CLRSIlIE RDos .......................... ~ ~ - .POWELL - Neil and 'Barb "iehappy te anneunce the arrivaI et Wayne Neil, bern Dec. 29, 1974. Brother for Chris. Thanks te, Dr. Anfossi. 41 HAR RI SON - Robby is proud to anneunce the safe arrivai et his baby sister Tisha Jean weighing 6 lbs. 121/2 ozs. on Jan. 19, 1975. Proud parents are Wayne and Chris Harri- son . Grandparents are AI and Kay Banchard and Trever and Jean Harrison. Special thanks te Drs. Mosienke, Ewert and Anfessi and Bow- manville Maternity Staff. 4-1 LITTLE - Hugh and Pat (nee Darrach) are happy te announce the arrivai et Janet Elaine, 9lbs.S5ozs. on January 15, 1975, a sister for Tim and Mark. Special thanks te Drs. Hubbard, Sylvester and Ewert and te nurses on 7Maternity Fleor. 4-1 TOPPING - Jim and Mary, Smith Falls, are happy te anneunce the birth et Natasia Mary on January lst. A ý randdaughter fer Roy.,and enis Tepping, Peterborough and great granddaug hter for Mrs. Les Anderson, Bowman- ville. 4-if Umm=. GANNON-DAWISON - Mrs. F. J. Hunter (Denna); Mrs. Bruce Riley, (Barbara) and Mrs. Richard Fowler .(Mardi) announce the recent marriage et their mother, Myri Dawson te, William J . Ganon of Ennismere, by Rev. Frank Mihelic, St. Jeseph's Church, Bowmanvlie. 4-1 BURGESS' - Suddenly at Oshawa Generai Hospital 'on Wednesday, Jan. 15, 1975, Grant Allan Burgess aged 19 years beloved son etfArthur and Lor yne Burgess, dear brother et Ken, Don, Darlene, Valerie, and Beveriy. Rested at Mor -ris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service was heid in Ebenezer United Church on Friday at 2 o'cleck. Interment Ebenezer 'Cemne- tery. 4-1 RICKARD - At Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanvilie, on <Suniday, Jan. 19, 1975, Frank Rickard, Newcastle, agled 91 years. Beloved husband et Clara Moffat, dear fatfer of Dorothy, (Mrs. Charles Hegg) Leaside; Evelyn (Mrs. John Edwards) Kingston, Jean (Mrs. Clare Shipley) Sarnia; John and David, Newcastle, grandfather et nine grand- children and one great-grand- 1 ; Id. Service was held in the i&ýorris Funeral Chapel, Bew- manville on Wed. at 2 o'cleck. Interment Bowmanvilie Cemetery. 4-1 Ca rnation FLOWER SHOP Always Pîeased To Serve 623-5577 - 623-7141 33 Division St. 2-tf ýF Iowers Say it Best", VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto... Oshawa'- Bowmanvilîe Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf BENTLEY, Jack-In memory et a leving Father and Grandfather , who passed away Jan. 23, 1974. What we weuld give if we could say "Hello" D=d in the same aid way: Ta hear your veice, see yaur sm ile, To sit with yeu 'and chat BROMLEY, Matilda' - In leving memory et a dear mother and grandma who r assed away Jan. 24, 1974. ils, the day dawns and the shadows fee away. - Sadjy missedi by son Kenneth, Marilyn, Grand- children, Joanne, Donald, Kathy and Paul. 4-lx BADOUR-in loving memory et my dear Mther, Violet Muriel Badeur, whe passed away January 22, 1974. As time gees by the memeries sta y As near, as dear, as yester- day, No need fer words, ,.xcept te say Dear Mom, you're leved, yeu're missed, in every way. -Sadly missed and always nemembered by daughter Barbara, son-m -law Ornie and grandchildren, Lynn and Lar- ry., 4-1ix MULHOLLAND-In ieving memery of a dean husband and father, Fredrick who passed away January lBth, 1969. Heavenly Father up above Please protect, the one we leve Guide him with youn gentie teuch. Fer we that love hlm se veny m uch. Sadly missed by wife Mar- genie, son Norman and daugh- fer Marie. 4-Ix PATERSON-in loving mem- ony ef a dear mother and gnandmether Ona Irene, who passed away Jan. 25, 1972. ' Three sad and lonely years hav e passed, Since you were cailed away. God gave us strength te meet it, And courage te bean the blow And what it meant te lese you Mom No one will ever knew. We miss you more each day it broke our hearts te lose you But you did net go alone for part et us went with you Mom, '1 The day God cailed you home. -Sadly missed and aiways remembered by her family. 41 PATERSON-In levi ng mem- ory of a dean wife Ona Inene, who passed away Jan. 25, 1972. She didn't have time te say fareweil, Nor te say geodbye, She was gone before I knew it, And enly God knows why. Please fergive the su ent teans, A secret wish that Ona was here, Fer in God's garden now at nest, Peacefully sleeping lies the veny best. -Sadiy missed and lovingiy remembered by husband Sandy. 