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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1975, Section 2, p. 3

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Waiting for the, Telethon Phones f0 Ring When ail the good looking girls are spending their time answering the phones in the 1975 Participation bouse Telethon, there must be a number of lonely boy friends. Taking part in the telethon are Debbie Stone, Nora Simpson and, Julie Miso. Allan Lawrence Claims Canadiîans Being Overtaxed by Gov't by Alan Lawrence M.P. fiscal year actual budgetary rateatwhicb thie average We in the Consrvative revenues far exceeded actual citizen paysbis tax is not the Party believe that the people expenditures, by $534 million. most crucial of the tax of Canada are beîng over-tax- We can talk ail we want of decisions the government bas ed by tbe federal government. tbese astronomical figures, to make, because, while tie How many members of the running into multi-millions of tax rate can go down, the total public, or M.P.'s for tbat dollars. But let's bring tbem tax revenues, and the total tax matter, realize that this gov- down to an understandable p aid by the individual goes up, ernment, in the montb of level. I repeat, the December because he strives to earn December 1974, the last month 1974 figures are about average more as inflation increases. for wbicb tax figures are for the wbole year. Revenues This not only increases the available, over-taxed the peo- it aimost $2.2 billion, wble total tax be bas to pay, but il ple of Canada at tbe rate of expenditures were $2.108.bil- usually puts- hlm in a higher almost $3 million perday for lion. This means this govern- tax bracket, as well. The every day of every week? This ment, for every single day, amount tbe average taxpayer is not an isolated fact. Nor was extra cted from Canadian'tax- pays has immensely increas- December an exceptional payers almost $3 million per ed, so muci so tiaf mammotli montb, because in tuie first da more tian was actually governmental surpluses are nine montis of tht, current needed to meet Ottawa's piling up, bave piled up, and requirements and obligations. we believe will continue to pile ""INSURANCE We in the Conservative up, even with tbe tax rate BAHH UM BUG ! Party believe thiat the point itself being reduced. BAH HU BUG li as already been reacbed Accordîng to the last budget .and then is camping trailer swerved into the oppo- site larie, causing a car to crash - a $167,000 personal injury 'award. Liabiîity risks are the greatest financial risk today - let the James Agency supply you with adequate iabiity insurance protection. JamesInsurance Agencg Limited -24 Kng St. E., Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES Offi ce 623-4406 Residence 623-5023 where many taxpayers_ have lost tbe' incentive to work harder. Many of the most productive of our citizens are convinced that more exertion or more effort on their part wili only result in tbe federal government taking more of the rwardis for that exertion or effort than be or she does. Surely, in tbe face of the budgetary surplus now being rbuilt upbythis government at these bip-b rates; surely wîtb- ouf seriously affecting fie standards of government pro- grams or services already provided;, surely witbout cut- -ting the size or scope of transfer payments or reven- ues to otier levels of govern- ment; surely witbout affecting the minimal payments we now allot for sickness, dsabiiity, unemployment or old age securîty programs; surely, without toucbîng any of tiese or other services. this govern- ment and tuis Minîster could easily cut back the iigb level of taxation that is eroding the incentive of our people and tbe productivity of our country. The Mnister is makîng a big show of going around the country and saying: But look, we are cutting your rate of taxes. We are addng a further three per cent to eight per cent reduction f0 the rate of fax whici we take from you now. Big deal! Tbe point of fie arguments that we on tuis side of the House b ave been making in tbis debate is simply this - in inflationary times suci as fie oresent. -the eAU TO cp~&USED CARS 4f> LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP GOOD SELECTION 0F USED CARS Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd. MON EY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL OUL FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL. BOWMANVTLLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operalor for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 CALL US DX FUEL OIL FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERV iC E forecast, Canadians will soon be paying tax to this govern- ment alone, at a rate