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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1975, Section 2, p. 6

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6~ The Canacian Statesman, Büwmanville, January 15, 1975 Section Two Provicial ourt- January 7,11974 Judge Runciman presided with Assistant Crown Attor- ney N., McCrank and duty counsel B. Walters. Barclay :Crozier R.R. 1, Orono, pleaded "guilty" to a September 6 charge of driving with over .08. Const. Keely arrived at the scene of a three car accident in Orono. Tests were .16 and .17. He was represented by T. Kelly. No previous record. The fine was $150. and costs or 15 days. He was given a 6 month license suspension. George Crozier, 78, R.R. 2 Nestieton, charged September 12 with driving after consum- ing over .08 on regionalroad 56 pleaded "guilty". Const. Kee came upona car in the south ditch. eys were in the ignition and Mr. Crozier behind the wheel. Tests were .18. The fine was $50. and costs, in default 15 days. Automatic liceise suspension. Harold Adams, 78 Simpson Ave., Toronto, pleaded ",guiltv,," to a charge laid M '1- 1 ' ' TEONY41cN=0K M O/V /# O?/ DeWitt Mobile Welding 46 Liberty S. N. 623-5703 Bowmianville October 19 of driving with over .08 contrary to section 236. He was driving on 401 at 40 miles an hour holding up traffic while in the passîng lane. Tests were .21 and .22. The fine levied was $175 and costs or 20 days with automatic license suspension. John Cathcart, Kendal, pleaded "guilty" to driving November 3 with over .08. He was învolved in a collision in which hie ran into the rear of another car. Tests were .13 and .12. The road was wet and foggy. The fine was $175 and cosf s in default 20 days. There will be a six months suspen- sion. Bench warrants to be issued for John McDonald,. Thomas Rochford for February 11 in dscretion; Clarence Picard, Robert Storey for February il. Wallace Mason, 491 Ross- land, E. Oshawa, charged October- 23 with driving after consuming over .08 pleaded "guilty". He was stopped westbound on highway 2 for erratic driving. Tests were .16 and .15. The fine was- $175 and costs in default 20 days. There will be automatic license suspension. Orvin Blakely, 57, 18 Chruch St. S. Pickering, received a fine $150 and costs in default 15 days for a charge laid September 22 on Base Line Rd He pleaded "guility" to driving affer consuming over .08. Tests were .13. There will be automatic license suspen- sion. John Langley Bowmanvilie, pleaded "guilty" f0 a Novem- ber 29 charge of having care and control after consuming over .08. He was driving on Old Scugog Road and knocked over a hydro pole at the intersection. Tests were .21. He was belligerent at the time. He had a previous conviction in another court. The fine was $250 and costs -in defauit 30 days. He was prohibited from driving for one year. He was given one month to pay OUR FRONT WHEEL DRIVE MAY NOT MAKE GETTING THROUGN RAIN AND SNOW AND ICE PLEASANT, -OUT ITODOES MAKE IT POSSIBLE. As prof tteI i t 18 hasvwn the. ...nadhan Inte.rntional winter Raiiy thrtu j rtrin .a rtw. Outruining Vega, Datsun, iToyota, arnd Voikswagen laver1,000 ;ailes of ire cherou, ice andi vnow. Andi .iong wi iii front wheeldIvend c a li. of features that go front self-adjusting front ditsc hraio.s to .111 intiependent suspension, it aiso gives yon more legonitii than a Catilat Eldorado. Yet, it tii gets you the kind of gas milieage you w oulti expeet m frontaîtal car. The Fizit 128 ; aiahe n 2ri1r,4door, anti station wagon inodeix. And we suggest you se il o. If it tan piow 1,thr Cou ioryn the wiids of inidwinter Canada, think oif the job ài ian 6)t gedi tîng ith wife ant i kds to the supertnarket. The bggest selling car in Europe. MARIAN AUTO LTD. 728-5179 25 Grenfeil St. ADS TineGal-Up -Ye , 30 GM Employees HoId Exhibition of Art An Exhibition of Arts, representing the combined artistie talents of a group of 30 General Motors employees will be held at the McLaughlin Public Library Auditorium on Friday evening and Saturday, January 17 and 18. C. S. Clark, GM Truck Plant, reviews one of his oil painting entries with W. R. Waugh, Vice President, right and E. C. Clark, left, powerhouse