10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 29, 1975 .CLRISSIFUED D I.I MNK EALTOsrF R nNNK -- 30 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-4403 Oshawa .- Toronto 723-2265 921-9248 Backsplit Lovel y 3 bedroom, backsplit. Fami ly room with, fireplace a nd sliding glass doors fa rear ya rd, 1-4 piece , 1-2 piece bath. Duble garage onp $56, 400.00 with large sf mortgage at 93/ Five bedroom, 30 foot living room wifh fireplace, large, dining roomn, carpefed; fhroughout, rear porch with fireplace,, lot 237 feet deep. Only $55;000.00. Country Enthusiasts Approximafely 25.acres with creek, befween Bowmanville and Orono, spadiaus older home with beautiful country kitchen, fireplace, 2 bafhs, 2 barns plus other ouf buildings., Vendor wifh iold morfgage af 10 per cent. After 5:00 Cali: Josie Doxtafer 983-9593 Donna Holmes 987-5220 EIf ie Jost 263-2032 Ed Drumm Peter Chopee Peggy Gray Pam Carr Reg Aker Lynda Kinsman Louise Whale Lamie Rosen Nel lie Boiten Bi IlMc Feeters "ESTABLISHED 1936" Peter Kowa 1 Jr. Real Estate& Insurance Ltd. 52 King St. W., Bowmaflville, T.elephone 623-2453 REA LTOR Proiud Ownership îs what you wiIi feel when you own this 4 bedroom brick home an a 64" x 150' hedged lot wifh mature f rees. Located just 2 minutes tram Post office in north-cen- frai Bowmanviile. Home bas the foliowing features; spac- lous living room wifh broad- loom; separate dining, roam with broadioom and French dloors; extra large kitchen, wifh ioads of cupboards and dU~washer, inluded; famiiy room on main flbar with firepiace and lots of windows; laundry room on main floor; closets in ail bedrooms plus 2 large diosets on tirst f loor. Basement with workshop and folle. Garage for 2 cars anid storage space. Paved drive. Reasonabiy priced. Please cali for more details. North end in prest i ge area of Bawmanviiie is the location of this immaculafe 3 bedroom brick bungalow with garage and paved drive. Bright living raom wifh dining area. Mod- ern kitchen.* 4 piece tiled bath. Rec. room. Exceptionaiiy well but and fruiy well faken care of. Suitabie for the yaung executive. Asking $60,000. Terms arranged. Th is is below replacement cost... Five bedroom'home on lot 90, x 210' right in *Bowmanviîie but in a c6untry-like setting.- Has large kitchen, tamily room, dining raom, living roomn, iaundry room 11/2 baths; lots of ciosets. Metal shed. AIl for $65,000. Private mortgage. Down payment negotiable. Estate sale of this 6 room 11/2 sforey trame home witi pro- vide someone with a good home af a reasonable price. Asking $41,000. Try an atter. Future ptential- in this 2 tamiy home on Church St., Bowmanville on a 93' lof righf nexfta a proposed complex. Recenfiy remodelied and add- ed fo. Live in one side and rent the other. It's a bungalow design fao. Cali for détails. Bungalow on extra large- lot with garage for aonly $40,000. if is brick and i n good condition, 2 bedrooms, living roomn, dining room and ki tchen. Heaith forces sale. Four bedrooms in this twin home in excellent location near school and 'store. Has extra large kitchen;- 11/2 bafhs; rec. room and is, electricaliy heated., immedi- ate possession. Asking $43,900. Try your atter. After Hours Cali: Gordon Beech Joe, BarMon George Brown Peter Kowal Jr. 623-5265 623-3098 623-3702 623-5868 VERTENTE LIMITED- Real Estate 47 Acres - af the lunctian of Hwy's.35-and 115, on a gaod rôad, mostly tarm Iland with same bush, building permit available, an excellent invesf- ment. Reduced ta $35,000 with term s. 135 Acres - near the village of Pont'>'pool, 1/4 mile tram 35 Hwy., large modemn single storey barn, many possibîhi- fies, $1,000Oan acre with terms. Nerten te Real Estate, Dîelhi, Ontania. Cali Ed Vanhaver- beke, Newtanvil le 416-797-2333. 4-tf tiET CASH TODAÏ FOR 01,I)APPLIANCES STATESMAN C LA SSI1F 1E D S L Newtonville - Estate Sale 8 room brick home. 4 bed- 'rooms. Extra large lot. Territ- id value. $39,900.00. Caîl Roy Foster. South Monaghan - Highway No. 28. Older 2-storey stucco home on good village lot 89 x 208. A buy for a handyman. Asking $12,900.00. CatIlqill Turans<-/. Kendal HuIs 40 acres, huils, wooded area1s. Terrific view. One-haîf nm.i!