4-1 SHANE-In leving memeryeof a de-an- cousin-Ganol Shane, who passed away Jan. 20, 1974. Ged took your hand, we had te part, He eased yeur pain, but broke oun heants, Althouglh we smile and seem carefree, Nebedy misses you more than US.- A thousand, te-mernows, we wouid give, if eniy Ged couid have lét you live, To be with us in the same old way Would be oun deanest wish to-day. -Leved and remembered always, Linda, Clem, Wendy and Lloyd. 4, lx SHANE -'--In, levimemery of a dearn nece Carol who passed away January 20, 1974. She left us quietlv Hen thoughts unknowri But lelft us a memory We are pnoud te own. Se treasure her Lord n yeur garden of nest For when on earth She was one ef the'best. - Lovingly remembered by Aunt Eileen, Uncle Ted, Ceusins Denise, Madeline and Trina. 4-1 SHANE - in loving memery of a dear niece Canoi Shane who passedi away Jan. 2Oth 1974. t s sad te walk the noad alone, lnstead et side by side. But teo ail there comes a mement When the ways ef lite divide You gave me Carol, years et happiness Then came sorrow and tears But you left me beautiful memories I will treasune through the yeans. - - Lovingly remembened by your aunt Lois and uncle George and cousin Donald.4- WOOD - In leving memeny ef Ina, ýdear mothen and grand- mother who passed away Januany 15, 1974. We whe mourn you will net cease Untfil God's mency granIts nelease. -Alwýays nemembered by son Vincent Prout and family. 4-1 A veny sincere thank yeu to ail you wondenfui peeple who have remembered us in se many kind and thoughtful ways during ovn stay in Bowmanville Memniai and Toronto Western Hespitals. Special thanks te doctens and nurses thene, aiso te Dr. Ewert, nurses and staff on th1e thiyd and finst floors, Bew- manville Ambulance Service, Mns. Childs and Mn. Pogue, volunteer helpers, littie candy stripens and net forgetting aur own wondertul family. Thank you ail se much. Ernest and Benta Wenry (Mn. and'Mns. E. A. Werry) 4-1 Belated sincere thanks to the Orone Brewnies and Girl Guides, aleng with their leaders for their theughtfull- ness by the Special Christmas Box and Carol singing and for ail others who were remem- bered., Mrs. Richards 4-1if Iappreciate the care re- ceived from the nurses on the third fleer, Wing D af St. Michael's Hsptal. Speciai thanks te Dr. Morin and his assistants, relatives, and- triends, Court Venture and te ail who are fhinking of me. Sincerely Yours, Helen Ovenden Bowmanvileé The family of the late Leon Moore, wish to express sin- cere thanks and appreciation te ail their relatives, friends and neighbors for floral tri- butes, cards and donations to the Heart Foundation and many other acts of kindness shown to us in the less ef, a dear tather. Our special Ithanks tolTyrone U.C.W., Rev. Bigby, Dr. Mosienko and Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Grace, Jen, Paul 4-1 I would like te take this opportunity te thanký Long Sault Club 50, Tyrone L.O. B.A., my family and friends for the leveîy cards, flowers and gifts and te those who visited me whiie I was in- Port Perry Hospital. Ethel Gobie 4-1 x I would like te say a big thank yuutu alluur neighbers, friends and family whe heiped us in any way with se many thoughtful offers and acts et kindness, during and since my stay in hespital. The help was certainly appreciated especi- ally since it was school exam time.'Thanks te ail the people we depend on in time et illness: Dr. H. B. Rundle, nurses and staff at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville ambu- lance Icrew, Dr. Fang and nurses and staff at Oshawa General Hospital. Sincerely, Mrs. Paul Vaneyk S4-1 m9m- Evrsý, VALENTINE'S Dance, Saturday,,Feb. 1 Bning your sweetheart and dance f0 the music of Ted Koss Orchestra 9 -i1a.m. $4,00 per couple ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH HALL 4-2 SOLINA SOCCER CLUB D ANC E MASONIC TEMPLE 91 Centre St. South, Oshawa Saturday, January 25th, 1975 Tickets at dean or f rom tea m members. $5.00 PER COU PL E. 4-1 Osaca Barn Dance (couples Cnly,1 every Saturday night, Cutry and Western music. Ph one 786-2633. 