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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1975, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 12,.1975 7 Mr ",iPMs. Harry Van Belle, returned last 'week, frorn Hollywood, Florida, wbere they attended a Trop- ical Plant Exhibition. ~rand Mrs. Milton Corn- l~ian River, visited their SMr. and Mrs. George petnon Monday. A major exhibition of works by E'mily Carr, opens at the Art Gallery of Ontario on February 7. The exhibition wili be on view in the Education Gallery through February 28, 1975. Emily Carr, who lived from 1871 to 1945, chronicled the Indian villages and the brooding forests of the West Coast. She rarely painted people. Her, lov e was for the land, partic- ularly for the landl far north of Victoria where she lived. There is work in the exhibi tion from the Queen Charlotte Islands, for examffle. Mr.,anid Mrs. Kelvin Sym- ons and Ian of Port Credit spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. A.W. Harding, Liberty.Place. The lollowing children were welcorned into the fellowship of Christ's Church and Trinity congregation when they were baptized by Rev. Wesley Oake duî îng the morning service on February 9th: Jeremy Kyle Danie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Faîth teaches In Prophetic cycles now gone, sees man,>by his own choice, improvish- ed in the prison of self- bartering Paradise for the dust heap -of a mortal1worid. For further information, please cali 623-4830 - 623-7744 James H. Allun; Jason Boyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Knight; Timothy Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. RolandL. Richards. Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith, Scugog Street, who recently returned fromf month's holiday at Daytona Beach, Florida, were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prescott, Brook- lin and Mr. Glenn Smith, Hampton. Events for the week oi February 13-20 at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa are 15 - Children's Art Classes 10:00a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; 17 Lufe Drawing Class 9:30 a.m.; 18- Creative Stitchery Classes 10:00 arn. and 1:30 p.m.; 18 Life Drawing Class 7:00 p.m.; 19 - "Artists of the Ilegion"; 19 -Youth Art Class 7: 00 p.m.; 2C -Volunteer Comrnittee 1:3f p.m.; 20 - Art Rentai 7:00 p.m. Congratulations to Miss Erin Nicks who received honor marks in the Grade VI Piano Exam of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toror- to examination, held in Osh- awa, recently. Oshawa Legionaire's Junior B hockey team are through for the season, finishing offa dismal year, on Sunday even- ing, losing to 'Pickering Pan- thers 9-3 and running up a 13 games consecutive defeat string. This is the first time in 10 years, that the Ju>nior B team from Oshawa hasn't made the play-offs. Duplicate bridge winners last week were North and South (1) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nind, (2) Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson, East and West (1) Mr. and Mrs. G. Weekes, (2) Mr. and Mrs. D. Orme. Winners of the Lions' Club N.H.L. Hockey tickets for February are Les Duczmal- ewski, Ken Marden, Harold Allen, I.. Mnflllll0h, Barb S.PauI's United Church Minister - o Rev. N. ýE. Schamnerhorn, B.A., B.D. ' Orqanist -Gérald K. Burdess Sunday, February 16, 1975 ( ~ Morning Worship "The Most Difficuit Question to Ask"e If you en joy singing, why flot corne and loin the Choir every Thursday at 7:45 p.m. Nursery For Pre-School Children Every Sunday Are You New to, Bowmanville? Yo're Invited to WýlOrShip With Us ât St. Plaul's X. i i Sunday, February lGth, 1975 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:OOa.m.- Adult, in Upper Roomn 1:00 a.m. - Classes fora Il ages, 9 and up 11:00 a. ni. - Nursery Ba by Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten I 11:15 a. ma.- Primary Dept.,ages4to8 11A.M.-WORSHIP SERVICE 3:00p.m.-7 Church Membership Class 7:30 p. m.