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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1975, p. 11

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.. . . . . . L.RSSIFIE RDs l~ Il The Canadian Statesinan, Bowmanvîlle, February 12, 1975 1' DEADLINE FOR] .1*Z Il" CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:30 p.m. Y-merv and Cannie peased to announce the hn of a daughter, Pamnela L.yin, 7 Ibs. 2 oz., a sister for Laurie, Christopher and Erin, o-n February 11, 1975. <ILPATRICK - Art and )ebbie Kilpatrick (nee Coty) ýre? happy ta announce the ;afe arrivai of their firstborn, a son, Jasan David Arthur', 7 Abs. 101,2 ounces, on February 10, 1975 af the Memorial, -Hospital, Bowmanville. 7-1 x Mr. anid Mrs. Edward Cox ýre pleased ta annaunce the ~orth cami ng marriage of their laughtem,' Wendy Jean, to jolohn Lawrence Gartley. The wveding wili take place at 4 o,.m. on, Mamch 8th at Orano United Church. 7-1 x The engagement is announ- ced of Pamela June Lawtan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lawton of Oshawa ta John William' Purdy, son of Mm,ý. and Mmrs. Jack Pumdy of R.R. 5, Bowmanville. The .wedding will take place, Sat- BROWN, John F. - Suddien!y at Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, Feb. 10, '1975, John Brown of 25 Second ,St. Bowmanville, in his 64th year, beloved hu5band of Kathleen Westnutt, dear falher of ýMrs. C. Bateson (Sheila), and Dennis. Rested at the North- cutt-Elliott Funeral Home. Requiem Mass Il o'clock, Wednesday morning, St. Jos- eph's Church. Intermnent Bow- manville Cemnetery. 7-1 GAINES, George- At Osh- awa General Hospital on Mondlay, Feb. 10, 1975, George Gaines of, Newcastle, in his 9lst year. Husband of the late Clara Wood, dear father of John,,Lawrence, and George. Rested at the Northcutt-Elliott Funeral Home, for funeral service at 1 o'clock Wednes- day afternoon. Spring inter-, ment St. George's Cemetery. 7-1 GILBERT, Lillie - At Marn-, wood Nursino, Home on Mon- day, Feb. 10, 1975, Lillie Ujilbert, of 25 Centre- St., Bowmanville, in her 95th year, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilbert, dear sister of Ethfrl.- Resting at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Private funeral service 3 we-d nesdiay, atternoon. Spring interment Hampton Cemnetery. 7-1 urday March lth, at four PAYNE, Alexander - At o'clock afAlbert Street United Sîathaven Nursing ýHome on Chut-ch, Oshawva. 7l Monday, Feb. 10, 1975, Alex- 7 x ander Payne of 142 Ontario Mr. nd ms.Ros Muray St.,, Bowimanville, in his 88th PratsndNewcaosteMuntray yeam. Husband of the late Rose Pateson Necaste, ntaioMarcotte, dear fat hem of Mrs. are pleased ta annaunce, the N. Daw/kes, (Ann), Herbert engagemrent of thei r daughter, and Bert. Resting at the MAary Grace, to M. David Nomfhcuft Ellitt Funeral George ilton, son of M. anid Home. Requiem MAass Il Mýrs. Roy George Milton, o'clack Thusday rnorning, St. Dru-,bo, Ontario. The ma rri- oeW Chr.Inrmt agQe will take place on Satur- Joseph's leCumh temmen day, May 10, 1975 at Newcastle Bomni-eCmeey United Chumch, Newcastle, i inta ri o. 7 PAYNE, Eva Florence - At Port Hope and District Hospi- k tai, Tuesday, February il, usâm m 1975. Eva Florence Meadows, Mm. and Mrs. Ben, MadilI, bel oved wife of the late, Orona, wilI be receiving their Carlton Payne, dear mother of' fiendis, neighboums and rela- Murray, Howard and Ruth tives fram 2-5 p.m. and 7-9 (Mrs.. Keith Caswell) also Satf. Feb. 15th, 1975 in the survived by 14 gandchildmen. Oddlfellws Hall, Church St., Fiends mnay cail at the Ross Orono on the occasion af their Funemal C hapel, Walton 401h weddingc annivesary. Street, Port Hope, Thusday 6-2 affernoon 2-4 and frmr 7-9 in the evening. Complete service I - *in the chap5el, Friday at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. BOYD, Elmer G.