4 The Canadian Statesman, flowmanville, January 29, 1975 ENNISKILLEN If "variety is the spice of life" our se called "banana bet" was given a generous share by the weatherman. Unfortunately it revived the flu germs and made travelling hazardous yet seme days were gloriously Canadian winter with the topography encourag- ing a legien cf out door activities. Locally many fam- ilies were detained at home with flu and we hope the professienal care et aur hes- pîtalized flks Wll seon have them restored te geod health and home again. Unaveidable conditions lowered attendance slightly at the official. board meeting of our twe congregfa- tiens in our church on Monia y evening last week. Rev. Bigby opened the gathering with prayer and was chairman wîth Keith MeGili with record- ing secretary. Minutes were read and approved cf last O.B. meeting on Sept. 3th. Date for specil combimed service te oserve U.C. 5th Anniversary is June 8, 1975 with guest minister (a fermer Ennis and Tyrone resident) Rev. Milton Sahnderson. Miss Dawni Van- eyk is popular student chesen to enter the chance for' overseas exchange as one cf U.C projects. May 2th at Peterborough Conference a 1,000 voice choir is planned wîth selected voices frem treasurer's reports were given from every department cf Ennis and Tryene churches and budget for 1975 given by Central treasurer Lorna Day- ey and . a special word cf appreciatien from our minis- ter for the local and eut reach effort by Enfield U.C.W. Unit. S.S. Anniversaries were part- ly arranged- e.g. Ennisý S.S. May lth and Tyrene decision later. Slowly but' surely the Church Direc tory is comirig seen. A highlight was reported on Tyrone's Foster Child and a letter, from him. May we mention here that Enniskillen S.S. has applied for a Foster Child alse? We're ne exception in the bustle cf old year ending and new year beginning soc- ially, physically and dutifully- but without guilt cf self-praise we appear te, be on fimie and up to date with church centred meetings and te save precieus time the congregational meet- ings are set for Sunday a.m. follewing regular morning the, church service with Ennmskil- len Jan., 26th Tyrone Feb. 2nid. Ours is now history and werthy cf reporting in this great weekly publication. Rev. Bigby kept the Church service te a brief hall heur but it embraced 2 wonderful messages (a) Our minister's concise sermon was seul stirring using many parallels frem the Bible and concluding with the urgent appeal "Is God Calling t he Church again - also each cf us?" (b) The .Smiiing faced Jr. Choir and their leader provided their ýmusical message in their singing cf -Swing Down, Chariot" The S.S. gave up the 2 senior class members te the Congregational meeting in the sanctuary while the other classes had their usual classes in the S.S. room. Chairman L. Bigby opened the meeting with a brief prayer and 1welcome especially te the yeunger set. Minutes cf Feb. 1, 1974 meeting were read by Sec. Allan J. Werry, and adopted. Report cf building committee for church renova- tiens by chairinan A.J. Werry wîth an estimated maximum cf $12,000.00 This cost is te include new pewvs, carpet upstairs and down, change te one centre aisle, relocation cf main church furniture, slight change in heating ducts etc. Question perioci and 'discus- sio ns followed. No opposition to plans was given and an appeal for donations frem-one and ail te increase the building fund already in our treasur y. Three Junior members are added te this committee viz Brian McGill, Sharon Werry, and a choice by S.S. Very few changes wçre necessary in the Charýs 263-2789 for further instructions. We regret the death cf the late Frank Riekard cf New- castle, the late ex mayor Charlotte Whitton cf Ottawa and sympathize with their bereaving families. Mr. and M rs. Leonard Stainton attended the annuai reunion cf the Milîs family heid at the Hampton Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, and