Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 19. 1975 3 Bowmianville Rotary Club welcomed a new exchajnge student recently, Kelvin Ro- bertson, 1612, from Woodside Jerilderie, New South Wales, Australia. H1e will spend the next 12 months in the area, attending Bowmanville Higli School, taking trips and gener- ally learnîng about Canada and fanming in this area. His family are big in sheep raising, in Australia where they have 15,000 acres, 10,000, Merina sheep and 350 Here- ford cattie. It's summer down there, sa the shock of landing here in winter with the temperature hovering just above the zero mark was something he found, most mnteresting. Fortunately, bis mother had taken two years ta knit him a heavy Merino wool sweater that he will find most useful. At home, they neyer have snow. H1e will be staying with Mr. "JWHAT'S B LAN KET COVE RAGE?"fl For a businessman, it's pro- perty insurance, crime and public iability coverage, glass and sign, business inter- ruption or earnings, valuable papers - and many other risks insured in one Iblanket ' Miîti- Peril Policy' from the Bow., mhanville Agency. Agencg Limi'ted 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S.- JAMES Office 623-4406 Residence 623-5023 and Mrs. Tony Brand for the first tbree montbs, learning the horticulture business at DBrookdale-Kingsway Nur- sery. Mayor Garnet Rickard and bs wife will be hasts for the second tbree months iwbere be wilh sec how Short- -borns are lookcd aften. Mn. àand Mrs. Aif Aluin wilh, take over then and provide him )with an insight into local cash crops and bis sojourn here wili conclude witb another thrce montbs at tbe borne of Mn. and iMrs. Don Staphes at Oruno, wbere he'll obtain inf ormation on bog raising. In the meantime, be'll be senjQying hockey and other tsports and making a numben iof speeches ta organizations. His trip is spansored by the Finley Rotary Club. NE WTON VILLE Last Monday, Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. Mary Jones were in Bowmanville, calling ta see Mrs. Lena Ovens, at Strathaven, Mrs. Giddus Jones, at Marnwood, and Mrs. Emily Ogden, Mr. Sheldon Petbick, and Mn. Ken Flet-. cher, patients in Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Lancaster were in Ottawa, a few days, last week on business conn- ected, witb the Massey Fergu-_ son Company. Glad ta bear the white Samoyed pupp y bas been rcturned ta t he Rogerson family, after baving been ~ cked up, on the road, near orne. Mn. Gerald Zealand, of Eiizabethvihle, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burley,- of Cowaniville were visitons with Mrs. Agnes Buriey hast week. Mn. David' Fletcher of Morris, Michigan, was an over-night visitor with bis mother last wcek end, and visited Mn. Ken Fletcher, in hospital. Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Mar- tell phoned mcm bers of their family, Sunday, from Estero Flonîda, wbere tbey are en- joigthemselves, in 85 deneweatber. There tvere 9 tables in play at the Card Party in Commun- ity Hall, Friday evening with these winners: High lady - W. Boughew, LoW lady - Leisha Tuck, High man - Raymond Tuck, Low man A.H. Hubbard, 50-50 Draw- Lew McFecters. Mrs. E. Maj«ewski and Mn. Ed Hoad are bah able to be home from hospital, but Mrs. Fred Hyrniuka is stilh in AUTO &USEID CARS 4 LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY, TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP GOOSELECTION 0F USED CARS R. R. 2 - Newcastle 987-4636 Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd. MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMI UM FUEL OIL FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE Rotary Exchange Student ieekday s- 9 -5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D. S. 222 King St. E.., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanville Office Hours: Weekays- 8:30-5:00 Telephone 623-7349 CLOSED WEDNESDAY DR. w. M. RUDE LL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E.,' Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs. 9tiI 5 Wednesdlay9til 2 Friday 9til 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Off ice Phone 623-5790 Oshawa Hosital, having suff- ered severe buns and requir- ing skin-grafting. Over-night visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Boughen, on Friday were Mrs. Wiliard King and daughter, of Pont- eix, Saskatchewan. Mesdames Mary and Bea Jones spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery, in Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Don Robins were supper guests, Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.î Allun Osborne, Morrish. The Hall Board sponsored a dance in Community Hall, Saturday evenîng. Mrs. Elva Osborne, of Coutonm Miss Ivey Symons, of Morrish, and Mr. Joe Radzni- kynas, Toronto, were Satur- day supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer. Mrs. Leone Lane, with Mr,. and Mrs. Charles Gray, and girls of Orono, visited Mrs. J.C. Moore, in Brantford on Saturday. