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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1975, p. 11

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Question Legality of Sunday M.orni*ng Hockey Practices By Jean Ahlvik stores selling Playboy and out that the recreation dei On Mon., dan. 20, Newcastle Penthouse and other skin ment doesn't seem ta town council a p ov a magazines, wbicb in is opin- about the by-law forbidi resolution presented by the ion contribute f ar more ta Sunday morning sports. Community Services Commit- crime than does Sunday sport. To follow up the debat( te42 wbich specified that the Since the council meeting, checked tbe activities ini 1) lin gton Sports Centre not we at tbe Stateman, bave done arenas on Sunday morniii botý ised for sport organized by a little investigating. The Bowman ville Arena tbe Town, Recreation Depart- question put ta tbe people of 7-9 practice for recrea ment befare noan an Sunday the former town of Bawman-' teams. They pay for the Thus the Pandara's box oi ville an April 9tb, 1962 was rental; 9-11:30 Commei Sunday morning sport creak- this: 'Are yau in favor of league for aduits; 11:30- ed open again. public games and sparts for Midget hockey organizec Caun. Don Allin spoke gain after 1:30 on the Lord's the town recreation del against the motion because hie Day?" However, wben the ment. Spectators at tend. felt there should bc a uniform by-law was enacted, one Newcastle Arena policy for the four arenas in month later, the "for gain" 8-9 Bowmanville 1M the Town of Newcastle. Mayor bad been inexplicably drap- Hockey; 9-1 Ice is rente( Rickard mentioned that the ped. "Public gaines or sports". Oshaw~a hockey teams. Ministerial Association is con- were ta be allowed only after Orono Arena cerned about tbis problem of 1: 30 on Sundays. According to 9-12 Oshawa teams reni the Sunday marning use of the Ontaria Lard's Day act, ice; 12:30-2:30 Orono Fiý arenas. Coun. Don Wearn the sparts had'ta be specified Skating Club. reminded cauncil of the refer- in the local by-law. Tbe the obvious questionà endumo of 1962 in wicb the Bowmanville b y-law specific- whetber these activities town of Bawmanville vted in ally mentions bowling,,bock- travene theby-law is trick favor of Sunday sports. eyý, basehal. basketball, bad- seems that the intentiono Coun. Ivan Habbs explained mintan, skating and billiards., original by-law was ta that the question at that time Rev. G. Corvers of Maran- spectatar sports to Sui concerned sparts after 1:30 atha Christian Refarm Cburcb afternoan when the cbur p.m. and dealt with spectatar explains the position af the would be over. Howevei sparts. Na one an council Ministerial Association this tbe wording is vague, seemed terribly clear about way. "We want the by-law question will hinge on the provisions of the ld forbidding Sunday sparts up ta definition of theN by-law and it was moved that 1:30 ta be enforced. Cildren "public". What is mean the matter be referred ta the who attend churcb and there- "public" sport? Comrmunity Services Commit- fore cannat make it ta hockey The other imponderal: tee for research. They were practice are discriminated tbis story is how far înstructed ta repart their against . . . We dont want ta churces are willîng tapu findings ta the Ministerial legislate that people must Rev. Corvers thougbt th Association, came ta c hurch; we just want one club was organi Coun. Ken Lyall seized this ta make it passible for young practices whicb interi opportunity ta denounce book people toboth play hockey and witb the rightof'someo on taurhuIpU '~ mmbers to worshin, PINE RIDGE CABLE T.V. LIMITED LORNE F. McFADDEN Mr. W. J. Leask, President,' ine Ridge Cable TV Limited k-pleased t0 announce the &-c-tion of Mr. Lorne F. McFaddlen to the Board of Directors of ine Ridge Cable TV 'Lirnitend fis -appoint1 ment as Vice-President and General Manager. The campany was incorpor- ated in 1965 and presently providles Cable TV service ta the cammunfities of Oshawa, Wt~and Bowmanville. Upr.