( ta 9000 acre conservation toýrest. Asking anly $54,500.Terms. Caîl Roy Foster. Newcastle Brick and stone, 3 bedroom bungalow. Fireplace in living roam, dining roam. Built-in stave and aven. Large f ront- age. Asking $47,500.00. Cali Bill Turansky, Are '(ou Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped f0 handle your home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. "I Coast to Coast Real1 Estate Service AFTER HOURS CALL: Christa Winterhelt Orono 983-5465 Peter Feddema Hampton - 1- 263-2042 Ron Hurst Orono 983-5131 Charlie Reid Orono 983-5914 Roy Foster Garden Hill 797-2213 Bill Turansky Orono 983-5420 Bill Sutherland 623-3102 Pat Yeo Orono 98-5725 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Bud Virtue Newtonville 786-2614 Audrey Plain 6336 Dane Found 623-3965 Kay Brown 623-3150 Tony Klompmaker 623-2052 Judy Schuett Orono 983-9459 See you at the Farm Show af the C.N.E., Jan. 28 - Jan. 31, 1975, 5-1 *"Waverly Gardens"'- ln Bowmanville BuiIt by Marianna Developmenfs Your Gua rantee of Oua ity Construction HOMES -FROM $47,985 93/4 % $4b 5 DOWN >Features include: Clean Dependable ElectricHeat -Large family kîtchen -Finished family room -Complefely broadloomned -11/2 baths --Fireplaces Fùll sodiedlots -Completely servîced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Daily 10 A.M. f0 7 P.M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle Saturday &Sunday 1-4:30 p.m. Choice of 2 Del uxe Models f0 Choose From. MAR IAN NA DEVELOPMENTS Built by Division of Veltri & Son Limited WelI known for quality construction and superior, Ken Hockin Real Estate 1Ltd. Cobourg, Ont. BlackstockNew 4 bedroom brick and aluminum house, 11/2 baths, large bright rooms, broadloom throughout, elect- ric heat, double attached garage, large lot - 15 minutes from Bowmanville - $49,500. Term s. C'obourg Spotless 3 bedroom semi-detached home-, newly decorated, excellent condition -$29,200. Sturgeon Lake Year round home,, 3 bedro ms, large living roqo.. with stone fire- place, 4 pieie bath, garage and guest hciise, large lot with 100' frontage on Sturgeon Lake. Ideal summer vacation or year round living. $52,500. Terms. Campbellcroft New brick and trame bungalow, 3 bedrooms, separate dinîng room, large living room, basement apart- ment- 2 bedrooms, large treed lot, excellent value at $47,500. Garden Hili Area 1212 acres, scenic wooded lot with streamn -$20,000. One third down, balance at 834 per cent. Gores Landing New house, customn built, 3 bedroom side split, family sized kitchen on large landscaped lot, quiet trelined paved street, $43,900. Terms. Rice Lake Winterized cottage, back lot with access to lake $19,500. Paf Marjerrison Bowmanville, 623-4115 dent of W.. Frank Real'Estate Ltd. is pleased fa announce that Jan Oudshoorn has re- joined the Frank Organiza- tian. Wifh his previaus five years experience with the Ca. Jan is welI equipped ta serve your Real Estate needs and is looking farward, ta renewing his acquaintanceship wifh his aid friends and clients. Please caîl him af the Bowmanviîle Office 623-3393 or at his home 623-2984. 234 King St. East Bowmanviile, Ontario 5-1 RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa,& District Real Estate Board workmanship. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS We Buy Scrap Carc FREE TOWING at REAL ESTAtEMTEDDOVIS AUTO PARTS 234 KiCng St. E., BowmanvilIle 7312 -- .-621-3393 7 312 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 43-tf ,623-2371, 67 King St. E. Bowmanvulle DETACHED 2 sforey, 4 bed- room, 1 year old home. 8¾/ per cent mortage ta year 2009. Apýproxi mateiy $7,000. worth 0fextras. Vendor moving west! Asking only $55,900. and open ta offers. Cail 623-2571 J. Castaldi Real Estate. The March of Dimes pro- vides direct, individual help to pbysically disabled'adults in Ontario through the purchase of wheelcbairs, artificial limnbs,.respirators and aids to daily -living. LARGE sprinq horse for taL year aid. Good condiflor Phone 623-3503. USED Furniture and Applia ces. Paddy's Market, Han tan 263-2241. 