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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1975, p. 5

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lf) st Guide and 3rd Brownies Mother's Group held a supper meeting for senior Citizens at the Mfemorial Park, on Wednesday, Jan. 22, which was much appeciated ýid enjoyable by ail. SDr. and Mrs. Angus Blair, àand Catherine attended the Memorial Service for Dr. Harriet Christie on Sunday evening, in St. Luke's United Churcb, Toronto. Dr. Christie was one of the outstanding leaders of the United Church, serving in many organiza- tions. Last August she let bier namne stand for Moderator of General Council. She had been speaking at a Conference in British Columbia, passing a- way in Edmonton on tbe way home, at a friends home. Durham College wîll hold a fashion show during Open H-ouse, February 23 and 24, and will bave as its theme "Tropical Heat Wave." Dir- ector of the Fashion Show is Pat Morozovicb, assisted by SSvlvia Harlock, Patty Leon- ard, Xince Vincent, Don Micb- le,1 Leroy Leake and Jim Kirkconnell. Co-ordinator will be Cheryl Zedic of Sears, wbo are providing the fashions. Dulicate bridge winners for Wednesday, January 22, were N.S. Mrs. L, Dippell, and ivirs. b. james, m!.W. Mrs. W. Miller and Mrs. Bruce Berry. Durham College Open House is scbeduled forFebru- ary 23 and 24, and one of the features will include the Metric theme. The Kinsmen Community Service Draw winners were: Ken Nagel, Carson Elliott and Jim Lawrence. The Durbam Regional Cha- pter, Multiple Slerosis Socie- tv of Canada wiil hold their Faith teoches When irreligion prevails on earth, civilization decays fromn within. Spiritual re-birth for mankind is, dependent an the Mercy of God. For further information, please cal 623-4830 - 623-7744 montbly meeting on Monday Februarv 3, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. at the Oshawa Civic Centre Public is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Orono, and Mrs. Wmn. Elford, Manatoulin Island were Tues- day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Ab ernetby. Winners of the Lion's Hock- ey Draw for February N.H.L. were: Dan Girardi, Bob Abbot, Doug Kemp, Gary McHugh, J. Luxton, R. Aber- netby. For Jr. "A": Gail Oulds, Graham Smith, Don Mason and Orm Tripp. Miss Jean Humpage, Kitch- ener and Mrs. Marian Swind- elîs, Etobicoke, formerly of Bowmanville bave just re- turned from a holiday cruise to the Carribean on the S.S. Rotterdam. Wile on this 12 day cruise they visited eigbt ports and seven countries, among wbich were Dominican Republic of Nevis, Martini- que, Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Martin and St. Thomas. We are pleased to report ta bier many friends and acquai- ntances that Mrs. James (Jessie) Marr, wbo feli re- cently in Toronto, and broke bier shoulder, is progressing favorably. $1 0,000 Grant A 1$10,000 grant toward operation of Trent Univer- sity's audio library program bas been received from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities, Stewart Hayter, direetor 'of the pro- gram, said today. The audio library tapes texts for blind and otberwise bandic apped stud ents and works c osely witb similiar ibraries across Canada. Mr. Hayter said the mini -s- try bas of fered a maximum of $5,000 more tbrougb a dollar- for-dollar, matcbing grant. This would require private funding of at least tbat amount to achieve the $20,000 required to opera te the audio hibrary to the end of Marcb. Mr% Hayter noted that an earlier provinc- ial grant bad been for the period ta October 31. Trent's audio library fnce- tions ciefly, witb volunteer readers, 83 of them, wbo have so far taped more tban 300 texts. ST. JOHNý'S ANGLICAN I. ICHURCH! (Temperance and Queen Sf5.) "--be not conformed to this world; but be transformed by the, renewing of your mind, that you mnaY prove what is that gond ----and perfect will of God." SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY, FEBRtUARY 2 8: 00 a.m. - Holy communioi 11:00a.m. -Holycomnmunion Preacher - Rev. Robt. MacRae and Development Fund Awarm welcome ta those who are new ta this community, and ta those who are concerned about their commitmnent ta the Iess fortunate of the world. st. Poul's Uni'ted Church Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. Organist - Gerald K. Burgess Third In A Series On Modern Ethies This Sunday - 11:00 A.M. S"Capital Punishment- Yes or No?,, 7: 30 p.m. "Open Forum" in Fellowship Room To Give People The Opportunity To Discuss [he Sermon Subject AA. Meets Every Thursday 8:30 p.m. Use Silver Street Entrance Nursery For Pre-School Children Every Sunday Are Yoii New to Bowmanville? You are assured of a warm welcome -at St. Paul's. Sunday, February 2,1975 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:00 a.m. - Adult, in Upper Room 10:00 a.. - Classes for all ages, 9 and up 11:00 a. m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kihdergarten il: 15 a. m. - Primary Dept., ages 4 ta 8 1A.M. -WORSHI P SERVICE New members,0f the Session and Board of Stewards are asked ,ta meet in