-,compIetion of an exten- sive construction program, service wiII be extended ta the Brooklin area by March 1975. He says that the Minsterial Associatian is "trying ta feel their way" on a difficuit issue. '[bey do nat want ta put the cburcb an the side of force and yet tbey want ta see the end of discrimination against church-gaers who cannot make hackey practice on Sunday mornings. He pointed Judge Runciman presided with Acting Crown Attorney G. Wright and duty counsel D. Barber. Peter Louws Jr., Bowman- ville, pleaded "guilty" ta tbree charges- of defrauding the Unemplayment Insurance Commission in 1971. The judge commented 'the courts take a dim view of people actually defrauding the U.I.C. Restitut- ion bas been made. He was fined $50. and casts on each charge, in default 15 days on each charge consecutively. He was given two weeks ta pay.* Grant O. Lazarus, 737 Chamberlain St. Peter- borough, was charged Novem- ber 5 with driving while disqualified cantrary ta CC 238, He pleaded "guilty". He wasstopped on highway 35 -by Const. Cook. Be gavea false name at the time but pboned the detachment the next day. Bis license was suspended August 1970 for the unsatified judgment fund. Thefine was $100. and casts, in default,30 days. Be was probibited from driving for one year and the next time it will be more serions. C.P. Barold O'Connell. 627 Where to Put Garbage ,part- know dding te we nthe ngs. ýation ýe ice rcial 0-1:00 id by apart- [inar d by nt the gure about ;con- ýky. It of the limît nday iches ýr, as , the n the word ýt by ble in rthe ush it. bat if izing fered of bis ýthe responsibility would tbén, be to 1seek out the individual club administration and try ta get some action at that level. 1 The danger is a situation like this is that bot-beaded rbetoric could blow up the differences doing irreparable damage tu the fabric of tbe communîty. ci court McCowan Rd., Scarboroeigb, pleaded "ýguilty" ta driving after cansuming alcohol or drug. 'Tho char ge was laid September 29, Township Of Scugag. Be was stopped on the north shoulder of the road sitting bebind the wheel. Tests were .24. Const. Legate, was the investigating officer. The fine was $240., in default 30 days. G coad 8 John G coad 8 Caesarea, was cbarged Dec- ember 12 with net paying for $300 worth of gasoline at a service station on highway 7A, R.R. 2, Nestleton. Ho pleaded "guilty". Const. Coak was the investigating officer. Restitut- ion bas been made. '[he fine was $50. and costs, in default 15 days. He was given 30 days te pay. Gerrard Guerin, 38, 227 Blanger, Vanier, Que., plead- ed "guilty" tbraugh counsei T. Kelly, ta driving witb over .08. '[ho fine was $240. and costs or 30 days. Tests were .24., DuffGraham, R.R. 2, Black- stock, and David G. Malcolm, Blackstock, were put on one year suspended sentence for setting a fire on the road on Ballowe'en night. 1Andre J. Dumouchel, 25 R.R. 2, Newcastle, ple'adedi- "guilty" ta a December 28 charge of driving after con- suming over . 08. Const. Ricard fallawed hlm on King St. E. ta Liberty, then north on Liberty ta Concession E. His car had been weaving from side ta side. Tests were .15 and .14. He had a previaus conviction. '[ho fine was $300. and costs, in default tbree months. 