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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1975, p. 10

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0 The Canadian Statesmán, Bowmanville, February 26, 1975 The Newc Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago flewcaste Soci and1 On Sunday, Feb. 23, Mrs. Jean Rickard was hostess forj a miscellaneous shower in honour of Miss Mary Grace1 Paterson, daughter of Mr. and1 Mrs. Murray Paterson. Miss Diane Embley and Mrs. Dan Norton welcomed the guests at the door. Misses Jeannette and Susan Wagar, cousins of the bride-elect, were la charge of the guest card. Special guests included the groom's mother Mrs. Roy Milton, Drumbo and is grandnother, Mrs. Sam Milton, the bride's mother, Mrs. Murray Pater- son and her grandmother, Mrs. Howard Toms. As the surprised bride opened her gifts, she was assisted by her sister, Ruth Paterson and the groom's sistet, Cathy Milton. Adorned in her costume of bows, Mary Grace expressed her thanks to all the ladies. A dehicious lunch was served by the committee in charge, Kay Kimball, Kay Powell, Evelyn Embley, Edna Darling, Jean Wagar and Jean Rickard. St. Georges Anglican Church Women met at the Parish Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 19 with aine ladies present. President Hilda Call conducted the business period. The ladies bave a busy scheduhe ahead with three banquets to which they will cater. SCOUT REPORT by Glen Schmid On Monday night, Feb 17, the Scouts inspected their three tents for ips and holes etc. It was decided that we would fix them on Saturday, Feb. 22. Saturday morning, Feb. 22 the Scouts held a paper drive. Twelve boys and three vehi- dles were there. Saturday nigbt, eleven boys showed up to fix the tents. One leader was there. We also decided to go bowling on Wednesday, February 26. Take a Break Club Fourteen ladies attended the club on Tuesday, Feb. 18. Three new members vere Persona/ welcomed. The activity plan- ned for that day was bowling at the Newcastle Community Lanes. Mrs. Ann Martin bowled the high score and Mrs. Janet Lynn won the low prize. Mrs. Mayme Carr won the lucky number. Coffee and tea were served. In last week's report of the Parent and Son Scout banquet, we are indeed sorry to have omitted the names of the Scout Leader Oliver Knapp and his wife who were seated at the head table. Our sincere apol- ogies!;How could we forget the most important person?" While we're on the forget- ting problem, remember the first instalment of taxes is due on Monday, March 3. Newcastle Senior Citizens The regular monthly meet- ing of Newcastle Senior Citi- zens was held in the Lions Centennial Room on Thursday evening at 8 p.m. with twenty- five members present. This was less than the usual number present due to sick- ness and the fact that several were takng winter vacations down South. They had a pleasant evening with pro- gressive euchre and finished the evening with a lunch pr dd by Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Cint Brown, Mrs. Bessie Dean and Mrs. Marjorie Pascoe. The prize winners were High Ladies, Mrs. Jean Allin, Iigh Men's, Ray Brown; Low Ladies, Mrs. Farrow; Low Mens, Clint Burley. Social News Mr. and Mrs. Del Moore and friends from Simcoe, Mr and Mrs. Ross Needham, have returned from an enjoyable two-week motoring trip to Florida. Mr. Peter Smith, Mr. Ray Verburgh, Mr. Darrell Dar- ling, Mr. Chris Cooper and Mr. Bob Tennant, Orono left Saturday foria two-week holiday in Florida. At 1:33 Tuesday morning, the Village of Newcastle fire siren wakeaed the resideats. 