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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1975, p. 12

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CL.ÇISIl, RDSi ____________________ - ~ ~ *.<...~ - Eh ni iHr DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED T u es.o5 4:30 pm cm= - The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education invites applications from persons interested in supply teachinig in the French Im- mnersion Programs in elemen- tary schools. Preference will bc given ta those who are, bilingual, French or English, and who possess teacher certification, however, appli.. cants whoe are fluent in'French and have alternative qualifi- cations will be considered. Applications should be mailed to: Mr. D. W. Patterson, Superintendent of Planning, The Northumberland and and Newcastle Board of Education, Box,470, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 4L2. 7-1 SALES AGENT Required imm1ediately by' Canada's fastest growing' sPecialty lighting company. You will caîl on Commercial, Industrial and Institutional, Accounts and offer a seledtion of Products and service un- equalled in Canjada today. Our flexible sales policies, highest rate Of commission in the industry ail adid up to immedi- ate executive earnings. Appli- tants over 50 welcomne. Fuli- time Or Sideline. you do no delivery or collecing. Comn- missions are paid weekly on ail orders shipped, with no hold back. For further details, telephone collect (416) 632-9020, and ask for Don Crossley. 7-1 NURSERY school tea'cher, fivenmarnings per week. Early Childhood Tra'ning preerred. Phone 987-4013 a.m, 987-4012 p. M. 1 7-1 EX<TRA money, Cauld you spare ten hours a week and make $70 a week? Cali Cindy 723-9956 after 5, 6-2 RELIABLE person ta babysit ccasio)nal mu4,uaily conven- lent days. Must enjay pro- schoolers. Cal 623-7217. 7-1 Part Time Key Puriid Operator Requjred ýmmjEdiately Experienced operator of an IBM 029 or a UInivac 1701. Cvmputer Centre Iocated at Port Hope High School. Weritten applications, stating qualifications, experience, and telephene number, wifl be received unti 1:00 p.m., February 18, 1975. M. A. Mac Leod, BLi5srness Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2. ___ ___ __ 1 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne harçltop, V8; godc shape; as is for best offor. Phone 623-3121. 6-2 1966 CHEV. Caprice, fully equipped inchuding P.W. As is, needs wark. Phono 623-3121. 6-2 1973 VOLKSWAGEN, ow mileaae, one owner, A-i conqditon, sehi certified for best cash affer. Phono 623- 3121. 6-2 '66 DODGE van, mags on back, panehhedi, shag, needs transmnission wark. Best offer. Phono 623-3753. 7-1 1971 CHEV Caprice, V-8, al powored, air conditioned,ý $2,800 or best offer. Estate sal1e, mnustf soîl. Phono 263-2612. 7-1 1974 MONTE CAR LO Landau, 350-4 barrel, AM 8 track, pasi, full power, 50,000 mile Quaker Stafe warra-nty, 19,000 miles, $4,600 or bes? offer. Phono 9874237 Newcastle. 