of over $4, million per bour. We believe Canadians are being over- taxed. We believe that there should be a further reduction in the personal in.come, tax rate~, an additiq1aalfive per cent reduction riglit across the board. That would resuit in a $500 million reduction in the total tax p aid by Canadians - a tax cut of $60. to $150. for mnost taxpayers in this country. Sucli a reduction is long overduè. And a reduction of this order in government revenues would significantly reduce the ever-present fed- eral temptation to emrbark on needless and extravagant new programs. And it would help Business Directory Accounitancy WM. J.H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street-South Bowmanville- Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Com m. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V.SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business. 623-4597> Residence: 623-7308 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor 3ffice: 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a. 9p. m. incl uding Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Prof essional BIdg. Office Hours: Weekdays- 9- 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy , 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Prof essional ,Bldg. Bowmanville Office Hours: Weekas- 8:30-5:00 Telephone 623-7349 CLOSED WEDNESDAY DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanvilîe Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs, 9tiI 5 Wednesday 9 i 12 Friday 9 fil 4 Not open Saturday or Sunctay Offi ce Phone 623-5790 create at ieast some desire to increase governmental effi- ciency and productivity, and a realistie scrutiny of existing programs and services. There scertainly nosuch pressure for efficiency and economnyat tie present tirne. The Canadian people are atrociously over--taxed by this government. Tiat is wiy I arn introducing a reasoned amendment at this stage of the debate of this particular bill. We do not want to vote against this bill, in its entirety, on second reading because we are in favor of the proposed tax reductions,, miniscule thougli tbey may be, and some other provisions already in- corporated in the bill. But we want' toempiasize that we think the Minister could bave gone mucb further - at least f ive per cent furtber - in those reductions. The purpose of my amend- ment is to indicate this and, if 1 can, to force a vote solely on the question of additîonal fax reductions before the bill receives approvai in princîple, 1 want to see individual members of this House stand up and be counted on whether tbey believe more tax reduc- tiofis are desirable or not. 1 want to see bow the Creditiste members will vote on tax reductions. 1 want to see if the individual N.D.P. members believe, for exampie, that tbeir supporters in thbe organ- ized labour unions want larger pay cheques or hot. But most of aIl, 1 want to see wbetber individual Liberal members of this House are wiling to face the reality of today. Are they ready to recognize that the government they support, by its own statistics, admits tiat it could very easily dllop down its surplus of $3 million per day, $3 million that is being extracted unnecessarily from Canadian taxpayers. The biggest individual pro- fiteer from Can'ada's current inflation is the Canâdian government itself. Surplus governments funds can, and do, only lead to unnecessary and wasteful government spending. Taxes can and should be eut. And the Members of this House sbould now have tie responsibility of facing up to that single issue, and showing where ,tbey stand, by their votes at tuis timne. BETHANY Bethany U.C.W.. The February meeting of the Bethany U.C.W. was beid at the Churci Sunday Scbool Hall witb the president, Mrs. Alian Beer presiding. Mrs. Beer opened the meeting by reading a poem "One Step at a Time". T he secretary, Mrs. Addison Scott read t he min- utes of the previous monti and tbe correspondence, and Mrs. Ruth Jennings gave the treas- urers report in place of the treasurer Mrs. Herb Coppins, who is in hospital. UTILITY LARGE Quikki PoIy Bags 2 ? s$ 1 CARNATION FANCY CRINKLE CUT Frozen French Fries 591 FRASERVALE - FROZIEN Turbot Fish & Chips 851 FRIED CHICkEN, SALISBURY STEAK OR TURKEY FROZEN Savarin Dinners' P GI ' 59' G ROU N Nabob Coffee BG99e. iBANDED DEALI 2LEVE O Cornet Cleanser co s" 79 PUSS N' BOOTS- ASSORTED FLAYORS Flavor Morsels ' "',;'590 A donation of five dollars bas been sent to tbe John Milton Society and Mrs. Allan Beer tbanked Mrs. Rutb Jennings and Mrs. Ray Port- eous fo r taking time to type up tbe activities of tbe coming year in the U.C.W. A motion was also made to carry on witb tbe Betbany U.C.W.'s share of sponsoring a Foster