--Af,7- Oshawa General Hospital on r Wednesday, Feb,ý. 5, 1975, ?~ Elmer Boyd of 61ý6 Simncoe St. Iý N., in his 79th year, beloved husbarid of Esfher Stevens. Flowers Funemal1 Homne. Funemal ser-y Vice a cmmttal completeBet in the -lýapel at Il o'clock SaturC .ymorning. Sping : nterrnent Bethesda Cerne- VAN BELLE temy. DAILY Deivery ta... 7-1 Oshawa - Bowmnanville Area Phone 623-4441 ELLIS - At Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Saturctay, February 8th, 1975, Neli ~Gould, aged 84 years, wife of the late Fred Ellis, dear inother of Bill, Los Angeles, Stanley, Iraq, Fred and Dor- othy (Mrs. Stan' Vousden), 'Toronto, sister of the late Mrs. Ernest Rehder, Bowmanville. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Tuesday at 3 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Cern etery. 7-1 GIBSON - At Hospital. for S ick Children, Toronto, on Friday, February lth, 1975, Raquel Gibson, aged Il nionths, beloved daughter of Gu and Deborah (Battams) Gibson, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Service was held in the Morris Fujneral Chapel, Bowman,- ville, on Mondcay ai eleven. o'clock. Interment, Bowmani ville Cernetery. 7-1 G REER, Orville J. - At 0hawa General Hospital on Fuesday, February 1, 1975, :Drville J. Greer., beloved hiusband of Beatrice (Betty) Moffatt, father of Mrs. Wil- liamn MacDonald (Rosemnary), M.iss Elizabeth (Liz) Greer, Oshawa; son of Mrs. Ethel ýryan,' Burketon, in his 58th year. Funeral from the A.rmn t rong Funeral Homre, Osh- -wa, Thursday, Feb. l3th at 1: 45 p.m. Interment Mt. Lawn Cemietery. Memorial dlona- fions to the Ontario Hart Foundation or Cancer Re- search, Princess Margaret Hospital would be appreciat- ed. 7-1 1-ENNARD - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tusay, February 6th, 1975, Thomas Lennard, Nqewcastl e, acged 85 years, husband of the 1ý-te ýEizabeth Lennard, dear father of irene (Mrs. A.- Ioberts), Robert, Evelyn ( Mrs. V. Whytaîl), Ethel lMr - <McDonald), and the ite E l (Mrs. 1. Dodds). Serviceê was heîd in the Morris' Funerai Chapel, Bowman- ville, on, Satuýýrday at 1:30 o 'dock. Spring interment St. George's Cemetery, New- casile. 7-1 POTT F~ KarI O.B. - Sud- denly Queensway General Flospita1?F January 28, 1,975. Beloved husband of Dolena ýelle Ptter, dear father of KarI H. Ptter, Mintonka, Minn., grandfathe& of Mark- and Kari Jr., brother of W. Al0ex Potter, Bowmanvilleand !orne Ptter, and Harold, ceceased. The funieral serv- ic~es were helci at the Buler, Funeral Chapel, Toronto on F.riday. 7-1 43-t f Carnation FLOWER SHOP A e _rlways Pîeased You 623-5577 33 Division St. 2-tf HOUCK - ln memiory of our brother, Eari James, who left' us on Febrary l3th, 1971. "There is a Iink deathcannot, sever. Love and remem.brance last forever." ï- Florence and Donald 7-1 x HUBBARD - ln loving mem- ary of a, dear mother, and grandmother Mrs. (Ben- jamnin) Pearl Hubbard who passed away February, l7th, 1973. A wonderfuI moîher, woman and aid. One who was better God neyer made AWoNn derfu111Worker 1loyal and and true One iný a milion that miother wvas you Just in youm judgement alway s righf Honest and- liberai even uprighf Loved by tri 'ends and ail you knew A wonderful mother, that rnother-was you. Lovingly remembered and sadly rnissed by sons and grandchildren. 7 lx FLI.NTOFF - In lovin g mem- ory of Retaý Flintotf who passed away Feb. 12, 1973. Till memomy fades and lite departs , You live forever in aur heamIts. - Ever emernbered by husband Cliff and family. 