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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1975, Section 2, p. 5

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Celebrczted Firs t Birthday .Jennifer lef t, an d Kristine Chute wiIl be celebrating their first birthday on January 3lst. They are shown here with their brother Jason who was three on January 1. Parents are Margaret and~ Bruce Chute of Kinburn, Ontario. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 0. Pingle, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. R. Chute, Oshawa. Great grandparents are- Mr. and Mrs. W. Pingle, and Mrs. M. Frederickson, Bowmanville andi Mrs. Beatrice Chute, Oshawa. TYRONE' Mrs. John Vaneyk, Mrs. Art Youngman and Mrs. Douglas Delaney are the three leaders for the new unit of the 4H which is to start early in February. All girls 12 years and over are welcome. 1 Af ter the church service Sunday morning Feb. 2 the annual congregational meet- ing will be held after which a pot luck lunch of sandwhiches and cookies will be serviced. Ahl board members please plan to attend as it's our duty to be present at this meeting. A number of Tyrone couples attended the Bobby Burns supper and dance Saturda,, night at the Legion bal, Bowmanville. Club 49 ladies are quilting a quilt at the home of Mrs. W. Rahm. 1Many friends of Mrs. Annie Hatherly will be pleased to know she has been moved to Bowmanville Hospital fromn Oshawa General. Get well wishes go out-to all patients in hospita, Geo. Alldread, Mil- ton Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard, Haydon and to many who are home sick with cold and flu. Mrs. Bill Little, Calgary, ""INSU RANCE IS GREAT"A If you have it when you need it. But what if you don't have it when you need it? The Iack of proper insurance in times of serious Ioss bas bankrupted many a business' - many a family fortune. Stop in at- James Agency and let us analyze your risks and sug- gest adequate insurance protection. James Insurance Agence Limited 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, DOUGLAS S. JAMES Off!ice 623-4406 Residence 623-5023 Aberta; Mr. and Mrs. Don Richardson, Oshawa weree Thursday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Don Davey. Euchre party Friday night was well attended with 19 and a haîf tables. Prizes going to Stan Mannis, Raglan; Mary Ovenden, Hampton; Laurie Hoskin, Oshawa; Elva Byam, Tyrone; Marjorie Vance, Oshawa; Meta Read, Haydon. Bessie Spencer, Oshawa was the winner of the 50-50 draw. Our churchi service Sunday morning was conducted by our U.C.W. President Mrs. Jim Woodley assisted by, several ther members of the U.C.W, Mrs. Ralph Glaspell told the children a story about what we can learn about a Pin. Mrs. John Vaneyk led a discussion on "Some Current Social Issues" stressing the idea that each individual can do some- thing about these problems. The Junior choirsýang "Everything is Beautifu" and closed our service singing "Now Go with Us." Mr. and Mrs. Ron Philp and family, Oshawa were Sunday guests of their mother', Mrs. Edna Phîlp and Miss Jean Philp. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and lVrs. Bruce Stainton, Oghawa. Glad to report Mr. Clinton Bigelow returned home from Oshawa Hospital following his eye operation. Mr. Victor Hodgkinson, Scarborough spent the week- end with the Jim- Woodley family. Mr. andO Mrs. Art Voungma1n and Miss. Betty Youngman were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Youngman, Bram- pton. Miss Cathy Hilîs was a Sunday guest of Mi ss Susan Woodley. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bairs- tow, Orono were last Wednes- lay guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. John Rundle were recent supper guests, of Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Oshawa. Sorry to report Mrs. R. Lambert is a patient in Prncess Margaret Hospital,-, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stanely Goble were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Malley, Bowmanville. Mrs. G. Brown, Bowman-, ville is our new mail lady taking over her new duties Feb. lst. Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Brent and Mrs. Goble visited hier father Mr. Fred Partner, Orono Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Laverne Taylor spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ron King, Seagrave. AUTO cP~&USED CARS 'f> LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS ANDSCRAP GOOD SELECTION 0F USED, CARS 1Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd. MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUL IL FUEL OIL and STOVE QIL BOWMIANVILLE CUSTOMERS, CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dia l 1-668-3381 FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS S ERV-1C E St.,Stephen's Hosts Executive Meeting for U.C.W. Locals By Ella M. Bowman Over 80 ladies, Sresidents, vic-peidents and profgram charmn, from 32 local groups of the United Church Women of Oshawa Presbyter- ial met at St. Stephen's United Church, Oshawa, Monday,, January 2Oth for an exchange of ideas, to receive Annual Reports and to become