7-1 FOR REMOVAL 0F FRÈSH, DEAD and Umicangen rAKM A-e c , NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERPS ln the Estate of GEORGE ESLEY MUTTON, of the Town of -Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Retired Store- keeper, deceased. Ail persans having daIims against, the Estate of George Esley Mutton, late of the Town of Newcast le, in the Regional Mun ici pality of Dur- ham, Retired St are keeper, who died on or about the, 22nd day of November, 1974, are hereby natif led ta send parti- culars of same ta the under- signed an or befare the 28th day of February, 1975, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard anly ta Ille daims of which the undersigned shal then have notice and the undersigned will nat be hiable ta any persan of whose dlaim he shahl not then have notice. DTDat the Town of -Newcastle, this th day of February, 1975. M. B. Kelly, 28 King Street West, Box 159, Bowmanville, Ontario, LI C 3K9, Slicitar f or the Executar., IN THE COUNTY COURT 0 F THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT 0F DURHAM NOTICE TO: ROGER MILNER A Writ of Surmans has bee issued by Mary ,Stewart, a infant by her next frienc Robert Stewart and the sai Robert Stewart persanahly The Plaintiff's dlaim s fa damages arising out 0f th negligent operatian of a moto vehiche owned and driven bà Rager Mihner in the Town o Newcastle in the Judicia District of Durham. if yoî wish ta defend this action either you cor your hawiyer shah file an Appearance in thi office of this Court a? Whitby Ontario, 605 Rasshand Roac East, in accardance with th( Ruhes of Court. In default o- Appearance and service o Statement of Defence withir the required timne, pieadIngý rlay lbe nated closect agaihi you and you may not bE Permiitted to deliver yo4Jr Statemnent of Defence. AND FURTHER TAKE NlOT ICE that where pleadings have been nofed cîosed against yau, you may be loemod ta have admqitted the Phaintiffs' dlaim and you may not be entithed ta notice of any mation for Judgmnent or notice f trial , and JUDGMENT MAY BE GIVEN AGAINST YOU IN YOUR ABSENCE. POLLITT &WALTERS, Barristers and Sol icitors, 70 Bond Street West, Oshawa, Ontario. Sol icitors for the PlaintIffs J.' P. Kelly Local Judge fi c E nc of A 7-3w A THREE bedroomn town- hQuso, ideal for family living, locatod on. a quiet court in Bowmanville, close to schools, $275 per., month; available immodiately. Ca!] Sam Venn, Toronto 923-9174, Bowman- villo 623-3393, or Mm. Cooney, Toronto 444-5082. W. Frank Real Estato Realtor. 38-tf FURNISHED bedroomns by month, woek or day, shower and bath, licenced promnises, reasonable rates. Castle Hotel, Bowmanville 623-7072, 51 -tf ONE bedroomn apartmnent, Newcastle $95 monthly, heat included, available immedi- atoiy cali 1-668-4940 between 6 and 9P.M. 7-1 ROOMA for ent wjth board available if desired. in Hamp- ton. Phone 263-8875. - 7-1 1 OFFICE space, 600 square foot, complotely decomated,i braadloomned, air conditioned, heated, downtown business section. Phono 623-7664 affer 5 ý p.m.5-if APARTMENT. one bedmaom, Central, adult or businessE caupho. Phono 623-3718. 7-1ix9 CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM WBycaCr Hampton 263-2721 FREE TOWING 30-tf DOM'S AUTO jj ýPARTS * -723-1121 TWÔ B ýdI-room aparIent. *Phono 623-2539 anytime after 6. 7-1 ONE bedroomr apartmnent pro- ferably with stave andu frig. Central no basemnent. Phono 623-7346Ié. 7-Ix GET CASH TODAY *FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUG~H STATESMAN C LASS IFlE DS tf n an ci, id r ie r of Auction sale, p ri >vate estate. hl Property of the late- Mrs. G. )u Thorndyke, 382 Jarvis St. r.Oshawa. Ta o b hehd at hl Stirtevants Auction Hall. 27 ieHall St., Oshawa, Thursday, February 13 ait 6 p.m. Blue id chosterfield suite (like new), leSklar.swivol chair (hike new), )f coffee and end tables, large )f din ing roam rug, mranthe n dlock, Colonial tri-am-p, 15 ýscubic foot f rost f ree rofrigera- ýttom (liUe now), Adtmira! black