the Church Hall flot later than 10:45 sa that they may enter the Sanctuary in a body. The installation service wilI be held during the morning worship. New resicients of Bowmanville and district areinvtedtoattnd urservice. Sacrament of Baptism, Sunday, Feb 9th. Your support is asked for the "Participation House TelI-a-thon" ta help physically handicapped young adults, which will be on Global TV from 6 p.m. Feb. ist ta 6 p.m. Feb. 2nd. Please help the Jack and Jill Club by donating items for their auction sale ta be held in the Spring. The proceeds wilI be used ta support "Meals on Wheels". For pickup please cal1. ColweIl, 623-5483 or Ted Watson, 623-7252. Hi 1 My Nome is Cedric Russe!!l The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Januar y 29, 1975 5 Scunon Towvnsh ip Road tary funds saoavibl from the rovince andMr MacDonald asth epni Subsidy Up $73~,000 bility ýof deciding what the township expenditure would The subsidy allocation for maximum provincial funds. be to get those funds. raoeI construction and main- Another $50,000 in supplemen- Items 0flnterest Phone,623-3303> If you want value, economy, that Luxurious Pontiac ride, AND a Factory Rebate, corne in and see me today at Cowan Pontiac-Buick, 166 King St. E., Bowrnanville, Telephone 623-3396. TwoPae of Proposais Awaiting Decision by Towxn's Planning Advisors Tw ages of subdivision of work bas become quite ing biring additiona prosisopn paa, lengthy and a determîned staff to beip ha sige o severances, comm- effort must be made in the corsndce ercial an industrial proposais cmn ots adc hs "Tdo mucb of my were listed at the Jan. l3th backiog.' is presently taken u Planning Advisory committee One of the major problems matters which doi meeting by town planner is the absence of an officiai bute towards the b George Howden. The list of plan, Mr. Howden explained. the Planning Advi items identified the submiss- He stated that wben the mittee," be said. ions of the past year. former municipalities were He urged setting "As membeçs can see for amalgamatedt, each hail its for consultant repor tbemselves,'" said George own zoning bylaws and regula- menting a strict Howden in a wiritten report ta tions. general order for t.,. iani-,P, ~"t he o ç1c Mr. Howden is recommend- ing's agenda. iai planning iandie the iy own time ap by other flot contri- business of sory Com- g deadiines orts; impie- system of the meet- Oushawa Barbershoppers Wvill Present Second Annual Harmony Show in BHS Sponsored by Wom-en'*s JBand P Club Bowmanville's Business and theý barbershop style, quartet GodOid Songs' - tickets Professional Ladies Associa- development, cho u vlo- availabie from any member of tion wiii present its second ment, and emipioy ninle fulli the Bowmnanville Ladies Busi- annual,. Barbershop llarmony time1 men to aýcýomp1flish thei r ness and Professional Assoc- Show, Sat., ÉFebruary 8th, at 8 goals. iâtion orr omn. Gegor p.m. in the auditoriumn of the Drugs, Rickaby's Ltd. or new Bowmanville High Scbooi Enjoy an evenîng of 'The Marr's Jewellery. on Lberty Street North Tbe show will feature a 40-man Chorus from theUt;bc Jû CÊnTiu s O iety for the Preservation and - - l ,T a l Encouragement of Barber- ica Inc. Under the direction of A plan for the renovation'of board points out that the Len Clement, tbe chorus wili the Blackstock Town Hall Seniors' plan would not fuifili perform many 'Old Songs', submitted to Scugog Township, the needs of the community. Hymxns', 'Ballads', and up Council by the parks board According to them, the com- tempo songs of the day when will be submitted to tbe munity needs a stage in the words set to vocal barmony, Blackstock Senior Citizens for hall but does not need a large were so popular. their approval. Tbe parks kitchen that the seniors are Also featured on the show board bas also written a letter proposing. The suggestion to will be the Mobilaires Quartet, explaining wh y the plan suh- move tbe stairs and wash- Ontario District Quartet mitted by t he seniors is' rooms was considered too Champions of 1974. Members infeasible. large and expensive an under- of the Quartet are Murray In the letter, the parks taking. Osborne, Robert Osborne, Kari Gall, and Ted Cburcb, singing îead, tenor, îead, A nnîo unce Winn ers of biely adbass, respect- Pu lc S eak n Cte t Th OhaaChorus, known gulc S e ki q C n e t in barbershop circles as 'Tbe Horseless Carriagemen' haveSpo s rd by L g n won several Ontario Districty Association Cbampionsbips in Brancb 178 Royal Canadian Charlie Brown; 3, Kim Kirk, its 26 years of activity. Thev Legion held their annual Hobbs Senior Public, Friend- would welcome any and arl Public Speaking con test in tbe sbîp. male singers in tbe commun- Legion hall on Sunday, Jan- Grades 9-10 - 1. Nancy ty to attend the show, corne uary 26. Rietmuller, Seasons passing back-stage and, arrange to The winners of the Grade 4-6 tbrougb the eyes oi an oax audition for the chorus in tbe were: i. Carol Judd, Courtice tree, Bowmanvîlle High, 2. near f uture. North Public School, topic, Starr Ferrili, Progress, Bow- The art of Barbershop Vîewpoint; 