332 WANTED. Pre 1920 Bai Cheques. Used or unusec Wm. Laveil PO. Box 182, Pcr Credif, Ont. 2-4 tf Private estate, property of Mrs. B. Harris, Oshawa,-Two day sale to be held at Stirtevants Auction Hall, 27 Hall Street, Oshawa, on Sat., Feb. 1 at 1 p.m. and Tuesday, February 4 at 6 p .m. Nine- piece dininq room suite, marbie top hall rack, antique china cabinet, three-legged pine corner table, oak dining room table and, six chairs, antique rocking chair, bed- room suite, chest of drawers, dressers, beds, two Vienna Requlator wal ldocks, one mantie cdock., antique marble sink with taps, antique round top trunk, pocket watch, small pine table, copper boiler, magazine rack, 12 gauge shot gun, pellet gun, cast iron elephant lamp, la nterns, aoil lamps, Paris Universal Exhib- itions of 1900 diploma, crocks, gun rack, harvest cradie, fiat irons, brass light fixtures, fireplace screen, antique pic- ture frames, insulators, Cole- man heater, antique centre tables, child's school desk, occupied Japan dishes, black- smith tools, brass door knobs, brass tea kettie, large collect- ion of antique bottles, silver- ware, jewelry, brass buttons, crystal plaques, cameras, wicker basket, vanity -and stool, wooden spoons, sait box, antique china andi glassware. Terms cash. No reserve. Plan to attend. Sales every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. Arl furniture welcome. SalesroomrI open 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Myl es, K ing auctioneer and cartage. 725-5751 or 723-0501. 5-1 Safurday, April1 l9fh - Exotic Consignment Sale of S immen- taI and Maine - Anjou Fe- maies at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, Angeline St. N., Lindsay, Ontario. Accepting consiqnments for females, open and bredonly recorded 1/2 bloods and higher percentage. L;mnifed consiqnments - aual- ity precedes quanity.- For further information or con- signments contact Carl Hick- son, Sales Mgr. and Auction- eer, Reaboro, Ontario 1-705- 324-9959 or 324-2774. 5-4 Auction sale at Pethick's Auction Shed, Haydon, on&, mile easf of Enniskillen, on Safurday evening, February 8. Large quantity of furniture and thing s. Sale at 7 o'clock. Cliff Peth ck, auctioneer. 5-2 m = *e NEW NURSING HOME OPENING March, 1975, Newcastle, Ont. Applications are invifed for the following positions: DAY SHIFT R.N. -Supervisor-ýR.N. -Generai R.N. - Generai Duty Relief AFTERNOON SHIFT R. N. -General1 Duty -R. N.A. -alIso R.N. - General Duty Relief NIGHT SHIFT R.N.A. in charge of nights R.N.A. - Generai Duty R.N.A.-R'ehief Trainees and experienced nurses aides for ail shifts. Acfivity director and activity assistants. Head coak, kitchen assistants, laundress, laundrey assistants, head of housekeeping, housekeeping assistants, maintenance and driver,,landscaper. Please phone for appointment. 987-42525- VIEg- Ca ncel lation, Tender Number 215 Relating to: Lease 0f Office Space Submissions are invited from owners or authorized agents of complefed premises in Osh- awa or district for leasing of 26,000 usable square feet but no less that 15,000 square feet of office accommodation. Term of lease is f0 5 years, gross lease preferred s cancelled until further notice. MATURE, reliable woman to babysit occasional days and three nighfs a week in the area of 115 and Clarke Third uine. OWn transportation required. Phone 1-987-4043. 5-1 BABYSITTER wanted. Live in or ouf. Phone 623-5018. 4-2 dLease of Office Space Submissions are invited tram owners or authorized agents of S completed premises in Oshawa or district for leasing of 26,000 usable square feet but no iess that 15,000 square teet of office accommodation. Term of lease is ta be 5 years, grass lease preferred. Paved parking for 50-80 cars desirable and good public transportatilon is essenflial. tf T.O. 215 - Sealed Submissians will be received until 3:00 p.m. Toronto )ur Time on Thursday, February 6, 1975. 5-1 Tender envelapes may be obtained tram the Ministry of - Government Services Public Tenders Office, Room M1-43A, an- Macdonald Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone ip- No. (416) 965-1152. 3tf - Note: For turther information, Please ,contacf Mr. E. R. nk Gregory. Ministry of Government Services RealIty Branch, ýd. Toronto, Onfario, Telephone No. (416) 965-4777. The iawest or )t, anv submission not necessarily accepfed. 