7-1 H UG HES - 1n laving rnemomy of- a dear mother and grand- mother, Lois Hughes, who passed away Feb. 14, 1967. We wish yau could know how deep The ties ot the past hold through And in aur heamts There's a place set apart That wel always keep just for you. - Lovingly rem emberedi by daughter Rilda, grandchild- ren, Lois, Mumray, Albert, Madge and great-grandchild- ren. .7-1 CHAPMAN - In loving memn ory. of a dear husband and father, Stanley who passed awav Feb. 17, 197,4. He is gone but not forgotten, And, as dawns another year, n our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts ot hlim are alwvays near. D)ays of sadnessv willcome o'er us, Frrends may think the wound is healed But they little kniow the sorrow That lie s within the lheart concealed. - Always remembered by wife Lila, son Clair and daughter Erla and family. 7-l THOMPSON-ln loving mem- ory of my husband who died suddenly on Feb. 15, 1945.1 - Ever remernoered by his wife Alice Thompson. 7-1 PAEDEN-ln loving memory of a dear wife and mother Gertrude Mae, who passed away February 14, 1964. God took your hand, wehad to part, He eased your pain, but broke our hearts, Although -we smile and seemn caret ree, Nobody misses you more than us, A thousand to-morrows, we would g ive,, *If only God could have let you live, To be with us in the same old way. Would be our dearest wish today. - Loved and remembered aîwayS, Lorne and Jean. 7-1 SHACKLETON-ln fond and lovino mnemorv nf a dear mother, E-:thel Shackieton, who passed . away Feb. 17, 1970. She considered herseifjust a Mother, and Wite She did not1 ask for praise But in her humble household 1tasks She found a thousand ways To make our home a happy place. While many folks sought s uccess As restlessly they roamed She was proud to do her very best Each day right in our tborne. Other things may change and 1 decay. But the happy memories we have of her Shaîl neyer pass away. ýSaýy missed and îlov ingFy rememnberedi by her family, Edna and Stewart Jarvie, ïMary and Russell Browvn, Shirley and Fred Shackleton. 7,1 McQUADE - n loving mem- ory of Annie McQuadle, who passed aw,ýay Feb. l6th, 1974. Every day in some small way Memories of you corne our wa y Though absent you are ever, nea r StilI missedi, loved,' always .dea r. - Sadly missed by Ruth and family. 7-ix McKEE - In loving memory of a dear father, Samuel McKee, who passedý away February l2th, 1950. 1950. O happy hours we once enjoyed, -How sweet thei r memor1 y still But death has left a lonelimess The world can neyer fi - Always remembered by sons and daughters. 7-1 HEATH - ln Ioving memory of a dear mother and gran mother, Miîdred, who passed awa Feb. 17, 1972. Our hearts are like a memory book Ifs pages Mother dear Hold aIl the loving thoughts of you Recordedýyear by year A book of golden yesterdays Bound with love and care A rare edition, Mother dear Because you're treasured there -SadI y mnissed by George, MAary, F lorence and, grand- daughiters. 7-ix HEATH - in-loving memory of a dear wife, Mildred, who, passedl away Feb. 17, 1972. I have Iost my soul's compan7 ion, A lite linked with my own, And day by dlay I miss her more, As I walk through lite alone. - Sadly missed by husband George. 7-lx A sincere thank you to the mnany relatives, friends and neighbours who remembered us with flowers and cards on the occasion of our 65th wedding anniversary. Harvey and Nellie Barrie 7-1 x I wouîd like to thank my relatives and fiends for cards and gifts and those who visited me while I was a patient in hopial Special thanks to Dr. H. B. Rkundle, nurses and staff for the wondemful came ,I received. 