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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1975, p. 9

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............... Ï . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ................ LOS, 1 E off R s The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 19, 1975 9 .~; ~~Y~ ~ *~ DEADLINE FOR "A,', 'liii W CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:30 p.m.1 DENARD-Bob and Mary Ann wîsh to announce the arrivai of a daughter Alison Lee, born Monday, February 10, 1975. A sister for Michelle. 8-1 FLINTOFF-AIian and Lor- raine (nee Bowen) are happy to announce the arrivai of their first born son, Jeremy James, 5 ibs. 15 ozs. on Feb. 13, 1975 at Memorial Hospital, BoWmanville. Special thanks to Drs. H. Anfossi and John Rundie, and nurses in Matern- ity W ard.8-1 MULLER = George and Darlene are happy to announcethe safe arrivai of their son, Sean George, 5 bs. 15 ors. at the Peterborough- Civic Hospitai on Friday, Feb. l4th, 1-75.Proud grandparents Mr. and Mrs. -Harold Rans- berry, Orono and Mr.. and Mrs. George Muller Sr., Pontypooi. 8-1 SELLE - Wayne and Connie (nee Bradley) announce the birth of their daughter, Steph- anie Kendra 8 lbs., 9 ozs., Sat., Feb. 1, at Kingston Generai Hospital. A sister for Tonya. Proud grandparents are Don and Fern Bradley, Bowman- ville, and Wesley and Lila Selle, Cobden. 8-ix STEPHENSON- Mark and Karen (nee Beliwicz) proudly announce the arrivai of their daughter Christin~a Karen, Feb. 2, 1975 at Horneoayne, Ontario. A sister for Theresa. 8-1 YOUNG - Doug and Jane (nee Whitney) are pleased to nnounce the arrivai of their son, John Tyler, 8 lb. 15 oz. February l2th. Wee brother for Todd. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. K. Whitney, Orono, g eat grandmother Mrs. H. Witney, Orono, and Mrs. E. Young, Port Hope. Many thanks to Drs. Cunning- hamn, Ewert and Anfossi and to the maternity staff at Bowmanville Hospital. 8-1 BRUNT ' At Hope Haven Rest Home, Port Hope, on Tuesday, February l8th, 1975,ý Helen- (Toms )Br unt, aged 81 ~,ears, wife of the late Wilfred 'unt, dear mother of Howard ;'iam Brunt. Service was hid in the Morris Funieral Chapel, Bowrnanville, on Wed- nesclay at 2 o'clock. S pring, interment Bond Head Cerne- tery, Newcastle. 8-1 HAIG-At Cobourg Hospital on Thursday, February 13, 1975, William D. H ai g, R. R .5, Coîborne in his .79th year. BekcS4ed husband of Kathleen Zý dear father of Dorothy (rs. Don Morris) Bowman- ville, Doug, Brighton, Shirley (Mrs . Don Ross) Etobicoke and MacKenzie, R.R.5, Col- borne. Brother of Mrs. Helen Cosens, Oshawa. Service was, held in St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Coîborne, on Saturday at 2 p.m. Interment Coîborne Union Cemetery. (Arrangements by Morris Funera I Chapel, Bowman- ville). 8- VIRTUE-Suddenly at Osh-, awa General Hospital on Sunday, February '16, 1975, Milton Roy Vrtue, Tyrone,, in his 7lth year. Son of the late John and Laura Virtue, dear brother of Elva (Mrs. Lionel Byam) Tyrone, Ruby (Mrs. Arthur Spicer) Bowmanviile and Archie, Oshawa. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviile on Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Interment Bethesda Cerne- tery. 8-1 Carnation Always Pîeased To Serve 623-5577 or 623-7141 33 Division St. 2-tf "Fîowers PSay it iBest" VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto... Oshawa - Bowmanviîle Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf HONE-In loving memory of a çear husband and father D,,who passed away Feb- rua ýy 25, 1974. 