjohn Dennis, Picton spent s veral days in the villagey isiting friends. Mn. and Mns. Jim Rowan and boy s wene Sun-day supjper guests of ber parents Mi'. and Mrs. M. Shortt, Lakefieid and Satunýda, luncheon guests of Mn. and Mrs. M. English, Newcastle'. Eucbré Part y Frîday even- ing bad -612 tables with pnizes, going to Lanee Phare, Ty- rone; John Laverty, Oshawa; Margaret Watson, Brookiin; Evelyn Laverty, Oshawa; Ar- villa Barrett, Tyrone; Doris Manns, Raglan; and Margar- et Watson winning the 50-50 draw. Glad ta report Mrs. Annie Hatherly is doing very nicely in Oshawa Hospital following ber operatian of ber broken hip as a resuit of a fait and that Mrs. Paul Vaneyk is, home on crutches. Be careful Bessie. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott were Sunday afternoon lunch gussof Mr. and Mrs. 'Gerald Hryand Shane, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stain- ton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Davenport, Richmond 1Hll. Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen, Rosemary and John David, Bowmanvilie, were Saturday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Vandorp. Mr. and Mrs. H. DeMille and girls, Bowmanville, were Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. Glad ta report Mr. Art Youngman is home again from Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Youngman, Kendal were Sunday evening visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Park, Peterborougb spent a couple of days witb Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park. To ail those sick, with colds and flu we wish a speedy recovery. Church News There will be an, official board meeting on Monda Jan. 20, at Enniskilien Churcg. Ail members are urged to attend as annuaI reports wiii he heard. On Jan. 26, the U.C.W. will be in charge' of aur cburcb service. Tyrone Con gregational meeting wili be he id on Sun., Feh. 2, after a short cburcb service. Please note change of date. Our Observer representa- tive, Ann Pleasance, asks that you contact ber immediately to renew your subscription s0 that we may take advantage of a lower price. Her phone number is 263-2719. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD Af'PLIANCÈ8 THROLJGH S TA T E NIA N C tA S'S 1FIEOS HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Garr- ard-and Tim, Keswick, visited bis mather, Mrs. Charlie Garrard, on Sunday and visited bis father, Mr. Charlie Garrard, wba is a patient in Memorial Hospital Bowman- ville. Cbarlie's frîends wisb bim a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones and daughter, Scarbarougb, visit- ed bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones. Miss Mary Potts, Toronto, spent the weekend at ber home. Mr. and Mrs. Daug Black- burn and Wendy, Enniskiilen, Mr. and Mrs. Chris McFar- land, Don Milîs. called on the W. Blackburn family an Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stren- ges, Mississauga spent the weekend witb the Ross Asbton family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn, Date and Neil, called on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blackburn and Susan, drono, an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Asbton, Ronald and Ray were Thurs- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Linda and Janet, Enniskilîen, celebrat- ing Mr. Lloyd Ashton's and Miss Linda Sharp's birthdays. 1Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Glen, Allan and Grant and Miss Karen Yellowiees, were Tbursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, the occasion of Mr. Lloyd Asbton's birtb- day . Birtbday cake and ice -cream were served. Mrs. Arthur Trewin accomn- panied Mr. Russell Anderson and Bill, Port Hope,, and visited their sister-in-law Mrs. C. Anderson, Çaledonia. $4,300,000 IN RED The Region of Durham just a year ago, ended the year's operations in debt ta the tune af $4,300,000 in spite of extensive grants froni the province. That's a sizeable amount of money! UNEMPLOYMENT BISES Canada's unemployed now number 597,000 according to the latest figures froni Statis- tics Canada, about 6.1 per cent in December, the highest in 23 years. Included ln this area are 8,000 workers at GM plants ln Oshawa and another 11,000 in other GMI plants in Canada who are ont for one week, at least. Opposition members in Ottawa are catI- ing for action by the govern- ment. NEWTONVILLE STARK- VILLE BOWLING Team Standings Spark Plugs 34, Muf fiers 32, Hub Caps 25, Nut and Boits 19. High Singles Gail Milîson............ 