7-1 My sincere thanks f0 family, friends and neighboums for, visits, fîowems and cards while in hospital a nd the many caîls andi gifts since comningi home. Sadie Kirk 7--lx & * e NOW booking orders for The famrily of the late Thomas Lennard, wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation, to relatives, triends, and neighboms, for floral -tributes, cards, dona- fions and the many acts of kindness. Special fhanks f0 Revemend Robert Hayne, Dr. L. S. Miklos, Dr. Spmoull and nurses of' Oshawa and Bow- manville Hospifals, the Morris Funeral Chapel and the New- castle Bridge Club. - 7-1 The tamily of' the late Leonard Spicer wish fo exfend sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to relatives, friends and neighbors for floral fributes, cards, and acfs of kindness. Special thanks f0 Rev. Gracie, Morris Funeral Home, the 100.OF. and the staff of Extendîcare' Nursing Homne, Oshawa. 7-1 I would like to thank Dr. Antossi,,Dr. Sprouîl, nurses on third floor, friends and rela- tives for gifts, cards and kindness to me during my long stay in Memorial Hospital. Sandra Haacke 7-1 I would 'ilke to express my sincere thanks to my family, friends, neighbors, and hock- ey parents, for the many cheery cards, beautiful flow- ers, visits and thoughtful- deeds, during my stay in Memorial Hospital. Also, f0 my mother-in-Iaw,' Ruby Log,an, who cameand made mv recuperation al home 50 much easier.' A special thanks fto Dr. Hubbard, and aIl the wonderful nurses on the surgi- cal floor. Mary Logan 7-1lx I would like ta say many, thanks from my hear? for the great service and respect given 10 me as a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville after the car accident on Friday, January 3lst on Hwv. 115 and 35. Many thanks 10ors. Beer,, Mosienko, aIl nurses on my f loor, ail technicians and the emergency staff. They gave me the chance ta be home with my famiîy. THANKS AGAIN Walter S. Ciasielczyk, 7-1 To my relatives and tiends my sincere fhanks for cards, gitts and visits cfuing my stay in-4J-ronito Genera! Hospital. SBett y Vasey 7-1 My sincere thanks to Drs. Westgarth and Hubbard and f0 my triends for visifs, tlowems, fruit and cards also to Dr. Marcellus and staff of 6F Oshawa General during my stay in hospital. Ai ber? Hami lIon ~sonmIL Fish and Chips. Ail you_ can eat, every Safurday $1.49. Antiques boug ht and sold. Open every Sat. and Sun. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Road. 4-4 ý"Loyersand Other Stra ngers" COMING SMON Shaws Anniversary Com- mittee Euchre and 500 Card party at the school, Sat. Feb. 15- 8 p.m. Prizes and ladies bring lunch. 6-2 VALENTINE DANCE SatUrday, Feb. 15 Solina Community Hall Abernethy's Orchestra 7-1 BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tuesdayý, Feb. 18th Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8:00 $400 IN PRIZES PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS , 7-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel, Newcastle THE COUNTRY STRINGS Friday - Saturday FebrUary 14 -15 Dancing 9-1, 7-1 IN.L. HOC KEY WEEKEND Montreal1 vs St. Louis in MontreaJ1 Marchi1 &2 $44.00 per perso n STU DENT S KI W EE K Mt. Tremblant March 23 -29 $155.00 ail inclusive SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS 36 King St'. W. Lobaurg, Ontario 1 -372-9961 Bowmanville Unit of the Canadlian Cancer Society in- vites ail womnen to attend a meeting a? TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Wed. February,26th < tep.m. DOCTOR R.F. BECKETT, a gynecologist ram Oshawa wiII speakon ""DIS EAS ES' PERTAINING TO SWOMEN#î QUESTIONAND ANSWER- PERIOD TO FOLLOW 6-2 Osacà Barn Dance (couples only) every Saturday night, Country and Western music. Phone 78&72633. 