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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1975, p. 3

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PONTYPOOLý Jim Stanley and Roy Gay- Mr. and Mrs. David Sutc non were weekend visitons in currently enjoying a Sbawville, Quebec. holiday in Mexico. We -are glad to report that Mrs. Dianne Clark and following surgery on Friday, Lori Anne Clark of, 1J? Ben}ny Benford's condition were visitons during thE SC ms to be împroving stais- week with Mn. and Mrs. fa(ý,oriIy Benny is in Toronto Clark. Genera but it is hoped that hie Mrs. Cliff Fallis, Alai can be moved to Peterborough David, motored to Irc at a later date. Falls last Monday. Congratulations to those remained there with Mi~ local people wo beld lucky Mrs. Ken Halfyard and ýýickets in the Olympic draw. ily. \. 1'aPul Ruard won $1,000 and Ladies, don't forget "Mr. and Mns, Sid Powers $100. World Day of Prayer Mrs. Ross Kerr (Marie) of held in Pontypool U Bethany R.R. was also a Church on Fiday, Marc] winnen of $1,000. Editor's note. at 2 p.m. This is an ect Lucky stiffs, especially old ical service and ladies friend Sid Powers. faiths are invîted toa Mn. and Mrs,. Jim Curtis and Lunch will be served folI ch are [5 day d Miss Paisley an and roquois Ai Man âr. and id fam- ,t the 7to be United -h l7th cumen- sof ail attend. lowing ~ry Cleanec, G/iuc'Ue DRY CLEANERS CHUCKLE: A Califarniabank received the following brief note with a final payment on an auto contract: "Dear Sirs: This should make us even. Sincerely, but no longer yours.", CLOTHES CARE HINT: YOUR PERSONAL APPEARANCE is greatly imprnved in freshly cleaned clothes. WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER Friday, Mareh 7 - 2:30 p.m.,onfly Pentecostal Church BOWMANVILLE W CLEANERSàL.TD. wmma 84 KING ST. W. 623-5520 '.LIINUI We Specialize In Shirt Laundering" r the service. The village of Pontypool was a hub-bub of excîtement on Sunday afternoon. A steam locomotive came into town, accompanied by buses, vans, actons, actresses, T.V. cnews and even a team of borses with sleighs. t seems Channel il was making a film pertaining to pioneer days and a lot of the action took place in and around the Pontypool C.P.R. Station. Some filming was also done anound Manvers Station. We will ail be looking forward to seeing 'Pont ypool' on T.V. (We understand it won't be on for several montbs). Mrs. Letty Carter. attended tbe Simpson-McDonald wed- ding ln Tinity United Cbunch, Bowmanville on Saturday. The groom, Roland Bryan Simpson, is the son of Mn. and Mrs. Bill Simpson and nepbew of Mrs. Carte's. Reception and dance followed in Centen- niai Hall., Mrs. George Mueller and baby son arrived home from bospital last week. Congratu- lations George and Danlene! If the crowds keep getting langer at the Ballyduff card parties, the Ballyduff folks are going to have to eniarge their hall. At Friday night's euchre party, 14 tables were played witb winnens Anita, Elien and Linda Brown for the ladies and Murray Porter, Gordon Stnong and Cliff Fallis (Miii- brook) for the men. Marjorie Powers won the door pnize. Mrs. Sid Powers and Mrs. Edie Payne leave on Wednes- day for a holiday trip to Texas. (Wonder will Sid blow that lucky $100. wbilewîfe, Mar- MMMfflMMMMM"" Qý PL'CITAT FRI. VAN BELLE k .2ýrE.~ SAT. Hanging Ivy plants for the home. Come and see our large selection of indoor plants. NEEDLEPOINT IVY ENGLISH IVY GERMAN IVY FIG IVY GREEN VARIEGATED IVY SILVER VARIEGATED IVY Reg. $0.99 THURSDAY SRIATUDY O FRIAYUDY O Due to the fact that we ran out of these items on Friday, this special1 wiI11 continue this week onîy!!l NEWS Reverend Mclntyre presiding for the service. Un ited Church Ln the United Churcb Rever- end Victor Parsons spoke on the topic, "The Only Founda- tion" reading Colossians 20: 3-11 and John 8s: 31-38." Our ondinary way of life is off base and -leaning like the Tower of Pisa. We had better ask ourselves wbat our society is buiit upon. Paul says our one and only foundation is Christ, But, haven't we iangely ignored Christ? Was there ever more self -centredness, greed and lust? And we pay the pnice! The foundation of the Christ- ian life is' Christ and hlm crucified. On calvary we see the bonror of sin and tbe boundless love of God. With Christ as our foundation and a living reality, we'll dedicate oun lives to Hlm., jorie, is