'Tis well he will suffer no more In the ioved land of the blest, Pain f led as hetrod heaven's shore; It left hlm at peace and rest. -Ever remembered by wife Sh r ey,, daughters Judy, Dr -l"e, sons Leonard, Biliy an Tommy. 8-lx REID, Donald Scott-who pass ed away Feb. 23, 1972. Dyby day aur thoughts do wandipr To the g rave not far away, Where they laid our dear son Just three years ago today. -Ever remembered by Mom, Dad, Colin and Paul. DARRACH, John Colin-In ioving memory of a dear husband, father and grand- father, John Colin who passed away February 20, 1974. His weary hours and days of pain, His troubledl nights are past And in aur aching heats we know, He has found sweet rest ai ast. -Lovingly emembered by- daughter Peggy, son-in-iaw Don, grandsons Demek and Jason and wife Goldie. 81 DARRACH, John-Loving father who passed away Feb. 20, 1974. God took yaur hand, we had ta He= eaedyour pain, but broke a ur hearts, Aifhough we smile and seem caret ree, Nobody misses you mome than us, A thousand to-marrows, we would cive, if oniy God could have [et you' live, To be with us ini the same aid way. Wouid be aur deamest wish tada y. -Loved and remembered George and Vicki. 8- DARRACH- In loving mern- Dmy of a dear fathem, John Colin, who passed away Feb. 20, 1974. In fear we saw you sinking We watched you fade away Our hearts were aimosft braken, You fought sa hard ta stay. But when we saw you sleeping Sa peaceful, fee tram pain We couid nat wish yau back Tosuffer that again. - Sadly missed and always rememfbered by Joe, Aprii and granddaughter Pauia. 8-1 FARROW-m laving meniomy of oum dear mother and grandmathem Leona who pass- ed away- Feb. 21st, 1971 and aur dear dad and grandpa Victor who passed away Feb. 20, 1958. We often sit and think of theni When w e are ail alone For memory is the only friend That grief can caîl its own Like ivy on the withered oak When ther things decay Our love for them will sfiil be green And neyer fade away. -Sadly missed and lovingiy emembered by daughters Betty and 'Edna, son-in-laws Lloydý and Paul and grand- chiidren. 8-1 HARDY- In ioving memory of Minnie Hardy, a dear wife, mother and gandmother who passed away Feb. 16, 1973. To some you may be forgotten To others part of the past But ta us wha laved you and aost you. Your memary wilI aiways last - Sadly niissed by husband Harvey, son Russell, dauglhtem Dareen, grandchildren Dam- lene, Rick and Donald. 8-1ix LANNO - In laving niemomy of aur granddaughter and niece, Laura Lanna, who passed away February 18, 1967. A bud the gardener gave us, A pure and laveiy chiid, He gave if ta au r keeping, Tocherish undefiied. And i ust as if was opening, Ta the giomy of the day, Down came the Heaveniy Father And taok a ur bud away. - Lavingly emenibered by grandfafher, g randniather, uncies Bill, Gord, Cec. and Aunt Chrjs Abernethy. 8-1lx We wouid like ta fhank aur friends and relatives, especi- ally our children for cards and g ifts on our 4Oth anniversary. Thank you, Ben and Nina Madili 8-1 My sincere thanks ta many friends for flowers, cards and gifts also for visits, the nurses and staff, Drs. Slemon, Singai and Mikios on Surgiicai flooý who were sa kind ta -me while i was a patient in Memoriai Hospital. Margaret Perkins 8-1 i would lîke ta thank my neighbors and friends for cards, gifts and visits while in hospital, and ta those who did kind deeds, and made it much eaSier for me at home. Irene Carson 8-1lx My sincere thanks ta family and the, many friends and neighbors who remembered me with cards and f lowers and visited me while a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. 