4x - a , r GOOD used furniture. Towr'e Used Furniture. Phone 623- 4681. 3-3 Ontario Ministry of Government Services Cars, Trucks,' Tractors, Motorcycles Estimates set the world Sniowmobi les tuberculosis morbidity rate at For Weckig Puroses12 to 15 million active cases, For W SrecigPurpoAse largely in the developing HIGHEST PRICE PAl D countries. The Christmas Seal ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Organization your Durham Region Tuberculosis and Res- Yard 623-5756 piratory Disease Association Residence --u623-7112gt thisworl 45 tf problem. f CAR ETAKE R. Applications will be recei% ed by the undersigned' unti Friday, February 7th, 1975 for the position of Caretaker 40 hours per w,ýek at thE following schools: Bowmanville High School 49 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, Ontario. Clarke High SChool R. R. 2, Newcastle, Ontario Knowledge of cleaning materials and caretakingpro- cedure preferred. Ability to work from verbal and written instructions and with other people required. Reply in writing stating qualifications, address and telephone number to: M.A. Mac Leod Business Administrator and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 5-1 ATTENTION, tool and die makers and mechanics. We will be taking applications Fn., Jan. 31 and Sat., Feb. i. We are looking for tool and die makers, lathe makers, milling machine operators and gener- ai maintenance mechaniics. Caîl or apply in person. Ask for Mr. Vegavari and Mr. Lebel, Caristra p Corp., Caris- trap St., Bowmanville, 623-4492. 5-1 SALES PERSON wanted by large furniture organization in BOWMANVILLE Salary Plus commission, full Company benef ifs. PLEASE PHONE 623-3808, for interview. 5-1 R.N.'sand R.N.A.'s and Nurses Aides EXPE RlE NCE D PHONE MRS. DENNIS 623-2553 for aPPointment. 5-2 REQUIRED - efficient dlean- ing womnan about two hours -per week. Phone 725 -2987 for appointmnenf, 5-1 T'he MAlrl of Buildiing Excellence Third Generoftion Buulders CALL 80 WMAN VILLE 623-3393, TORONTO UNE 923-9174 Ask for Ext. 45 -IWY.401 PI4YLLIS Mc ROBRIE .......... ......... 623-7159 RON HURST ...................... ..983-5131 BILL TURANSKY.,... ,................98-5420 Nom URGENTLY REQUIRED! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'lI be pleased f0 appraise if for you and help you locate the "home of your dreams". For fniendly efficient sale of your home, caîl P. & R, Realty Company, Realtor, Benneftt Rd. and No., 2 Hwy., Bowman ville 576-6120. 17 tf Letter to Edito COSTLY DAY CARE CENTRE Dear Sir: I am writing to express my concera about the proposed new Day Care Centre on Church Street. An announce- ment in your paper a month ago informed us that, the property on Churcb Street immediately east of Canadian Tire is being purchased b y our new Regional Council fora Day Care Centre. At the outset, let me say that it would be.impossible for any one chosen site to receive the approval of ahl the citizens of this town. However, I do wisb to presenit some reasons indicating a lack of wisdom in the choice of this particular property for a Day Care Centre, 1. This is an old bouse. It is easy for the cost of renovation (to meet all regulations for public buildings) to exceed the V1alue of the project. If quantities of money are to be spent, let'si end up with a brigbt modern NEW building. 2. Your paper quoted a purcha e of $130,000, This lot is roughly 66 f t. by 165 feet, whicb makes each square inch of this day care centre very valuable. Do you realize that the old fire station property (baîf a block away, and a larger lot) was sold for $24,000. less than a year ago? Since the $130.000. is public money,' I presumne (or should I) that three independent appraisals were done on this lot before an offer-to-purchase was signed. 3. How will a Day Care Centre, on this proposed site, provide adequate parking facilities to meet official regulations? Imagine the traffic congestion as parents deliver and pick up their children at peak traffic houÏrs! Will there by any grassy area lef t for children t6 have safe outside play? Relia ble sources tell me that no other land was available when this property wdii pur- chased. 