2-tf MONSTER BINGO 1 New Starting Time 1 THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Spensored, by Oshawa Miner Softbail 1 JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HAWA 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf NEW DARLINGTON ARENA Taunton Road west of Hampton RESERVE Saturr'ay, Feb. 8 15lp. m. for opening ceremonies. Fig. une skating, hockey games, and races fellowed by famiîy skating in the evening. Eveny. one welcome. Newcastle Town Council Biood Dener Clinic, Wednes- day, Februany 5. 1:30 - 4:30 and,6:30- 9:00 at the Lions Centre. 4-1 TO FLORIDA, -14 Day Deluxe Cincle 14 Day. Daytona Beach 21 Day Deluxe Circle -28 Day Daytona Beach 10 Day Mid Term Break Departures in Feb., Mar., & Apr. CALIFORN lA 23 DAY TOURS Departunesin Feb., Mar. & Apr. TEXAS 21 DAY DELUXE TOUR Departing Feb. 8 & 26 MEXICO 23 DAY TOUR Departing Apr. 5 For Details Contact: Bowmanville Travel Centre 47 King St. W. 623-5933 623-3182 4-1 Country a'nd Western Dance in the Janetville Community Hall, Sat. Jan. 25th. Music by Fay Adams and The Country Hits. 4-1 Club 50 Euchre panty, Tyrene Hall,,Menday evening March 17. Pnizes and lunch. 4-1 Euchre panty at Newtonville Hall, Friday, Januany 24 at 8:15S. Ladies bring lunch, everyone welcome. 4-1 ALDIAN SNOWMOBILING HI LLS $3.00 Per Machine P~er Day Clubhouse Faci lities Lunch Served Yearly Memnbership 1Av aila ble SNOWMOBILE PARTIES, AR RANGE D PHONE AL WERRY 263-8412 4 Fish and Chips. Ail you can eat, eveny Satunday $1.49. Antiques beught and sol.d. Open eveny- Sat. and Sun. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Road. 4-4 i would like te thank ail My TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE friends foflowers, cards and NO0TI1CE -0F P U BLI1C M E ETIN G calis whiie a patient -in The Council of the Tewn of Newcastle wiil hoid a Public Memoniai Hospital and, te Meetinq te present and discuss the proposed Interim District these who heiped take cane et Pla3n. rhe public are condially invited te attend this meeting fer the baby. Special thanks te the purpose et ebtaining the participation and co-openatien et Drs . Siemon and H. B. Rundie, .the nesiçlents of the Town et Newcastle in determining the, nurses and-staff on th'é'séëernd-' solution ef prebîems on mrattens affecfing thé deelom5rnnt f the' floon. Dsrc lnigAe tteTw fNwate Betty Le BlancDititPnngAeofteTw N cal. 4-1 PLACE: Council Chambers, 132 Church Thanks ta ail who sent Street,,Bowmanviîîe. flowens, cards, truit, plants T IME: 7:30 p.m. On Monday, January 27, while I was in Memanial 1975. Hospital, Bowmanvilie. A CoisothDititPaar vlbefrvewnad seecial thanks te Dr. Macken- iesetio tthe District Ploainsre avaicefr vewing and4 zie and third floor nurses. isete ttefioiglctos fiee h lr,4 Heliietta Carden Temperance St., Bewmanville Office et the Sec., Hampton _____________________ Municipal Building, Newcastle Public Libnany, Bowmanville 1 would ike t express MY ,Public Libnany and OnooPublic Library. sincere thanks and appreci- atien te my famiiy, relatives, and friends fer cards, flowens, visits and telephone catis during my stay in Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville. Spe- cial thanks teODrs. McKenzie, Rundie, Grant and Anderson and te the nurses and staff on ,the lst. fleer. LyaIl Lewery 4 lx To my neighbens, triends and relatives and reom mates, third floor staff and decters, my sincene thanks during my stay at Memenial Hospital. Cyril Rundie 4-1lx The family et the lafe Lii Kng give thanks te Rev. Thos. Gracie, Morris family, The Ladies Auxilany et the Legieon, Beehive Rebekah Lodge, the neighbons, friends and rela- tives who sent cards, tlowers, donations and many other acts et kindness during the long illness and death et oun mether. 