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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1975, Section 2, p. 9

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Toron to's Durham Counfy Club Taken on Trip to The HoIy Land l'le Nov. 22nd meeting was abundance bere claimed ta be city from the hîli preparatory h eld'ýy, the Durham County the flowers referred ta by ta attacking it in 332 B.C.) Ioronto at the Educat- Jesus who said, "ConPsider the every roomr a balconv where 'ion i\,tre, College and Mc- lhues of the field, they toil not, the cali of the Mosl'ems ta Caul Sts. and proved interest- neither do they spin and yet p rayer five times a day could, ing and different. Orville J. Solomon in ahl his glory was b e heard from the minarets. Henderson who is the Senior not arrayed like one of these. " Only part lef t standing of this, 'Fast President was program Vîewed from the southern walled city destroyed in 70 ~venor and speaker, first edge of'Nazareth towni, a map A.D. by a Roman Emparer ýsrecfed the titie of bis of aidý Testament history was the iower course south- sfl6ject, "Israei, the Holy spreads out for 30 miles, western wall know'n as the Land" wich was announcted typicai of the his where Jesus -waiting wafl" where devout as the "Holy Land and Israel" wandered, Arab villages, and Jews camne ta pray; during the -Israel IS the Holy Land, Jewish settiements stretch in Arab contrai, Jews were there are not two! The the warmi sunishine. In the barred from this waiiing wall, secretary, Mrs. E. Shier wrote extreme northern frontier was now men wîtb heads covered and read the minutes notwith- evidence of continuaus racial have section on the ieft - the standing having )faiien and strife with barbed wire en- women section on the rigbt. SbsQlçen bier wrist.' tanglements, armed soldiers Out of eight original gates six Since music started ta be on guard. By draining the remain, Damascus Gate witb taught in Toronto schoois back swampland, bieadquarters of narrow streets, markets f ull of in the '20's, it has developed 50 the Jordon River, the Hula vendors, inside St. Stephen's successfuiiy that musical- Valley, bas been made inta a Gate Dame of the Rock minded stuidents may now rich experimental farming Mosque considered one of blow their own horns, assisted area coveted by the Syrians. world 's most beautiful buiid- by the Ontario Governments. Jordonjiiver leaves the Sea of -ings revered by Mosiems, Under the direction of Walter Galilée, meanders down ta Christians and Jews alike. Barnes, B. Mus., during'73274i Dead Sea, cavering 180 miles Mount of Olives, taped a the brass bands fromn Winona yet only 65 miles straight as Catbolic service from Churcb )Senior Public School won the the crow flies. An over-night of Ail Nations from Garden Col. George Peacock Kiwanis stay was made at a kibbutz Gethsemane. Trpywith the higbest num, whicb is a community of Confiicting traditions en- !e fawards and accomplisb- people dedicated ta Zionism dure as ta the site of the ments - this honor shows what and Socialism wbo empbatic- Crucifixion; Catholics believe can be doue! A brass ensemb- ally deny communism, re- there was an innier wali, le of six boys and one girl from ceive no salary or wages Protestants 'that tbe Garden Winona Sr. Public Scbool except a vacation allowance Tomb was the siteý called whose average age was 13, but every need is provided Golgotha - na burials were five of the seven bad only from~ birtb until death. Past inside the cîty walls. Larget started ta play in recent wbere the Sermon on the tower id Jerusalem is that of months, directed b y Mr. Mount was deiivered, the Centrai Y one of two large Barnes, piayed several num- Dead Sea, 1,300 feet beiow sea Y.M.C.A.'s, 50 modemn build- bers with amazine results level, its water the densest on ings bouse the new University '~ineluding "Prelude' by Bach earth - five times the concen- wbile the Sbrine of the, Boaok and the "Cuckoo". Len, Mc- tration of ocean water, no lîfe bouses the Scroiis. Neil thanked thé young music- plant or animal can exist in Along the historic rond ians who were then served tbe water or along tbe