absent. If the postal strike continues, Sid may be a long time receiving bis win- nings) . Mrs. Orville Challice return- ed home on Tbursday after spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ferrier in Bolton. Isabelle was baby- sitting while Mrs. Ferrier (formerly Dale Challice) was in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chal- lice and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tregunna leave on Sunday for a holiday to New Orleans, and the Mardi Gras. En route tbey hope to attend the Grand Oie Opry in Nashville. On Saturday afternoon, Miss Irmadelia Porter, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Carl Porter, was the guest of bonour at a miscellaneous shower in Ballyduff Hall. Hostesses for tbe occasion were Gloria McQuade and Lucille McMullen. Following a floral contest, Yvonne Fallis read a poetical address, and the bride-to-be opened ber many lovely and useful gifts. She was assisted by sister Carolyn.and Gloria McQuade. Before tbe bountiful lunch, Della Fewings (aunt of the bride-to-be) entertained witb some toe-tapping numbers on ber violin, accompanied by Lillian Fallis on the piano. A trousseau tea is to be held at the home of the bride's' parents on Sunday afternoon, commencîng at 2 p.m. The Teen Dance on Friday night was well attended. Jim Stanley and Don Challice were the chaperones. Another Teen Dance will be beld in two weeks witb Dave Darling, D.J. Your reporter is in a state of elation. Wbhy? (Read the birtb notices- for the answer.) Editor's note: Congratula- tions Grandmna! j Pontypool U.C.W. The Pontypool U.C.W. meet- ing was beld on Wednesday, Feb. 5th with an attendance of 14. The President, Isabelle Challice, opened the meeting witb the reading of the poem, "Lt Takes so Little." Jessie Fisk was in charge of the Devotionai with, the tbeme, "Life is a Partnersbip." Hymns-"What a Friend, we have in Jesus", Blest be the Tie," and "O, Master let me Walk with Thee" were sung. Jocelyn Waldie read the following poems-"When Good Friends Walk Beside us", "Tbe Little Tings" and "Those we Love". Mrs. Fisk read the Meditation and led in prayer. During the Offering 2 verses of "Lord, Speak to Me" were sung. Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and several, "Thank you" cards received. The Presîdent speaking on "Friends" stated tgha t "The best fiend of ail is the Lord, and that we sbould try to introduce Hlm to our friends. Sometimes friends are like beating pads, called on only when needed. Friends are often taken for granted. Sometimes a kind word or deed from a friend is ail that is required to boost one's meir- aie. " Isabelle Challice and Grace Fallis attended a Pres- byterial meeting ýin Peterbor- ougb and gave reports of, the afternoon and evening ses- sions. It was decided to leave to the men the question of the vents in the washrooms. A word of tbanks was given to Mrs. Slute who donated a cannister set for the kitchen. The ladies were reminded of the World Day of Prayer on Friday, Mar. 7th. The ladies from Betbany churches, the Marsh and Baliyduff 'are invited to this service for ladies of ail faiths. Isabelle Chailice reported that she bad contacted W. Capeling, Princi- pal of Grandview and that be, and aiso members of Betbany U.C.W. are going to co-operate witb members of Pontypool U. C. W.' in drawing up a recommendation re use of alcohol, dnugs and cigarettes for the Victoria County Scbool Board. Ail present were in favour of giving$5toad our Foster Chl. This money is to be given to Dave McReelis. An invitation was rcie from the Bethanyj Knox - White satin bowý the guest pews,a chrysanthemums carnationsin wbite, formed the setting ir of the People Churci on Saturday, Februa for the mnarriage Lillian, daughter of Mrs. Harry Dickisoi to Robert Dean, son( Mrs. Harry Knox, Sc James Hanna officiý John Spraggs, close the bridle's family, v ist. Given in marniag father, the bride traditional gown of organza, with a cha lace appliques enhý fitted bodice ai sleeves, the flowii sitwas complet flounce. Her fitted held ber fingertip v( illusion. She wore a jewellery, ber graný pearîs, and carried ou ut of bridal p baby's breath, whi tions, with ivyf groom's mother's bouquet. The matron of hc Mrs. Fara Riordon, the bride, Mrs. Joa er, cousin of the bi Debbie Hurst, couE bride, and sisters of Miss Nancy. Dickisc Bridesmaid, Miss P, son. They