eand white television two years r ld, M69azîÀè rack, 39 tnè bed (càfhplete, like new), chrome suite, 3 pce. bedroomn suite, sewing machine, dm05- sers, chest af drawers, antique JParceline kitchen dlock, van- eity, antique stop!, smal centre etable, fern stand (antique), yfull size bed,ý wicker basket, floor pisher, hall mirror, Dtrunk, pine table, antique rphatform rocker, electric iawn mawver, lawn chairs, utility table, pi)nic table, extension ladder, stop ladder, washing machine, antique radio, tool bax, aarden tools, pictures, lamýps, kitchen apPliances, large green rug, linon, bed- ding, dishes, drapes, pale lamp. This is a gaod sale. Plan ta attend. Termis cash, no reserve. Salesraom open ovoryday 12 noon ta 2 p.m., 7 - 9 ail fumniture wolcomne. Myles King auctian- eer and carfage 725-5751 or 723-0501. 7-1 Saturday,' February 22nd. Farm SoId, Auctian Sale of Livestock, implemenjts, pro- duce, Somre Fumniture. The praperty of Nick a nd Marilyn Bobel (trmerly WladJc son f a rm) Lot 16 Con. 8 Scugog Twp. 10Omiles south of Lindsay an Hwy. 35 and 7 miles west an Hwy. 7A ta Nestleton -'i mile narth and 1/4 mile west., il head of Ayrshire, Hereford and Holstein cattle. 5 cows due timre of sale. 3 steers 11/2 yrs. aId. 3 open heifers 11/2 years aid. M. F .35 diesel tractoir with loader, blade and snow buck- et, M.H. 22 tractor, MF. Na. 10 baler PTO. M.H. 26 self Propehled combine, 1971 New Holland 460 hay bine, John Deere 2 row coam planter. Triple K cultivator. lit. tract- Or manure sproader, Int. -7' Power mawer. M.F, side rake, Otaco wagon and rackç, M.F., sub-soiler, 40' elevator, John Deere grinder, grain dryer, fanning miii, grain roller, full line al machinery. Approx. 500 codar pasts. Wheat, Barley, Olats, Hay and Straw. 1965 'Chevrolet 2dloor hard top car, 1972 Fiat 124 speciai 4 d ool- sedan car, Chesterfield, chair and hassock, shag rug 12' x 20', chairs, washlnig machine, many ather items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale atl 1:00) P.M\. Carl H-icksan, Auction- eer, Rea bora, Ont. 705-324- 9959. 7-2 ORONO Area - Two bedroomn apartment, heat and hydra included, $150 month, aduits anly. Reterence required. Phono 1-983-5792. 7-1 TWO1 Be droom, ground flbar apartment, dlean quiet adluit building, close ta downtoawn. Fridge, stove, heat, etc. in- cluded. Elderly or working couple preferred. After 7 p.m.- 623-5004. 7-1ix THR EE Bedraom, two sfare'y house,, paved drive, large kitchen, dining raam, suni parch, in Orono., Phone 723-0542. 7-1 ONE or twa bedroom apart- -ments, available March lst at Marianna Villa. -Ail utilities paid. One bedroom $195 per, manth, no children allowed. Two bedroam $215 per manth, one child allowecl. No pets. Phone 623-4697 or 723-0575. 7-1 GROUND flbar apartment, four roams and bath. Élderhy lady or couple preferred. Phonie 623-5797. 7-1 THREE Bedroam, house, fridge, stave, washer and dryer, $250 per mannth plus heat and hydro. Phone 623-3514 betwveen 6 and 9 p.m. 1 7-1 BOW MANVILLE four room modern apartment plus bath, heated, reasonable rent, apply Tam's Milk Store, 53 King Street East, Bawmanville. 3-tf ROOM and kitchen privileges for warking wamnan. On quiet stree' close ta downtown..Cal 623-287, everlings., SKI-DOOING and Winter Hol- idaying-3 bedroom cottage an Lake Scugog. Week or week- ends. Phono 623-4597 or 623- 7308. - 6-4' USED Funiture and Applian- ces. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton 263-2241. 