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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1975, p. 3

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Trinity Church Congregation ýejects Extension Plans D~¶eto0 by L.A. MacDoug ,The annual congr< meeting of, Trinity Church, Jan. 2, start oot luck supper at6 asmess meeting, at7 ..,ened with worship conducted b-y RobertS and John Crookshalk ist. W. Ross Strike read Memaoria' list of MNrs. Thressa Aler Elizabeth Baars, Ai Beek, Miss Ethel1 Williamn L. Berry, Mi, Braden, William W. William R. Calaback, Caverly, Harry Co Gordon Cowle, Alfred Mrs. Agries HutchinsE B. Mlaude Kerslaki Lillian Kohin, Leslie mer, Percy S. Luxtc Eva McCoy, Miss Kalg Rose 'Hlda Nichols. TOWERIN1 GIFT OFFE $8.50 VALUE FREE Wtý-ýhtjPurE. Merle Norman presents t compleXtOx care essente Tower oM BaatY the Moi Emulisor,. MaKe-Up Text a'(d ojr ner MrLky Fresi ,,pI o, the Towr e to yo, ertllths couponi $600 Cosmetrc. prchas. thats the heghtoi heaut a beautial alue!) OnIy at MERLE flORff COSMETIC ST( SHOPS UPT OSHAWA CEN' Tel. 723-6'l 20 eire pi O hie Spiralling Cù gli Nichols,, Miss Marjo egational Mrs. Aima Powel rUnited Dorothy Powell, Mis: ted with Price, Mrs. Jessie F Frederick Purdy, P. 6:30 p.m. Richards, Mrs. Hazeý 7:3 wasic Miss Carol Shane, Mi srie Snowball, Mrs. Emnr Sheridan Miss Iooh al ~,ogn Cara B. Turner, Mr d the "in Vanslyke. Mrs. Ma nnaes: Vokenberg, Mrs.4 rnbrosius Mrs. Anna StrikeW, rs. Hilda tary . Rev. Wesley Oa .Caine s the meeting to or ,'Stanton asked MVrs. Strike ýolacutt, charge. d eel The weicome rema on, Mrs: ieby Mrs. Str: :e, Mrs.iolwdby ain tS. Lati- ponsbilites wr a ton, Mrs. nMae talents that can te More use and we must mî S. More available for the wor S.Rv church. The agenda was and minumtes adoptec qG Reports Reports were give -R! following from Board ards:ý Chairman Gor 1E rie asked the mer hase refer to the financial ?ae their hands which hie self -explanatory, b answer any question bis power. He paid tribute to Lester Lai Waters, Mrs. B. Bal Mrs. P. Chant, Trei and Mrs. Harold custodians, also al stewards who had s him during the past tý and wished Douglas new chairman, andr of the board every s Mrs. Paul Chant, t: gave a, summary printed report, drav ention to pertinent it homuch more is as] the 1975 budget. , The Finance chairr three aid Morris, made go ais in a figures to bring to t oisture tion of the congregý KtUrzer needs of the church, f BeLlty the members must naUgty reassessment of tbei and any itments to combat ýe* Now wihi loaf rI ad church. Rex Walters, the Committee chairmar flflf ed abusy andexpen! u DO as many items in. attention had been si ['P not bedelayed any loi q!TRE windows are being o di er oeb two beautiful memc 121jl dows installed, ai more expected. Thes suPppi aýt' had been redecoral captinstalled in th .Ùry Cleaners Ctzu Bob: "I'm getting stronger." Helen: "How do you know?" jeob: "Because a few years ago 1 couldn't carry te t, iars' worth of groceries and m.t t's easy." CLOTHES CARE HINT: GARMENTS ARE RUINED by pressing at hc Proper equipmnent isnecessary ta do good pres. FEBRUARY IS HEART MONTI- Help yourHeart Fund... HleIp your Heart m BOWMANVI CnLEANERS I cz 84 KING ST. W. ~LEAN~R We Specialize în Shirt Laund, osts and on steps from church hall. rie Oke, Exterior painting and dlean- I, Mrs. ing churefi organ are planned ýs Lillian- for the coming year, aiso new Prout, G. backdrop in organ loft. Alton G.Nominations ,I Samis, The nominatîng report, iss Irene given by- Alfred Alun was na Tabb, approved withthe following to or, Mrs. serve on Board of Stewards rs.. Edith for three year: Robert Gord- ary Van on, Everett Herness, James Gertrude Hayman, Raiph Mclntyre, ight. Mrs. Alan Strike, Robert 'as chair- Tugwood, Harold Watson, Ron, 1, secre- Wels,' Raymond Wiggans, ýke called Lewis Wood. They were in- *der and stalled by Rev. Wesley Oake to take, on Feb. 2nd. The Budget for 1975 was rks were adopted. Auditors for 1975 rike who were appointed, L.,Deweii and that res- G. Hodgson., 1 :king, ail The Report from the Session be put to was given by the Clerk, Jack ake time Munday,, and the, following -ks of our namnes were approved as Eiders: Mrs. Donald Ander- accepted son, Mrs. Louis Dippeil, Don- . aid His,, Howard Jeffery, Mrs. ýFrank Jamieson, Mrs. ýn by the James Martin, Russell Oke, à of Stew- Robert Petre, Mrs. Thomas don Bar- Rehder, Mrs. Allan Sweet- .nbers to man, Mrs. Earl Thompson. repot in On Sunday, February 2nd Bfeit was during morning service they t would assumed their obligations ns within with Rev.. Wesley Oake con- i special ducting the installation. gRex Reports ofth vaiu Il, Sec' Y; groups and, organizations ýas.; Mr. were given. United church Quarry, Women, Mrs. Rowlanid Coom- the other bes; Manse Coimmittee, Mrs. upported Andrew May; Christian Edu- ATo years, cation, Lanny Cooper; Hi-C, sJames, Mrs. Donald Aftderson; inembers C.G.I.T., Mrs. Joan Santo- uccess. mers; Explorers, Mrs. Allyn reasurer, Taylor; Messenger 1 Mrs. 1of the Cecil Morrison; 1usr direct- wing att- or's Report, John Crook-, bems, and shank; Trinity Share and ;ked for in Care, Rev. Wesleyý Oake; Boy's Activity Group, Rev. man Don- Wesley Oake; Friýndship )od use of Club, Mrs. Gordon ýJeech; the atten- Jack and Jill Club, Ted ration the Watson. and how Nominees for standing coin- make a mittee from Officiai Board, r comm- Robert Robinson, Session; inflation Mrs. Rowland Coombes, U.C. eting the W.; approved,, and nouminee 1from Stewards' approved in Property principle. 11 n, report- Delegates to ]Presbyýtery sive year approved: Mr . and ,Mrs. need of Stanely McMurter, Mr, and ide-track- Mrs. Michael Puk, (Leslie and could Coombes and W. Ross Strike, ýner. h aiternates) . reeded, Report on Extension ral win- The Investigating Corzimi- nd some ttee for Extension (to pre5ent anctuary building) appointed at the 1974 ted, new annual meeting to investigate e gallery and report back to the 1975 meeting the feasîbility1 and I cost of cosrcto fa bildiig suitable for rca tienal activities; crafts rom surtabie nursery facilities, etc. presented their report with chairman Cecil Mrrison giv- ing detaiied information ýn the work the Committee had, en done over the past year, aýd had a special thank you fýr 1Andrew May who was instru- mentai in> procuring bluè- prints, etc., and a cost figure orne. to erect the building. Due to ;sing. the fact construction costs for material and labour' havQ' almost doubled in the past Iyear the concensus of opinion seemed to be that in view of economic conditions the pro- .lect shouid not be proceeded, with. Many of the memnberstý voiced their feelings on thisl matter, following which a L E standing vote was ta ken with a ILL large negative vote, being, registered. ~ Prior to the beniediction .I . Rev. Wesley Oake asked that members should, plan for 623-5520 future of' church in home, ern" asked for support and pray- -eig ers, and plan for tomorrow. Celebrate Golden Wedding The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 12, 1975 3 Ail Reports Indicate Progress, At St.-Paul, The annual Cungregational5 Meetiniz of St. Paul's Unitéd t Church, Bowmanville, was held on Sunday evening,1 January 26, 1975, foliowing a bounti fui Family Pot-Luck supper at which a good j number were present. An interesting highlight of the evening was the present- ation of coiored slides, with, vocal commentary,, by the Rev. NE. and Mrs. Sehamer-1 horn sho.wing the Lif e and Times of St. Paul's, 1974. Many familiar faces and happenings were seen in weddings, suppers,e break- fasts, pienies, confirmation cîasses , Church decorations1 and services and other events.1 HRéminder: 1975 Licence1 elates -' CAR OWNERS!1 here are less than 3 weeks* left until theday you must1 have your 1975 Licence Plate Renewal Stieker. The Sticker must be applied to theiower1 rht hand corner of the rear1 Plt n your car. The1 deadline is mnidnight Friday, February 28th . .. And there wili be NO extension,. Don't wait until the last minute and get caugbt in the long line-ups. Remember that dea-dline... Midnight, Friday, February 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Sturrock On Saturday, Feb. 8th. Mr. and Mr s. Albert H. Sturrock of Bowmanville celebrated their golden wedding anniversary quietly with their family at The Flying Dutchman Motor Inn. They were mar-ried in Toronto in 1925. Many congratulatory