1 simply can't believe this - nor do 1 think that real estate people in this town could believe this either. At this very moment I'd be pleased to propose four other sites in the core area which would provide much better dollar-value for a Day Care Centre.- We are all concerned about inflation and the state of the economy. Our councillors are voting themselves raises, and showing little control over spending our money. What wîll happen to our '76 taxes? Can we not expect better business judgment from our elected and paîd officiaIs? Yours very truly, Concerne dCitizen Oro no News Mrs. John Morris has re- turned home from three weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. ýHoward Stapletoni of Orono spent the weekend with bis grandmother. .Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamn- blyn, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller have been in California visiting their brother and, sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tamblyii. Mrs. A.E. Prescott was a patient la the Memorial- Hos- pital, Bowmanville. Also understand Mr., Robt. Moffat bas returned home. Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat, Mr., and Mrs. Aleck Moffat attended the, funeral of their uncle the late Frank Rickard, age 91, husband of Mrs. Clara Moffat Richard of Newcastle at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, Wednesday, January 22nd. interment Bow- manville Cemetery. Mrs. Ernest Hamm as the result of a faîl in ber home is a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital; also Mrs. Harvey Ginna. Mr. Samuel W. Battams, R.R. Bowmaaville, age 68, husband of the late Mrs. Mary Free Battams, father of Mr. Conly Battams of Leskard and several other children passed away in Toronto on Jan. 25th. Funeral service was on Tues- day af ternooa from the Morris Funeral Chapel. Intermeat Bowmanville Cemetery. Mr. Ted Wilson of Church Street injured bis left arm and band over three weeks ago and is still wearing a cast. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dunican of 58 Vanier Road, Mobile Park, Ottawa K2H 7P5, formerl ofî Orono, who celebrated their1 55th Wedding Anniversary on1 FLAj Christmas Day at the home of their son Don and bis wife. Among the relatives and friends from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Vertil Wilson (nee Duncan) of Florida U.S.A., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ransberry (nee Duncan) of Dorval, Quebec, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, Bowmanv'ille and Mrs. Lorne Cana (nee Duncan) of Garden Hill. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hird of Whitby held a famîly tea for ber grandmoth- er, Mr. Ab. Harris on ber 83rd birthday. Amoag the relatives there were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris and sont Charles, Mr. and _Mrs. Ron Harris, Richard and Kim, Mr. and'Mrs. Jack Williams and- daugbters Mei:ridy, Andrea, Lyna and Sandra. Congratu- lations. Provincial Court Judge Runciman presided with assistant Crowa Attorney N. McCrank and duty counsel M.B. Kelly. 'Garry Quinn, 17, 519 Albert St. Oshawa, pleaded 'guilty' to dangerous driving on June 27. H1e was eastbound on highway 2 witb two hitchbikers as passengers. The car lost control and one passeager was killed. Const. McDonald was called to a one vebicle accident at higbway 2 and' Solina Rd. Blood and urine tests were taken at the hospital showing 100 mgs. The liquor in the car was seized at tbe scene. Driving under suspension and liquor charges were withdrawn.1He was represented by Mr.' Hum- phrey. H1e was seatenced to two montbs in jail and prohibited from driving for two ye!ars. Clarence Pursey, 29, 881 WilliainSt. Cobourg, pleaded 'guilty' tbrough counsel Tar- gon to a charge laid Dec. 18 of' driving wbilst ability was impaîred by alcohol or drug. Corp. James followed 'a Buîck on higbway 401 and the driver almost bit a tractor trailer. Tests were .15 and .16. H1e was unsteady on bis feet. The fine was $175. and costs, in default 20 days and automatic license suspension. John Walter, Gorcs Landing pleaded 'guilty' to an August 8th char ge of driving with over .08. The -fine was $175. and costs, in default 20 days. H1e was given 4 weeks to