33-tf FURNITURE and ather art- icles, or ta seilian consign- ment. Phono Towne Used Fumnitume 623-4681. Closed WednJesdays. 7-1 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcyci es Snowmobî les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAIO ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Ya rd -623-15756 Residence -,-63712 45-tf Selling this Sat. night by Public Auction at Pethick's Auction Barri, Haydan, 1 mile east of Enniskillen. The furn- iture for the estate of the late Greta Oke. Setting of 12 Bridai rose dishes, 2 beds, dresser, cedar chest, tables, small china cabinet, bedding, dishes, ather articles. Satur- day at 7 p.m. Cliff, Pethick, auction-eer. 7-1 RESULTIS'COUNT! Multipfle Listing Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board "Waverly Gardiens"- In Bowmanville :Buil? by Marianna Developments Your Guarantee of Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 3/4% $4,150 DOWN Features include: Clean Dependable Electric Heat -Large fanify kitchen -Finished, falmily room -Completely broadloomed -11/2 baths -Fireplaces -Attached garages -Fully sodcded lots - ompletely serviced Open for Inspection Tbis Weekend and Daily 10OA.M. to 7 P.M. A LSO Open House' at Newcastle Saturday &Sundlay 1-4:30 p.m. Chaice of 2 Delhuxe Models ta Choose From. MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS Buil by Division cf Son -i'rmItýed Wll knownfor qua lity construction and superior workmnaiship. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 234 lKing St E., Bowmanviîîe 623-3393 Direct Toronto Lino 9ý3-9174 43-tf 137 King St. E., Bowmanviîle 623-7694 - 623-766î R EALTOR REALTOR REAL ESTATE LIMITED 181 CHURCH STIREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LI C 11T8 623-442S RARE OPPORTUN ITY! This 3 bedraomr bungalow with full basemnent fenced in backyard, on quiet street in Bowmnan- ville, can be yours for anhy $301500.00, ,TI-REE BEDROOM, 2,stomey, twin home, e lectmic heating, broadloomed- living moom. Walkout.basemont ta extra large fenced lot. Bowman- vile. Asking $43,500.00. BRAND NEW sidesphit, 3 bedrooms, separato. dininq room, large kit-chon, full basement. Com phetehy broad- loomed throughout. Nice lot, Located 1 mile oast of NeWcastle. Asking only $49,500.00. Mi LLBROOK - 5 acre build- ing lot.* On Township maad. Ail cheared. Asking only $9,500.00. Many more ta chooso tramn. v7-1 FRNK -Newcastle Stone and brick 3 bedroom bungalow. Bright kitchen with bull t-n stove andoven. Firg- place in livinig room. Good lot averlookîng lake. Asking $47,500.00 wîth terms. Call Bill Turansky.1 Bowmanville Terrific buy is this 3 bedroor brick side sphit'in choice area Soparate dinfing raam, il/ baths, famihy raam on mai floar plus an Englisi, Pi room. Attached garageo. Oni) $56,500.00. Terms, Cali Phylli! Mc Robbie. Bawmanville - 3 Bedrooci Backsplit Home is an excellent buy.0 tastefulhy decorated homn with large famihy romn, separ, ate çining roam and living cent morfgag~ stove, frilge, washer inceluded. Asking $49,900.00 with easy 'terms. Çalh Charlie Reid. Bowmanville Just Listed One year aid 3, bedroorn backsplit with famiiy roorn and extra bedioom on ower level. 2 bath roomns, fon cd lot, located chose ta schools and shopping. Asking $52,500.00 Winterhelt. Cî hit Newtonville Estate Sale Older brick home located'or large lot on Highway No. 2. This 8 raom homo is priced tc soul a? $39,M00. Terms. Caîl Ran Hurst.. Orono 6 raom modemn bungalow with mec raom and office. 