cards and gifts were received. Rev. Wes ley Qajke:of Trinity Canaidian Representative at Peace Conference in, Berlin It was in the year 1356 that Charles IV lost confidence in the Diet of the German Empire to keep the peace and turned to the electors boping that they might co-operate to prevent war. Six bundred and nineteen years inter Cunter Berndt, Director of the Ev- angelical Academy of West Berlin, on the suggestion of Dr. Nikodim, Metropolitan of Leningrad and Novgorod (USSR), President of The Christian Pence Conference and Dr. H. Kioppenburg (Federal Republie of Ger- mnany) and Prof. Russel Chnrn(Indiia Y i'mer of t'he Central Commitee of the WCC and President of the Asian Christian Peace Confer- ence, initiated and convoked an ecclesiastical consultation on the question: "What is the meaning of the word 'Christ- ian' in peace work, boping that Christians might co-operate to prevent war. The consultation was fromn January 2427 in the West Berlin Church's Johan- nesstift. Metropolitan Nikodim, pre- vented by ilness from attend- ing, sent a message of greeting and introduction to the conference wbich was read by Arcbbishop Philaret, Exarch of Centrai Europe. Addresses on the theme of the conference were given by Prof. Dr. Cbandram and Dr. H. de Graaf, Professor of Social Etbics at the University of Utrecbten the Netberlands. In four working gro ups participants. from ail the Europe countries, from Asia, Africa, Latin ,America and North America discussed wbether it was necessary or ~even possible to find a ~theological basis for Christian 'work for peace. The subject was approached from a variety of theological traditions wbich found ex- pression in the lectures and in ti'xe introduction. There wns ý,eneral agreement on the fblowing points.' 1. Al Chistian work for pleace is motivated in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There isý a "Jesus motivation". The sti'ess shouid fali on common fan.ks nrising from this faitbful reýponse to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not on the differences deriving9 from our different theological, political or social backgrounds..1 2, Working for peace is a concerete way of confessing Jesus Christ today. t is an essential dimension of the ecumenical effort 'of the churches. Here it was recog- nized that the theological foundations for Christian peac'e work may not be 50 narrowiy Christological as to exclude the socio-political an- alyses necessary to under- stand the structural violence whicl4 causes so mucb human suffering in our world today. If our suffering fellow buman beingsare really to be belped, we must be able to support our actions witb adequate socio- political analyses. This dia- lectic between tbeology and Christoiogy may be under- stood when one sees that the historical Jesus revealed the universal Christ, who is alwnys at work in history. Rational soclo-political anal- yses may then beseen as one Of the ways to discern how God in Christ is nddressing 'us in the suffering of our contemp- oraries. Sucb analyses pro- vide the grounds for Christian participation in revolutionary movements seeking structural change, as also was said in a 1973 WCC document. 3. Work, for social justice, reconciliation and'peace, in- deed ail social responsibility,' belongs to the inescapable task of Christians. In agreeing to this point, some existential concerns were raised: 1( Christian peace activity can- not be carried on in a context of despair and mistrust. We must work withgenuine trust in eacb other in the hope that God will bless our efforts. 2( Our pious assertions to be on the side of the oppressed requires Christians in the rich lands of both east and west:to take steps to reduce their consumiption for the sake of thle developing lands. 