Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 26, 1975 5 BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Assel- stine, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly, John 'Wolters. Law- renc-? Mcbaugblin and Walter Wrig' t attended the Ontario Agriéutural Societies Asso- ciation Annual Convention in the Royal York on Wednesday and Thursday.' This was one of the largest conventions in the a --.ociation's history with over -À0 delegates attending. Ïjhackstock Fair received a great bonour when its secre- tary was a member of a panel on Thursday morning. That should help to put Blackstock on the map1 Weekend visitors of Mrs. Wilbert Archer were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fleming and family, Oshawa. Mrs. Ray Bradburn, Miss Betty and Mr. Ronald were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. AI Aston of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin were Saturday afternoon and supper guests of Mrs. Court- ney Graham. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Asselstine took the Junior Farmer Curling Team to Brigbton and went on to visit Vern's mother Mrs. Poole in Belleville and brought her back to bis sisters Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webb and family at Wogler. Colin Asselstine, Paul Lar- mer, Doug Larmer and Jack Gunter represented this area in the Junior Farmer Zone Bonspiel at Brighton. Tbey placed'a very close third just one point bebind the second place rink. Good work boys. Miss- Eleanor Wright of Queen's University, Kingston spent several days witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright and Elaine reeently. 4H1 Meetings Meeting No. 2- On Feb- ruary 11, the 4-H girls met at tbe United Cburch for tbe weekly meeting witb a few new members. The roll cali was: tbe "learning stitches" article 1 bave chosen and wby. Caroline Carnaghan read the minutes of meeting one and the treasurer's report showed $900. We were shown how to apply a design to the material. Mrs. Wygerde demonstrated how to thread the needie, start and finish a thread and last but not least sbe taughtthe backstitých. Then the girls went abead and put the. stitcb on tbeir samplers. At 5:30 Dora Sutton closed the meet- ing withi the 4-H pledge. Meeting No. 3 - At the United Cburcb, February 18 the Blackstock Super Stitch- ers of Blackstock 1 and 2 met atgain. The roll caîl was: a p4!ace where the backstitcb >'1id be used. Teresa Wy- gj,,rde read the minutes of the last meetingý and Leanne Fis;her g ave the treasurer's reýport showing a balance 4f $16.00. Mrs. McLaughlin men, tionied a few uses for the backstitch and next Mrs.* Martyn reviewed colour bar- mony again. Mrs. Williams dmonstrated how to enlarge 1 shrink a pattern design. 1ieë girls then practised this stitch on their samplers and worked on their "learning stitches" article. The meeting closed with tlýe 4-H pledge. ELIZABETHIVILLE Church services were held as usual. Rev. Bartlett spoke on, "His Fellowship of Love." The choir sang. Mrs. M. Gardiner assistedand read our Lenten Thought. Mr. Mac Walker, Mrs. H. Quantrili assisted at the reception of new members. Mrs. Elsie Lîtz, Mrs. Alise Scott, and Mr. Bill Leggette were received. Mrs. Mar ie Legette, Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith were on transfer from other eburches. Next Sunday a Songfest will be beld at, 7:30 at Garden' Hill Churcb. Everyone welcome. On Tuesda y afternoon the United Church Women Unit Il held their meeting at Mr. and Mrs. W. Bannister's home. ton, Magie Moods, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. A. Trew and Richard, Cobourg; Mr. and 14Irs. G. Fowler, Toronto. ~Mr. 'and Mrs. M. Walker went to Kingston on Sunday for Nancy who bas, a week of holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Dshawa were witb Mr. and, Mrs. H. Quantrili on Sunday. >Nrs. R. Westheuser, Alvson &~Lesley and Mrs. H. Thickson spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dekoker, Sunderland. Over a third of a million respiratory disease cases were treated in Canadian hospitals in 1971 accounting for close to three and a third million patient days. Christ- mas Seals, fight TB and other Respiratory Diseases. A great way to4 beat the high cost of fuel. Easy-to-install. Fibreglass Insulation R7-60 sq. ft. roll. RIO-40 sq. ft. roll. 4 Your choice for... 1 4'x 8'x 1/2" 4'x 8'xl1" Micro ICeiling Tule 12' x 12"x1/2" acoustic ceiling tiles. Tongue & groove design makes installation easy. Carton of 64 tiles. Gun A real bargain! Swingline heavy-duty 800Xmodel hand les most s-taïino iQiohs. Panel Grîp For Bonding Al Panel Boards and Foam Insulation To Wood, Masonry, Metal Or Plaster. 10 and Two-Third FI. Ozs. Cartridge 1 19 I 25 IbL Flintkote Stucco Coat The one-coat texture paint., Easy ta apply. White anly. Can be tinted or painted. 50 lb. s ize $9,00 Free Deiivery With Ail Orders Ovor 120.00 I 1 4UII The cosýi of panelling your home may neyer be l iwEr! Beaver bas reduced pri ces by as in uc h- èas $250 per Pa nelp, o n l ",st y 1e.s1Arna',g if c theî tta; sawings on an entire roomi Corne in -t Beaver nowv duri(ig Our Deflatian Days Sale and SAVE, SAVE, SAVE! Quanlities are irited on some items. Panels regu lardy priced f rom $5.98 ta $16.48. Barcelona Chestnut Heritage Cedar Plantation Forest, Pecan Golden Ash OId Country Imperial Pecan Bamnboard 4'x 81 Sheet S a nd eD Fir' GoId Coast Walnut Spa nish Oak Plantation White Ash Plantation Hickory Unsanded Select Fir Huntsvillie B irch Oxford Elm Unsanded Unsanded Standard spruce ______10.8512.78_ _, 623-3388 Styrospan Insulation U nsanded Standard Fir Oum soi ......... . . . . . NVILLE