'Stone, f ireplace, broadloom thraugh- aut. Situated on 1/2 acre one mile tram ski club. Asking $49,900.00., Terms. Cali Ron EXECUIVE HME inBow- Are '(ou Considering a EXEUTfE HME n Bw- MOV Eor TRAN SFE R? manville, 11/'2 yr. aId 3 bed- W g room brick and aîuminum W e Eipd to handle backsplit, large famlly roam Canadaan U.S.A. n with franklin f ireplace, heatedCadandUSA ingraund pool, beautifully landscaped, cal for partic- w ulars Coast to Coast COURTICE AREA,î aIder 3 Real state Service bedraom ranch bungalow, legal basement apartment, grage,t numeraus extras, ail ths sting.on 114 acres of land. 71A 30 KVng et. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-4403 Osha0da - Toronto -723-2265 '921-9248 RELOR - $4, 000 Down Payment REALTOR6 month aId 3 bedroam semi Orono - compact 11/2 starey 3. .bodmoom home, bmoadhoom, throughaut, fin ished mec moom, attached garage with sun- dock, easy accoss ta Hwy. Il15, asking $45 900. Bowmanville - good starter homne an largo south end lot, lovely trees and shmubs, 2 bedmooms and attached gar- lage, asking $35,000, try an of for. Bowmanville - very ce 1ntra lly lacated 111/2,storey 4 bedmoom home, separate DU.., 2 baths, new roof and fumnaco, asking $49,500. Vendors anxious. Daîrymple Lake - lov-ely 2 oédroom winterized and fumn- shed cottage on large weil treed lot, sjiver1 birches, price nchudes boa? hause and dock,, boat and moôtor, 40 gai. H.W. ank, 16 x 8 ft. sun-dock, asking $29,900,. About' 1 hrs. drive tram Oshawa.1 Milîbrook - building lots an v-hich ta erect you a home of 'aur chaice, plans and price s? in aur office. Cali taday for mlore deta;is. h n tr Edwin jeans Shirey Hogg Mac Mc Dona Id Wlf Hawke Allan Rau? HelIen Mc Donald 623-7152 623-3500 623-3911 983-5274 725-0353 (23-3911 7-1 vvinsian gasl ~ joo UUVJ l patio and complotely fenced yard. 11/2 baths. Only $42,000. Gaod terms. Buy of the Month Only $52,900.00 for this lavely 3 bedrooni backspl it with dining room, family room with f ire- place and sliding doors ta roar yard, 11/2 baths, double garage, 93/ per cent, mort- gage. Must be seen. 50 Acres This sconic parcel has a creek aon the praperty, 40 x 50 barn and a 3 bedroom home, priced at aOnly $85,000. Pon't wait. Properties liko this are hard ta find. Wanted We have clients loaking for homes and lots, to purchase or ta easo., If yau are thinking of solling or.enting, please g[ve one of aur Sales Consultants -a cal . After 5:00 Cal Josie Doxtater Elfie Jost Donna Holmes Nelle Boiten L.amie Rosen Lý Peggy Gray Pam Carr Reg Aker 983-9593 263-2032 987-5220 Louise Whale .ynda Kinsman Ed Drumm Peter Chopee Bill McFeeters "ESTABL ISHED 1936" Da. ln ub, 'y lis Ag er ge ig S. ar 4, P E,& LTOM Pat Marierrisan Bowmanvi île 623-4115 Starg oe, ero', Sarer hot ue,s2 bedr om $26,500.00 - full prico. Cobourg, Spotiess 3 bedraam, somi- detached homo, newly decor-. ated, excehhent condition- $29,200.00 Gardon Hill Area 121/2 acres, scenic wooded lot with stroam - $20,000.00 One- third down, bahance at 8¾/ per cent. Campbellcroft New brick and trame bunga- low, 3 bedrooms, separate dining romr, large iving raom, basement apartmnent - 2 bedrooms. Large, treed lot, excellent value at $47,500.00 Gares Lanclinq New house, custom built, 3 bedraom ýside split, fa mily sized kitchen on large ha nd- sceped lot, quiet tree lined pavod street. $43,900.00 - termis. ISturgeon Lak e IYear round home, 3 bed- Iroams, large living raam, with Istone fireplace, 4 piece bath, P arage and guost house, large lot with 