wore gowns of polyest, green background quis an d pink eead green veix capes, lined with and carried match velvet muffs, with ci lavender carnations lavender velvet rilj ned on them. Diekison Wedding rs marked The best man was Boyd and white Knox, brother of the groom, and P ink the ushers were Danrel Knox standards brother of the groom, Dave n St. Mary Ciechanowicz, brother-in-law h, Oshawa, of the bride Rick, Archer, ary 8, 1975, Randy Aluin, friend of the of Donna groom, Jeffery Knox, brother 4 Mr. and of the groom, was ring bearer. a, Witby, They wore black windson style of Mr. and tuxedo suits with white canna- )lîna. Rev. tion boutonnienes. ated. Mns. For the neception in Solina efiend of Community Hall the bride's vas ongan- mother wore a deep rose- coloured gowa, wîtb matcbîng ge by ber jacket and lace trim, corsage wore a of white featbered carnations, cloud siik ,the gnoom's mothen wore a apel train, gown of acqua-manine poly- ianced the pois, witb matching jacket id sheen and braid trim and a corsage ing A-ine of sunshine yellow -feathered ted by, a carnations. Mn. George Dun- Ilace cap ham, uncle of the bride, was ,ei of tulle master of ceremonies. .s ber only For travelling, the bride .dmotber's wore a jacket dness of pale a colonial blue knit, black accessories, ink roses, and a corsage of white ite camna-' featbered carnations., Follow- from the ing a boneymooa la Quebec wedding and Montreal, Mn. and Mns. Knox are residing ln Oshawa, onour was Showers tfriend of Pnior to ber marriage, Miss ine Arch- Donna Dickison was honored ride, miss by sevenal sbowers given by [n of tbe Mns. Keitb Shackelton, aunt of the bride, the groom, la Bowmanville, )a, and Jr. Mrs. Bian Knox, of 627 atti Dicki- Radisson Ave., Oshawa, a flowered miscelianeous shower, a kit- er satin, eben and pantry-sbelf sbower with tur- by Mrs. George Harper, flowens, Utica, assîsted by ber daught- et hooded ers, Mns. Faye Scboefield and turquoise, Mrs. Sharon Schoefield. Mns. ing green Clare Mason and Mrs.* Larry orsages of Noonan co-hosted a Jack and , îvy, and Jili sbower at 239 Ritson Rd., )bons, pin- Oshawa. A miscelianeous showen was co-hosted by aunts of the bride, Mrs. Hon Hurst and Mrs. George, Dunbam, * Oshawa. Presentations were made to the bride fnom co-workers at Bell Canada, and to the bride and groom by ~ Solina Community. The wed- ding panty was entertained followîng the reheansal by Mn. and Mrs. Harry Knox, at their home. M AN CANNOT LEURNto SWJM WITHOVT GOIN6 tNTO PEEP WATËR AND RUFFETi THE WAVES. PLUMBýING &HEATI NG and AIR CONDiTIO0NING TYRONE, ONTARIOQ Phone 263-20 C OF Bowling Team Standings H. Pollard 40, 23376; J. Luffmaa 37, 22862; G. Prout 34, 22562; R. Carsweli 32,1 22538; A. Van Goor 31, 22070. G. Heath 27, 22681; R. Vanden'- beng 26, 21807; G. Smith 25, 22529; J. Gouid 24, 22292; R. Hall 21, 22092; B. Smith 20, 22574; A. Bonsma 19, 22059. 111gb Singles N. Dawson............. 269 J. Luffman ............. 276 High Triples N. Dawsona............. 685 G. Prout ................ 764 ELIZABETHVIL Churchi services were held and Mrs. A. Trew, Millbrook, as usual. The choir sang. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. B. Burton, Mn. Bartlett spoke on "Beneatb and Mrs. J. Yarema, Mn. the Cross of Jesus I fain would Richard Gumby, Mr. Zane take My Stand." Mr. W. Austin, Doris and Diane were Banisten had -the Lenten home also. thought, also.assisted with the opening services. March the 7tb will be the UNGS UL World's Day of Prayer at Mn. Mark Cornish, Sudbury, Welcome. and Mr. Roy Bradley, Oshawa On Sunday evening the wene Sunday callers of Mn. yo-ung folk had a Hymn Fest at and Mrs. Sidney Cornish and the church. girls. Mr. H. Quantrili is attending Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rawley, the Good Road's Convention ln Paîgrave; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Toronto this week. Stonehouse, Scbombeng; Mr. Mrs. J. De Koker and Mrs. D. Halliday, Oshawa, spent Tuesday at Tbickson's. I i~ Mr. and Mns. Ken Trew er 9 were with Mr. andl Mrs. A. Trew, Cobourg on Stturday. B Mr. Ray Quantril, Hamil- ton, spent the weekend with Quantrill's. 1Mr. and Mrs. W. Deremo, m Orono were with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew on Sunday. M orefq Mrs. B. Wheeler visited with- her daughter Mrs. W. Cook GeRaDirh and Mr. Cook on the weekend. Ge a