(s awa Sniper S oOts i self At 5:25 p.m. yesterday, approximately 30 Durham Regional policemen', surrounded' the two-storey building at the intersection of King and Gibbon Sts., in Oshawa, and pleaded over loud hailers for a gunman to surrender. Two, hundred yards across the street, 10 employees and customers of the Simpson-Sears au tomotive centre remained face do wn on the f loor in terror. Minutes before shots had crashed through the service stations haif inîch plate glass window. The shots missed everyone inside.ý When the sniper refused to surrender to police, ise Per Conv BOWMANVILLE, ONTARLIO, WE v uiii aÏ tu, -" ut- POSTPO"NE C 0"F C DINNER Unforeseen circumstances, beyond local control, have, forced the Chamber of Commerce to postpone the Annual Dinner meeting scheduled for tonight. The meeting will be held next Wednesday evening, January 29th, at the same time as originally scheduled, at The Flying Dutchman Motor Inn. Tickets are stili available. John Craig Eaton will be the speaker. Drfiington Sports Centre Off iciai Ope-ning February 8 Superintendent Ken Young and Deputy Chief Bill Jordan, broke into the f irst f loor and found an elderly wom an who boàrded at the home in shock. She was carried to safety by a detective. When police were sure no one else other than the sniper, was in the building, tear gas was lobbedthrough every window in the house. Jordan and Young, wearing, gasmskad with guns drawn, broke down the doors of each apartment and found a man lying in a pool of blood with a massive gun wound to his chest. Young said the wound was -self -înftlicted. The (Turn to Page Two) DNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1975 22 Pages NUMBER 4 A vîew of the upper story of the house on King St. West, Oshawa, where a sniper with a .303 Ross rifle, caused considerable concern yesterday afternoon aûid eveningbefore he finally shot'himself, This photo was taken f-rm the Simpsons-Sears Automotive building at 'Oshawa Centre where employees lay on the floor for more than an hour after abullet went through oneý of the north windows, apparently ricocheted and went out throughi a window on the south side. Police used the embankment shown here for protection as they fired tear gas into the top'floor of the house. Carruthe--rs WiII Nolt RUn[ ginGnrak' fiâmS ofst7 Services were heid at 2 p.m. today in the Morris Funeral Chapel for a formuer wardenof Northumiberland and Drham Counties and Liberal mi ember Of Parliamient W. Frank Rickard. Mr. Rickard died at Memnoriai Hospifal- Bowman- ville, Sundayý at the age of 91. Mvay i ry LUCK riere Postponed> TheGarak region con- Alex Carruthers, member of provincial parlia- servation autthority working ment for Durham riding will not seek re-electioAr. in conjuctinwit h the Minisfry elcin9 ald of Natural Resources and the when the next provincial lcinscaed Pine Ri;dge- Training Schooi There has beern speculation for rnonths that Mr. hFasçrae a public winter Ca rruter~s woukdi -retire af ter 16 yea-rs of ServiC-pt e crto (ionarea ,jm. he Ganar- the riding. That speculation was strengthened SThis offers an opportunity when the electoral boundaries commission for the publýýicf snowv'mobiie announced new boundaries for the former on groome-d traits Or cross- Durham riding. The new boundaries split Mr. wuiirysi1« on trails marked Carruthers' riding, putting Port Hope and Hope The authority reports a township in Northumberland riding and the rest of probiemn with snowm obiles JSUi îr.aîî tnçrpth.r ifit. nà ta. o t. n t. in new..-~,fo'1,~ ~v f h~, (Turn to Page Two) East Durham riding. certain 'of, the boundary changes for the new riding of Durham East, "and the candi- dates in the running. The redistribution bill, f0 be debafed when given second reading before the House within the next two weeks, wil shif t Port Hope and Hope township from Durhamn f0 Northumnberland ridîng. ,The oid Durhamn riding inceluding the Town of New- castle wili be expanded west- Inferment wiil be in the Bowmanviiie Cernetery. Durham Masonic Lodge of which Mr. Rickard, was a, member for more than 55 years heid a service in the chapel at 9 p.n.