1 would aiso thank Dr. Sylvester in i Emergency in Bowman- ville, the Ambulance Staff and Drs. Rowsell, Ugray and Sangaralingham and staff of 4G and 5F in Oshawa. A very special tharlks to Mrs. Howard Wood. Ralph Campbell 8-1 x To ail who heiped in any way with donations, pledges or by volunteering during aur re- cent telethon, aur sincere thanks. Speciai thanks ta Mr. Hird, Manager Bell Canada, and Canadian Stafesman. Our "Participation House" is one step nearer. Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Telephone Centre Chairman 8- lx e . Sincere thanks fa the doc- tors, nurses and staff of the Port Perry Hospital, ta Hazel Gregg of the Cancer Society, friends, neighbours and fam- iiy for cards, flawers and tokens of sympafhy during aur recenf bereavement. DeJang Famiiy 8-l i would like ta express My sincere thanks toa au who sent me cards, fiowems and fruit and fa Dr. H.. Singer and nurses on the 7fh fioor of Centenary Hospital, Toronto during my stay fhere and since coming home. Howard Crydernian 8-1lx Mr. Philiip Schwarz wouid ike ta thank Dr. Ewert, the nurses and staff of the third floor for the wonderfui came he received whiie a patient at Memoiai Hospital, Bowman- ville. 8-1 My sincere thanks ta al f riends and relatives for cards and visits while in haspitai. Percy Dewell 8-1 My hearffelt thanks ta the many kind friends and neigh- boums, my family and any others, who, in my time of great need, and anxiety, when Ken was ini bath the Oshawa and Bowmanviiie Hospitals, were theme ta support and heip me. Aiso special thanks ta Dr. Sprouie, and Dr. Ewert, and the nurses, and for the niany fa kens of concern and good wilI that accompanied the many cards, plants and flowems he received. Queenie Fletcher 8-1 A sincere tnank you ta my friends and relatives for flowers, cards and visits while I was in Oshawa Genemal Hospital. Speciai fhanks ta Dr. Sprauie, Dr. Rowseii, and the 6th floar staff. Heien Hubbs 8 lx I wish fa express sincere thanks'ta everyane who helped with clothing and furniture 'ince the fire Soeciai thankc ta Centrai Public Schooî,,Capt. Hewlett, Red Cross, Rebekah Lodge and friends for lookinq atter the children. Shirley Hone 8-1 x A sincere and gratetul "fhank you" is extended toaur neighbours, fniends, relativfes and farnuîy for the.many acts of kindness extended ta me cards, fiowers, gifts and visits whiie in Memarial Hospital and since Miy homecamîng. Special thanks ta Drs. K.W. Siemon, Spear and Ugray and 3rd floor staff. Mrs. Ziliah (A.W.) Martin 8-1 x I would like ta express niy fhanks ta ail niy friends and lots of those I do not know o weil for the iaveiy cards, fîowers and plants sent ta me during -my stay in Memorial Hospital. My thanks ta the attendants in 2 Nelson Street for being sa thoughtful and kind; Miss Ruby Latwiîî, Mrs. D.W. Armistead and Mr. A.V. Diliing when they were really needed. My thanks ta aur minister af St. Paui's United Church-Rev. Schamerhomn, Dm. H. 'Ferguson and ta the staff on third floor. Sincerely, Louise Taylor (Mrs. Jas. Taylor) "Loyers and Other Strangers"ý presenfed by Bownianviile Drama Workshop on Feb. 27, 28 and Mar. ist. 8:15 P. M. At Bawmanville High Schooi Theatre. Aduit Entertainment. Admission $2.00 Osaca Barn Dance (couples oni'Y' every Saturday night, Country and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 2-tf MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. .Spansored by, Oshawa Minor Softbaii JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50tff WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RE-D BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf NEW ORLEANS SPRING TIME TOUR APRIL3-14 12 DAYSý- ESCORTED Featuring: Atlanta, Georgia, New Or- Jeans, Mobile, Alabama and Nashville Tennessee. For Information phone or write: Sunshine Party Tours 36 King St. Cobourg, Ont, 372-9961 or 885-2200 N.H.L. HOCKEY WEEKEND Montreal vs St. Louis in Montreal Ma rchi1 & 2 $44.00 per person STU DENT SKI WEEK Mt. Tremblant, March 23 - 29 $155.00 ail inclusive SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS 36 King St. W. Cobourg, Ontario l -372-9961 7-3 Bowmanviile Drama Work- shop presents Loyers and Other Strangers February 27,' 28, March 1 - 8:15 p.m. Bowmanville High School Theafre. Admission $2.00 Aduit Entertainment- Phone 623-3114 for tickets. Senior Citizens admîtted free an Thursday night. 