1Arthur Pacey, 18, Lakeview Rd., Newcastle pleaded "guil- ty" ta a charge laid October 27 of obstructing Cônst. MacKay in the course of an investiga- tion into a minor accident. H e said Tony Gomes was the driver. Tony Gomes, 19, R.R. 1, Orono,' appeared in court and pleaded "guilty" ta the samne charge. At the time Gomes said ho was the driver and later advised that hoe wasn't. Counsel Barber said the car was owned by Gomes and Pacey had no license ta drive. '[ho car got on loase gravel and went off the road. '[ho reason was that the insurance dîd not caver an unlicensed driver. '[bey were each finied $50. and costs. '[bey were given two weeks ta pay. George R. Blanchard, 19, 545 Dundas -E. Apt. 302,- T[oronto, chacged April 30 witb willfully obstructing Const. Rd . McLeod in the investiga- tion of, an accident on -401, pleaded "net guilty" Const. McLead observed a 1965 car facingwest in the eastbound lane,' it had rolled over. Blanchard said hoe was the driver and had twa passengers from '[oronto. Later, Blanch- ard said he did not remember who was driving as ho was asleep. '[he judge said hoe certaînly misled the officers. Ho found bim "guilty". '[ho fine was $50. and costs, in default 15 days. Ho was given 4 weeks ta pay. Gary M. Watson, 30, 13612 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa, repre- sented by G.S. Boycohyn, pleaded '"guilty" ta careless driving August 3, on régional road 4. Ho first cut off a motorist at a gas pump, later an a bill ho drove alangside the samne motorist and cut in front of' him again, doing miner damage ta a fonder. Ho appeared ta be in a bad mood that nigbt. Const. MacKay was the investigating officer. Counsel said Watson is trying ta rebabilitate hîmself. Ho was fined $200. and costsi in default two months. Carl Grant Stewart, Ieonty- pool, appeared in court on a charge of common assault ta bis brother George Barry Stewart. '[ho charge was laid Bowrnanville, Ont., January llth, 1975. Dear Edit or: Would, you be kind enough to publish the following in your paper, and perhaps it will reach the right source. Several years ago when King St. (No.2) Highway was widened, sorne of-we residernts lost our Boulevards. Since that time whenever we have had a heavy snow faîl, there has been no place to put the snow. Now cornes the garbage problern. The tirne 7 a. m. makes no difference tous, as we have been in the habit of placing our garbage out in, the driveway, on the previous night, to, the collection. Is the sidewalk flot reserved for people to walk, on? Would we not be lia ble f or having put. garbage, etc. there?, We have had, two (2) -cards placed in our letter siot, from the Director of Public Works, in the beautiful Town of Newcastle. Would it not be better to pïlace the garbage in the usual place? Thank you John, Duaine Palmer. Mrs. Fred Griff in Elected President Red Cross Soc. The Annual meeting of the closing remarks. Mrs. J. Living, Women's Bowmanville, and District The offices were declared Works - Mrs. M. Eves, Mrs. B. Branch of the Canadian Red vacant and the Nominating Spry, Services to Simors - Cross Society was held in the Committee's Report was read, Mrs. J. Brownlee, Campaign - Red Cross Rooms at 28 and approved. The officers for Mr. R. Santomero and Disas-' Division St., Bowmanville at 8 1975 will be Imm. Past Pres. ter -' Mrs., G. Forsey, The p.m. on Tbursday, Jan. 9th, Mrs. G. Forsey, Pres. Mrs. F. Youth Rep. - Mary Ann 1975. Griffin, Vice Pres. Mrs. R. Groetelaars. Phone and Lunch The President opened with -Santomero, Sect. Miss M. ConVenor --Mrs. K. Scott, the p rayer. The minutes of the, Crowe and Treas. Mr. E. Nominating and Awards Com- last Annual meeting were Ingram. mittee will. be - Mrs. G. read and approved Thge Trea- The Chairmen are: Blood - Forsey, Mrs. R. Santomfero surer gave bis report. Each Mrs. R. Spry, First Aid - Mr. and Mr. H. Luxton.- The chairman gave their report H. Luxton, Watel Safety - Mrs. meeting was .adjourned and and the President made ber D. Caverly, Loan Cupboard - lunch was served. Planto ElmctOfcesfor Town's Ratempalyers At meeting oiLn Jan.le29 At a meeting 'Wednesday evening, dan. lStb in the Courtice High School, a group of Ratepayers fram the Town of Newcastle discussed final plans for the, formation of a Ratepayers Association ta represent tbe entire Town. Discussion centred on the - organizational aspect of sucb 'an association, and after hearing from Maj. Patrick Dooley, of the Witby Corridor Area Ratepayers Association, it