100' frontage on Sturgeon Lake. -Ideal sumrmer v/acation or year round living. $52,500.00 - termis. Hastings Hobby farm - 50 rolling acrels, highway frontage, 7 ,raom farm hause needs ronovation. "Week-end darpentors take note". This praperty isunder- priced at $39,900.00 because of the poor condition of the house. lackstock New 4 bedroomn brick and ahuminum hause, 11/2 baths, large bright rooms, broad- homn throughout, electric heat, double attached garage, large -lot -- 15 minutes tram Bowmanvihhe - $49,500.00 ternis. VERTENTE LIMITED Real Estate 47 Acres a?- the jurnctior, et Hwy's 35 and 115, an a gaad road, mosthy farm hland with some bush, buihding permit avaihable, an excelhent invest- mont. Reduced ta $35,000 with terms. 135 Acres - nearthe village of Pantypool, 1/4 mihe tram 35 Hwy., arge modern single storoy barn, many possibihi- ties, $1 ,000 an acre with terms. Vertenite Real Estate, Delhi, Ontario. Cahl Ed Vanhaver-' beke, Newtonville 416-797-2333. 4-tf Real Estate& 5h InsuranceLtM. e 2King St. W., BoWmanville Te Ieehone 623-2453 Immaculate throe bodroom bungalow, attached garage, finished mec raam, water softener and oxtras, a home you wiil be praud to own, asking $60,0 00. Want a centrally iocated famihy homo? Thon 50e this one and one hait storey brick, foaturing four'bedraoms, sep- arate dining and living rooms, 'large fami Iy maom ith tire- place, two car garage, spac- i bus kitchen and laundry room, large lot, a pleasure ta show. Largo ton room brick homo, country like setting, five bedrooms, oneand one hait baths, spadiaus living raom, dining roani, famihl' roomand haundry 'raam, early- posses-ý sion asking $65,000. Four bedrooms, spadiaus kit- chen, living roam, mec room, one four piece and two piece bath, electric hoat, lot 37.5' x 90'. This home is approximat- ely threo years aid. Asking, $43 900. Plenty of room in th is aider type.home, situated an a large loYt, In village, Good buy for the handyman. Asking $35,000. Close ta dawn tawn, with largo frontage, on Church St., this bungalow providos comfort- able living plus incame tram self contained apartment. Oldor style two sto-rey brick home, very contri, asking, $36,500. ,Affer Heurs Ca Il: Gordon Beech 623-5265 Joe Barton 623-3098 George Brown 623-3702 Peter Kowal Jr. 623-5868 7-1 HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson' Kevin,' Karen, Robert and Janet, spent Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buttery, Mrs. Sim joined them for supper. Mr. Bruce Garrard, Mrs. Bah Townsend, Keswick, visit- ed Bruce's mother, Mrs. 'Charlie Garrard on Sîrndav B -e * S -~ on Friday. 725-1481 'KenR.het'ts~ J-ohii ~aikitjne OBITUARY ALBERT THROWER Following a lengthy illnoss, Albert Thrower, aged 71, passed away on Suniday, e ruary '2, 1975 in Fairview, Lodge, Whitby. Born at Maidstone, Eng- land, hoecime ta Canada in, 1908 ta the St.'Barnard Boys' Home, Huntsville. Educated at Martin Sidirig, hoe worked at Kendal, and , the Orono For- estry. Ho was married to, tho late Anna May McMullon in 1927. In '194ý' hoemarried Winniifred Bogg. A member of Enniskillen L.O.L. 915 and Kendcal.L.O.L. 405, hoe served in the Canadian Army from 1940-41. Ho waàs ineetdin hockey, bail, square-dancing and gard- ening. Surviving -are bis wife Winnie, David Thrower, Ken- dal, Mable (Mrs. W. King, Saskatchewan) Gardon, Mar- Me HWY. 401 CALL BOWMAN VILLE 623-3393 TORONTO UNE 9213-9174, Ask for Ext. 45 PHYLtis mc ROBsIE .............623-7159 BILL URAS............... .... 