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hoad, were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gilbert, of Toronto. Word was received here, last week, from Miss Pat Vanna, of the death of bier fathier, in Washington, after an illness of some length. Our miinister's Sunday morning topic was "The Eldership" and at its conclu- sion, three new Eiders were ordained, namely Messers. Wallace Boughen, Clinton Farrow, and Jack Kimbaîl. In this induction Rev. Montgom- ery was assisted by the new Clerk of the Session, Mrs. Bea Jones, and other EIders Arn- elia Lancaster, Jessie Best, Iva Farrow. C.M. Jones and Sidney Lancaster. Next Sun- day, an Installation service of those elected ta other offices will be held in ail three churches on this charge. A Valentine Party is beinr beld in our SundaySchool bal, Wednesday evening sponsored by the "Doubles Club". It will be in the form of an Amateur Talent nîght, with each person taking part in some way or other, and sbould prove ta be quite interesting. Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones, Mrs. Leone Lane and Mrs. Bea Jones were supper guests, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl, Newcastle. Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Clinton Burley, Newcastle, on Wed. Feb. 19 at 2:30 p.m. ,' lst Newtonville Cub Pack Activity Report On Feb. 1, 1975 the lst Newtonville and 7th Bowman- ville Cub Packs went on a trip ta the Royal Ontario Museum., The day stanted at 8:30 a.m. when we ieft Newtonville. A short stop was made in Bowmanville ta pick up the 7th Pack and then on our way. We had originally planned to take the GO Train at Pickering but the CNR Engineers were stili on stnike. Instead we caught the Subway at the Warden Stýat ionrjandjhad a long ride ta the Museumn. For many of the boys it was their first ride on a Subway and it proved ta be very exciting. Upon arrivîng at the Mus- eum we decided ta have some lunch. With aur appetites out of the way we set off in small groups for a tour.. The Museum is a real expenience. The boys were particu]arily interested in the dinosaurs and the mummies and these dispînys are very well set up ta capture their interest. The Business Directory Accountancy WM. J.H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanvi lie Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm., Charfered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Tel ephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bo _keein-AodTa- Srvc third' floor display of fish, reptiles and mammals from such areas at the Canadian Artic and the African grass- lands captured the "hunter" in ail of the boys. The Lower level collection of items from the Indians of North and South America, the Eskimos and the peopfles of Africa, Southeast Asia and the Pacific set many of the Cubs off on a canoeing expedition down the Ganar- ask aRiver. By 2:30 the Cubs and Leaders weregetting a littie tired. After a short refresh- ment break we were back on the subway again, homeward bound. Baloo managed to get everyone safely home by 4:00 ~ m. The excursion proved to e an interesting experience for ail. We enjoyed having Mr. Jack Hartwell and his Cubs along, with us. The boys and leaders also wish to thank the p arents who took the day off ta hlp supervise this trip. 1On Feb. 3 Mr. Theo Welter from the Group Committee joined in on the Pack meeting. Mn. Welter brought with him trophies for the winners in the Speed and Design class of the Pinewood Derby Pack Run- offs. These trophies, hand- mnade by Mr. Welter, were a delight to the boys. This extra recognition is something Mr. Welter started 3-4 years ago when he was a Cub Leader. On Feb. 8 the Pinewood Derby District finals were held at Onono., The competi- tion was very keen. In the Withdrawal Course Grads Advised To Acquaint Themselves With Non-Smokers Bill of Rights> sioeed section ail of the Newtonvilie boys made it ta the semi-finals. Then the speed took its toli. We did manage ta have one winner, Stephen Willsber took fiftb Place. In the design class things were a littie different thougb . For the second conse cutive year a lst Newtonville Cub taok finst place. This year Steven Adams won the top position with bis Volkswagon. Well donc Steven! In the Leaders race that fallowed lst Newtonville a gain proved their wortb. Akela managed ta capture first place in Speed and Babao came in sixth in the design section. The next big event is the Father and Son Banquet on Feb. 22, 1975. It will alo see the first nunning of the Dad's Derby, U.C.W. Meeting The general meeting of the U.C.W'. was held at the Cburch on Monday evenîng, February 3. The Pnesident, Jean Adams, opened it with prayer after whicb the busi- ness was discussed, and the World Day of Prayen in the Anglican Church on Marcb 7 was announced. Dora Martyn then intro- duced aur guest speaker, Gail Mason, who gave us many good ideas and information on deconating aur homes and also answered individual questions from members. The Worship, led by Manian