2. Dana Peebles, manville Hîgb. Quartet singing bas developed Lord Elgin Public, topic, Grades 11-13 - L. Anita significantly in the past 36 Stamps; 3. Pamela Frank, Campbell, Making a speech, years., Their International Newtonville Public, topic, St. Courtice Secondary; 2. Patti Society now boasts a member- Bernard Dogs. May, Education, Clarke Hîgh. ship of 35,000 men and an Grades 7-8 - 1. Sharron Judges were AI Bracey, Office Staff of approximately Farrow, Bowmanville Senior Fred Swann, Carol Halstead, 35 people., Publie. Teenagers; 2. Perry Tom McGuirk, Olga McQuay With Quartet and Chorus -Rietmttiler, St. Joseph's and Frank McQuay; Time developmn their main goal, 1, Keepqr, Harold King; Runner, the Soit run numerous 66"BEST BODY Les Hunt; Registrar, Gloria scbools geared to arranging in 1 H P Grant. Prizes were presented ___________________ 1 - M.----I bv the President of Branch 178 Gradüate Leanne Dorreli Wilis, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorreli, Nestieton, was aw- arded ber Bachelor of Arts degree in English, at the autumn convocation of Guelph University. Leanne and her husband are living in Toronto where she is attending the Faculty of Education, Univer- sity of Toronto. I IN TO1WN, I San Dûunn [ Mac DONALD A light lunch was prepared IFORD jserved by Trixie Brown, BOWMANVILLE convenor, Cathy'Sim and Arnn ____________________ Berry. A table lamp for bis services ADULT ta the Legion although not a member was presented ta COUNSELLING Frank McQuadyby Bob Brown SERVICE 1 Zone competition wilbe heid Feb. 16th, at Witby at 1 If you want todo p.m. something about your educatin ... you probabîy can. See Your Adult Caunsellor EVERY TUESDAY EVENING 7lto 9at the NEW BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential -and na appointment is necessary. YELVERTON' On Tues., Jan. 2lst it was aur pleasure to attend the Warden's election for North- umberland County at whiich time Mrs. Dorotby Britnell Reeve of Brighton village became the first lady Warden in the 125 year bistory of the United Coiînties of N & D and also the first one ta aur knowledge ta ever -run for the office. Mr. Kim Parr Who has been the Reeve of Seymour for a number of years was ber wortby opposition in this democratie process. t was also the privilege of your correspondent ta attend the, Ontario Crop Improve- ment Assoc. annuai meeting held this year in Ottawa this week as delegate of the Durham Croi) Assoc. Climax of the convention was tbe banquet on, Wednesday at whicb Hon. Eugene Whalen was the guest speaker and provided an insight into what the future bolds in store in 1975 for various farmi groups - a pretty depressing picture for we Beef Producers in particu- lar despite wbat statîstics present the only brigbt picture of the past year was the Grain producer. in the Western provinces in particular. On Saturday evening some 25-30 Velvertonians attended the Pontvpool Champion Senior Mens Bail dance in Pontypool with the Gary Bristow Orchestra in attend- ance. On Tuesday evening of this week the family and friends of Mrs. Eunice Hunter of Port Perry were sbocked to learn of bier sudden deatb by a heart attack. Our venerable aunt was the youngest of a family of 10 of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm. She is surviv- ed by busband Lloyd. daught- er Nola and son James, two grandsons and four brot hers, Rae, Norman, Marshall and Percy. Eunice spent the most of bier active and energetic life as a school teacher and was a dedicated member of the Port Perry Presbyterian Church ýdur(hom tola withl Peter 4 b rd iô'ss gibsgýî ew-dnesdayes" at 6.30 fridays at 7 Oi cablecast 6 Pine Ridge Cable TV Limited. 1353 King Street East. Oshawa ýWedcling tenance in Seugog Township is up $7 3,000 over last year. The Ontario Minis try of Transport- ation and Communications is responsible for deciding on the amount of subsidy. For the township to be eligible for the whole study it must increase its own spend- ing proportionally. Last year, the subsidy of $261,000 had to be matched by $230,000 from, the municipality. In reviewing the subsidy allocation, council has in- sti ucted Roads Superintend- ent Ron MacDonald to submait a report on how mucb the miii rate would be effected by the spending necessary to get the were she served for 'many years as Ôo1rganist and active in, Church choir. Deepest sympa- thy to ber loving husband Lloyd, Nola and Jamie and their families and to Mrs. Merrill Van Camp to whom she was a. devoted aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal-, coim report a pleasant holiday spent in Jamaica and have the tan to prove it. SEE THE GREATEST T.V, SPECTACULAR I SAT. FEB. 1ST. 6 P.M. TO SUN,. FE.B. 2ND., 6 P.M. **Global T.V.** A24-HOUR NON STOP "PARADE OF STARS" ALI PROCEEDS TO PARTICIPATION HOUSE You may phone in yourdonation or leave an advance donation at: 67" King St. E. Bowmnanville, Ont. &tart poulr ePIans 1wcth rff fronm Lzbr eaU4Jbi4U,4k1ln Ask to See Our 'I Ann ouneement Books by Rainbow 623-2546 me committee, --Lne riaumug 5i2e

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