8m2 Plan ta attend eveningq youth service at St. John's Ch urch, Bawmanvilie on Sunday, Feb- ruary 23rd at 7:30 p.m. Taking part in the service wiil be 30 member girls chair from Bishop Strachan Private Schooi, Toronto. 8-1 Warm Up for St. Patrick's Da nce To TED KOSS And Orchestra Sat., March lst St. Josephs Hall $4.00 Per Couple 9 - 1 a.m. 8-2 "Cammunity Corner" for aduilts, nien and wamen. Tuesdays 1:30 -4p.M. St. Johns Parish Hall. Meet friends, relax aver tea or coffee, play table games, badminton,' do Red Cross work, learn a craft or teach yours. See you there. 8-2x Appearing this Sat. nîght, Feb. 22nd at the Waganwheel Barn Dance at Lindsay. Fay Adams and "The Country Hits". Square dance ealler Lloyd "Clem- Brown. 8-1 x A dance in Kendal Orange Hall, Saturday, Feb. 22. Span- sored by The Orange Ladge. Music by Couples' Club Orch- estra. Everyone weicome. 7-2 DANCING Saturday Night AT Club Annrene on Scugag Island F EATU RING JOEY VAN Orchestra APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel Newcastle THE COUNTRY STRINGS Friday - Saturday February 21 - 22 Dancing 9-1 Rebekah and Oddfellow Home Baking and Rummage Sale, Centennial Hall, Queen Street, Fmi., Mar. 7fh. 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. Far pickup phone 623-3508. 8-1 x The annual meeting and electian of afficers of the Northumberland-Durhami Progressive , Conservative Association will be held on Thursday March 6, 1975 at 8: 00 P.M. Af The BEWDLEY FIRE HALL SPEAKER Allan F. Lawrence M.P. e,,\1 9 ynpd Ç:W FZ 1 r)" CN&F: -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modern watches and dlocks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St, East Phone 623-5747 34-tf FLAVOU R BEST APPLES FROM FRED Mc INTOSH - $1.00 RED AND GOLDEN, DELICIOUS, RUSSET Honey and Maple Syrup 75 Lb. POTATO ES -$3.50 Fred's Fruit Market HWY. 115, ORONO -~WHITE'S TV ANTENNAS *Towers, U HF, VH F Aerials, Rotars& Repairs, -Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired u~ Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46tff Oshawa TV e51 -Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF - VHF - Coîored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed Ali prîced f0 SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf INSTALL AN Àr FURNACE ~~HUMIIFIER or HOT WAT'ER HEATE R No Payments for Six Manths CA LL HARVEY PARINER Vour ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 41 -tf FULL iength, centre bacK, rytuscrat coat, size 14-16, excellent condition. $175. or best affer. Calil 623-2624. 8-1 x METAL working lathe, over- ai length 4 ft. x 10" swing at head, an stand with accessar- les. Twin cylinder air can- pressan with spray gun. Power hacksaw. Phone 1-983-5919, Orono. 8-2 SKIOOO '71, 340 TNT, iow mileage, seil as is $300. One semi-autamatic Cullig an watem soffener. $50. Cali 987-4096. 8-i Coleman stoves-9875156. APPROX. 60 sheets of used steel moafing 6' and 8' lengths. Phone 263-2200. 8-lx NEWCASTLE - thnee bed- roon mobile home. Cali after 6.987-4817. 6-4 WICKER chairs, antique chair, buffet, trunk, electrie heater, ufility cabinet, strol- er, car bed, waikem, waoden tables. Towne Used Furnitune, 19 Tempen.ance St., Bownian- ville,. 