- Tuesday. Mr. Rîckard sfarted his publiec life on the Newcastle Rev. Robert G. Lindseyý The Rev. Robert G. Lindsey, at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, B3.A., BWD. Associafe Secte- January 26th, 1975. tary of the Jivision. f Mission Bob Lindsey beiieves that in Canada for the United the Church shouid be more Church 'of Canada, wili be the poiificai and his actions bear guest speaker at Newfonvilie ouf this conviction. he bas United Church at .9:45 a.rn. been a prime m n-over in the and af Kendal Unitedi Church (Turn to Page Two) ward to inciude parts of Oshawa. The shif t wili leave Alex Carruthers resîdingouf- side the riding, and wili give the riding an.urban character, centred around the cif y of Oshawa. Asked his reasons for retire- ment, Mr. Carruthers said it was not suitable "thaf a member live outside the riding, especialiy'when he is away fromn the centre of (Turn to Page Two) MPDies Board of Educationi when he was elected i 1915. He served as ifs chairman frorn 1919 to 1922, before rnoving on to municipeai polifies.' He was elected to the Village of Newcastle in 1923, and served as reeve of the village from 1929 to 1933 and Warden of Northumberland and Durham County in 1933. Frorn 1935 to 1944 he was the Liberai Member of Parlia- ment in Ottawa for Durham Riding (Turn f0 Page Two) BROADBENT DECLINES Ed Broadbent, the popular NDP Membefë of Parliament from Oshawa who bas been leading their party in -the House since the defeat of David Lewis, bas announced that he will flot be a candidate for the party leadership in July. He cites family reasons for bis refusai to run. The announcement came as a shock to parfy members who considered hini almost a sure thing, if he man. Cabineut Meerts in Oshawa In a press reiease from Queen's Park, Aiex Carruth- ers, M.P.P. Durham. states that on wednesday, February l2th, the Ontario Cabinet, led by the Premier, the Honour- ae William Davis, wiii meef in the Oshawa Civic Auditor- ium at which time the publiie wili be given, the opportunity to express its views fo the Davis government directiy. As the member of the (Turn to Page Two) The officiai opening of the Bowmanville and Newcastle Darlington Sports Centre will Clubs of the Town 'of, New-' take place on Saturday, Feb- castie; at 3 p.rn. Regional ruary 8, trin -t115 with Mayors race around the rink; teoeingcerernonies, nib- at 3:15 Regionai Council bon cutting by Mayor Garnet versus the Newcastle Council Rickard and speciai guest Staff in a garne of hockey; at 4 Tom Simpson of the Toronto p.m. Bowmanville Commer- Toros. Mr. Simpson is report- cial League versus the New- ed to have the hardest shot in castle Ail Stars League; at 5 professionai hockey. p.rn. Newcastle Hockey The progra 1m wiil be as Coaches take on the Durham follows;, at 2 p.rn. a figure Regional Police in a game of skating exhibition by Orono, hockey;- and lfrorn 7:30 to 10 p.m. there wiil be pleasure LOAN To SPECIALTY skaing (no charge to anyone). The Ontario Development On Sunday there Wiii be Corp has approved a $90,000' pleasure skating frorn 2 p.m. loan to Specialty Paper Pro- to 4 p.rn. free of charge. duets Ltd. in ]Bowimanviile, to Newcastle Coundil recentiy purchase new niiaterýial. 0 approved an expenditure o f The !an f0 this paper bag $I,000 for this openin.g. and paper mates overings t'otaling $7101900O grantedf C oo ~F i rive Onaro mnies an- nounced by Indutrty and Tourisrn Minister Claude Ben- Pr~ojections by five compan- T i e ies indîcate they will create B a 290 new jobs within five years B îre. F ct 1 BTS N' PECE YOUNG CANADA DAY - This Saturday, at the arena in Bowmanville there will be plenty of live action as part of Minor Hockey week celebrations. Teams will be in town from Oshawa, Port Perry, Trenton, Peterborough and Oakville to take on the local All-Stars. Games start at 9 a.m. with the final beeinning at 5:30 in the afternoon. In all. there will be eight games with teams ranging from Novice to Midget. For