2-tf MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THU RSDAY -7:30,P.M. Sponisored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA Durham F--ederation of Ag- ricultùre will be holding a meeting for farmers in the Township Haïl, Hampton'on Thursday, Februjary 13 at.8 p.m. to discuss the lnterim District plan for the Town of Newcastle. "- NEW ORLEANS SPRING TIME TOUR APRIL3- 14 12 DAYS - ESCORTED Featuring: Atlanta, Georqiia, New Or- Jeans, Mobile, Alabama and Nashville Tennessee. For In formation, phone or write: Sunshine Party Tours 36 King St. Cobourg, Ont. 372-9961 or 885-2200 6-4 Valentine Dance in Ponty- pool Community Hall - Satur- day Feb. lSth. Music by Fay Adams and The Country Hits. Admission $5.00 couple - RefreQshments.6- Dance, Legion Hall, Sat. Feb. 15. Live Music. Dancing 9 -1 a.m. EVERYBODY WEL- COME. - A dance in Kendal Orange Hall, Saturday, Feb. 22. Spon- sored by The Orange Lodge. Music by Couples' Club'Orch- estra. Everyone. welcome. 7-2 Fourth Annual CommunitY Fair, at Bowmranville High School, March 15, 1975. 7-1 Valentine Dance, Friday, February 14, Blackstock Rec- reation Centre, Square and Round Dancing with Frank Barkey. No l q uor please. $200 per person. S ponsored by Blackstock Agricultural Soc- iety.7- Reserve Frida y, March lth, for Rebekah an d Odd Fýllow Home Baking'and Rummnage Sale. 7-1 Rummage Sale, Memorial Park, Saturday, Feb. 15 - 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Sponsored by Third Pack Brownies and First.Guide Company. 7l VA LENTINE DANCE At Centennial Hall -Queen Street February 15, 1975 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. $3.00 per couple Refreshmeiits MUSIC BY E. ARCHER ,CLEARANCE SA LE Drastically reduced'prices, Allis-Chaîmers Walk,-Behi Snow Blowers. McKeea George White Snow L31owe Rupp Snowmobiles, access les and clothing. Sale ei Feb. 21. Trewin Farmn Equipmenl Blackstock 416-986-4283 6 REFLECTOR typ 'e lis tîxtures. 16 inches diamet .,Ureen color. ISargain. biai( mnan Office.t 2000 BALES of hay andi bales of straw. Phone 1- 3450. 7- ture- Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd., lias a huge selection of fine, qualify monuments, large and smalî ta fi, any need. Corne by dur display yard af 73 Ontario ýStreet. Part Hope 'or felephone 3885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35 If KENMORE wather-spin-dry- er. One White sewino mach- ine. Like new.',One Zenith 19" colour television, and other small articles. 623-3533.' - 7-lx CEDAR fence posts. 987-4378. 7-1 CORN-ted beef approximnately 200.1b. halves ai 85c lb. John Sikma phone 987-4041. 7-I TWO 1972 MAercury Snowmo- biles, 20 and 25 electric start, frailer. $1000. Phone 623-7764, 7-1 OATS BARLEY FUINKS CORN READY TO SOW Custom Cleaning and Treati ng ; CERESMORE FARMS LTD. R.R.4 BOWMANVILLE 623-3552 623-7233 f 7-16 BLACK( and white -21" T.V. 623-2212. -7-ix USED building materials. 12 exterior wood doors and trames and aluminum storm doars af $25.00 ea. complefe. 12 hot water radiators $25 ea. 3 ftou ets $25. ea., 3 metal shower cabinets $20. ea., 6 basins with taps $15. ea., aluminum siding for rernoval. Cali 1-983-5686 ebetween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 7-1 nANTIQUE chair, s-mall desk, ,ftrunk, pîàtfom rocker, wood- 2en kitchen chair, odd wooden -chairs, hi-fi set, high chair, strallers, car bedl, toasters, irons, books, small tables. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperence St., Bowrnan- ville, closed Wednesdlays. 7-1 FLAVOUR BEST APPLES FROM FRED r Mc IN TOS H - $1.00 REDANO GOLDEN DELICIOUS, RUSSET Honey and 4 Ma pie Syrup 75 Lb. POTATO ES - $3.50 Fred's Fruit Market HWY. 115, O'RONO 6-4 *ANTIQUE CLOC'KS- -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, packet watches 2and modemn watches and Our repairs are done with modemn up-ta-date equipmenî and qualified Swiss frained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWEILERS 2 ITD. 7 29 King St. East y - Phone 623-5747 34-ff BEDROOM suife, 7 piece;, ,dining roam, 9 piece; living room, ail Burma-Danish teak- wood. New furnifure very reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377 52-ti PADDY'S Market now haE, new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereas and also used furniture and appliances. Witt accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 2631- 2241. 