8-1 400 BALES, bright, dlean oa straw. 263-2719. FOUR sides of Charolais beef. 80 cents a lb. Phone 263-2174. 8-2 CHESTERFIELD suifes $55. Chesterfield chairs $5. Coffee table with file top $10. Room divider $13. Pale iamps $8. Chrome chairs $2,50. Aluni mnun door $20. Towne Used Furnitune, 19 Teniperance St., Bowmanvil le. 8-1 CORN ted beef, approximate- y 200 lb.,halves af 85 cents a pou 1nd. Phone 987-4041. 81 Buy directftram Manufac- fume -Rutter Granite Co., Lfd., has a huge selection of fine, qualify monuments, large and smaii1 f0 fit any need. Came by aour display yard af 73 Ontario Street, Porfi Hope or felephone 885-5216 for a monument thaf endures. 35 tf COLD storage Deliciaus and Spy apples. Also seconds. No Sunday sales. Frank Hiemstma 263 226U.. 5-it ORGAN for sale. Caîl 1-983- 5526. 8-1 ONE pairHead standard skiis. 190 nim. Good condition. $50. Phone 623-2661 affer 5. 8-1 SIDES of prmnium quality grain ted Shorthorn Beef. 98 cents a lb. Taylor Farms. Blacksfock evenings 1-986- 4881. 8-f BABY carniage, Gendran, converfs. fa car bed and straller, good condition. 263- 2709. 8-1 NEWCASTLE thmee bedmooni mobile home. Caîl affer 6, 987-4817. 8-1 PIANO, Heintznian upright, excellent condition. Phone 623-3406. 8 lx '73 SKIDOO, Oiympic $500. Phone 623-2913. 8-1lx CASE loader,' model 600, diesel, 1114 yard bucket on cleat tracks, log torks for sanie, excellent running con- dition. Wouid suit smaIi con- fractor or fanmer. Full price $6,500. Phone 1-797-2301. 8-1lx CE DAR posts. Phone 623-5461. 8-1 TROPICAL fîsh and plants, baby discus and angel fish. Tank raised. Phone 263-8838. 8 lx Articles of fumniture and miscelianeous items needed for an auction sale on April l2th at Pethick's Auctian Barn. Sale is sponsored by ,,ack,.and JLI ClCub of Trinity United Church. Proceeds ta be used ta support "Meals on Wheels" in Bowmanville. For free pick-up caillIrwin CoIwell at 623-5483. 8-4 BEDROOM suite,' 7 piece; dining roani, 9 piece; living moani, aIl Burnia-Danish teak- waad. New tumniture very measonabie. Phone 1-247-4377 52-fl PADDY'S Market now has new fumniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereas and aisci used furniture and appliances, Wiil accept frade-in. Paddy's, Market, Hampton, phone 2631. 2241. 33-t'f USED Furnifume and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf 6 REFLECTOR type light tixtures. 16 inches diameter (.reen colon. bargamn. States- nian Office. tf-f GET CASH TODAY- FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN C LASS IFlE DS OS H AW A SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY NASHED SAND- GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS Ail Suzes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL andDIRT FILL TRUCKS and LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 Bi RICHMOND ST.W, OSHAWA 576552 February WAREH1OUSE SALE EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION, As Low As /2 Price and Less On Remanents anid Ends of Rolis 81 RICHMOND ST. W. (Next daor ta Rudd.y Elýctric) Open from 9ta8p.m. Mon.foFni., Sat. 9fo4 CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY C s om upholstering, re- covering, re-styliig, very reasonable, work guaranteed, 20 years experience. Free estimates. Please cali callect 1-986-5072. 8-4 Answering and making tele- phone calis, written carres- pondence, parcel wrapping and mailing, fram my home. 2Phone 623-2714, 8-1 A SMALL farm in Bowman- ville-Oshawa area, 25-100 acres, fenced, with or without barn. Phone 723-0708. n Kendal area, Thursday, Feb. l3fh black, white and brown, part border collie with red and white f lea collar. Anyane knowina whereabcufr. phone 1-983-5370. Reward. 