bettér informed about U.C.W. activ- ities. Presbyterial president, Mrs. Carl Down, Ebenezer, presidecl and a warm welcome was extended by Mrs. R.H. Strong, president of St. Ste- phen's U.C.W. ,The ladies voted unanimous- ly to have morning and afternoon sessions at both Faîl Rlegional Meetings, dispens- ing with the evening session. The Annual Meeting is to be held April 2nd at St. Mark's 0ýnited Church, Whitby, with former Moderator Dr. Robt. MeClure as guest speaker, w;ith the theme "Praise God" nd special emphasishon 50th Dirthda f our Church. Baby- sitting services will be avail- able. Bay of Quinte Confer- ence U.C.W. will be held in lRenfrew April 8 and 9. Exciting plans are being mnade for the 5Oth Anniversary Service for the Bay of Quinte Conference which will be held ýI ay 25th in Peterborough ýith a large mass choir. Oshawa Presbyterial will pre- pre a float for the parade. Ilopefully ail the Executive wlIl be -involved with the 1 anihg. From reports received from the 49 local groups of the p esbytery, each chairman gesented highlights, success- fui undertakings and spiritual ~owth of the Oshawa Presby- telal United Church Women. T9reasurer, Mrs. S.J. Taylor, Oýhawa reported a $100 in- crease to $844 in doations to the Bursary Fund and an increase of over $600 to $1320 in'donations to World Relief. The budget total remains the samne. Roll caîl was answerèed with interesting gleanings from Church and U.C.W. history such as the village where, for some time following Church Uniion the Presbyterians sat ,on one side of the church and the Methodists on the other, or the village, where because it had a warmer shed for horses a plain, pioneer Church was îused in preference to the more beautiful one with comfort- able pews. Stories were told of 35cent dinners and the days of circuit riders. -With humor and keen inter- est literature chairman, Mrs. WýF. Guthrie Audley, review- ed available literature, mnuch of, which was for sale on the ltetuetable. She reported sale of over $1,000 of books last year. On sale, also were Aëniversary pens and coffee spoons. .,penitng the afternoon ses- sioQn, Stewardship Chairman Mi.D. Redpath Kingsview UCOshawa, urged each gr oup to set up a budget for the coming year and to have well prepared programns if we want a strong Stewardship Church. She has for boan three exc~ellent tapes and records on Stçwardship. She also encour- aged the use of In Memoriam Gifts to the M. & S. of our gusiness Directolry Accou nta ncy WM. J.H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanvillie î Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. COMM. Chartered Accountant »1'/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeepingand Tax Service Business: 6349 Res1dence: 623-7308 Chiropractic, G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. 222 King St. E.., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmànville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs. 9ti1 5 Wednesda y 9til12 Friday 9 tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Phone 623-5790 Church. More of the total dollar reaches its destination throuizh the Mession and Service Fund than, through other channels. She announc- ed Quin-Mo-Lac School for leaders will be held Sept. 5-7 with Rev. Frazer 'Lacey, Kingston, and Miss Carol James, Barrie giving inspira- tion and guidance. Past president Mrs. R.V. Sheffield, Simcoe U.C. Osh- awa, explained that on the afternoon of February 9, 27 interviewers wiIl do a f ollow up telephone survey of the area to determine how effect-, ive has been "The Spots Before Your Eyes"- T.V. program and peoplq's react- ion to them. Using the story of Moses, Miss Evelyn Gay, Simcoe St U.C. in the Devotional period. stressed the importance ot saying "Here Amn P" when we re-called to serve. knowing full well that God's assurance to Moses, "Certainly I will be with thee", is as freely available to us as it was 'to Moses. She concluded with a quote from Rev. Pilkey "lEither we're in God's way doing His will, or we're in His way." Program chaîrman Mrs. W. Wright, Blackstock, spoke on the importance and our priv- ileg e a nd responsibility for making worship the meaning- fui experience it is meant to be. She divided the ladies into groups, giving each a'symbol such as an acorn, a mirror or a light hulb, from which in haif an hour, each group planned a Devotional complete wvith theme, Bible reference, hymns anîd food for thought. That ineditations could be so simply and quickly prepared and yet so meaningful was not only revealing but encourag- ing to all. As Mrs. Wright said, a group growýsonly in proport- ion to its spiritual growth, Mrs. Down expressed the appreciation of all assembled to the ladies of St. Stephen's for the total hospitality of the day. She closed the mneeting with her annual report and all realized and new how involved and dedicated she and the other top executive members are inHis service. BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. George Car- ter, Bowmanville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McMa- hon. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs . Wes McMahon and Mrs. Gladis McMahon included Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMahon, and llrenda of Blackstock. Mrs. Velma Walker, Meota, of Saskatchewan, recently called on hier cousin Mrs. Gladis McMahon. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are sent to Mrs. Marjorie Coppins who is a patient in St. Mchaels Hospi- tal, Toronto. Màr, and Mrs. Frank White, and granddaughter, Miss Su- san Hyley, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser of Belleville and also supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mitchell also of Belleville. St. l'aul's A.C.W. Bethany The St. Paul's Bethany A.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. J. Bragg for a luncheon meeting. Mrs. Marion Wood openied the meeting with the theme "Peace of our Lords" and commented on the story of skiing and how, on the slopes surrounded by winter scenery, that it reminds one of Gods' sanctuary, and wonder at the feeling of peace with oneseif and the world. Mrs. Woods also read a poem "Lord. it is somptimes hard to pray" and stres,,,-ed the need for quietness withiil oneself to be able to meditate. As this is International Worno.n's Year, it was decided that women must get together and try and, have more appropriatebok in our Section Tý stores.- Many thank you notes were received from people who had received A.C.W. Christmas plates, and the clothing which had been sent to-the Humewood House for Girls was' very much appreciated. Canada Packer labels and postage stamps are still being gratefully accept ed, if anyone wishes to turn themn in. World Day of Prayer is March 7, and the A.C.W. were pleased to accept the invita- tion to the Pontypool Church. Card parties will be held every second Friday in the Parish Hall, -startinig on Feb- ruary 7. Bethany Golden Stars A most interesting pro- gramme was enjoyed by the Golden Star Senior Citizens of Bethany and Cavan, when Mrs. Dorena Clark's group was in charge of the social hour. Mr. Harry Preston, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Birdie Neals, sang two old song s, "Someone" and "She only lef t for, me the old arm chair." The group conýis- ting of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fallis,, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Preston4 Mrs. Irente MacDon- ald, and Mrs. Birdie Neals, presented a humerous skit called "Hello, We are Fine, Thank you". Mrs. Irene Mac- Donald gave a reading called ",Co operation". ' Mrs,. Grace DeGeer sum- marized the events from the rwo The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 29, 1975 5 Senior Citizens, Conference of 604. Earl IvfcQuaid won the held at Ajax and Pete Rowett mens high single with a score commented on the work done of 289 as well as winning mens by the Senior Citizens in the high triple with ascore of 744. Parish Hall and at an execu- Games oVer 200; Ruth Sinclair - tive. meeting it was decided to 211, Jim Kloepher 211, Helen have a work day on Wednes- Melville 209, Marion McCa- day, January 29, when they mus 204, Beulah Robinson 202, ho e to lay the carpet purcha- Diane Wilson 200, Peter Eng- sed from the A.C.W.;- build a lesman 200. cuphoard for the P.A. system, At the Ladies Bowling and prepare the floor for League, high lady was Hilda paintlng, when the shuffle Bigelow with Renee Smelt as board diagram will be painted the runner up. on it. Euchre was enjoyed, the high sc 'ores went to Mrs. Mary Morton and Pete Borrow; low scores went to Mrs. Bertha Ferren and Mrs. Lucy" Bor- row. The Golden Stars have engaged a bus to attend the Irish Rovers at the Memorial Centre on Saturday, January 25, and sixteen members expressed desire to attend the Ice Capades on- Thursday evening at 8 p .m. Three cars have been offered for, trans- portation. Mrs. Lillian, Fallis, conve- nor of a group from Cavan will be responsible for the Febru- ary programmes. IIowing Results At the Bethany Mixed Bow- ling League, the ladies high single was won by Margaret Weatherilt with a score of 230 and Audrey Davidson won the ladies high triple with a score le VOtIVE NE VER TRIED US THEN WEVE BOTH LOST,'lý WEI, YoUÈQ BUSINSS 'YOII"OIR 1Ow ~~HARVEY - PARTNER ORONO 983-5206- ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE 4', 4, 4; i I I j PRICES EFFECTIVE WEI). THRU SAT. JAN. 29th - FEB. ist WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LMTQATTE BIROSEYE CONCENTRATED) FROZEN SUR HUEPIG. OF 7 _____________________ Awake Orange Drink Oý 49' Burner SaversL~Al3EP 0FTIo 68931 Schick Injector Blades 880 :1 ~ CARNATION CRINKLE CUT FANCY MIRACRAFT TODIER SIZE Lm 1KG0FK O Frozen French Fries 'BA 570 Lunch Bags, O 9 Pampers Diapers 1<20F 1 .33 HIGHLINER BONEO FROZEN Boston Blue Fillets 140 O5Z pIý 85. PRODUCER -20 DZ. PKG. Baby Gouda Cheese *1-59 UNS WEETENEO PURE (FROM CONCENTRATEI F B 1 Orange Juice OZ BTL 390 PLAIN OR FRU IT & N UT Cee141TIOZ16 Golden Crunch Cereal 0 Mc CORMICK~S -13-OZ. PKG. Chocolate Chip Cookies 851 Il KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE SUNDAY STORE HOURS 10:00 am-5:00 p.m R. R. 2 - Newcastle 987-4636 \\we

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