31,.The existen1tial activity that C'aus- ed some to refuse further co-operation witb the Christ- ian Peace Conference in 1968-69 was the, lack of freedom in the CPC to criticize the ideology and practise which had ledthe Warsaw Pact Power to invade Czech- osiovakia in 1968. The discussion of various aspects of Christian work for peace was reflected in the group reports 'which were presented to the whole confer- ence and which could be a point of departure for further considerations and studies. D. Kurt Scbarf, Bishop of West Berlin,,visited the consulation and held one of the conference Bible studies. On Sunday, ýJanuary 26th, participants worsbipped in varlous West and East Berlin Churches and brought greet- ings to the congregations fromf their.Church and peace organ- izations. The Rev. Wesley Oake of, Trinit United Church was the Cana dian representative and one of the three persons who were asked to give a sum- mation ofwhat they felt had been accomplîshed at this, conference by 'Christians working for peace and hope- f ull Y' providing a strong deterrent in preventîng war. The people of Bowmanville (and Canada) 'sbould f eel proud and tbankful that Rev. Wesley Oake is contributing much to try and bring about peace among ail nations. The consultation was held in an atmosphere- of Brother- hood. It was a free exchange MRS. M. ETHEL LOUISE COUCH The death occurred,, on Saturday, February lst, 1975, of Mrs. M. Ethel Louise Couch aged 87, in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, following an illness of almost tbree years. She was a bighly respected member of this 'community. The daughter of the late William John and Sarah T. ,Bragg, Mrs. Couch was born in Darlington Township, and was married December 12, 1917 to Howard Couch, who pass ed away in 1937. A resident of Bowmanville since 1937, she had previousiy resided on the family farm at Betbesda. Mrs.,Couch was a member of Trinity United Cburch. Lef t to mourn ber passing are two daugbters, Marjorie and Eileen, two sisters, Elsie (Mrs. H.D. Waters, Bowman- ville) and Miss Irene Bragg, Toronto. She was predeceased by two sisters and a brother, Laura (Mrs. J. Baker),, Myrtie (Mrs. N.C. Willson) and Irwin R. Bragg. The funeral servicec and committal, was beld on Mon- day, at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Reverend Wesley Oake, officiating.' Interment wili be in the spring at Bethesda Cemetery. of views on1 specific motives arising from- Christianý faith which prompts Christians in our times to work in ecumen- ical organizations and also in secular peace movements for international detente, for co- operatio ,n among different social systems, for the resolu- tion of the problems of crisis situations and thus for the peace of the world. Hope wns expressed that ways may be found for continuing tbis fellowship. 219 King St. E. 's Conigregational Sincere appreciation was ex- Church, Oshawa. tended to Mr. Ray Bryson, the, Expressionsjof s potIographier, and Mr. and recial;ion were exte Mrs. Scamerhorn for this, Rev. N.E. and Mrs entertaînment. horn for their min' The business part 'of the Paul's, and a stroni meeting was held in the hope and optimisr Church while the young people for the future of thi were entertained in th e re- the community of creation hall, ville. -Ail reports were printed in an attractively designed, bookiet and were adopted as printed.' Ail departments ýshowed prges in 1974 and a viable 4 B('x'SI#dqé bugtfor 1975 was adopted. The congregation appreci- 7WIf#TyS6Oè4( ates the sizable bequest from 1O0M... T// OM the estate, of the late Mrs. FférSA491A(, Edna T. Cox. Elected to Office were: ( Mem bers of'Session - Mr. D.- MacArthur, Mrs. D. Bowen; Mrs. N.L. Eldridge, Mr. A Boyd, Mr. W. Pring,, Mr. K. Shackleton, Mr. W. Teeple. Conimittee of Stewards:-r Mr. C. Reid, Mr. D. Welsh, Mr. A. Fyke, Mr.'ÇGîGlpin,a Mr. W., Mcknight,-Mrs. J. Patterson. A welcome was extended to DeWiti Mr. Gerald Burgess who b e- came Organist and Choir Mobile Wi Master in October followîng the resignation of Mr. Ross 46 Liberty St. N. Metcalf' to assume duties as Bowrnanv Organist of Kingsview United ________ Show,-Her, You Care wi th. Gifts from Carter's NEW ARRIVAISM. Blouses and Shelis Skirts - Po'nts. Jackets "Spring Is Taking Off" at 7 Bond Towers Shopping Mail 44 Bond St. !W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7152 A Special Shop for Spécial Women 623-44811 sincere app- tended to the rs. Schamer- Iistry in St. mg feeling of sm was feit is Church in of Bowman- repTWO tt lelding 623-51703 iville MacDonald Ford Bmowmanvi i

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