4-1 x We will neyer be able te thank enough, Dr. O. Hub- bard, Public Health Nurses, Dorothy Chiids aise ail those faithtul friends who' visited and kept in touch oven the years. Te 411ose wondentui people on the second tloon et Memorial Hospital, friends we are toreven in your debt fer making oun mother "Lits" path a littie smeother. To evenyene for evenything you have done oven the yeans we thank yeu se veny much. Art, Gladly Etchen and Family 4-1 x I wouid like te thank ail my friends, neighbours and rela- tives for their cards, visits and enquiries white I was a patient in Bowmanviîle hespital and at home. Aise the nurses and staff on the second floor and Dr. Westganth fer thein kind attention. Norman Mains 4-1 x 'l anivedi home fnom Osh- awa Hospital January i6th. I wish te express my gratitude te ail these whe helped te make my stay shonten. These are my visitons, my flower sendens and card senders, aise personel helpers whe helped with my transportation and my general wel fane. I would like f0 mention the highiy efficient cane that i neceîved tram Oshawa Hospital staff. Atten a monfh et walking lessons, 1 hope te appear in public agai;n. Walace Pascae J.M. Mcllnoy, A.M.C.T., Cierk, Town of Newcastle. IMPERIALOIL LIMITED Service Station to Lease Hwy 35 and 115 N EWCASTLE CALL: T. Casagrande 705-726-7070 4-2 OSHAWA SAND'AND GRAVEL SUPPLY WASHED SAND GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS, Ail Suzes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL TRUCKS and LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 81 R5~.ICH ONJID STiV.W .2, fl VM57 JA%'NUARYLÀ WAREHUuSE SALE EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTEDFOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOM WALL TO WALL' INSTALLATION As Low As 1/2 Price and Less On Remanents and Ends of Rolîs 81 RICHMOND ST. W. (Next doon to Ruddy Eiectnic) Open fnrom 9 te 8p.m. Mon, te Fn, Sat. 9 to 4 CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY il-tf COLD sterage apples by the bushel, different varieties, ne Sunday sales, 263-8473, Frank Hiemstra, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. 44-tf BEDROOM suite, 7 piece; dining reem,. 9 piece; living reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377. PADDY'S Market new has i522 niew furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and sterees and alsci used furniture and appl iances, Will accept trade-ins. Paddy'S Market, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33-t'i USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf $6 A WEEK, 1975 RCA 26 inch celer, traditional ail woed cabinet. Full warranty. No down payment. Cali anytime, Regency 576-7300. 2-4 $4 A WEEK, new RCA celer portable, weodgrain cabinet ene button celer tuning. Full' warranty. No dewn payment. Cali anytime, Regency 576-7300, 2--4 15 WIGS asserted celers. Your cheice $15. 'Phene 623-5019 or 71 K inq St. E., Bowmanville. 44 3-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELECTROHOME 21" black and white T.V., Phone 623-3280. 4-1 ANTIQUE gun show and sale, Sunda y, January 26th Kins- men Community Centre, 109 Colborne St. West, Oshawa, 9 a.m. - 2p.m. 4-1 APPLE fireplace wood deliv- ered Hampton 263-2037 cali after 6 p.m.4-1 TWO women's coats, 1 patch- ed suedine, patched Borg Lining size 13 $40-00. 1 Leather - Navy Fur Liningt size 14 - $25.00. Phone 623-282 5 after 6. 4-1 20" COLOR portable, excel- lent condition. $175. Phone 623-3883. 4-1 INGLIS automatic washer, good working condition. $30. Phone 623-7815. 4-1 COMMANDER steam jenny, 1 horse saddle and a car camper, sleeps 2, fits on any car or station wagon. Phone 987-5222. 4-1 OLD buffet refinished, elec- fric fireplace heater, utility cabinet, child's table and chair set, baby carniage, eccasional chairs, pocket novels 5c, hard cover books 15c. Towne Used Fýurniture, 19 Termperance St., 'Bowman- ville. Clesed ail day Wednes- day., 4-1 ONE McClarey easy wringer washîng machine. Good con- dition. $45. 623-5835. 4-1 x 1973 MOTO-Ski 340 Caprice. 27 h.p., good shape, $500 or best of fer. Phone 623-2766 between il a.m. and 4:30 p.m., 4-1 x SIX strirng acoustic guitar. Mansefield, $50. Phone 623- 7956. 4-1 E IGHT month old beagle pup, papers if needed. $40. Phone 623-2426. 