284 High Triple Gail Milîson and Olive Hen- derson - 710. Ce-ARNATION-, FLOWER &SEEDS (FORMERLY STEWART'S SEEDS) <Serving the Area for Nearly 50 years) 33 Division St. 623-5577 Bowmanville We're Looking Forward to Seeing You this Spring... Consider these Features When Planning Your Garden 1. We seil only Top Quality Seed 2. Packaging is done here, So You Save 3. Most of our Seed will be ready to buy in early February 4. We do our utmost to give you Friendly, Çourteous, Personal Service 5. Our shop is close to you, 50 you can get what you want, when you want with no minimum purchase. OUR PRICE LIST FOLLOWS, COMPARE OUR PRICES, AND CLIP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE "HAPPY GARDENING"I Asparagus - Viking Beet - Detroit 1, Little Ball Broccoli- De Cicco Brussel Sprouts Cabbage- Danish Balthead Golden Acre Early Jersey Savoy Red Rock Chinese Carrot - Corelessý Chantenay Gold Pak, Cauliflower Early Snowball Late Celeriac Celery - Utah Chicory Citron Cress Cucumber - Tablegreen Straight Eight Pickling China Long Burpless Hybnid Eggplant Herbs - Sage Savory Diii Thyme Kale Kohl Rabi Leek Lettuce - Iceberg Grand Rapids New York Bibb Buttercrunch Salad ,Bowl Prizehead Endive Beans - Yeltow Wax, Tender Green Bush Lima Kentucky Wonder Windsor Broad Scarlet Runner Brown (-Dry Podding) White (Dry Podding) Corn -, Golden Bantamn Hiybrid Corn - Sunnyvee 1/2OZ 1OZ - .90 .40 .65 .55 .90 - .90 - 1.30 .70 1.15 .70 1.15 1.15 2.00 .70 1.15 .70 1.15 .50 .70 .45 .75 .45 .75 .65 1.10 2.25 3.50 1.50 2.50 1/21 b 1lb 4.25 7.50 - 3.00 .25 - 1.15 .25 .70 .45 .75 - .45 .75 - .45 .75 1.00 .65- .75 .25 . .85 - Pkg. 1/4 Lb. "/2 Lb- 1Lb. 35 .60 1.00 1.75 .35 .60 1.00 1.75 .40 .75 1.25 2.10 .40 75 1.25 2.10 .35 .60 1.:0 i.75 .40 .75 1.25 2.25 - 1.00 1.75 Price Not Yet Available .30 .50 .80 1.40 40 .60 1.10 1.60 Muskmelon - Deliciaus 51 Il Honey Dew Onion - Yellow Clobe Utah Spanish Silverskin Red Parsnip- HoIlow Crown Parsley - Curled - Rooted Peppers - Red Chili Sweet Cal. Wonder Sweet Banana Pumpkin - Field Small Pie Radish - Champion French Breakfast Sparkler Icicle Chinese Rose Rhubarb - Ruby Salsify Spinach - Bloomsdale Squash- Gr. Hubbard Zucchini Buttercup Butternut Pepper (Acorn) Veg. Marrow Swiss Chard Tomato - Bonny Best Beef stea k (Heinz 1350) Stokesdale Glamour Tiny Tim Firebal Turnip - Laurentian Reg'd Laurentian (Boxed) Purple Top Watermelon -Peerless Il Early Canada Morning Sun Gold. Cross Bantam Earlikin SenecaCh ief Peaches &Creamn Peas - Homesteader Laxton~s Progress Thomas Laxton Little Marvel "Edible Pod /2 oz 1oz 1/2lb1 lIb - .85 - 6.00 - .85 - 6.00 .50 - 5.50 10.00 .75 1.40 12.00 .60 1.00 . - .70 . - .65 .25 . 70 3.2 6.00 .25 - .70 3.25 6.00 .25 .40 .60 - ' 2.25 .25 .40 .60 - - .25 .40 .60 - .25 .40 .60 - - .25 .40 .60 - .25 - - - .25 -- - 25 - .40. 1.00 1.75 - 1.75 - - - 1.75 - - 2.00, - - .70 - 2.50 - . - 2.75 - .75 - 6.00 - .76 - 6.00 Pkg. 1/4 Lb.1 .40 .60 .40 .60 1/2 Lb. 1 Lb. 1.10 1.75 1.10 1.60, 1.10 1L60 1.50 - 1.50 - .35 .50 .80 1.40 .40 .60 1.00 - We'Il Also Have Dutch Set Onions, Multiplier Onions, Cert. Seed Potates, B tMied and Packaged Lawn Seed and Flower Seeds, PetMss Fertilizers and Insecticides. P.P.E. - Pleasant - Painless - Extraction Give 1975 a happy start and yourself a new and enthusiastic approach to the New Year by visiting MURRAY JOHNSTON' S 1/2 YEARLY SALE of quality men's winter wear. Nothing but the best for our customers and this 1/2 YEARLY SALE STARTS FRIDAY 17TH JANUARY MURRAY JOHNSTON (Oshawa) Limited, 8 Simcoe Street North l,ý-