8-1 PONY, stallion, small, 5 years, no reasanabie offer refused. Two pecan drakes, year aid $3 each. R.R. 4 Bowmanviile. 1-983-9551 atter tf 6 pa.. 8-1 e sý PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING &SERVICING Certif ied Piano Technician. Prompt reliable service. Remember, "The tuner a lone, preservesfthe fane." Member, Piano Technician's Guild. Derek Hill 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby 668-6247 9-tf VINCE MOORE CARPENTRY House Renovating Paper Hanging - Painting 247 Liberty N., Bowmanville 623-3568 49-tf Refrigeration AN D Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER, Days .... ...... 623-5774 Nights .......... 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC TF William G. Beatty Painting and Paper Han ging Light Trucking and Odd Jobs P HON E 623-4728 43-tf NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harv ey Partner Orono 983-5206 -Zenith 14620 41 -tf BiII's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts, - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 17 tf WATER Wells'bored, 30" Mie. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- five Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. - 16 tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONzE -H'AMPTONf4ý 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanville 30 tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET PlUmbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cali1623-2641 33-tf DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES' SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf DARLI NGTQN -MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING, Phone 623-2176 45M~t Geddes E-lectric Renovations - Alterations Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimates Phone 623-2398 48-tf C&C JANITOR SERVICE Carpt - Upholstery PLANT personnel required on a full time basis. Apply in person at Ceresdale Fertili- zers Ltd., Newcastle, Ontario. 8-1 PART-TIME secretary for all day Thursday,' four hours Saturday and Sunday after- maon. Typing necessary. Cal D'An geio H ornes Ltd. in Bowmanviile 623-2509. 8-1 HAIRDRESSER wanted. Full or part time. 623-4191. 8-1 ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX PROF ESSIONAL E L ECT ROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 112 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 576-4705 52-tf Ear piercing, service, Dan Hooper. Phone 623-5747 for appointment. 7-tf , a, LANDLORDS - Houses, Apartments, Rooms, urgentiy needled. Durham Housing Reçistry 1-579-0622. Extension - 48,,69. 6-26 SIZE 8 Brownie uniform. Phone 1-986-4717. 8-1 x FURNITURE and 'other arti- cles ta seil on conslignment. Towne Used Furniture. Phone 623-4681. 8-1 WANTED, farm with house in gaod condition, preferably with firepiace. Within 25 miles, of Oshawa. Phone 623-3488. 6-5x EXCELLENT Business Opportunity. Open ail year round. Good ciientele. Marina,' storage, store and house al, included. Located on beautiful Lake Kushog, north of Min- den. Owners must seil for healfh reasons. For infor- mation cal 1-705 489-2979. l * Four Telephone Operators FOR BEAUTY SALON, PROMOTION $2.50 per hour (Must quai ify telephane test.) 728-3451 8-1 HAN DYMAN Part-finie position avail- able. Duties entail painting and generai cleanîng, might, suit pensiafer. Phone: T. Evers Voyageur Restaurant NE WCASTL E 987-4231 8-1 COMMISSION SALES AGENT Required immediately by Canada's fasfest grawing speciaity ighting campany. You wiil cal ion Cmmercial, Industrial and Institutianal Accounts and offer a selection of prod ucts and service un- equalled in Canada today. Our