983-5131 But TURANSKV....................983.5420 Agnes (Mfrs. J. MacKenzie,- Enniskillen), Joyce (M.ýrs. Ray Findley, Oshawa) 10 grand- eilîdren, several noîces and nephews. A daughter, Agr' predeceased 'hlm in 1932.-' Pal-bearors were Messeî.- Harold Fowler, Dick Maedis- ley, Frank MeKenna, Ewart' Robinson,' Burns Hay and Morley Robinson. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery.- 1 and also visited Bruce's father, Mr. Charlie Garrard, in Memnorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Mr., Alfred Garrard visited bis mother, Mrs. Charlie Garrard on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read, Robert and Steven, Bowmanville, were Sunday supper gu.ests of Mrs. A. Read. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge, Mississauga, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, and fam1iy. Mr. an Mrs. John Jones and family, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones, Sr. on Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge, Mississauga, called on the Lloyd Ashton family on, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Paterson, Oshawa, called on Mr.' and Mrs. Roy Paterson on Sunday. MVrs. Roy Paterson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. ArodGalgher of Ajax and attended the funeral of their sister Mrs. Lawrence Wilson of Hilton Maine. Sympathy is extended to Mrs,. R. Paterson and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Galagher in the death of their sister. Mrs. Dorothy Perryman, have been visiting the J. Potts family returned on Thursday to ber 'home, at- Lîmaria, Aberta. Mr. and Mrs. Wibur Black-, burn, Carol and Dale were Saturday supper guests of MVr. and Mrs. Doug Blackburn and Wendy, Enniskillen. Kyle Grahamn, William Tre- win and David Buttery attend- ed Bobcageon Winter Carnival on Sundav. Lori Ann Carrard entertain- ed ber girl friends on Friday evening, the occasion was LorJ Ann's birthday. Mrs. J. Potts and Miss M\,ary Potts'visited Mrs. W. Mlarti n at Hillsdale Manor, Oshawai on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge, Mississau- ga, Mss -Karen Yellowlees, Solina, were guests at Mr. and Mrs. Ted McLaugblins, Fen- ion Falls for the Fehruary birtbdays.. Mr. Russell Anderson, Port Hope accompanied Mrs. Ar.- thur Trewin and flew to Arcdia California, owing ta the illness of their mother, Mrs. Mildred Anderson. Glad ta hear there is some slight improvement in Mrs. Ander- son, MUr. Russell Anderson and Mrs. Arthur Trewin fiew home .Mike Shane DaveAusn'4 Iw~~ TOYS FOR BIG BOYS BUY-SELL-TRADE, PERFORMANCE CARS (Next to K-Mart) Welcome to MEADOWVIEW HEIGH'TS AllSingle Family Homes is the lime to buy and sqve EXECUTIVE HOMES (U to 2,000 Sq. Ft.) - ESTATE SIZE LOTS -- FROM 80 ft. to 100 ft. FRONTAGE Priced from $64,995 and'Up m U RGE NTLY R ECK IREIDlI We have cash buyers for homes, in the Bowmranvilhe area. Perhaps your homne would bring top dollar? We'Il be pleased ta appraiso it for' you and hehp you hocate the "home of your dreamns". For friendly officient sahe of your; home, call P. & R. Reahty Company, Realtar, Bennett TOYS1 FOIR BIG BOYS are proud to announce the appointment of JOHN BALLANTINE to their sales staff. John has resided in Bowmanville for the past 25 years and exteuds his-welcome to ail his friends and mm '725-14-81- Exampfle: 1974 CAMARO Z-28 rustproofed, headeirs, 10,000 mniles. Sharp! Sharp! Lic. IHXY534 'BOWMANVILLE

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