- Hi-Cwill meet in Church Hall Please help the Jack and Jili Club by donating items for their auction sale t0 be held in the Spring. The proceeds will be used to support "Meals on Whels". For pickup please cal 1. CoIwell, 623-5483 or Ted Watson, 623-7252. Zombonil Ice Nloker Off iciaIIy Receîved at DarljAgtofl Sports Centre )f .s a la id Df ra 's 's 19 W ;s El )r a .3 t It ýh Friday rnorning St. Marys Cernent officially turned over a $17 000 Zamboni Ice Maker to the Town of Newcastle to be used at-the Darlington Sports Centre. The union may be after Mayor Garnet Rickard? Af ter, St. Marys Plant Manager Gene Wrinkle handed Mayor Riekard the keys, the mayor discovered the similarity between one of these machines and a tractor and for, the next littie while proceeded to shave Sleep and Ted Millar_. For thie ýb Jr. A. games, Jim Engiisb and er George Vice. 1- Batiks, batiks, and more d batiks, are on view at the b Cobourg Art Gallery - admis- sion free, a show for all ages. The batiks, water colours, sketches, pottery, and sculp- ture, are the work of Cobourg secondary scbool students. The sehools are displaying their craft for the third time at the gallery, in wbat bas becorne a highly diversified and interesting show. The batiks- an artform of dying designs on cloth by coating the parts not to be printed with removable wax. The 350 workers in the production and trades depart- ment of Duplate Canada, Oshawa ended a one-week layoff on Monday. However, another 170 workers are still on indefinite lavoffs and have been since the beginning of this yer A company spoke- n ýsaid Lthis week's lyfi were theresuli oýîf th eon mic- situation. A reception will be belEl to-day (Wednesday) at the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn for the Ontario Cabinet Minis- ters and invited guests, fol owing a study session. Dates ho remeinher are April 25-26 for the Bowman- ville Figure Skating Carnival and March 29-30 for the Newcastle Figure Skating Carnival. The Royal Caniadian Legion -Branch 43, Oshawa, are sponsoring a Public Speaking Contest, which is open 10 stiîcenhs 'of alI Elementary and Secondary Schools, on February 14-15, ai 7 p.m. in, the Legion Hall. CRlIME PREVENTION TIP: If something is lost or stolen, report it to the Police immedialely. The best way 10 identify property is by a serial number. Record all serial numbers for future reference. If articles do not have serial numbers, mark them so they can be positively identified, shoiîld the need arise. Let Her Know it with Flowerls on Valentine's Dar *ROSES *ARRANGEMENTS Flowers by Jaickma cn Bowmanville's "Firsf" Florist for Over 80 Years 162 King St. E. 623-3365 Sunday mid-day dinner guesis with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm were his uncle Mr. Les Wright and cousins Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pynn of Ham ilion. Mliss Dianne Lee spent the weekend with ber grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee and Clifford. On Saturday' evening Mr. and Mrs. Colin Haines of Cacsarea were hosts for a parhy -when about 35 guests were present to bonor Mr. and Vrs. Ayixvin Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Malcolin on their 10th wedding anniver- sary. Anne Lee, of Nestleton, Doreen VanCamp, Black- stock, accompanied by tearo mnates Judy Crawford and Jciyce Turner of Port Perry Cuýrling Club enhered a Bon- spil o aurda atthe saw.Go) . adConr Il,," had a mavllu ime and enjoy ed the banquet in the evening. Susan McColl and lier friend Marrie Elliott, of Oshawa spent Thursday 10 Saturdav witb Miss Heather Dorreli, wbo is a student at, Western University in London. Following a week's vacation witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthrur McColl and sister Cindy, Susan returned on Sunday ho ber studies at Trent University, Peterborougla. Friends are pleaseel that Mr. DonaldThompson return- ed home from Port Perry Hospital, on Saturday. Im- ~roved health is wished for Weekend guesis witb Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lee, Debbie and David were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reeves, Brad and Mamnie of Oshawa.' On Sahurday, the Neil Lee family enjoyed the day snow- mobiling ah Green's Lake. The Neil Lees and their guests the Jim Reeves enjoy- cd snowmobiling on -the ridges and unploughed side roads near Burketon on Sunday. Nîne snowmnobile machines and drivers participated in the friendiy safari. David Lee is a very busy young moan. Ile is a member of the Port Perry Novice Ail Star Hockey Teamn (ages 8 years and under). They have played nine games- have won 6, tied 1, and lost 2- quite a gond record.11 David also belongs 10 the Port Perry Bouse League Hockey gi oup. Four teams are invoîx ed in Ibis group wbo compete wîth e ach other. Congratulations David and keep up the gond work. Mayor and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, Gail and Laurie attended the official opening of the Darlin gton Sport's Arena on Saturday afternoon.