flexible sales policies, highest rate of commission in the industry ail add up ta immed- iate executive earnings. Ap- plicants over 50 welcame. Fulîtime or Sideline. You do no deiivery or callecting. Commissions are paid weekly on ail orders shipped, with'no hoidback. For further details, tele- Phone colîect, (416) 632-9020 and ask for Don Crossley. EXPANDING CANADIAN OIL COMPANY NEEDS DEPENDABLE PERSON WHO CAN WORK WITHOUT SUPERVISION. Earn $14,000 in a year plus bonus. Contact customers in Bowmanviile area. Limited aufo travel. We train. Air Mail H.M. Dick, Pres., Southwest- ern Petroieumn Canada Ltd., 87 West Drive, Brampton, Ont- aria L6T 2J6. 8-1 CHEF The Part Darlington Hotel locafed at, fhe Marina in Bawmanviiie v<ilbe requiring a fuli-time chlf araund Ma y 1sf. Job open ta bath maIe and female. Experience not nec- essary but being on the bail is. AU lInquiries Confidential. Address letter ta: Port Darîington Boat Basin R.R. 2 Bowmanville 8t WEB offset pressman. Druq, dental, OHIP, plant pension plan, plus excellent wage. Sheet fed Press experience an asset. Dodsworth Prininci and Litho Ltd., Oshawa 723-4639., 8-1 BOWMANVILLE four rooni modemn apatment plus bath, heafed, reasonable ent, appîy Tom's Milk Store, 53 King Street East, Bowmanville. 3-tf ROOM and kitchen pnIvileges for working waman. On quiet street close ta downtown. Cali 623-2687, evenings. 2-tf LARGE sitting roam and bathraom for single girl, furnished. Abstainens oniy. Phone 623-2378. 8-1 APARTME NT - central, stove and fridge, one bedroam, aduit couple anly. Phone 9-S, 623-3303. FOR RENT MODE RN STORE OR OFFICE King e-reet West Bowmanviîle AVAILABLE MARCH 15 Contact Statesman Office 66 KING ST. W A THREE bedroom tawn- hause, ideal for famiîy living, iocated on a quiet court in Bowmanvi1lîe, close ta schoals, $275 per month, available immediately. Caîl Sam Venn, Toronfo 923-9174, Bowman- ville 623-3393; or Mr. Cooney, Toronto 444-5082. W. Frank Real Estate Realfor. 38-tf FURNISHED bedrooms. by month, week or day, shower andý bath, licenced premises, reasonabie rates. Castie, Hotel, Bowmanvî île 623-7072. 51 -tf ONE Bedromr Apartment, fnidge and built-in aven and caok plate, wall-to-wali car- petîng. Aduits preferred. Available immediately, $160, per month, ail services includ- ing Cable T.V., firsf and last month's ent in advance. No, pets. Phone 623-7574. 8-1 x THI1RD persan fa share house' with two girls,, own bedrooni, 623-2539 after 4:30. 8-1 >SÉEEUCORN We still have same Pioneer 3981 and 3990 available. We alsa have Pioneer Sorghum, Alfalfa, Alfalfa and Timothy Mixes, Pioneer Trefail, Trefoil and Timothy mixture. 1call JOHN BAUMCHEN, 986-4774 6-2x SEED CORN We stil11 have some Stewarts 2501 (Na. 2 Seed Only), Stewarts 38 and 4714 (No. 1 Seed). CAL L JOHN BAUMCHEN 6-2x Oats &Barley Ready to Sow Wesley Yelîowlees 263-2023 8-2x OATS BARLEY FUNKS CORN READY TO SOW Custom Cleaning and Treating CERESMORE FARMS LTD. R. R.4 BOWMANVILLE 623-3552 623-7233 7-16 1970 CHEVROLET station wagon, power steering and brakes, electmic back window, recent valve job, new tires and battery, reasonable. 623-3156. 8-1 1970 PONTIAC Parisienne', 2 doar hard top, 350 auto., power steering and brakes, certif led 1600. 623-2447. 8-1iX FARGO 1/2-tan truck, customi cab, automatic transmission, power, brakes and steering, excellent condition. Phone 1l-983-5406. 1 1 8"1 '69 FORD, custom, in good condition. 623-7880. 8-1 x -'66 ýVW, >as is, good enginie, pan, and in-teriar. Phone 623-50659. 8-1 x SKI-DOOING and Wintem Hol- idaying 3 bedmoom cottage on LakenScgog. Week or week- ends. Phone 623-4597 or 623- 7308. -6-4

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