Larmen, began witb the sing- mne of "We are one in the January 10, 1975 by Mayor James Potticaryof Oshawa. The Bill states that "Non- smokers have the right to breatheclean air, free from harmful and irritating tobacco smoke. This right supersedes the right to smoke when the two conflict. Non-smokers 'have the right to express - firmly. but politely - their discomfort and adverse re- actions to tobacco smoke. They have the right to voice their objections when smokers light up without asking per- mission. Non-smokers have the right to take action through legisiative channels, social pressures or any other legitimate means - as indivi- duals or in groups - to prevent or discourage smokers from polluting the atmosphere and to seek restriction of smoking in public places." Mrs. Lisko went on to say that a local group of GASP is to be formed. The initiais GASP stand for Group Againstj Smokers' Pollution and is concerned with the problema of indoor air p)ollution caused bv tobacco smoke. She outlined Boagey, Whitby and Miss Maureen Brown, Oshawa. Mrs. Collins stated the sniok- ing withdnawal course had been one of the most success- fui prognammes- conducted by the association, and that many calis are being neceived ask- îng the date of the next course. Anyone interested in at- tending the next smoking withdrawal course or for funther information on the GASP programme is asked ta eaul the office of the TE-RD Association at 723-3151, WE'VE BE.AUTîFtJL F1X77MES MHA r WIL SU-RPRISE6IVE PLENT;Y 0F COM FORT 1 EA SING TO At the final sessioný of "Countdown on Smoking" the smoking withdrawal course sponsored by the Durham Region TB and Respinatory Disease Association, and held at tbe R.S. McLaugblin Col- legiate necently, Mrs. Michael Lisko, public relations chair- man for the association, told the graduates that now they were among the majority group - non-smokers - they sbouid become familiar with the Non-Smoker's Bill -of Rights ratified locally on spirit" with Gin dys Tnampson at tbe piano. Af ter reading from Il Corinthians, Marian led a littany with the ladies responding. The Lord's Pray- er was then done irost effectively in pantomine with Jean adams saying the prayer and Audrey Wright respond- ing as Our Lord might do. The singing of, "Put your hand in the band" and prayer braught the worship ta a close. The meeting adjourned witb benediction after whicb lunch and a social time were enjoyed. 'Mr.IGA has a reputation for I IGA service is something special. It's a friendly smiî,e and a iieIping hand with alyour shopping problems ... and it's caring - that special care ta quality and gond price you wiII find each and every day at MR. IGAs. FRENCH'S-ASSORTED VARIETIES Hamburger Fixing's O.K.49 IGA-ROYAL OUEST Instant ~ 5 Coffee JAR'12 9 PINEAPPIE CHICKEN . SWEET Et SOUR, BREADED SIIRIMP OR PEPPER STEAK FROZEN Chun King Dinners 1KZ850 BIRDSEVE FROZEN CONCENTRATED Awake Orange Drink 4 IN SWEET AND JUICY Florida Oranges2 ZE 1125', CRISP, CANADA FANCY GRADE B. C. Anjou Pears 3t.as990 PRODUCE 0F US.A.NO. 1 GRADE Cabbage EAcH,39c CANADA FANCY GRADE 3L.Q Mclntosh Apples 13AG 9 FLAVIJRS CRYSTALS Tang Orange FLEEECY Fabric Sotener POLY BAG 0F 4 X 34-Z. PI<GS. 64-FL.DZ. PLASTIC BOTTLE 99c sec Monarch Shortening 590 PRICES EFFECTIVE WEO. THRIJ SAT. FE B. l9th - 22nd WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMITûfUANTITrIES 7 'KING ST. E. BU WMAN VILLE actions that are being taken by GASP members in other communities. Mrs. Lisko stressed that the most important factors ta be considered, wben discussing with smokers the discomfort caused by second hand smoke tô non-smokers,, is letting them, know you care about tbeir bealth and comfort as well as your own, having facts and literature handy and, above ail, telling it politely. Several husbands and wives attended the course together, as well as one family of three, and some fathers and sons. There were sevený senior citizens and seven students attcnding. Mr. Hanlon Arm- strong, a smoker for over 50 years, stopped smoking at the very first session and received warmest congratulations from fellaw students and committee members for bis outstanding achievement. Mrs. E.A. Collins, executive directon of the TB-RD Assoc- iation tbanked the special committee on smoking (es- tab lisbed by the health educa- tion committee) wbicb was co--chaire-d by Mrs. W.A. FANCY PREMIUM THIN IGAToat Jic 419 FL 890 Christie's Crackers PKG.59 PDIIS OR HOIEDIIIHOSTESS-REGULAR, OlP, SAIT E& VINEGAR POLIH O WHOE BLL 3 FL690 OR BARBECUE FIA VO RED Coronation Pickles JA9RPoao his250GRAM9 CINDY PINK OR IEMON 32 FL DEODORANT ANTIPERSPIRANT IIGHT POWDER Liqid etegen PLATIOR REGULAR Bn V 49c j6-0 ~ff NABISCO MIX'N EAT RgtGadARZI 10 10 oz gl REGULAR PROCESS CemfWetPKG jJR11.0 CreamOf WheatKraft Cheez Whiz 1O TOASTMASTER (1'OFF) RUPERI FROZEN PKG,0F 16 07 1'f Tea Biscuits6 610 Flip &t Fry Sole FK*1.39 SUNDAY STORE HOURS 10:0 at. -5:00 p.mj. opp- ým 1 -.te ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME ýHEAT SERVICE