shore. followed by Jesus and bis, refreshments. Past tbe caves wbere tbe Dead disciples, Jacob laid bis bead, In rememnbrance of Muriel Sea scrolls were discovered aon a piliow of stone, Jacob's and Alan Outram, tbeir friend wben a Bedouin shepherd boy Wll, 150,f t. deep water stil A.W.S. (Lonny) Bennett read searcbing for a goat tbrew a raised by a windlass;-1 Caesar- a poem wbich was written by stane into a cave and beard ea founded about 22 B.C. by the late A.A. Outram in Feb., tbe ec'rash of pottery. Up ta King Herod named after 1974. The poemn "Moose Cal" Jerusaiem's altitude 2,500 f t. Emperar AugustusCaesar, a was sheer fiction set in Port from 1,290 f t. below sea level; Roman aqueduct for fresb Hope around 1908 full of nothing but the ruins of an inn water uncoverd in recent bumorous remîniscences of a between Jericbo and Jerusai- times, aiso a Roman Theatre. lad of 13 whose fatber bad a em 50 tbe Good Samaritan Caesarea became centre new hardware store - two cbaract- stary may well be true! Êields Cbristian sect where Peter ers 'Uncle John and Uncie of Boaz famous for the Paul iived; iast Byzantium Jim" ot a rifle and a beautiful story of Ruth and city in Palestine ta surrender rnoehr and went off Naomi. ta the Mosiem invaders in 640 hunting beyond Snult St. Quaint Bethlehem city of AD. - iu 1291.Crusaders gave Marie and took the lad aiong. 30,000 wbich fulfilled propbecy up trying ta liberate ta Resuits of the mnoose caîl, nary of Micab; "Thougb thou he Holyland and wbile Europe a moose in sight until the lad littie among tbe tbousanids of went through the Rennaisançe tried bis baud ahane then Judnb yet out of tbee shahl Reformation-and Restoratian, moose hypnosis took over - came one- who will rule Turks did ittie ta deveiap resuit two bull moose not ta Ismel." Centuries aid Oak of Palestine, pihgrims were kept mention a beaver. Mamre, maintained b y Rus- from sbrines buried deep in Mr. Henderson's travel sian Ortbodox Cburcb wha rubble. The City of Megiddo manuscript is well wortb dcaim it mny be n descendant situated on a Mound with a reading as it covers the of the one under whicb vîew in ail directians of great geography, topography and Abraham and Sarah rested. strategie importance guarded bistory which has produced Cities of Jaffa and Tel Aviv, the passage of caravans en the present social and financ- an nîl Jewish City, whose route Cairo ta Damascus, the iaI life; this taped comment- namne means "Hill of Sprîng" scene of many conflicts where ary sbown with pictures taken famous' Weizmann Institute of thundered war chariots of on several tours ta Israei, the Science withl lovehy gardens 'Egypt, Assyria and Babylon - in l Feb. 1974, makes bath, founded by Dr. Cbaim Weiz- Generai Allenby 's Australian Sinterestîug and educational mann ren.iowný,ted scientist c avalry in, 1918 brake througb \>,_avlogue. Starting the tour wbose research achievements' the Turkish ine; the Arab fro Haif a across the bay is were of tremiendous value to advance was stopped in,1948. Acre whléb through centuries Britain during bath worid Excavations since 1925 reveal- withsto'ott1:7 seiges indluding, wars and wbo becamre firstL ed 20 seesiecivli'zations that of King Richard the president of the 'world Zionist between 4000 B.C. and 400 B. Lion-Hearted and of Napol- Movement. In the Jerusaiemn C. from six different ethnic eau. Stretching across soutb- area, Bethany the tomb and groups. No wonder the Book of eru Galilee is the Plain of Churcb of Lazarus - stayed at Revelation chose Megiddo as Jezreel the bread basket, the Mount Scopus Hlotel (Alex- the sitle of the ast great battie opy neons growing in ander the Great 'scoped' the of the world Armageddou. wbic stndsfor Har Meged- don. Dealers and agents wanted ... .who Mr. McNeil thanked Mr. 1Henderson saying it.was a would 1ke to earn $25,0OO this privihege ta visit thé Holyland year with no overhead or payroll. him. Refreshmeuts wr served. No meeting in Jan- uary, first for '75 will be Friday evening, Feb. 28-eight p.m. at Education Centre, College and MeCaul Sts. There are an unlimited number of-m buyers for Express Wagons -as ASAS TO EL mnany buyers as there are businesses ASE Y O EL in your townl In addition to the low AS THEY ARE initial cost and hlih profit, they TO PULL - BY ANY require no servicE, alter the sale.