10 The Canadian Statesman, ]Bowmanville, January 29, 1975 Section Two STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pow- ers. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn and Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Harvey were evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark recently. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Jeffrey were evening dinner guests Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- son were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yule, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Sîd Hallowell visited with Miss Beulah H-allowell and Miss Norma Hallowell on Saturday. Mr. Orme Falls and Mrs. Llew HallowelI visited with Mr. Stan Falls, Toronto re- centiy. Mrs. Falls is a patient in Toronto Generai'Hospital. Mr. Harvey Falls spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luxton and Neil, Bow- manville. Harvey accompan- îed the Luxton's to the Ice Follies on Saturday and they brought him home Sunday and remained for evening dinner. Sunday supper guests with ,Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair and family were Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Glen, Earl, Floyd and Robert of Newtonville. Sympathy is expressed to Mrs. Edna Dobson -and family on the passing of her sister, Mrs. Russell Lowery, Toronto. Funeral service to be held on Tuesday, Interment Orono Cemetery. Mr. Maurice Hallowell was a dinner guest'Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Church and Sunday School was well attended on Jan. 19th. Mrs. Llew Hallowell was organist. The congregational meeting was held following. the service. Mr. Brian Caswell gave out the Church report and Mrs. Carl Todd read out the U.C.W. report. Members were elected for different Ir sitions. Mrs. Robert West- euser was elected Secretary, Mr. Brian Caswell-Treasurer, Chairman of the Board-Mr. Orme F alîs. Also Eiders, Stewards and Trustees were elected, Organist-Mrs. Lltew Hallowell, assistant organist- Mrs. Brian Caswell. Church service will be held Sunday Feb. 2nd at.3 o'clock instead of the usual 2:30. White tCane Week From Feb. 2 to 8 White Cane Week 1975, will soon be with us. This is the 3th Annual WhiteCane Week which is being observed in Canada irom February'2nd to February 8th. Our theme this year is "Makeý Good Vision Your Decision. " Every day in Canada, six newly blind Canadiains be- come known to the Canadianl Nationlal Institute for the -Blind. 0f this six, at least three become blind f rom preventible causes. Through early diagnosis and through proper treatment blindness can be prevented. During White Cane Week it is a fitting' time for us to assess our vision and to realize the importance of good eye care. It is> i mportant to have regular eye check ups and at the sign of any irregularity or eye pro- blemns take proper and prompt action. White Cane, Week is spon- sored jointly by the CNIB and by the Canadian Council for the Blind.' So as White Cane Week approaches this year, help us, 'Make Good Vision Your Decision." Canad ian. Camncer A meeting of the Bowman- ville and District Unit of the Canadian Cancer Soceity was If ariyonie is interested in going they can phone 623ý.7147. The next meeting will be held~ at Mrs. G.E. Mann, 15 Elgin Street on February 10 at MISTAKE-WRONG CAR In the report of an accident on Trull's Road a haif a mile south of Hwy. 2 on Wednesday evening, Januar'y 15, in which Grant Burgess, 19 of R.R. 2, Bowmanvîlle, died -in a -three- car collision, it was reported that three boys were passen- gers in the Coty vehicle when in fact they were cadets who were ridin in, the army vehiicle. Tihey are Joseph Çoyle, 15, Dariol Castellan, 15, and Aýnthony ýSlack, 14, ail of B3omanville. 3- Hou'r F.lrelogà The firelog that makes every evening a special occasion. A multi-colour flame for up to 3 hours. Hurry in! Quantities are limited! For$ ~Better quality Tools T50 Staple Gun, Torcan Heater 71/4" B&D Circular Saw Safety approved for 71/4" and 61/2" bladesý Blade visibility from both sides. 71/4" combination blade inci. #7305 3/18" B&D, Drill, Kit Variable Speed reversi.ng drillinh a 16-pc. kit A real bargainl Arrow heavy- duty model handies most stapling jobs. Compare our price! Save on this baseboard heater! 1500 Watts. Fan-forced heat with thermostat control. #88. $S2 B&D Jig Saw Deluxe Variable Speed. 0-3000 SPM. Includes one blade. #7560 > Dual Action Sander' 13lackand Deeker. ~Changes f rom ýorbital to straight Uine action with switch of lever. Adapts to dustless attach ment. 4000 OPM, SPM. 2200 #5710 FREE DELIVER y Casernent Window Adjuster Bi-fold Door Set Turn-A-Shelf Hardwiare Door Knocker,&Vie',wer Plain Mirror Tules (6) Dryer Vent Kit Humidifier Pad &Tablet s 5L126 Bedroom Liý,ht B416 Kitchen Light B282 Bathroom Light Surfoam .Plane 3-Pc, hielSet 10" Vise Grips 5-Pc. Wrench Set 10" Adjustable Wrenich 18 x 24 Cork Board 9" Torpedo Levelj 3-Saw Ê1ade Pack Abitibi Barnboards 4 x 8 17-Pc., 11111Socket Set Welier Solder Gun Kit B,&D 5726 -3/ Drill 5 Ft. Alum. Step Ladder Deadbolt No.,VP843-10 Bi-fold Door Set 50 Ft. NM-lkD7:14-2- Copper WireJ Dryer Cord Mitre Box Dimmer Switch Ratchet Screw Driver 16 O z. Hainamer 12' Tape MAeasure Combination ,Square 19" Steel' Tool Box BZ-210 Tor.ých Kit 8" Qualicraft Adjustable Wrench Beaver Semi-Gloss (Gai.) 8 Piece Tool Set, 24" Aluminum Level 12' Ultralo ùk, A 10,iMie talïSni îp s Scandvic Bow Saw White, Toilet Seat 24 x 36 Cork Board Z-Brick Door Knocker &Viewer Range Cord Beaver Wood, Stain (Gai,), Z-ment Resilacrete Flooring (Gail.) 71Ï4" Carbide Blade Hand Hair Dryer No. 6900 Black &Decker 14"1 Drill 10 ilDeWaIt Power Shop Ten-inch blade cuts 3" deep. Equipped with front contraIs and 2 HP direct drive motor. Stand extra. "Model #7740. PHONE BOWMA NVI LLE