1974 DATSUN B210 4 Door Sedan hfe They Last $ Here's an opportunity for you to opensome 1974 Datsun extra doors to savings An economy car that cornes B2 10 4-door Sedan fully equipped with many standard featîres that Pinto, Vega, Gremim and Astre charge extra for, like wihtwalls, wheelcovers, power assisted front disc brakes and rear window defogger . . plus all the convenience of 2 extra doors. There's no better time to drive thifs bargain than nght now while there are still a few '74 modeis availabe at 74 praces. Hov W WG dt aCar far Vais. astie Indepen It'sU Unelieve-vns UpTo On Name Brands of Broadloom FOR EXAMPL E : Nylon Plush Carpet with Rubber Back 100 Per Cent Polypropylene Rubber Back Carpet - lst Quality $4.95 Sq. Yd. $2.99 Sq. Yd. Level Loop 100 Per Cent Nylon Carpet from $3.95 Sq. Yd Plus Thousands of Yards of Rolls and Roll Ends at Fantastic Savings! CHARGEX-MASTER CHARGE FREE ESTIMATES-FREE PARKING YES! WE INSTALL At The T e CrpetWareouse 110 King St. W. 728-0292 Oshawa HOURS: 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. DAILY Gaby kndl, gave usth results for the 12 participants of the Newcastle Club. She was especially proud of Miss Carol Selby's silver medal. wbile Collette Pickering, Star Tisnovsky, and Lorraine Tis novsky won bronze medals. The other standings were: Shelley Payne, 9th place: Shelley Pickering, 6th place: Nancy Tisnovsky, 5th place; Penny Webster, loth place: Shelley Brown, iith place: Lisa Allin, l5th place; Susar Forth, 14th place; and Shelley Farrow, 8th place. This competition started a' 7:30 Sunda morning and continued ai day until nearly 9 p.m. No doubt, some of the competitors were tired wher their turn came to skate. Congratulations to ail! HOCKEY NEWS Eastman's Gulf Minor Ban- The firemen were called out toi a burning transport on High- way 401 east of the village. The truck was carrying twen-1 ty-five tons of pastry flouri which was completely de- stroyed. Mrs. Mary Brooks, Oshawa and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Bow- manville were Saturday even- ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wtv,sr Murohv. Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Tonkin, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tonkin, Quebec were Saturday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell and Mr. Baden Powell, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allin and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allin enjoyed a social evening and pot-luck dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish, Nestleton. Congratulations to Mrs. Thelma Ling who was mar- ried on Feb. 14 in Port Hope to Mr. Walter Dowe. The assist- ant at the Post Office will continue to work there and will live in her home on the Third Line. We are indeed very sorry to report the death of Mr. David Shortt, as the result of a motor accident near Trenton. Sym- pathy is extended to the ereaved parents and family, Greenwood, Ont. The Shortts were former residents of the village. Mr. and Mrs. John Wagen- aar, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sutherland and Val- erie, and Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland were snowmobil- ing recently with the Saow Devils in Peterborough. Brown's Busy Bees were postponed from Mon. Feb. 17 to Feb. 24 because of foul weather. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph How- land, Peterborough, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Darling have returned from a two-week holiday in St. Petersburg, Florida. On Saturday, Feb. 22 the Newcastle Lions Club held another successful dance at the Newcastle Commuaity Hall. Music was supplied by Jack Bailey and His Bailiffs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor visited their son Corporal and Mrs. Gary Naylor apd family, Camp Bordea, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Waltoa, Bramp ton spent tbe week-end with er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mrs. John Metrailler, Cathy and Ronnie spent Saturday with Philip in Guelph. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Alldread who celebrated their fifty-ninth wedding anniversary on Sun- day, Feb. 23rd. Constable Mark Alldread, Toronto, was home with his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Alldread recently. Miss Edith Parker, Toronto, Mr. Renvo Bareiro, West Rouge, Ms. Cathy Elliott and Mr. Greg Foran, Oshawa, were Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. Lloyd Alldread. Mr. Clare Martin, Leskard, a worker for many years at the J.A. Smith Co. Ltd., was sticken with a heart attack on Sunday and is in the Intensive Coronary Care Wing at Osh- awa General Hospital. Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harve Britton in- eluded Mr. and Mrs. Neil Britton and son Tom, Belle- ville, Mrs. Elva Greenfield, Bowmanville and her sister, Mrs. Rundle, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin, accompanied by his uncle Mr. Clarence Martin, Toronto, enjoyed a Saturday drive to Myers Cave, Lake Kashwak- amak. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones and Mrs. Willis Jones, New- tonville were Sunday evening dent j Telephone 987-4201 visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harve Britton. Miss Darrene Powell and Mrs. Sam Powell, Lake Shore, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porter and Sharman, Ashburn. Mr. and Mrs. William Kean attended a 25th wedding anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Toronto, Sat-. urday and were overnight guests with them. On Sunday, February 23, at the Newcastle United Church, the choir rendered the an- them, "Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts". Rev. Thomas, Smith delivered his second sermon of his Lenten series, "The Kingdom Proclaimed." Mrs. Helen Le Gresley remaiis in critical condition in Oshawa General Hospital. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Jack Nesbitt in the loss of her stepmother Mrs. Alfred Lycett at Simcoe, Ontario. The Mayor of the Town of Newcastle and his wive, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard have moved into their new home. Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Braund and son, Huntsville visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley on Sunday. On Wednesday, Feb. 19, the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Clint Burley. There were seventeen mem- bers and one visitor present. Final plans were made for the card party on Friday night. The topic for the meeting was "Waste not, want not" and the roll call was answered by ways of lessening the amount of garbage. Mrs. Burley and Mrs Lancaster gave a report on the motto. Mrs. Burley and her committee served a del- icious lunch. On Friday, Feb. 21, a good number of persons from the village of Newcastle attended the Women's Institute Card Party at Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade report that there is lots of snow in the Ottawa District. Last week the Grand Master paid his Official Visit to Oddfellow Lodges at Snow Road and Ottawa. They spent the weekend in Cambridge. Mrs. George Morton, Orono, Mrs. Geo. Plumb, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- clough, Wesleyville, Mrs. Vance Cooper, Osawa and Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl, Newton- ville. were Tuesday lunebeon guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Kimball. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Irene Byers were her sister-in- law, Mrs. Olive Howson, and Mr. George Coutts, London. Mrs. Turner, Port Credit, is visiting her daughter and family, Rev. and Mrs. Robert Hayne. Mr. WilliamWoo, Toronto was home for the weekend. On Thursday, Feb. 20, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar cele- brated their 29th wedding anniversary with their daugh- ter Miss Frances Hoar, Toron- to. The following men played broomball in Millbrook a- gainst C.K.P.T. Peterborough Radio: Glen Murphy, Jamie Wright, Tim Johnston, Billie McLean, Don Innis, Paul Barchard, Greg Grey, Mark Tillson, Gord White, Brian Bubar, Pat Gardiner, Brian Anderson. Our boys lost 8-0 against Peterborough but their enthusiasm was Ai. The lst Newcastle Brownies held their Thinking Day Pro- gram on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 19. Guests were 2nd Newcastle Brownies and lead- ers, Commissioner Jean McQuat and Mrs. DePlaa. lst Newcastle Brownies present- ed each guest with a tulip as their program was on Holland. It was a very enjoyable evening. At 10:03 Monday, Feb. 24 the village fire siren rang. The local firemen were called to J.A. Smith Co. Ltd. to extin- ack room. On Saturday, Feb. 22, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCracken entertained the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dowe, to dinner at their