33-t'! USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. - 26-ff COSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPI WASHED SAND - GRAVEL and ST( LIMESTONE PRODUCTS Ail Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FI11 TRUCKS and LOADERS FOR RENT 7-l 877 King St. East (East of Harmnony) CALL 725-0232 ind i 81 RICHMOND ST. W, OSHAWVA57-2 7-1 February ght WAREHOUSE SALE res- EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE 600 CLEARANCE r-1x CUSTOM WALL TO WALL mm INSTALLATION As Low As ',/2 Price and Less On Ie aet and'-Ends ,Pf Rolis * 81 RICHMOND ST. W. (Next door ta-Ruddy Electric) Open tram 9'o 8p.m . Mon. f0 Fmri., Sat..9 to 4 CLOSElD AIL DAY SUNDAY COL -D storage Deliclous and, ,Spy apples. Also seconds. No Sunday sales. Frank Hiemstra 263-2260. 5-tf NEW'74 Rupp,' 440 and cover, with double bed trailer. Phone 987-5217. 7-1 BABLY beet sides for sale $1.10 per poujnd, cut, wrapped and deliveredi. Neil Cuirtis Phone 1-983-93330Or0n0. 7-Ix NEWCASTLE- three bed- roomn mobile home. Cali after 6. 987-4817. 6-4 Premium quality sides of grain feed Shorthorn Beef fromn Taylor Farms. 263-2601 or evenings 986-4881. 7-1 f FREEZER, 16 cu. f1., avo- cado, less thani one year old, $165. Phone 987-4967 New- castle. 7-1 FORTY inch Frigidaire stove with double oven-, and a chrome set with four chairs. Phone aftter 6 p.m. 623-5810.- 7-1 ANTIQUE hanging lamp, an-- tique dlock, antique gone-with- the-wind ou amp, Aladdin amp with shade. Phone 705-277-2115. 7-1 PANASONIC Television, '74 model, 20" portable, 6 months oîd. Asking $325. Phone 623-3221 7-1 GENDREN Baby stroller, like new, box spring and mattress, suitable for cottage. 623-5048. 7-1 >~W H 1TE'S 1TV A NT EN NAS STowers, U HF, V HF S Aerials, Rotors & Repairs SApartment & Homes Pre-Wired S Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE- ~ 46tf Oshawa TV Antennas & Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Colored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanship Guaratiteed Alil priced to SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38 tf INS TALL AN Q FURNACE BOIER HUMIDIFIER orHOT WATER H EATE R No Pa yments for Six Menths CALL HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 41 -tf 1975 Field Seed Price List Now Available Ask for yours Today Carnation Seed Store 33 Division St. Bowmanville 623-5577 7-1 SCRAP paper bargains. We have a real bargain in scrap paper fAor you. ,Ail sizes, shapes and colors in bundies of 50 cents and $1.00. Great for draw\ings, leaviÎng messages, g roup craft wvork, etc. The Statesm-an office. 42-1tf Apartments, Rooms, urgently needed. Durham, Housing Regîstry 1-579-0622. Extension 48, 69. 6-25 WAN TE D, far-m with house in good condition, preferably with fireplace. Within 25 il1es- of Oshawa. Phone 623-3488. 6-5x IMMMýI Germnan Shepherd pup, 'il weeks old, black, and t'an, beige collar, answers f0 Prince. Reward. Phone 623- ,3896 or 1-668-3488. 7-1 LY MU[qlM no papers, al shots, eight ON E months, house trained, $40. Phone 623-3075. 7- lx SPE CIAL Jan. 29 - Feb. l4th Free ýpick up and delîvery for any breed of dog fIo have his Valentine dleani u p. Poo- dies our Specîity. Bathed, Sclipped, foenails trimmed, - ears and anal glands cleaned $10. Your pet, de livered home S fresh and dlean. The Doggie Place, Registered Newtonville 1-786-2234 5-3 LIGHT not w/orking? No Power in that PIug? Are you, putting off getting your appli- ances epaimed? If you're 22 afraid ot the high cost of electrical repairs Caîl us- You'll be surpmisédaa how little il realîy can be. Caîl Service Electric 623-3778 for 24 hr. service. 