Chld, and Mrs. Neilie Midh- elle gave a report from tbe Annual Preshyterial Meeting which was held in Peterbor- ougb. Tbe ladies were also reminded tbat the World's Day of Prayer wili be on Marcb 7. Mrs. Ray Porteous was in char e of the Worsip Service and Program, the theme being "Bible Study". Mrs. Jean McMahon was tbe pianist, the scripture was read by Mrs. Clarence Rowan and Mrs. Ray Porteous received the offer- ing. For the program, Mrs. Violet Carr and Mrs. Addison Scott assisted Mrs. Ray Port- eous in reading a Book. Review of tbe Old and New Testament and a discussion followed on favorite -Bible verses and Bible stories., The next meet- ing will be ield on Marcb 3 af 1:30. Golden Star Sr. Citizens The, Golden Star Senior Citizens opened tbeir meeting witb O Canada, accompanie d on the piano bv Mrs. Violet Carr. The minutes were read and adopted and a thank you note from Mrs. Vera Masters was read. Firnalaran ,metwere Section Two made to atfend the Ice Capades in Peterborough on Thursday, February 6, and Mr., Graham Lethbridge of Lindsay will be the guest speaker at the meeting. Craft work under the super- vision of Mrs. *Iva Porteous and Mrs. Grace DeGeer h as gained much interest. A quilt bas been pieced and will ýbe put in the f rames tu be quilted at the next meeting. Bed jackets, mitts, toques and scarves have been knitted and table mats as well 'as mnany other.articles are being made 1 for a bazaar to be beld intlie spring. The programn, witb Mrs. Lillian Fallis as convenor was most enjoyable. Her groupt ooened witb singing "Home on the Range" and Mrs. George Syer gave a reading, entitled "Don't meddle with your neigbbour". Leslie Challice played a waltz on bis harmon- ica and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferren added barmony to tbe selection with a graceful waltz. Mrs. Leslie Challiçe read a humorous poem "Motber is on the Skidoo", and Mrs. Lillian Fallis render- ed two piano selections and Leslie Challîce sang two humorous songs, "72 Today Boys" and "After the Bail."l Ten tables of eucbre were enjoyed. High lady was Mrs. Georgie Syer, and higb men's ý ize- went to Mrs. Irene hallice. Low scorers were Mrs. Elda Robinson and Mrs. Mîldred Fallis. CANADA NO. 1GRAD O 20 LB. Fotatoes SWEET EJUICY SUNKIST LOCAL GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Navet Oranges si 117,8 9 Rutabagas 1.B 101 CRISP. S. C. CANADA LONG GREEN SIICERS, PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. EXTRA FANCY GRADE GOLDEN NO i GRADE 1' II 9 Deliclous Apples 3LB'1 99 Cucumbers 24z 3 9 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Bowling Resuits In spit( Thisweek t the Betbany mands up Mixed BolIng League, An 'n and financ Engleman won the ladies bas been a bigh single witb a score of 246 per cent ir as well as winning the ladies alone), th bigh triple witb a score of 626. bas neyer Steven McGîli won the mens service to higb single wi th a score of 229 need., and Jim Kloepber won mens bigli triple witb a score of 616. When w Games over 200: Earl Mc- had your Quaid 217, Ruby Luman 217, Marcb of Diane Wilson -216, Arlene reminds Wilson 214, Isabel Wilson 200. sbould be At the Ladies Mternoon polio evel bowling, Renee Smelt was j~ou1 protg bigh lady and the runner up iocaltDer was Elsie Fallis. elh Men's Bowling Resuits Ivor Williams won the higb triple with a score of 827 and Ron Williams won bigh single OR'E with a, score of 246. Games A over 200: Ivor Williams 295, v Ron Williams 246, Ernie MOGO A, Ambrose 245, Raîpli Kellît 214, A SPECJ Jim, McDonald 204, GordMUC Woods 200. 1The Men's Bowling Lea TOC are sponsoring a dance which T A wîll be beld in the Parish Hall. Personal Items Mrs. Gerald White of Plevna c( and bier brotber Mr. and Mrs. ,William Mailory of Plevna visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wbite. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wbite were supper guests of Mr. and 3 J Mrs. Clark Williams of Nestie- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fair of Etobicoke were weekend ESSO guests of Mrs. Irene McDon- 5 aid. - February, 12, 1975 3 ,of increasing de- pon staff, volunteers ýial resources (there an increase of over 80 nthe last three years .e March of Dîmes rknowlingly refused :a disabled adult in vas the last time you rpolio shot? The Dimes Ability Fund us that every one immunized against ýry five years. For tction, contact your partment of Public WO TAR, GLAD IVYWHERE, IF 'AL/ST YOU - ýAL L, BE SUIRE STHE - 5 HARVEY' ORONO 983-5206 HOME HEAT SERV ICE BOWMANVILLE SUNDAY STORE HOURS 10:0am. - 500 p.m. REGULAR Et AIL SHEER, ONE SIZE POPULAR SHADES Arpege Panty Hose --G 590 R. R. 2 - Newcastle 987-4636 e

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