home. Af ter dinner a surprise party follow- ed. Guests inclued Past Master Jack Wade, Hilda and Bill Call, George and Pauline McNair, and Ken and Bonnie McCracken. An evening of cards was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Dowe were presented with a card and sum of money from the fellow workers at the Post Office.isetndto relatives o fMrs. Helen Toms Brunt who pased dHaway ast week. Figure Skating Competition On Sunday, February 23, the Pine Ridge Inter Club Skating Competitions took place in Whitby. Newcastle was one of the clubs represented from ahl the clubs from Cobourg to Ajax.Mrs.Tisnosky f Por GÏanykidy aeou h tams travelled to Port Perry on Wed., Feb. 19 and played a good game, the final score ending in a three-all tie. On'Friday night the team went to Uxbridge and played another tie game, the final score bein 1-1. Newcastle Knights of Col- umbus All Stars played in Newcastle Monday, Feb. 17 with Pickering. Newcastle defeated the Pickering team 6-0. Sunday Night Town League On Feb. 23, the Elmhurst team lost to the Regional Reclaimers 5-3 in oyertime. Newcastle Minor Peewees On Saturday, Feb. 15, the Newcastle Minor Peewees travelled to Picton for their annual Peewee Tournament. Newcastle met Campbell- ford in the opening game but were turned back by a 6-2 score. Scoring in a losing cause were Kevin Wade and Danny Wagar. In the second game, the locals came up against the host team, Picton, who had been beaten by Fort Henry. The Newcastle team showed a lot of heart and desire, despite the fact they were playing against a much bigger team. The final score was 7-2 with thrée of Picton's goals coming late in the third period as the Newcastle boys began to tire. The scoring for Newcastle was handled by Brad Hopkins and Ed Knelangen. The selection of the most valuable player in this second game went to Newcastle's N. &N. School Board Refuses To Pay For Trustee Elections goalie, Jeff Woodbeck, due to a reall gutsy effort from everyone on t e team. Son Thursday night Newcas- tle played host to the Ops Centre Peewee Team and promptly sent them home with a 5-4 defeat. Ops opened the scoring on the first shift but' Newcastle evened the score on a goal by Ed Knelangen assisted by Roger MacInnis. Ops took the lead again but David Araujo tied things up with help from Ken Lawson and Roger MacInnis. The teams continued to swap goals with Danny Wagar scoring from Bob Dwyers and Roger Maclnnis assisted by David Araujo-Newcastle finally took the lead and won the game on a goal by Ed Knelangen on a pass from Kevin Wade. Youth 100 and Over B. Angi 156, Benji Angi 120-119, P. Laton 118, C. Laton 102, W. Couch 135-163, A. Rowe 113-106, B. Rowe 117, L. Kozak 111, K. Gilmer 194-176, L. Wind 105, D. Chard 109, J. Welter 107-111, -K. Hayman 138, P. Hole 107, M. Zegil 184-105, M. McPhee 101-124, J. Carr 128, R. Nicholson 217-130, K. Southern 148-157, J. Wind 142179, R Metrailler 105-118, A. Sunday 123, E. Sunday 146, B. Hayman 118-138, T. Welter 167-162, A. Welter 118, T. Goorbarry 101, J. Kent 105, S. Stommel 111-128, T. Brazeau 118-135, R. Kidd 110, T. Cayley 116, V. Kidd 115-127, K. Willems 122-112, J. Ritchie 113, S. Clark 104, C. Flynn 122-130, K. Jenkins 143, B. Forget 273-216, C. Metrailler 164-116, C. Tufford 145-175, J. Forget 152-202, G. Schmid 133-121, C. Ton 139-149, 1. Brereton 173- 151, T. Wiad 129-120. Ladies 200 and Over B. Major 203-215, D. Part- ridge 225, D. Langstaff 210-214, K. Mercer 218, T. Langstaff 260, D. Forth 215-244, S. Foster 253, D. Turansky 217, M. Wade 221, N. Williams 257-228, C. Duquay 239-239-209, E. Mea- dows 208-207, E. Moore 204, M. Burley 204, J. Holmes 213. Men 225 and Over J. Forrester 235-264, B. Glanville 254, F. Stapleton 236, J. Knelaagen 238, P. Gardner 322, G. Kimball 252, W. Flintoff 228, D. Harris 243, I. Faris 275, J. Ogden 266, H. Clark 246, R. Sutcliffe 252, G. Cowling 300, B. Farrow 228. Thursday Mixed 200 and Over J. Worr 231-295, H. Verburgh 209, W. Forget 216, M. MacGregor 289-262, F. Lewis 201, G. Forget 226, D. Scott 213, C. MacGregor 212, B. Stinson 207, V. Dunlop 231. Friday Mixed 200 and Over T. St. Pierie 