Fred, Ha ydon were Sun- day guests o f Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor's. Mrs. Edith Staînton, is spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. C. Englis,Bewman- ville. We really have ne news this week as folks seem to have colds and flu. ... . . .. a * a A a *Action P*.:ea. Action Priced! LIQUID JAVEL JeAVEX BLEACH PLASTIC JUG 64-FLî cton 'r- a I Super-Right Cunuodu 6 BONELESS Boneless Blade Roast Boneless Short Rib' Roast Boneless Shoulder Pot Roast Boneless Braising Ribs a. CUTS FRESH BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK GROUND BEEF &PORK BEEF SAUSAGES 5-lb pkg ~j9 b C69< TOWN CLUB; SLICED- Side Bacon 'l-bvac Pac$. 3 9 FJ TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED, BONELESS Cottage Rois vac Pac lb 9Wa CA SMOKED, COOKED, PICNIC STYLE Pork Shoulders lb 78st PRIDE 0F CANADA, SLICED, 6 VARIETIES' Cooked Meats 6-ozVac Pa44yý FR( MAPLE LEAF, VISKING 5 Bologna RANCH STYLE lb 48j A) SHOPSYS, SLICED Smoked Beef Pl of 2 $.8 lb NEW ZEALAND, WHOLE OR I4ALF Lamb Legs b$1.29 SIDI NEW ZEALAND STOCK1 Lamb Chops SHOULDER lbM7 t NO1 TOWNCLUB WUENERSVAC PAC 5 lb lu tEEZER C UTS! &NADA GRADE "A"' BEEFn ONTS TO 125-LB VERAGE HINDS 110 TO 120-LB AVE RAGE Ibl1 *08as ES 220 TO 240-LBS lb 9 AVERAGE l UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE. EXTRA CHARGE FOR CUTTING AND WRAPPING. ~<VACPC $117 Action priced!1 Action Priced! BIRIGHTS, PURE APPLE JUICE 48-F L-01 TINI Action 'riced! SAVE 36c DIET OR P REGULAR P&SU-CmOLA I CASE 0F 24 8 1 0-FL-OZ $ ZIP TOP TINS â3 1 ý ACTION PRICEDI I1-LUZ 24-FLOZ 9 ýTIN JOY PLASTI LQUDM DETERGENT BOTTLE________________ FACIAL TISSUE - WHITE ACTION PRICEDI 9 FLAVOURS PKG 0F FOUR- 5-OZ TINS ACTION PRICEDI Scotties 2. boxes cf 200 sheets$ 00 Lur ecrMPding 9 WITH PORK,'MOLASSES OR VEGETARIAN ACTION PRICEDI, A & P BRANDO Plastic Jug 128 Fi Oz Jug HeinZ Baked Beau 214-f-oz tns79< Fabric Softener $1 .45 ..,'...-7-. .7. . . 7 . 7c ' JANE PARKER, ORANGE OR CHOCOLATE Chi ffon Cake1 JANE PARK<ER Pumpkin PieFUL8IC1 JANE PARKER Raisin Pie FULL 8-INCH PIE 1 SAVE 10c) 13-oz cake 79W (SAVE 1lOc) PIE Each89 (SAVE 4c) Each85 JANE PARKER - ACTION, PRICED 1 WIENER ROLLS PKG 0F JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) Date Crunch 12oz foi tray 69W JANE PARKER, VANILLA (SAVE 6c) Macaroons Cup Cakes pkg cf 6.5 9g JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) English Fruit Cake 1-b, 9-oz cake 8 9ý Action Pricedl Hanson, Pure, From Concentrate, Fresh (Prepriced) ORA NGE JUICE 64-F LOZ BOUTLE 77< SA VE 12c TABLE SYRUP ACTION PRICEDI Habitant Syrup 32-f-z btI$.29 CARNATION, INSTANT (40c Coupon In Each Jar) ACTION PRICEDI (offee Mjate 16-,Z, ar$ 9 Action Pricedi ORANGE FLAVOIJR ACTION PRICEDI TIA N G PKG OF4, ~ CRYS1TALS3 ENVS BEEF OR IRISH ACTION PRICEDI GaAA24-FLMZ 6f9 SEWS Dog, Beef & Liver Chunks, Chunky Stew ACTION PRICEDI mu ~~TOWN ANDILd Pet Food COUNTRY 3 i5-oz tins 89< YORK BRAND, CHOICE ACTION PRICEDI Peas & (arrots 314-fI-oz tins dm9 ~.-" ~ JANE PARKER, SLICED 6%OR 100% WHOLE B read WHEAT OR CRACKED HA JANE PARKER, APPLE RAISIN Coffee Cake, JANE PARKER, PLAIN OR S1JGARED Family Donuts JANE PARKER HOT CROSS BUNS PKG F$ 119 IPKG OF6 12 6. OA (SAVE 4c) 12-oz cake 7 5 e (SAVE 10c) pkg of 12 6 91 FLORIDA, WHITE, SEEDLESS, SIZE 48 1OFoR99< FRESIl ROASTED IN SHELL PEANUTS 12-oz pkg59W VARIETY 0F COI.OURS FOR YOUR CHOICE AFRICAN VIOLETS 4" pot $1 .89 ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY j1t, 1975. Canada Grade "A", Eviscerated, Frozen, Vac Pac, Young, APsOnSelf Basting or TURKEYS 6 TO 16-LBS AVERAGE ib78e< WItý ENER ROLLS ACTION PRICEDI pkg cf 8 3~ ..... ...t..PARKER Action Priced! TOPAZ - PIECES AND STEMS M US H ROÀO MS La0% à% JANE PARKER, ENRICHED, SLICED WHITE BREAD illill i!lý m il, Ille j'jjý Il, Q ýýl E 1 m. 1 m - ei ý m 'J' ý à 1 à m 1 ýe , 1 *ý i 1 m ýi i i L' à Ver- ý- e u e È ýl.ý. iý'l 9 e m e 9 e e«I lý.- 9 , M> ý Ký 1 ý .11 - - .., 1.- 1