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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1975, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 22, 1975 MAPLE GROVE W.'1. The Maple Grove W.I. met on Jan. 13th at 8 p.m. in the C.E. Hall. 1 The roll eall 'Bring an article or some information about another country' was most interesting and informa- tive. Mrs. W. Brown reported for, the 'Good Neighbours' Committee. Mrs. H. Prescott and.Mrs. A. Vandergaast will ag ain be leaders of the 4-H Club Project "A Touch of Stitchery'. Mrs., H. Prescott gave.her report of the Area Convention in Toronto in December. This was a most enlightening account of the convention as our delegate. Mrs. 'G. Besse-, convenor of World Affairs was in charge of the following programn. Mrs. Les Anderson commented on the motto 'Human beings are tied together by ideas and feelings, not by> geography'. She said "How true and each one knows this in our own lives." We know of a mission- ary and an Afrîcan falling in love and raising a family where geography did flot matter. Customs unlike our own, brightens our corner and helps extend the hand of f riendship. Geography is not a hold bac k in the making of friends. Mrs. G. Besse introduced our Past District President, Mrs. Howard Bradley, a mnember of our WA. Branch. Mrs. Bradley told of the various World organizations where the Women's Institutes' are working. Mention1 was made of the sewing machine project in India, Lady Aber- deen Scholarships and Pen- nies for Friendship to nention just, a few.1 Mrs. G. Besse moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Anderson. Lunch of fruit bread an d cheese, tea and coffee was served during the social hour. Sour Graâpes& By Bill Arnott A telephone caît from a studenit at Clarke High Sehool on Friday, morning indicated that two s3tudents were going tobreaýk the record in the Gunness Book of Records for eating grapes. Upion arrival at the school, it was learned that the contest was part ofe a sociology project, where stu- dents are studyinrg particular iterests in society such as music, art, breaking records, etc Ani acute case of shyness developed and the Statesman report er-photog ra phier was discou.raged fromn ta ing their piture, The reason expressed ww ýthai they did'tan[ pubiicity. L 1's felt by this reporter that a point of clriictinshould be expre s- sed. Thie job of a local newspaper is to publish names and pictures of. people in a community, with the hopeof promoting a community at- mosphere. Besides, what hap- pens in the classroom and in the educational field is public information. Education is paik' for by the' taxpayers in your community. The picture might-,have portrayed to the public that the learning process can be fun, and this kind of publicity would have been in the best iviterest of the system. Well, so much for the "Sour Grapes". Best of luck to. the challengers, and hope they don't feel too embarrassed if they break the record and have their namnes publishedinii the Guinness Book of Recorýds, but not in-the Satesmian. Hospital Ur ges Visitors to Keep Flu Bugs Home problems become evident or if utmost discretion by visitors is not, used, total visiting restrictions will of niecessity be imposed. We urge c-operation during this period. PLANNING Orono school principal Doug Moffatt was appointed vice- chairman of the Newcastle Planning Advisory committee on Monday night, Jan. 13th. Mr! Moffatt has been a member