was decided that the association, wben formed, should become incorporated under Ontario Law. "T[bis will give you official clout," explained Mr. Daoley. He went on ta say that it is a very effective way of influenc- ing decisions at ahl levels of government, whicb may effect the quality or lîfestyle af the community. "A legal repre- sentative organizatian is re- spected by the politicians," 'he stated. --An election meeting will b W held in Bowmanville January 29tb, at the Court Chambers on Churcb St. ta elect six Executive and 10 Director members ta head up the Association. Directars may be, added later ta ensure repre- sentation from as wide an area as possible, tbroughout the Town. Considerable discussion evolved around the Courtice Concept Plan, whicb was unveiled ta cauncil in early December. Most of the people present fromn the Courtîce area expressed their desire ta study it and give input before it went any farther. dames Robinson, a member of the Steering Committee ta organ- ize the association explaîned the Newcastle Council were in the process of prepar- ingl presentation ta the Flic and the Regian for a irtphase of such a concept. There will be similar concepts produced for Bowmanviîle and Newcastle Village. The question of when public, input wauld be allawed arase,.and it was suggested that those Preen should attend, a public Plnig meeting on danuary 27th ta dîscuss the Interim District Plan, and put the question ta cauncil at that tîme. The meeting, cbaired by John Liptay Jr., attracted about 25 ratepayers from the Courtice area. 't is gratify- Elect New Off ice Oshawa Reoltori The Oshawa and District Real Estate Board (O.D.R. E.B.) beld their Annual General Membersbip Meeting at the Holiday Inn in Osawa January 18. He was put on a peace bond for one year ta keep tbe peace and be of good behaviour. Ronald Bentley, 23, 2 Cburch St., Bowmanville, pleaded "guilty" to eight cbarges: dangerous driving, driving after consuming over 08, assulting Const. Bromley, failing to appear, failing to wear a helmet wbile driving motorcycle, driving without a license, and some offences were committed twice. Sever- al other charges were witb- drawn at the request of the crown. His counsel asked the judge to remand bim out of custody ta attend AA. The crown read- out previous convictions. He said wben he bad failed ta appear twice, the court sbould consider a jail term. For assaulting Const. Bromley, he was given 3 montb in jail, tbe dangeraus driving charge brougbt a fine of $250, in default 30 days concurrent, on the driving after consuming wben tbe tests were .14 the fine was $140., fortbwith, iii default 15 days. He also was fined $20. on eacb of the traffic cbarges, in default 4 days consecutive on eacb charge. He was Prohibit- ed from driv*ý ig for two years. ing ta see sa many interested individuals came out. toaa relatively unpublicized meet- ing like this," said Mr. Liptay, who bas cbaired 4 previaus meeting of the Steering Com- mittee. "I hope we can pack the Courtbouse in Bawman- villeon the 29t," he said. Posters will be distributed througbout the new T[own af Newcastle ta publicize the meeting, which will commen- ce at 7:30 p.m. AlI residents are welcome. ELIZABETHVI LLE Church services were held as usual. Rev. Bartlett spoke an, "[ho Disturbing Questions of desus. " A very gaod crowd attended. On '[uesday evening the annual Congregational meet- ing was beld at Gardon Hill. After the business was con- cluded, a social time was held.' On Wednesday afternoon the United Church Women Unit Il met at Mr. and Mrs. W. Longyear's-homne. The presi- dent Mrs. B. Wheeler presided and Mrs. Ken '[rew read the minutes. Mrs. Bartlett gave us a very interesting talk on life as a chaplain's wife for the aàrmed forces, and also told us about the different places they had lived. Plans were made for a uilting the week of the 27tb. .Wen aur new minister Rev. Bartlett took over, the week- of aur meeting was changed sa that Mrs. Bartlett would be able ta attend as some other cburch had aur date. 