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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1975, Section 2, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesmnan, YELVERTON Yelverton's Annual Congre- gational meeting was held on Friday evening in church basement following the tradit- jonal pot luck supper. Mr. Ted Powers presided assisted by Mrs. James Gray as Recording Sect. Following Scripture read- ings and prayer, the various reports were presented. These included U.C.W. financial re- port by their treasurer, Mrs. Howard Malcolm; the U.C.W. activity report by U.C.W. sec't Maureen Moore,' Cemetery report by Isabel Wilson, Yelverton United Church fin- ancial report by treasurer Jim Gray; t he M & S financial report by Mrs. Maureen Moore; The Em Henders Trust Fund by Clarence Page. The Nomin ating report of Church offices was accepted as presented by Chairman of Nomination Committee and retiring Eider Harvey Mal- colm. The new Church Trea- surers are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pfoh, M & S Treasurers Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russo. Mr. Jim Gray is the new Eider for a 3-year terma. Other business rnl uded the setting of our Church Anniver- sary f or Sun., Sept. 21. It is planned thzft this year's Anni- versary will also commemnor- ate the Golden Anniversary of our Yelverton U.C.W. which orîgnated as the "Ladies Aid formed on Sept. 23, 1925. Athough there are none of the o riginal Charter memibers stiilsurviving in our commun- ity, there are three or four stili in the surrounding area. A special committee was set up to plian the event. Other business inluded the setting of the date of the spring Garden party for Friday, June 13 - sounds like a lucky day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- colm are currently enjoy .ing a week's vacation -in Jamnaica - lucky ducks. They lef t fromn Maiton airport on Sunday a.m. Mrs. Hank Boon Sr. spent the past week with her daughter Cornie at Malcomia. The Harvey Malcolms and ]Mona were overnight gýuests this weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Masatos and family in Port redit. Yelverton U.C.W. were guests of our minister and his wife, Mn. and Mrs. Ted Powers at the parsonage on Thursday, Jan. 9th for thein finst monthly meeting of 1975. Sonry we neglected to men- tion that Mn. Cane Robinson spent some of his Christmas holidays with a few days vacation at the Bar-bados. ELIZABETH VILLE An average attendance at church heard Rev. Bartlett spea% on "The best year of your life". The choir sang. The children had Sunday School during chunchi service. On Tuesday afternooni an executive meeting of the Unitedl Church Women was- held at Mrs. M. Gardiner 's home. About a dozen attended à over the meeting. Mrs. K.I Trew read the minutes of the last meeting. Programs forM WorIl's Day of prayers had ~ arrived. Treasune's report <«. was read and Mlrs. WVatkins 1ý took over the job which had been held by Mrs. C. Bell for a past number of years. Several ' itemns of business were deait with. A nepresentative to the board of stewards was select- ed. Mrs. G. Morris proposedi that the convenons, along with the convenors of each unit, prepare programs for general meetings on the various sub- jects in their turn, instead of one unit being responsible for Brogram each time. Vie have een invited to Welcome for World's Day of prayer which is Mar. 7. Our next meet'ing to be Mar. 18 in the evening. Mrs. Gardiner senved des- sert when we arrived. J.b e kokeër,-Su1dn!an.-" Miss Debbie Ingram who had a week longer holidays than most students has neturn- ed to univensity in Toronto on Sunday. Sevenal young lads played hockey in their different teams over the weekend. Mrs. H. Staats and Linda, Brantford, spent two days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson this week. Mrs. E. Fowler, Mrs. Robt. Westeaser, Alyson, and Lesley and Mrs. J. Dekoker spent Thursday with Thickson's. Mrs. E. Lee and Viola, Peterborough visited with Mrs. Lee's brother 14r. V. Peacock and Mrs. Peacock on Sunday. MTr and Mrs. J. Quantrill and farnily spent the weekend in Khingston. w w w.... .... Starter Drives Alternators Starters Votage Regulators Alternator Regulators 63-73 fi îeCc. 6-8 '70-72 Fords 0 os'26, 6/8 63-72» full- size J Chcv. reg. $380. A 74 m.rg1.5 - e.$62 y.Reg,.$4.15. .73 Chevs. Reg. $6.15 Ramnutclredelctri cal parts are guaraintaad againsi manufaciurio and malaria! dol ects for 4000 miles or 90 days (whiclever occurs tirs!). Exchange peines include your old parts sullable for rebuilding. 4, 6, 8-cýyl. engines, 6 or 12-v. Re- $231.49. OgI Feeler Gauge wrench, flile and miiore. Reg L1.9..9 Vise Bardahi fights ýstalling and uneven -idling. Reg. 44e. 4-oz, can. 2 FOR .55 Windshield De-Icer 14 fIl oi. rs)lm is ice, WOnf lhar inkh. 9e 9, I I i I - $'4.41). OnIy 18.98 Timing Light Reg. $7.29 .6.29 TimÎn,ýg Lîghts DC owradjusts t10 6 ar 12-v circuit l,2 Reg. $41'.9'.Each342 Fog Larnp Cover Rectang ular vinyl cover lits 4 x 7".f Reg. 99e. Each .OY Reçu. ~S13.99 El' -- -~---.-- --, I ~ fl9j..~L.I~ I.o~I Reot. Fog Lamp Rallye quartz-halogen fog or diving lairni,ý- Hi or- Iew beam f10 4-lamip ss e.* 1 .89.I Portable, AM/FM Radio AC/DC for great sou'nds wherever you go, telescopic antenna,, front mounted vol, con- trol and more. ,26.88 Reg. $47.95 eII Set Exercise Bike 23-9942,88 The %iol)e farnily can 'l bar;ý chromed pedal thecir way to fit-ý "Iecevs\ fu c. nes dju.stable, seat :2 !2 Ilb.igh and diýi!ebars. A dumbheil bas. ealthy b uy! your Can7adian Tire CREDIT CARD AMIE Cassette Record M'iIe, blank tape. Buy, it now. Reg.59 $69.95. .95 Magnetic FIashIight Seamlless body; jed plastic sbroid. 2 'D' batteries (flot included)Rg 14 SPECIALI AMi CIQck Radio e rnds. Pl atic:. 8-TRACK Tape Caddy Holds 24 tps ligator grain STO)RE MONDAY 8:30 ai.m. to 6:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY 8:30 a.m. t0 6:00O p.m. FRIDAY 8:030 ai. m. fo 9:000 p.m. J HOURS TUESDAY 8:030 c.m. to 6:00 p.m<D THURSDAY 8:,30 ai.m. to 6:-00 p.. SATUIRDAY 8:30 aI.m to 6:00 cPâme Ba ck aI- 5

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