4-1 NE ED A' PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKE.S Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206- Zenith 14620 41 -tf tTV ANTENNAS, STowers, U HF, VHF Aerials, Retors& Repairs SApartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf Oshawa TV Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Colored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired R EPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed Ail priced ta SAV E, you Money Phonie 623-5122 L.,HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf INSTALL AN FURNACE BLER HUMIDIFIER or HOT WATE R HEATER No Payments for Six Months CALL HARVEY PARINER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 HoUr Service 41-tf S Buy direct tram Manufac ture- Rutter Granite Ce., Ltd., has a huge selection ef fine, quaiity monuments, large and small ta fit any need. Came by aur display yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or telephene 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf SCRAP paper bargains. We have a reai bargain in scrap paper for yeu. Ail sizes, shapes and colons in bundies et 50 cents and $1.00.-Great for drawings, leavîng messages, roup cat work, etc. The +atesmnro ffice. 42-tf ANN BRADL EY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Sîmcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX 44-tf PROF ESSIONAL E LE CTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 112 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 576-4705 52-tt SIX month eld Spaniel and Terrier' pup. Free te good home. Phone 623-3194. 4-1ix DOG kennel 4' x 12' x 6' high including dog house. $75. Phone 987-4967. 4-1 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING Ail Breeds -Expertly groomed with ' aximum care." THE BOWMANVILLE PET SHOP 32 King St. West 623-2921 3-4 GET CASH TtODLAY FOR 01,I) 'APi'IIANCËS THROUGH S TA T ES NA N C L A 8S SI1F, 1 E D 9 SNOWMOBILE boots, feit- lined, size 10, like new. Cost $16, sel1 for $10. Phone 623-2675 after 1 p.m. One-third h.p. electnic mater. $10. 4-1 x SNOW blower for sale 5 h.p. electnic start used one year. Phone 623-7314. 4-1 Rubber-back Sq. Yd Shag $5.88 Basement Sq. Yd Carpet $4.95 R EMNANTS 50 Percent Off These and many otlwr bargainsat: County Broadloom 1742 Breck St. South (Off 401) Whitby Phone 1-668-8895 1-5 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most antj- que dlocks, pecket watches and modern watches and dlocks. Our nepairs are done with medern up-te date equipment and qualified Swiss tnained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St, East Phone 623-5747 34-tf THRIFT Shep- 32 King W. Rear. Drygoed and Knitted, art. New and Used Clothes, Furniture and appi. Canvas Mat. Lee blue jeans $11.95. Barbie deli clethes, etc., etc. Come and see, Tuesday Thursday 104. Friday 9:30 to 6:00. Tel. 623-4397. 3-2 ALUMINUM siding, deers, wi.ndows, awnings, railings, nain caryng systern.s. Lorne Aluin, 1P rince St., 623-3871. Supreme Window and Doon Ce. 3-2 6 REFLECTOIR type light fxtures. 16 inches diameter G~reen celer. Bargain. SIates- man Office. tf _f 24" x 36" ALUMINUM sheets for sale. Suitable for insulat- ing, etc. 25 cents each. Reductions for quantifies. Statesman Office. tf t BATMBack Hoe, three- eighýiths cui. yd. miounted on 6 x 6 GMC carrier. Upper engine LeRoi gas. Ready te go to work. Total price $3,500. Phone Orone, evenings, 1-983-5681.32 1974 SKI-Doo, 440, free air, 640 miles, with cover, spare beit and plugs, $950. Cali New- castle 987-4677. 3-2 GOOD baled hay and straw 1,400 baies et each. Can store until spring if necessary. Phone Brooklin 1-655-3326. 3-2, DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block,' Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-ff Geddes Eîectric Renovations - Alterations Rec. Rooms Rewîning Older Homnes New Homes - Free Estimates Phone 623-2398 48-ff C &C JANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery ProfessionalI y Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANV ILLE 3t i HAVE three-quarter ton Van for light meving in Bowman- ville and surrounding area. Phone 263-2695 or 623-3911. 4-2x AP PL IANC E REPAIRS RANGES-,WASHERS D RY E RS, R EFRIGERATORS AND AIR CONDITIONERS SPECIALIZING IN Frigidaire JIM COLLIS 1623-2891 PROFESSIONAL P'IANO TUNING &SERVICING Certifiled Piano Techni!cian. Prompt reliabie service. Remem ber, "The tuner a lone, preserves the tone." Member, Piano Technîcian's Gui Id. Derek Hill 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby 668-6247 9-tf VINCE MOORE CAR PENTRY House Renovating Paper Hangi1ng - painting 247 Liberty N., Bowmanvi île 49-tf -Ref rigerat ion AN D Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Mlk Coolens PHONE BERT SYER Days ......... 