of the* committee since its incepti on last year. The committee bas neyer previously had a vicehair- man. for Fýresh Pork Loin Roast SPECIL! RIS OR TENDERLOIN I 2GTO 4 LB. Young rHen Joan F'nielden tels how:, Turkeys I)r,îî \ c lîrî. MNI cxi N Roast Pork with Easy Cherry Sauce (Serves 6-8) O)ne 3 poîînd pork roasti(shoulder or butt) 1 1 6 ounce Lan c:herriy pie lfiing, 4 tbsp emonJuice: 112tspn, ginger 1Roast pork in 325'1-.oven for ý540 minutes per p ound or Lntil int ernaidtemperature of'I170 1-. on meât theî iometer. 2. Heat renîaining ingredients to boiîing. Stir and simmer 2-3 mi1nutite s. 3. Serv e hot with roast. Menu Suggestions Roast pork with easy C herry Sauce, buttered brown rice. mixed v egetables. tomato and lettuce' saîfad -Chocoîate pudding with \ nlawafers - Coffee. muRk. T he lollowing chart wiII give youI a guideline to the a mount of food x ou shouîd buy to0 balance your f',-illy'sntritionail needs. And i f N ou'd like to know more about lbod and nutrition. write me, "JO(AN". PO. Box 35, Station Tor-onto. Il'Il send s ou friee. hel ptul inform~ation. RAINBOW WHITE OR PKG. OF 180 PRINTED SCOTT SERVIETTES 91 c FINE, MEDIUM WIDE 120OZ PKG. OR EXTRA BROAD R 1M EGG NOODLES 41c ASST'D VARIETIES 1,625OZ. LIPTON INSTANt PKG. CupýA-Soup STUART HOUSE 25 FT: ROLL 12 INCHc FOIL WRAP53 GANT FANCY 5><I~14 FL OZ TIN GREEN GIANT PEAS 33 Your1 appetite and mine were flot designed to choose foods as wisely as they might. We tend to eat what we likeý best, rather than what we need. To help give your family what they need for many of their daily body requirements, you can count on pork. If's a lean source of high quality protein; and like ail meats, pork is considered a high density nutrient that is devoid of carbohydrates. It also provides a high ratio of nutrients to calories, as well as a supply of vitamins and m inerais.' And pork is an excellent type of meat-to balance your budget with. In fact, this week I've selected a Dominion pork special to build my recipe around. It will flot only help reduce the cost of your meal, il will also supplysome of the important, nîtrients necessaryfor your family's daily requirements. MY GUIDE FOR WEEKLY FOOD QUANTrTIES 1Famîily Child Child ýGirls By oe e oe e Meals j 1-6 6-12 13-20 1-06+ 6 ýMeat, Fsh, u ptol 1 3/4týbs-2-lbs lls bs 21bs 2Ibs 2lbs Pqu[1try lb Leafy Greerj Yeiiow 11, lbs 2'/4 bs 2' 4lbs 23/4 Ibs 21/4lbs 2'/2 lbs 2112 lbs 21/2 lbs Vegtables Milk* 5qts 5Sqts 4 qts 5Sqts 2 qts -2 qts 4ts 4 Eggs 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 Flourl 11/4 lbs 31/4 Ibs 31/2 lbs 4-5 lbs 31/4lIbs 31/4 lbs 2/4lbs 3/4 Ibs Potatoes 1 lb. 2-3 lbs 31/4s4 lb 3Ibs 4 lbs 2 lbs 31/4 lbs Citrus Fruit, 13/4 bs 2/41lbs 21/4 lbs 2'/2 lbs 2'/4 lbs 21/2 lbs 2114 lbs 214 lbs Tomnatoes Pr eans, ulszI __4_lb /4 lb 1/2lb1b /41 b 34 lbs 2 oz 2oz Fasis 24 oz 11/2lb 3/4Jbs 1 -1 112 34 lbs 34 lbs 810 8-10, EatOIs -lbs oz oz Sygru, 2 oz 3/4 lb 2oz 14 oz 3/4 lb 1làb 8-10 810 Preservesj____-OZ Z Mîik or ils equivalent in cheese, evaporated milk or dry ïmilk. Count 1112 lbs of bread (24 oz. loat) as 1 lb of flour-or use equivalent in enriched pasîas. To meet necessary iron allowance - serve 1 large, or 2 smaîl servings of lîver r ottier organic, meats once a week. B.C. FANCY SIZE 100 SI GOLDEN DELI( APPLES Ca rrots SPECIAL! ON TARIO GROWN NO. 1 GRADE 3LB -BAG BEEF, CHICKEN OR IRISH' Cordon Bleu Stews SP 25 FL.' OZ. TIN )ECIA!7 F-resh Whole Pork Loins' C SPECIAL! ROAST AND CHOPS 9 TO 14 LB. ,LB. AVG. ,Whole' c LB. F-resh Loin Pork Chops SPECIL! CENTRE CUT 28 LB. Fresh. G.round' Beef Hamburg c LB. C SPECIL GROUND, MAPLE LEAF, MAC &CHEESE,,CHICKEN. 