ar Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. is less than, H. Muldrew on Sunday were: in C1 Mrs. C. Beatty, Mrs. B. Wheeler, Mrs. B. Muldrew ~QatHm o and Bill Muldrew.1QurH m - o Mr. Andrew Peacock who is 1 Quart Homo - Osh,- at Trent University spent the 1 Quart Homo - Pete weekend with Mn. and Mns. V. iQatHm r Peacock.1QurHoo-B c Mr. and Mns. Garry Fowler- and Miss Nancy Fowler, Toronto, were home on Satur- FOR DEPEND} day. Miss Doris and Diane Beat- TO YOUR Di ty, Toronto, were home on the GLEN RAE D weekend and Diane bas 'the- week at home. Hm ikCfe Mrs. R. Provost and Angle, HoFer Cent Tablee Lindsay, were with ber par- Pa3rCtlyTabled ip ents Mr. and Mns. O. Mercer SmMu ou in on Sturay.Buttermilk Cottage Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson Chocolate Drink Gae spent Thurs. in Toronto. rpf The U.C.W. unit 2 quilted anothen quilt at Mrs. B.- Wheeier's home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Currier and Please ask our dE family, Port Ho pe were with about our 1/2 gal Quantrill's on Sunday. Mrs. delivery plan, W Quantrill kept littie Shelley and Kevin overnight Satur- your cosfi day. Mr. and Mns. Ross Beatty I celebrated several birthdays ifItIS on Saturday evening with a L I f turkey dlinner. Guests were lr.. and Mrs. C. Beatty. Mr. .____________ îwmanville, Februarv 26, 1975 3 and Mrs. Albert Oavey, Oril- lia; Mr. and Mrs. Ugene Bent, Newcastle; Mrs. Fletcher and John Johnson, Oshawa were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. John Vaneyk7L and famnily were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W'. Vaneyk. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leavens and Linda, Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ercego- vac and Anna were Saturday evening guests and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble, Tyrone were Sunday supperiguests of Mr. and Mrs. GabrielKovacs and girls. LIy hiome delivered milk anywhere else Dnta'rio. wimanville awa terborough, ckville 51C 58C 58C 55C ABLE DELIVERY DOOR, PHONE )AIRY - 623-5444 Cream :ream ing Cream ream , ýCheese 4ruit J uice Orange Juice Apple Juice Grape Nectar Eggs-Grade 'A' Yogurt Margarine eliver-v salesm an Mlon discount vhich will reduce ;tS further. Rue It,'s Good Teli Tour Friends. about this ad! Becouso of Numerous Requests 4 DAYS ONLY IN BOWMAN VILLE LEARN PATTERN CUTTING THE MODERN WAY' îJ IN JUST ONE -HOUR r- .-~-Viennese fashion designers and German mathemati- cians bave created a very simple cutting method which '1has been fantastically successful i 28 cutis ~~ Make your own patterns with only two measurements i any sie and style for any mem-ber of your family. SEE OUR SPATTERN -CUTTING JSHOW& - PROVE IT TO YOURSELF DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! ALI NECESSARY EQUI PMENT AVAILABLE AT CLASSES. Demonstration Courtesy of BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Temperance Street CLASSES START: /& Thurs., March 6 - 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Fri., March 7 - 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sat., March 8 - 12 Noon - 2:30 p.m. Mon., March 10 - 10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Ail Classes Identical and Start Promptly. Yo Ur Car! If You're even thînking of Trading. Corne to us. We'll Buy Your Car Remember.. You're Under Absolutely No Obligation to Buy f rom Us. The"Good Guys" Desperately Need Cloan Used Cars!, îW.4VING ST.- EAST - BOWMANVILLE Phone 623-4481 Van Der meer - Chittick, A very pretty wedding took Adrian, son of Mr. and Mrs. place on Saturday, February John Van Der meer, ail of 8, 1975, in St. John's Anglican Bowmanville. Following a Church, Bowmanville, when honeymoon in Aspen, Color- Reverend Thomas Gracie, ado, Mr. and Mrs. Van Der united in marriage, Alice- meer will reside in Faye,1 daughter of Mr. and Newmarket. Mrs. L. H. Chittick, and John Plants Real live plant. Produce pineapple in your own home. Long lasting easy to grow plants. Orange Trees $9.99 Grow your own dwarf orange trees. This variety blooms and produces fruit at the samne time., "'Spring Is Takinàg Off" at Carter' s New Spring Foshions Arriving Doily. Co-Ordinates -Dresses Blouses -Shelis cart'~u o~ tetLb i,7ï1 Bond Towers Shopping Mail 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7152 A Special Shop for Special Women*

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