'Tho ladies would rather have the meeting in the second week of the montb so our meeting will be on the second '[uesday, every montb. Our cook books haven't came yet and we plan ta write about tbem. New officers were elected and Mrs'. W. Longyear will be aur new president and Mrs. H. Quantrill will be the secre- tary. Supply and Social assist- ance Mrs. H. Muldrew, Stew- ardsbip - Mrs. H. Tbickson, Citizensbip and Social Action - Mrs. Wheeler, Missionary Ed- ucation - Mrs., K. '[rew, Cammunity and Friendship - Mrs. H. Thickson. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barbwell on Friday. Mrs. Barbwell is improving nicely. Mrs. Clarence Beatty bas Ls During, "' Meeting Wednesday night, dJanuary lSth. 'Tho O.D.R.E.B. Executive for 1975 was sworn in by William Lowry, Regional Vice' President of the Ontario Real Estate Association (O.R.E.A.) Frank M. Smith, F.R.I. is this year's President, George '[waites, and Ralph Anderson are the First and Second Vice-Presidents. Directars for this year are Ernest Mueller, F.R.I., Bette Marrison, Don- nis Chura, Mike Belmonte, F.R1., Gerald VanSchepen and Ray McKenna.- William Lowry thon addros- sed the meeting. He brought the Oshawa Realtors up ta date on the O.R.E.A. activities in the past year. Mr. Lowry reminded the members of their responsibilities ta bath the public and fellow Roaltors witb sp ecial emphasis on professional conduct whîch would put forward an image that would instill public confi-, dence. Mondeau Beaucbamp, of the Durham Regional Industrial Commission, in charge of the Oshawa Area, also addressed the Realtors present. Ho is laoking for a meaningful liaison between Realtors and, the Commission for the order- ly industrial development of the area. Mr. Beauchamp feels there is tremfendous potential for development in the Oshawa Area in the future. been- quilting most of the week. Mr. and Mrs.,Ken '[rew bad Mr. and Mrs. A.'[rew and baby. Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Deremo, Orona on the, weekeind. Congratulations are extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. J. Zealand on 'the birth of their first grandsaon David Jason Cie- Andrew Jackson,, Peterbor- ough spenit the weekend with bis grandparents, Mr. 'and Mrs. V. Peacock. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 22, 1975 Il EOBA Elects Officersat Annual Me et in Kingfston Sanford Haskill of Port Britain is the new president of the Eastern Ontario Basebal Association. He was elected by delegates attending, the EOBA's annual meeting an Saturday, dan. lith at the- Holiday inn in Kingstan.wora frth Haskill, h a fote presidency a year ago and lost. defeated Gord Hanna of Whitby for the tap post in the 1975 election of officers. Because not enough people had been nominated priar ta the meeting ta fill the ten executive positions, nommna- tions were accepted from tbe floar sa that a full slate of afficers could be named. Mart Hallowell of Bewdley will sit on the executive in the capacity of first vice-presi- dent. Jae Hawkins of Kingston is the incaming 2nd vice and Jim Whyte of Trenton the new third vice. Tbe important jobs of secre- tary and registrar were filled by Vi Christopher of Belleville and Bob Scott of Kingston respectively. Serving as directors of EOBA will be Larry Dewell of Bowmanville, Gord Jahnson of Oshawa, Ross Brown of Newtonville and Jimh Hare of Kingston. An amendment ta permit the use of aluminum bats was endorsed by 51 of the 53 voting delegates. A proposai ta allow tyke, peewee and bantamn clubs ta use a cheaper brand of baseball passed unani- mausly.' Syl Apps, well knawn in hockey and political circles, praved ta be an excellent guest speaker at the noon heur, dinner wbich 79 people attended. -Part Hope Guide Councillor Key Lyall raised the only verbal protest last