details, see page eight., SNIPE R LOOSE - As this is being written Tuesday evening, Durham Regional Police are, engaged in a gun battie with a sniper on King St. West in Oshawa. A report has just corne in that a. suspect has been arrested. So far, no other details concerning possible injuries, have been received. Also there was another arson attempt today at Bond Towers in Oshawa This makes four of them, we understand. And this used to be such a nice, peaceful area. MIDGET, TOURNAMENT - A Statesman photo- grapher attended the opening ceremonies of the Wrigley Midget Hockey tournament at Oshawa Civic Auditorium on Monday night and shot several pictures that appear on the front of the second section. t was quite an impressive event. The games continue throughout the week with teams from acrossý Canada competing, and displaying some excellent hockey. HARBOR REPAIRS - A note bas just corne in that tenders are being called for repairs to the breakwater at Port Darlington harbor (Bowmanville). They close on Jan. 30th, so more information on the extent and cost of the project should be available shortly after that date. That will be welcome news to cottage owners, boaters and Gill's Marina owners. BENEFIT CONCERT - Oshawa's fine civic band and the Country Four quartet will be presenting a benefit concert for the Clarke High School Music Dept. on Monday, Feb. loth at 8 p.m. The band is the same one that drew large crowds during their performance at Parkwood during the summer. It is ldby' Capt. George, Quick. Tickets are now available. Senior citizens will beadmitted -without charge. BIG PROJECT - Trini ty United Church is considering a building extension of consider- able size and cost. In a recent letter to mem- bers, t he Extension Investigating Committee outljined the proposal that is expected to cost $218,374. $70,000 is available from a bequest,ý another $50,000 could be obtained by a mort- gage or bank oan and the balance of $98,374 would have to be raised by the congregation by April lst, 1975. Quite a projeet! Affacbied in an article 1 read in the Montreai Star 1-18-75. Things sure have changed from mny days at school. 1 guess I ar n ot broad-minded enough for the new genera- tion. Since we ieft Bowmanville in 1966 I have read many different weekiy newspapers and 1 arn proud f0 say your paper is stili the finest I have read f0 date. Regards to your family. 1Don Masters Goodyear Plant Manager Quebec City COAT FAILED TO HIDE BARE FACTS OSHAWA, Ont. (CP)- The artîst made the coaf too (Turn to Page T.wo) This photo shows one of the bullet holes in the Simpsons-S ears Automotive Centre window. Mayor Rickard Brands Coun. Lyall's,,Remarks "Totally-frires:ponsible" The by-iaw f0 amend fhe property in Dariington Town- him as he h eard Mayor zoning on the Zondervan ship finaily passed third Rickard speaking for tl reading in councii on Mon., counciliors, brand Cot COUNCIL BUMPS PAY Jan. 20. bSut nof withouf Lyail's remarks as Port Hope council unani- incident., irresponsible". Coun. mously voted fhemselves a For Mr. Zondervan the had been the only, l1gi2 per cent increase in pay whoie fhing is siighfiy anti- opposition f0 the Zon on Monday night, bringing climactic. He and bis'family re-zoning -application. mayor's salary up f0 $5,600, have been living in the bouse As the Zondervan cî with ail other members at since November. Stili, if was a been discussed ona $2,700 per yeam. moment of smail triumph for SGarnet the other mn. Ken "totaliy 1.Lyaii -strong ýdervan .ase has and off School Bus Drivers Take Improvement Course The mnanager of ýCharterways Co. Ltd. G arnet Whitfield poses with drivers involved in, a School Bus Driver Improvement Course at Bowmanville High School last week. Next to Mr. Whitfield (lef t to right) are Stan Hall, Bob Newell who gave part of the course and is area representative for the Transportation Safety Association of Ontario, Madeline Martin, and I es Smale, Driver Tramner for Charterways. Mvc1Iiveen j Alex Carrtithers W. Frank Rickard, Fa Warden and Liberail. vallimp 191 1