7-1ix Incomne-Tax Returns Prepared, guaranteed investment certificates sold Short or Long Term For Current Rates Contact: JAMES BELL 6 CONCESSION ST. W. BOWMAN VIII E 623-5746 6-2 DAY Camre provided for chiîd- ren age 2 ôrolder in my home. Phone 623-5616. DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS anid APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division -St., Bowmanvilîe 26-f DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Gecides Electrîc Renovations - Alterations Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Homes New Homes - free Estimates Phone 623-2398 -48-f C &C JAN ITOýR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professiona lyClea'ned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VIII E 3-tf PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING &SERVICING Cerfif ied Piano Technician. Prompt reliable service. Remem ber, "The tuner alonie, preserves the tone." Member, Piano Techncian's Gui Id. D erek Hill 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby 668-6247 9-tf VINCE MOORE CARPENTRY House Renovating Paper Hanging - Pa'ntin 247 Liberty N., Bowmanvi Il 623-3568 49-tf Refrigeration AND Àppliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - MiIk Coolers P HONE BERT SYER Days.............. 623-5774 Nights ...... 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC ~ j' TF Wiliam G.' Beatty Paintinig and Paper Han ging Light Trucking and Odd Joabs ~PHON E 623-4728 43-tf NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEMP REPAIRS TO AIL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 - enith 14620 41ltf GLASS and MIRRORS ITD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet andl Float Glass Sealed Units - Stormn Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glaxing. 17ff WAT E R Well1s bored, 30" tu e. Ward's Well Borinig. Tele- phonie 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 98l-,1531. 16-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET PitimbÎng - Hieating Pressure systems New Wark and Repairs' Service and Estimates Cati1623-2641 -33-tf H & B Painters, Painting and Decorating, f ree estimates, ask for Howard or Bob. Phone no. 623-5317 or 983-5513. 7--1 x PERSON wanted 'for ight housekeeping work and care of one infant. Two or three days weekly. Enniskillen area. Phone 263-2312. 7-1 Regîstered Laboralory Technologist raquired by the Community Memorial Hospital, 'Port Perry, Ontario. 'We offer an excellent salary and a full range of frin ge benefits. Ple,,,se sent applications stat- ing qualifications and exper- ienice or telephone: Administrator, Cornunity Memnorial Hos pitalI, Port Perry, Ontario. LOBUiNû 416-985-7321 7-1 SEED CORN We stilî have some Pioneer 3981 and 3990 available. We also have Pioneer Sorghum, Alfalfa, Alfalfa and Timothy Mixes, Pioneer Trefail, Trefoil and Timothyrmixture., call JOHN BAUMCHEN 986-4774 6-2x SEDCORN We stilî have same Stewarts 2501 (Na. 2 Seed OnIy), Stewarts 38 and 4714 (No. 1 Seed). CAL JOHN BAUMCH EN 986-4774 6-2x SEEDANDSEED CLEANING Early pick-up discount, up ta 10 per cent on large orders until Feb. 23rd on present stock of oats and barley. Also early prices on hay and grass seed. Naw seed cleaninq by appointment. P HONE: SWAIN SEEDCLEANERS AND DEALERS 986-4331 4-4 ANN B 'RADLfY Permanent Hair Remnoval 90 Siticoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 Wmmf PROF ESSI ONAL E LE CTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal BY APPOINTMENTONLY 112 Simicoe St. N. Oshawva 576-4705 52-tf Erpiemcin.g service, Dan Hooper. Phone 623-5747 for appointment. 7-tf ME=- 1

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