- Mrs. Clara Scbmid, Garry and Glenn of Newcastle, were Sunday evening dinner guests with the Lawrence Malcolm iamily. Several from this area attended the First Annual Awards' Nigbt Program for the Tow nship of Scugog wbicb was belEl Friday nigbt in the Latcham Centre, Port Perry. Two retiring eînployees, Mr. Sidney Chandler and Mr. Frank Gibson were hoîîored wîth preseritations of a Town- silip Scroll and gifts. Athlete Sue Gribben ni the 1974 U.S. National Ladies' Judo Champ- îonsbip and the mnembers of the 1974 All Ontario Bantam C Soit Baîl Team were present- ed witb suitably inscribed awards arid a, social bour concluded a most successful evening., On Saturday afiernoon Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish attended the funeral of their cousin- Miss Ila- Giles in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc- Laugblin and Kelly, of View- lake, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tbomp- son, down the ice. Seen above at the presentation are (fromf right to lef t) Roy Neads Arena Supervisor for both Bowmanville and'Darlington, Gene Wrinkle, Garnet Riekard, Fred Payne Arena Manager for Darlington, and Bud Fanning, Newcastle Recreation Direcetor. St. Marys Put chasing Agent, Jrv Harreil was also on hand for the presentation., STe On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt, Susan and David nf Oshawa, were evening dinner guests of Mrs. Ivan Proutt. Mrs. Stanford' VanCamp, RHR. 1, Blackstock, was a Sunday evening visitor with Miss Ruth Prouit. Nestletoii Court Lady Snowbird On Wednesday evening, members of Court Lady Snow- bird met in the Nestleton Comrnunity Centre for the February meeting. Sister Dorothy Lee, the new president chaîred the meet- ing, secretary Sandra' Day read the minutes of the January meeting and treasur- er Marg Lee reported on finances. The' group, as usual, has a bus:ý schedule on the agenda. A% soilbingo ispan, dfor FekriarP)1. No money Xwillbeý g2i'&ciît1, prwi-ze ' Liht glfls 1of v oucher s will be re-ied. The Eastcern Ontario Provincial Assembly will he held April 18 and 19 in Peterborough. In May the group will be having a social cveing ini honor of the 9th anniversary since. the Court was organized. At this evening the husbands will be entertained. The ladies are also planning to have new unifornm for each member. Lunch provided by Jean Bolan and Lynn Bowman and a social hour concluded another successful meeting. Sunday Service - Presbyterianf In the Presbyterian Church, Sunday morning, Mr. Brian Fraser spoke on the theme, "The Dilemma of Love" reading lst John Chapter 4. He mentioned the visit of Bishop Camara, of Brazil to Toronto to observe the Ten Days for Worlcl Development. Pointing to Camara's pacifism, he suggested that in a world of increasing violence, the christian traditions of patient selfless love had a major contribution to the weltare of mankind. Nestleton - Wonen's Institute On Wednesday afternoon, February 5, the ladies of Nestleton Women's Institute held their meeting in the Community Centre. Mrs. Ben DeJong, the presi- dent, extended the welcome and opened with an approp- riate poemn "Little Things". Following the opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect, the secretary Mrs. Jos. Wygerde read the minutes and cor- respondence and reported on finances. Thank you cards were received fromn Laurie Malcolm and Anita DeJong, 4-H girls who had received gifts from Nestleton WlI. A letter of thanks, was also received from Ann Christen- sen thanking the Wl. for their financial, suppîort to the 4-I-I ADULT COUNSELLING SERVICE If you want to do somnething about your education. .. you probably can, See Your Aclt Counsellor EVERY TUESDAY EVENING 7 to 9at the NEW BOWMANVILLE HIG H SCHOOL GUIDANCEOFFICE The service is f ree - confidential -and no appointment is necessary. project. A letter from Clerk Doreen VanCamp of Scugog Municipality was read re the commiltee on the Nesîleton Pamks' Board. Numerous other tbnnk you cards for Christmas emembrances were read. An interesling and enjoyable letter xvas received from Mrs. Richard Davison ai Panama City, Florida. The 27tlî Officers' Conferen- ce will be held Aprîl 27-30 May 1, at the University of Water- loo. Those eligible to, attend are Se-ct'y-Treas., Agriculture and Canadian Industries con- vener or a Member ai Large. No delegate will be sent from Nestleton Ibis year. Member- .hip fees for the W.I. have been increased to $1,50. Thie F.W.I.C. convention will be laeld in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island in 1976. A letter wsreceived from Mrs. H-b tauk he nwFWIO r rsidtît Shianked the ad(ies for iheir continued support of- the Erland. Lee Home and the A.C.W.W. Pennies for Friendship. in 1974 the amount received was $11,525. She reminded the ladies that 1975 is Internation- ai Womens' Year (I.W.Y.) Mrs. Maltiske urged the con- veners to lry for' 100 per cent îeports., Many unique answers were given for the roll caîl "A Homemade Remedy youm Grandmoîber used." Mrs, Fred Dayes, convener of Family and Consumer Affairs presided for the pro- gram. Mrs. Stan McNeely spoke to the mollo, "Wben you help someone up the ladder, you scale the top yourself." She spoke of Failh, Trulh and Hope of a Life Beyond as expressed in Gen- esis 1:22 - "And God Blessed ibem." We must accept Ibis as an authoratative concept of Christian faith. Trust Him. If we do live wiih Christ as our companion - if we do gel 10 the top we shaîl siay there. Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm gave a timely talk re Consum- er Affairs when she spoke on the topîc I.W.Y. by Doris Anderson, edilor of the Chate- laine, and also spoke about the work of Dr. Katie Cook. A couple of Valentine songs were sung also "Aul Lang, Syne" in honor of a lady visiior from ScollanEl. Mrs. Malcolmn concluded ber talk wîth a reading re the Metric Sys hem. Mrs. Murdoch spoke on the topic, Il, Matters Not How Long We Live but How We Live". We must believe in God - forget wrong- be honest. Mrs.* Fred Dayes read an article re the New Year (Of Fact and Fantasy). O Canada and the W. Grace were sung afier whicb Mrs. Fred Dayes and Mrs. R.W.,Jackson served a delic- bous lunch. Mrs. Jackson made a lovely, birthday cake 10 bonor the 69th bintbday of Nesîleton Women's Institue. On Februamy 6, 1906, Nestleton Branch was organized and created anoîber, link in the organization. Hajppy Birthday "To Us" was sung and Miss Ruth, a life member, was bonored by having the first piece of the anniversary cake. The- next meeting will be Marcb 5 when Mr. Weir Swain, the guest speaker will, address the group on "Pro- specting". Husbands are cord- ially invited 10 attend. Appreciation was expressed by Miss Rutb Prouti. Tuberculosis bas ont been eliminaied ini Canada. In 1972, 453 Canadians died from the disease. Lasi year there were 8,'566 personS under treatment- as of December 31, there were 3,563 new cases and 567 reactivated cases. Your Dur- ham Regi 1on Tube1culosis andI Respirato[y Diseâse Associa- lion iigbis tuberculosis and, other respira tory diseases. OBJTIJARY LEN ALE F0NVIX F OORE The deatti of Leori Walter Moore occurred suddenly ai bi s home on Tuesday, Decern- ber 10, 1974. Mr. Moorne was 1)010 June 21, 1911 the son of the late William Moore and Rboda Walter. le was cdu- cated ai 7Tyronc Public and Bowmanvillc HligliSchools. He was c -mployed as Parts and Service Manager xitb the liin of (owan Equipment Bowinanville (whicb later becaîne J-Mar Equipment). Be retired troP) Ibis field due 10 failing bealth in 1973. At Ibis lime he i esumcd the dclivery of mail on Rural Route 5 Bowmanville including the toimer Rural.Route 1, Tyî one. e i.ontraci for the,-,(, otes td teen in Mr. Moor s family - ~ o' ,er 90 years. i-le enijoyed Uhle mail seric, ealin'bc sommiiner anid c in winter. Mr. Moore was a litciong resident of Tyroîîc, Be was a meînber of Tyrorie United churcb and served as Trea- surer for manv vears. On December 21, 1940 he rnarried Marguerite Milison of Bowmanville who prede- ceased him in 1967. He leaves three children , Jon of Oshawa, Paul of Tyrone and Grace (Mrs .Neil McGregor) of Tsawwassen, B.C_ and three grandchildren. He is survived also by a sister Mrs. Theo Down (Mar- garci) of Lakefield. He 'was, predeceased by a sister Mrs. Russel Vir-tue (Myrtle) in 1968. The funeral service and committal was held from Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home on December. l2th. Honorary palîbearers were Messrs. Johnl Forbes, CliUtord Byam, Lorne Phare, Lance Phare, Rialph Bowers and John Qibb-, There were many personal tributes made in addition to the beautiful floral trihutes and donations to the, Heart Foundation. Spring interment will be in Bethesda Cemetery. ATTNTION, BowmanviÎle Denture Clinic Repairs - - 1 to 3 Hours Re-liunes -- - Full Dentures CaOi for Appointment 623-4473 33 King St. E. Bowmanville P. G. Deegan, LADT. -U T'N' KURLý Beamuty Scalon Have you any Wigs o r hairpieces that needi cleaning or, setting? For'the months of FEB. & MARCH ONLY! WIGS or HAIRPIECE$ CLEANED and SET SPECIAL $2e75 We have 5 Girls to serve vou, Wendy, Rosemarie, Susan, Laurie and introducing new to our staff, Lorraine McGarvey (formerly of Bobette) part-time Mon., Tues., Wed. and Sat's. Also try our girls for the PRECISION CUTS YOU'LL LOVE THEM! PHONE 71 King St. E. - Bowmianiville Open 6 Days a Week Thurs. evenings by appointment. Items flruerest Phone 623-3303 *POTTED PLANTS * MUMS' * CUT FLOWERS ER: 5ojr,ýý 1 l

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