* SMALL TRUCK! Hook one Up ta your pickuip and demonstrate to potentia! buyers. Easy to sell because they're steel structured but gross weight allows savings on.fuel, taxes and license tees! Mail coupon or cail (416) 294-1145 for detaiîs regarding an exclusive Wells Cargo dealership for your area. Aise f ifth wtieel tradlers available. Mail to: Wells Cargo, Suite 210,72 Wellington St. W., Markham, Ont. Nam-o- Titie SEJ treet ade CA G ity Pro v... [Phone Me delivery details Send 'Money Wagons", cart. IF FTHISSI'OULD HAPPEN TO YOU Make Sûre Your Car Is Repaired At The "'Sest Body Shop' In Town WýacDona1d Foird BOWMIANVILLE For Free Estimates Phone 623-4481 AND ASK FOR MARTY STEL Section Two The Canadiian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, January 22, 1975 9 empiQymient have their-iiames money. Therefare, the appli- ploymnent for 51 weeks. Howi- fed into a national computer cant wvouId receive two weeks ever, if the applicant has that will print out any dup benefits alter be bad returnied worked only the minimum licaion orove pame ts.t work. eight weeks', he will receive This computer tape. is also The.maximnum paid by the payment for 26 weeks in the compare d with a Canada commission is $123 a week. Ontario, Region. This applt-, Peniontap an an du li-. eiilier clarified this cant would receive payment eniontae prntendou pplcatmnt by saying that an for 44 weeks in other regions. D.W. s reypnsteisor meint receiviîng this pay- Mr. Hillier and Mr. Rey- D.W Rynods Spevsr run would have ta have been nolds-Nwere introduced by Insurance Advisory Services, earning at least $185 a week Rotarian Knox Henry and with the commission accom- when h e was employed. An thianked by Rotarian Chuck panied Mr. Hiliier ta the applicant can receive unemn- Cattran. meeting ta, help answer quest-- ions fromn the c lub. Replyine ta a question fromn Rotarian Tonjj Brand on when ýan apicant could collect on a L I SH E four week layoff, Mr. Reyn- olds replied that there was a two week waiting period and it was six weeks before the ____at eeie, n 201/a flff applicat recevedlan BETHANY Mms. Gerald White of Pievna and sister Mrs. Eleanor Doule of Oshawa accompanîed Mr. and Mrs. Frank White ta visit Mr. and Mrs. Cecil White of Bancroft on Saturday., Mr. George MacDonald jaîned thern and tbey ahI went ta Buickshot Lake ta spend the weekend witb Mrs. Gerald White of Plevna. Mm. and Mrs. Orville Mon- crief of Cavan and'daughtem Dianne were vîsitors with Mr, and Mrs. Frank White on Tuesday evening. Bethany Women's Institute The Janunmy meeting of the Bethany W.I. wns beld at the home of Mrs. Addison Scott witb the President, Mrs. Hector Morton pesiding. Members answered the rol caîl by snying something nice about the persan on their rigbt. Mrs. Vincent Jackson rend, the minutes of the previaus meeting, the carres- pondence and gave the trea- surers report. An invitation was- received fromi the Cavan W.I. ta attend n film on "Famihy Property, and Wo- men's Rigbts" at Cavan Hall on Janunry 21 at 8 p.m. A few of the Bethany members are planning ta attend the Taihoring Course whicb is spansomed -the De- pnrtment of Agriculture. The course wilh begin at the end of Marcb. The -meeting was then turned over tao Mrs. Vera Stapies, convener of Educa- tion and Cultural Activities. Mrs. Staphes commented on the motta "Kindness is the oul that takes the friction out of if e". Mrs. Tom Jennings led in a short' siugsang accomnpanied by Mrs. Carence Rowan at the piano. Mrs. Jim Khoepbem, Mrs. Earl McQunid and Mms. Carl Porteous participated in two bumerous skits eutitled -Hasty in Judgement" and 'Little Tbîngs. " Senior Citizeus The Golden Star Senior CitLizens held their first mneet- ing in 1975 with fifty-two miemnbers present. Pete Rowett, the president, brought good wisbes for the comig year as be eviewed the activities of the graup iu ý974. Mrs. Ruth Ruth rend the es "njfp nthe 'nrpvlTihlmeet- s, -r- w-eý, 1

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