607 ýPK& DLJTCH, P & P OR OLIVE & PIMENTO LOAF COOKE DMEATS 4 MARY MILES, SLICED 1607z PKG, MAC & CHIEESE ORc CHICKEN LOAF89 SIENNA BABY CHUB LB MORTADELLA 9c RUPERT, FROZEN 120OZ PKG. FISH CAKES M IN TOMATO SAUCEF LIBBY'S BEANS SPCA!19 FL OZ, 45C MEDIUM DRY GARLIC, 12 FL. OZ. BTE. STRONG OR SWEET N SOUR VH SPARE RIB SAUCES 9T4 LIDO DERBY SPEI>I(lI! 1007Z ?KG BISCUITSf C CHOCOLATE MALLOWS 7 PURE 25 FL. OZ. TlIN ST. LAWRENCE 14 COiRN QIL Ldy Scott' Bath roomn T'issue SPECIAL! ASST'D COLOURS 2 PLY 4 ROLL PKG. c DOG FOOD 720O. PKG WITH LIVER CHUNKS KEN-L RATION BURGER 2.8 BEEF CHUNKS, BEEF STEW 1450OZ TIN OR HORSEMEAT CHUNKS MASTER DOG FOOD Mec POWDERED 2 LB. BOX SURF DETERGENT 89c REGULAR OR POWDER 907Z AEROSOL CONT. ANTI-PERSPIRANT GILLElTE RIGHT GUARD 14 NORMAL, 8 FL. OZ CONT. DRY OR 01LY HALOL SHAMPOO 79C HAIR CONTROL SI( i!807 AEAOSOLCONT. 1/3 MORE FREE-99 WINDBREAK99 SANITARY NAPKINS PKG. 0F 48ý CONFIDETS 2. 49 LYSOL LIQUID 24 FL. 0OLTiNM TOILET BOWL 4C, CLEANER84 FROZEN EVISCERAED S>C'!LB. YOUNG-CANADA GRADE :A DELUXE SELF BASTIING. 10 0O16LBI AVG 4 GOLDEN BIRD TURKEYS 6 MAPLE LEAF, RANCH STYLELE BY THE PIECE 4 BOLOaNA BITTNER'S, COOKED, LB. BEEF 1SALAMI SAUSAGE 149 BITTNERS LBý EUROPEAN STYLE BRATWURST SAUSAGE 1.29 BITTNER S, SLICED 6 OZ PKO BQkOQN. 47U FEARMAN'S, FROZEN 2 LB BOX BEEF PATTIES 1.-58 MAPLELEAF 1 LB, PKG. GOLDEN FRY SAUSAGE 99c MAPLE LEAF OR 1 LB. PKG. HINT 0F MAPLE, RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON 1.28 MAPLE LEAF OR 1 LB. PKG. DOMINION'S, OWN SKINLESS 0 WIENERS82 SCHINEIDER S, SLICED 60OZ PKG. COOKED HAM #99C MAPLE LEAF, BONELESS LB. READY TO SERVE DINNER HAMS 1M7 MAPLELEAF LB. SWEET PICKLED - COTTAGE ROLLS -1.14 N TOMATO SAUCES>(LL 28 FL. OZ. TIN WITH CHEESEc LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI 45c 85 SPECL! KRAFT 3 LB. PKG. ASST'DVARIETIES 575 DZ. PKG. BETTY CROOKERc FRUIT HELPER29 ASST'DVAR IETI ES SPECIUX! '5OZ- BETTY C ROCKER PKG. SNedACKMIN'79 CAKE 1MIXES, ,I ASST'DFLAVOURS 4 x 5OZ. TINS LAURA SECOÀ'D PUDDINGS 77c AU STRALlAI FROZEN AUSTRALIAN, FROZEN LB. SHOULDER LAMB CHOPs 78 c BY CR EAM ETTE MACARONI SPECIA IKG 48C ORANGEPEKOE 16OZ. PKG OF 120 RED ROSE TEA BAGS 21 BLACK< DIAMOND 16 OZ. PKG SINGLE THINSPROCESS ' CHEESE SLICES. 1.29 VIM, INSTANT 48 07-BAG SKIM MILK POWDER 1.78 FROZEN' 21 OZ. PKG. STOUFFER'S 17 LASAGNA STOUFFERS FROZEN 120OZ PKG. MACARONI & CHEESE 69c, CORONATIOpJ SPE( h! 32 FL. OZ. JAR POLSKIE OGORKIE ORc WHOLE DILL PICKLES 58 RICHMELL0 19OZ. PKG SPICE BAR 79C RICHMELLO 2007Z PIE RAISIN PIE 89C F-rench Fried; Potatoes SPECIAL! DOMINION FANCY FROZEN 4 LB. PKG. 8 RICHMELLO 5> I! 160OZ.JAR COFFEE CREAMER 99c DOMINION, ENCHANTMENT 860Z.PKG. BUDS, MACAROONS OR CHOCOLATE WAFERS 73c DOMINION, FANCYFROZEN 32OZ. PKG, ROMANO CUTc GREENBEANS 99c DOMINION, FROZEN 60OZ.P<G. ONION RINGS 43C Jt's mainly because oft eecise VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTILCLOSING lIME TUESDAY, JAN. 28, 1975 1N BOWMANVILLE. WE, RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TU NORMAL FAMILY REQUIRIEMENTS. DOMINION 1 ,STORESLIMITED. our name, DOMINION STORES LIMITED SPECIL!CpLamb Legs FROZ E N EVISCERATED CANADA GRADE "A"' SPECIAL! D 10 TO 16 LB. 6 à ; AVG. LB. 3RADE SPECIAL cEATING arkay SPE16J 27 LB.Margarine

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