pay., Charles Tress, 48, Scarbor- ough, pleaded ý'guilty' to driving wbile ability was impaired by alco.hol or drug. H1e was followed westbouad on highway 401 at speeds fromn BOWM AN VI111E Welcomneto MEADOWVIEW HEIGHTS Ail Single Famiîly Homes NOW! is the f ime f0 buy,,ond save EXECUTIVE HOMES (Up to 2,000, Sq. Ft.) ESTATE SIZE LOTS - FROM 80 ft. to 100 ft. FRONTAGE Priced from $64,995 and Up correspondents abroad1' in an effort to. provide a monthly' assessment ofbusiness condit- ions, domestic and internat- ional. The new version of the Revîew now includes a month- ly update of Canadian domest- ic conditions, reviews of developments in capital, for- eign exchange, and- interna- tional markets, and the cus-, tomary feature article addres- sed to a social or ecoaomic question of curreat interest. 45-65 miles an hour. He went into the south ditch and pulled back sharply. Mr. Tress said hie\was breaking in a new car by driving at various speeds. He was fined $175. and costs, in default 20 days. He was ' given three months license suspension. Christopher Fawn, 18, 16 Division St. Bowmanville, pleaded 'guilty' to having the care and control of a car after consuming over .08 on Decem- ber 19. Tests were .16. The fine was $175. and costs, in default 20 days. Automatic license suspension. He was, given 2 months to pay. Win. Hicks, 1"),- R.R. 1, Omemee, charged December 7, inirownsiiip of Manvers with taking money exceeding $200. from R. Slute, Pontypool, pleaded 'guilty'. Mr. Hicks and passenger were -in a- car and the passenger fell asleep. This was done while hie was on probation from other charges at the time. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail to be served intermittently each Friday 7 p.m. to Monday 6 a.m. until served. Larry Hoy, 23, R.R. 1 Kendal, pleaded 'guilty' to driving after consuming over .08 on December 7. Tests were .14. He was followed east on highway 2 by Const. Moon after making a wide turn coming from the Elmhurst parking lot. The fine was $175. and costs, in defauît 20 days. Earl Huggins, 29, Bowman- ville, pleaded 'guilty' to two charges of driving while disqualified November 21 and 23. Both times he, told the officer bis license was at home andwas gîven time to present it at the, office. On t he first offense hie was given 30 days in jail and prohibited from driving for une year. On the second char g e le was given 30 days concurrent. Steven Maynard, 18, Bow- manville, charged December 19 with willfully obstructing Const. Chalmers ln the invest- igation of an accident pleaded 'guilty'-. At the scene hie told him another party was driv- ing. The fine was $50. and costs, in default 115 days. Raymond Rowie, 33, R.R. 2, Roseneatb, cbarged Novem- ber 22, with driving after consuming over .08 pleaded 'guilty'. He-was involved ilaa collision on bighway 2, east of Newcastle. His tri.wk was a total wreck. Tests were .17 and .16. He bad previous convictions. The fine was $175., and costs, in default 30 days. H1e was given a 6 montb ' license suspension. Hlelias 4 - weeks to pa. Way.ne S>crîver, 27, 208 Chiestniut St. Whitby, was fined $50. and costs, in default 15 davs for obstructinR Const. Tryon in theexecution of his duty. He had. stopped, the accused on Church Set. and'he gave a false name and addres. on November 25. Can odiaon Economy Hopes for an upswing in the Canadian economy for the last quarter of 1974 have dimmed as economic indicators contin-< ued to weaken, says the Bank of Montreal in its, January Business Review. Retail sales, both of house- hold durables and autos, dipped after showing strength in late summer. The housing slowdown continiued. And in- dustrial production remained sluggish. *The Review pointed to îincreasing weakness rather than'. . . gathering strength"l in many of the sectors that make up the Canadian econ- omy. Compouading the unhappy news is an acceleration in t he rate of inflation, currently at about 12 per cent. "Continuation ofprice infla- tion at such a rate is frightening, 1 the Review com- ments. "Were it to continue, the purchasing power of a dollar would be cut in baîf by 1980 and b y the year92000,an Artist Rendering Onîy MEADOW VI EW BLVD. -w-E :J- M <j, 0,