Wednesday as members of regional council gave tbem- selves a 10 per cent pay boost retroactive ta dan. 1. According ta Councillor Lyall demanding pay increas- es is not a way ta fight inflation. "Our solution ta inflation is ta raise'aur own salaries, I think that is dreadful. We are being very foolisb", he, toldcouncil. Tbe 10 per cent increase brings council salaries ta, at least 15,000 ($300 a week), salaries from local councils. One third of the money is tax free. (Oshawa), Ken Lyall (New- castle), Lawrence Malcolm (Scugag), Allan McPbail (Brock), dames Patticary (Oshawa) and Margaret Sbaw (Oshawa). Councillor Lyall bas stated that at this time next year he will make public receîpts for at least $1,000 (the amount of tbe increase) for charitable donations.___ Elect Mrs. B.- DiIIing, Horticultural President Thbe Bowmanville District Hortîcultural Society held its nintb annual meeting on danuary l5tb, at '[rînity Unit- ed Churcb Sunday Scbool hall, commencing with a good old fashioned pot luck supper. recently gained an increase with arrangements made by that brougbt their annual aur junior club members. salaries up ta an average of The flawers were made af $13,000, well belaw -the regian- plastic egg containers, and al councillors' average. they added natural green and Councillar Des Newman pine canes. (Wbitby) one of the council's Prizes' were given for the business executives wba stili best arrangements. Gracia operates bis business and bas Dykstra won first in class A, an income from it. supported and Janet McKnigbt came the raise but moved ta reduce first in class B. Archie the amaunt by $100 "ta set an Whitmee finisbing bis Iast example". Cauncillor New- year as President presided man's attempt failed and during the business session. council went for the whole 10 Mrs. Robert Dykstra was tbe per cent. recording secretary. Only 'eight of the 27 mem- Before getting da wn ta bers present for a recorded business, Mrs. E. Brown of vote on the matter opposed the Orona entertained witb same raise. '[bey were John Aker delightful musical selections. (Oshawa), William Ballinger She accompani ed on the pilana (Uxbdge) ikP Braugh ~.for a-1,sing sang, and we enjoyed the musicel interpret- ation of a dancing puppet to the music of a tape recarder. Reports were presented by the chaîrman of the, various committees. Again the year was a bus a ne, keeping the flowfer beas fresh and clen. We look after seven flower beds throughout the town, mostly municipal building graunds. Our junior garden club members were a great help, and at the same time learning ta be good gardeners. Mrs. T. Stephens of Har- wood, the district director, conducted the election of new officers and directors as follaws; President Mrs. B. Dilling, First, Vice-President Mr. A. Brown, 2nd Vice President Mrs. G. Arnburg,- 2 year, directors - Mrs. A. Brown, M r. N. Allison, Mr. W., Maindonald, Mr. B. Dilling, Mr. K. Palmer, one year, directors - Mrs. C. Downey Mr. D. Jackson, Mr. E. Gingell, Mr. E. Bradley, Mrs. P. Harford. &tart /oui Wedlchng f/Vans witk f D~{D from Ask to See Our AnnQouneement Books by Rainbow rb LyalI OnIy Co uncillor To Verbal ly, Protest 10ÔPer Cent Wage Hikeý DYKSTRA'S DELICATESSEN Food Market HOME 0F QUALITY HERSHEY CHOCOLATE BAR Sae .18e 9.3oZ. CC BARS Sav'3 bars 77F FRUIT ROLL Pkg. of 12 Roilsc CANDY'S Save.le4 FRESU CRISP LETTUCE 39Cech TOASTMIASTER > SUMMIT White Sliced OR CHAPMAN'S BREAD ICE CREAM 9> Loves79 C .09, 12 Gai. FRESH ONTARIO VEAL AVAILABLE THIS WEEK, 1VEAL CHO PS $1 .75 Lb. VEAL STEAK ý1,8Lb. LARGE SELECTION 0F HOLLAND RECORDS- 10 per cent Discount. à9 ~3UY NOW AND SAVE! From4,lafd up LARGE SELECTION 0F DELICATESSEN FOODS MEAT PLATTERS Ready to Serve CHEESE PLATTERS --at, SNACK TRAYS Your Parties rFRICO BRAND EDAM CHEESE FROM HOLLAND 1 9lb DYKSTR'SARKING! HOME 0F QUALITY Enter From 77 King St. W., BowmanvilleQenS.

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