623-5774 Nights ........623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC TF William G. Beatty Painting and Paper Han ging Lig'ht Trucking and Odd Jobs P HON E 623-4728 43-tf NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TOALL MAKES Harvey Partner Ornoe983-5206 - Zenithl14620 41 tff GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanvijle Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units- Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mimonis Patterned and Coloned Glass and Glazing. 17 tf WATER Wells bored, 30" tule. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16 tf EXPERIENCED 'day cane given for chiidren any age. Ca1 anytime 623-4250. 4-1 x BABYSITTING in my home, cerner of Elgin, and Third. Phone 623- 477-1. JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED' PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON> 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P-0. Box 43 - Bowmanvlle 30 tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET PlUmbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cail1623-2641 33-tf W. H. (Slip) ROWE PAINTING &DECORATING CALL 1-2 DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES &, SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanviîîe 26-1f FOR REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAO and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf SEEDAND SEED CLEANING Early pick-up discount, up ta 10 per cent on large orders until Feb. 23rd on present stock of eats and barley. Aise early pnices on hay and grass seed. Now seed cieaning by appointment. P HONE. SWAIN SEED CLEANERS AND DEALERS 986-4331 4-4 Hlampton Seed Cleaning Plant wiii not be in operatioîî this year. John Bunrows. 3-2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 22, 1975 9 DALN5 O GORD SIMPSONýý 983-5808 ORONO Painting Paperhanging Carpentry Remodelling 1GENERAL REPAIRS Interior Exterior 4-lx Custom upholstering, reco- vering, re-styiing, very rea- sonable, work guaranteed, 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. Please cail coliect, 1-986-5072.3-4 RESPONSIBLE mother with 13-yr.-old daughter would like to louk atter mýotherless horne preferably with one girl child. Arrangements te be made at appointment. Phone 623-2793. ROOM and kitchen ýpivileges for working we,-man. On quiet street close te downtowvn. CalI 623-2687, evenings. 2t BOWMANVILLE tour room modern apartment plus bath, heated, reasonable rent, apply Tom's Milk Store, 53 King Street East, Bowmanviile. 3-tf ON E bedroom apartmnent over store. Stove and -fridg- Suit- able for eider couple. Phone 623-3303 between 9- 5. 3-1 SIX hundred square foot, completely decorated, broad- loomed, air conditioned, heat- ed, downtown business sec- tien. Phone 623-7664 after 5 p.m. 1 HOUSE for rent. 2,06 King east, Bowmanville. Phone 623-3636, 8 a.m. 12 p. m. 4 1 SINGLE bedroom apartment, second floor, including tridge fand steve. Adults enly. Phone 983-5009. 4 1 UPP 'ER apartment, heated with tridge and steve, 11/2 bedreoms, 2 miles east et Bowmanville on H-wy. 2. Phone 987-4474. 4-i A THREE bedroom tewn- house, ideal for famnily living, iocated on- a quiet court in Bowmanville, close te schools, $275 pierrmonth; available immed(iaýte-ly.C-al! Sam Venn, -Toronte92o 17,Bowmanri ville 623 3393!, or Mr. Cooney, Teronto 444 5082. W. Frank Real Estate Realtor. 38-tt FURNISHED bedroom., by month, week or day, shower and bath, licenced premises, reasonable rates. Castie Hotel, Bowmanvilile 623 -7072. '62 CHE" 12 ton pick up. As s. $235. Phýone 623-3662. 4-1 1967 IMPERIAL, irrmaculate inside and eut, -mechaniçally excellent, loaded. Phone 1-786- 2966. 3-2x 69 PLYMOUTH Fury 111 good condition with snow tires, asking $1,200 or best offer. Phone 623-4835. 3-2 '73 PONTIAC Astre, 3 speed, 28,000 miles, exellent condi- tion. $2,200 or nearest offer. ,Phune 623-2385. 4-1 '66 VOLKSWAGEN as issi10. Phone 623-7764. 4-1 '68- PONTIAC station wagon, ,as is. Uncertified. $600. Phone 623-2230. 4-1 x '67 G.M.C. Handyvan, very good condition. Phone 623-5674 after seven p.m. 4-1 x ROOM and board for one persen. Phone 623-5986. 4-2 1