engineer, and a member of GM's art community. James Pollard 43, Orono, pleaded "guilty" to careless driving on September 14 on highway 35. He was north- boundouf of Newcastle and lost control and struck an embankmenf. An impaired driving charge was with- drawn. The fine was $100 and costs in default 15 days. Richard Hallef, 17, Toronto presently serving a term on previous convictions to-day pleaded "guilty" f0 3 charges aid uly 18 for break, enter with intent f0 commit theft in the Manvers-Cartwright Townships area. On the first two charges he was given 6 months concurrent to terma now being served on each charge and on the third chare he was given three mont hs concurrent to terma now being served. John Glen Walter 27, Gores Landing, pieaded "guilty" to having the care and control of a vehicle after consuming over .08.on August 8. Const. Fitzgerald checked a car on the east shoulder- of 401. Tests were .13. No previous convic- tions . Counsel asked for a conditional diseharge. The crown said conditional dis- charges are flot proper under the eriminal code. The judge remnantded decision tLo Ja1nuary employer spoke on his behaîf. Mary C. Peledeau, 52, 27 George St., Brookiin, pleaded "guilty" through counsel D. Barber to driving after con- suming over .08 on September 19. She was westbound on regional road 4, the vehicle left the road and ended in a cornfield. Her speech was poor. Tests were .28 and .27. The fine was $250 and costs, in default 30 days. There wîll be an lautomnatic license suspen- sion. She was given one month to pay. Bethany Cruaft Shop Vandalized- Monday night the Inner Gold Craf t Shop in Bethany was broken into by vandals, who got away with $150 in cash and destroyed crafts valued in the hundreds of dollars. The crime was discovereci by a customer who wenf to the shop on Tuesday and found the door open. He then notified the Linday OPP, who are investi- gating. The shop is open during weekends in the winter time. Entry was gained byý break- ing a window In the back of the Oshawa building. The building is a former school house and bas living quarter6; in the rear. Newtonville As of this week, tirades 7 and 8 of our local Elementary School will be attending reg- ularlv. af the new Clarke School, near Orono, reducing the fomner total attenclance at Newtonville fo 128 pupils, from 165. Another former resident of this village passed away last week in Oshawa, in the person of Mr. Leu Barton, who at one time owned and operated a General Store, where Mr. Les Peck now does the same. Sympafhy is expressed to Mrs. Barton and family mem- bers. Mr. Harold Burley' of Bridgeworth was a recent caller with Mrs. Agnes Bur- ley. We understand Dog-Train- ing Classes are being'carried out every Tuesday in our Communify Hall, under the capable direction of Mrs. J. Newell, of Crooked Creek. Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. Mary Jones atfended the U.C.W. gathering af Mrs. M. Elliotf's home in Kendal, Wednesday affernoon, where an interesting group of pic- tures of local churches in our Bay of Quinte Contference, wer shwn nder the direc- in of Rev.. Montgomery. Seventeen mnembers of New- fonville Womeni's Institute were present last Wednesday evening af the home of Mrs. Iva Farrow, to hear an enjoyable address by 'our Home Economics Represen- tative, Miss M. Tompkins of Bowmanville. Congratulations f0 our local minister, Rev. Gordon Mont- g omery on his 5f irring letter in lasf Tuesday's Toronto Star opposing the question of having retail stores remain open seven days a week. Too many people are willing to take t he attitude that "It doesn't really concern me, so why should I bother iny head about it?" If is quite inspîring these days to see someone who isn't afraid to take a decided stand, on a controversial question, such as the above. Also it was a good picture of hlm in that same paper. Mr. George Pethick of Rouge Hili was in this village last week calling on friends and relatives. There were 1012 tables in play at the Card Party, in Community Hall, Friday nîght with these winners: High lady- Dorothy Mercer, bow lady- Leisa Inch, High mani- George Russell, Low man- Raymond Inch, 50-50 _Draw- Raymond Inch. Our