226, G. Hughes 236, A. Vogels 244-250, F. Couch 203, S. Glanville 203-259, B. Madili 219, B. Caîl 266-243, L. Pearce 234 B. Delaat 230, A. Dlaat 264-214, M. Burley 219, A. Pearce 212-252-237, J. Sikma 228, R. Good 290-222, P. Sikma 207-220, G Henry 204-219, T. Embley 255-276, E. Embley 213, R. Burley 212-207, M. Henry 203. ,YELVERTON Congratulations to Mr. Wes- ley Gray, the eldest of the Gray patriarchs, who will be observing his debut into the age of Nonogenerians by observing his 9Oth birthday on Feb. 26th at the Scott Nursing Home in Lindsay where he is currently residing. Also to the mater Malcolm who will be observing her 81st birthday on the same date. Glad to report that father Rae is showing marked improvement follow- ing a borderline coronary last Sun. Feb. 22nd and is well on his road to recovery to former health. Mrs. Terry Malcolm and little Todd James are expect- ed home from Port Perry Hospital this week. Little Miss Crystal Lynne Biggs of Deep River spent the week end with ber grand- parents, the Norman Wilsons. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Biggs have purchased a house in Port Elson and will move in April. Even the Best Homes Suffer Breakdowns Homeowners Trust Buildali to cure whatever is ailing their home. We have shelves of Home Remedies for such miseries as Tired Kitchens, Peeling Walls, Drab Bathrooms and Leaky Basements. You can trust our Home Remedies. They Work FREEII Household Hints on Removing Stains And Antidotes for Common Poisons, plus a Pocket First Aid Kit. Come in and get Yours! e 20% fhf Gregg Kitchens to March 1st Now's the Time to Plan Your Gregg Dream Kitchen!i Planning Kitchen Renovations? Do It Now! We're offering a special discount of 20 percent on all orders for Gregg Kitchen Cabinets placed by March lst! Corne In and Visit Our Gregg Displays. FREE KITCHEN PLANNING SERVICE We'll be happy to help re-design your kitchen. We offer expert advice for your individual requirements. Either in the store or at home at your convenience. No Obligation - No Charge. Added Feature: Gregg Kitchens are modular. They come in sections and they're so easy to instail by the Do-it-Yourselfer for additional savings! 7t 7 exlsv nOh w wth "ROXITE" Decorator Brick and Stone Facing for Indoor and Outdoor Use. Instatl it Yourself with only a hammer, hacksaw and caulking gun. No other tools required. No pattern necessary. Can be used with complete safety within 3 inches of your fireplace. PACKAGE COVERS "HERITAGE" Brick Series, choose fromfour 8 SQUARE FEET handsome bricktoneS:DRedBI ack Darkor Light Brw, oeWhite. 1 e 6 Package Professional" Stone - Looks like the real thing. Same easy installation, completely weather proof. 3 colours, white, beige or grey with interlock for fast installation. 33 Square Foot Coverage Per Package $62.35 Package- Nothing Else to BuyI wAE OUELUBELAD,2-11 IR E HOU S E L UMB E R LAN D-728-1617 100 Bond St. West COURTICE SELF-SERVE STORE Bloor St. Easl COURTICE 8:00 to 6:00 Mon. -Fri. 8:00 to 5:00 Sat. LUMBERLAND 8:00 to 6:00 Mon., Tues., Wed. 8: 00 to 9:00 Thurs., Fri. 8:00 to 5:00 Sat BUILDiI- nmLL An attempt by the munici- pality to pass along the cost of the school board elections to the Northumberland and New- castle Board of Education has failed.? The Board bas sent back the account for election expenses with a letter quoting the Municipal Elections Act to the effect that tbe cost of munici- pal elections must be borne by the municipality in which they are held. The difficulty arose because of the bill which provides for the first council in the Durham Region to hold office until 1976 thereby eliminating the 1974 elections which would normal- ly have been held in accord- ance with the Municipal Elections Act. Even though special dispen- sation had een granted for the municipal government elections school board elec- tions stil had to be held. The Town of Newcastle thought that the school board would be liable for the costs they incurred in administering the election, but the school board, supported by the Ministry of E ucation, will not accept this liability.

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