felicifations to Mrs. Lena Ovens at Beau Villa Rest Home whose, 94th birthday With conibined 504-coil Heavy Duty construction. C Insulated and padded with layers of new white feit for absolute comfort. Coveredin durably scroll-quilted 100 per cent Viscose-Rayon "floral" ticking. Matvhing box spring speeially designed for correct support. Also Available: Solid roll-about metal base on smooth carpet ca sters. $99,95 ForBoth IDR OSHAWA BOWMIANVILLE . .5 King St. East 26,King St.East Tel. 725-6535 Tel. 623-3808. was observed, last Friday. Besf wishes for the recovery of ail our friends in the various hospitals: Arthur Redknap, of Oshawa, in Toronto's Sunny- broDk, Ken Fletcher. in Osh- awa G.eneral, Ed Hoad in Bowmanvilie Memorial and Mac Irwin in Civic, Peterbor- ough. Mr. and Mrs. F.- Gilmer wereFriday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cli'nton Brown, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen were -among those aftending the Hockey Game in Maple Leaf Gardens, Wednes- day night, and like the rest, enjoyed seeing Toronto wîn the, game from Vancouver (for a change). Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fletcher of Morris Michigan spent the week-end hie re with his Mo- ther, Mrs. Ken, Fletcher and visited Mr. Fletchers mother, Mrs. Ken Fletcher and visit'ed Mr. Fletcher in Oshawa Hos- pital. Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones included Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane and boys of Orono, Mrs. beone bane and Mrs. Bea Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Rowe of Janietville were visitors Satur- day withMr and Mrs. F. Gilmier. Newfonville' W. I. Ladies met at the home of Mrs. Roy, Farrow on Jan. 8. With our vice president in the chair as our presiçient was unable to be with us because of sickness. Meeting was opened with W.I. Ode Mry Stewart collect and th ods Prayer.> The minutes of Dec. meet- ing were read and approved. Ail correspondence was deait with. Also a card party is to be p lanned for Fehruary. watch for coming events later. A minutes silence in memory of Mrs.* Pearce and a'donation of money to an organizafion of the family's choice. Also a card of sympathy f0 Mrs. Ferguson in the loss of hier brother. We were reminded of th e summary day of Creative Stitchery Jan. 20 in tme 100.OF. hall in Orono at 1:30 p.m. Meeting was given' over f0 Mrs. Farrow and her group. Mrs. Wilf Paeden, had a reading of how much snow there was arounid 30 years ago and tonight was more like spring because of the mud. Mrs. Farrow gave areadîng then introduced our Home Economist Miss Tompkins who gave us a talk on a place she had 'visited and gave thle ladies an idea for a bus tri p inter on. If was enjoyed by ail. The roll cali was taken and answered by 17 members and 2 visitors of some T. V. commercial that we didn't like. The meeting closed with Institute Grace. Lunch was served and Mrs. Wood guess- ed the number that Mrs. Farrow had in mmnd and won the prîze. BLACKSTOCK On Tuesday affernoon Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoogeveen were able to move their fine dairy herd back into their new dairy barn. They had lost their, barn on November il when it burried in a spectacular fire. Many, many friends- and neighbours have assisted in this dlean-up and rebuiiding programme. Best wishes, Peter and Rie. Mr. and Mrs. Keith John- ston, Pearl and -Mr. Ron Spearman of Belleville visited his mother Mrs. J.A. Johnston on Sunday. On Saturday evenîng the Agricuiturai Society> held a successfui dance in the Rec- reation Centre with Frank Barkey providing the music. Another dance is planned for Friday, Februarv 14. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corden and Julie returned Sunday from a vacation in Fiorida." Sympafhy is exfended to Mr. Frank., ioskin and Mr. borne Hoskin on the passing of their brother Mr. Howard Hoskin of Harmony. Senior Citizens Card Party resits weire ades 1t-.4 Foley 2nd-Ruth Wilson 3rd- Marian Bell; Men's 1sf Mer- vyn Aniderson 2nd- Bert Gib- son 3rd- Alymer Ploughman. Lucky, Draw- Renee Ander- son. Mrs.,Roy Taylor was guesf of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor at the Bonfire, Lindsay in celebration of her birthday last Monday evening. Over thirty members of the Cartwright Senior Citizens enjoyed a Pot Luck Dinner and their regular meeting last Monday at the Community Hall. Following a most der- icious meal, a highlighf of the program was the making of Charles Smith and Mrs'. Aima Fowier both Honorary mem- bers of the Club as both are over 90 years old. Congratula- tions. Mr. Smith enjoyed his day in -Biackstock and used the opportunity to visit many friends. At, the United. Church on Sunday morning, a very mean- îngful service was held when Grace Gibson, Susan Gunter, Anne Krisfensen and Craig Larmer joined the Church on profession of Faith. Rev. V. Parsons preached a fine sermon entitled "Day by Da" .Sunday afternoon, the Bible Society hield its annua! Rev . Norman gav e a report of the fine financial state of the Society in the Bay of Quinte Conference. He showed an outstanding film of Ceylon. The new officers f or the new year are Mrs. Grahame Fish, President'; Mrs. George Wolfe, Sec' y and Mrs. Gordon Strong and Mrs. Harry Mc- Laughlîn as treasurers. The afternoon concluded with lunch. Mr.,and Mrs. Garnet Mur- ray of Manilla were Satu;-day evening guests of her mother, re turned from spending Christmas in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor of Enniskillen. The Evening Unit of the U.C.W. met on Monday vn ing at the home of Mrs. Pat Smith with 19 memnbers at- tending. The new executive will be Joan Thompson, Pres- ident; Joanne Lee, Secretary and Beth Schryburt, Treasur- er. Beth was in charge of the programme and broke into groups to work on Associa- tions. She later had the worship service. Lunch and a social time brought the plea- sant evening to a close. Blackstock Women's Institute In the Community Hall on January 8th the Blackstock Women's Institute members met at 12:30 p.m. Followîng the Institute Grace a diet dessert was served and enjoy- ed with many members going back for seconds. The meeting opened later with Mrs. Mae Shortridge presiding. Several thank you notes were read from those having received remem- brances at Christmas time. It has been decided that the District Annual will be held on Wednesday May 7th in Black- stock United Church. Black- stock Women's Institute ladies wîll act as hostesses. A motion was passed that the birthday money gif t to the foster child in Hong Kong. Also ail f ees are to be paid by February lst. Mrs. McArthur agreed to continue as representative for the Institute on the Recrea- tional Board. Two plans owing suggested renovations in the Community Hall, accompan- ied by a letter from the Scugog !ý daybonanza JN2Oth to 25th *I,01 ail merch-andise records, tapes, cassettes, books, gift items, Bibes, and many, many, more items. *)except SundaySchooi suppiles Council asking for a reply was read by the secretary. Mrs. McArthur will have that reply with the reasons for such at the next meeting of the new board. The programme-World Af- fairs was in charge of Mrs. L. Thompson. A sing song opened the programme giving tir- ladies a chance to stand u Mrs. Thompson read a short article expfaining the United Nations' purpose etc. follow- ing which everyone was given a small flag of the nations with a note of interest about that nation. Roll Cali- Name an organization which, is a mem-, ber of the United Nations. Mrs. McArthur read two humorous readings - Catching on the Bob and A Maiden's Prayer. Meeting closed with O Canada. PUS some special reduced Items UPTO- OFF!N HOURS Mon Tues Wed tii 6 L N md rdr o clageacounts on this sale, Thurs Fr N ight t il 9 Sat 6 -On' Source For Ail Your Needs'- (off Hopkins Street) Scripture Press Bldg., Wh itby. Bsowmanville Pet Shop 623-2921 34 King St. W. Bowmanville LOW 1 LOW I PRICES I T he Best Sales are Always the Last Sales and MURRAY JOHNSTON'S 1/2 YEARLY SALE is ýalways planned to start after MID JANUARY. We carefully select the very best buys for our wide clientele who know and wait for the best sale in the MEN'S WEAR -TRADE. BUY QUALITY MEN'S WEAR AT HONEST SAVINGS AT MURRAY JOHNSTON'S STARTING FR1. 17TH JANUARY MURRAY JOHNSTON (Oshawa) 8 Sînmeoe Street North Limited

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