4 TheCanadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 26, 1975 KENDAL' The Kendal Women's Insti- tute met at the home of Mrs. E. Couroux on Wednesday evening f or the February meeting. The meeting was' opened by the president Mrs. M. Manders with the Institute ode followedby repeating the Mary Stewart Colleet. Mrs. Couroux acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. Turanksy. The minutes of the last meeting were read androl cail was answered by How I Have Prepared for the Future. Plans were made for quilting the Penny Sale quilt on TuesdayMarch 11th at the home of Mrs. R. Elliott. The program was in charge of the convenors forHomre Econom- ics and Health Mrs. A. Dennis and Mrs. John Henderson. They had a display of -legal documents consisting of Deeds of Property, Agree- ments of Purchase and Sale, Wills etc. The lunch commit- tee was Mrs. A. Low and Mrs. R., Elliott. Mrs. Julia Jackson returned home recently from a âoliday in Hawaii. She was accompan- led by. Mrs. Price from Bowmanville on the trip. Mrs. Dan Keane, Jeffery and Janna of Scarborough visited on Thursday with their aunt, Miss Catharine Stewart. On 'Saturday evening the' Orange Lodge 'had 'a very successful dance in Kendal hall. There was a big crowd and good music provided by the Couples Club Orchestra. On Thursday several mem- bers of the U.C.W. met in the Sunday School room for a spring cleaning of the kitchen and some repair work. On Sunday- morning the choir sang "I m a Shield of the King" with Mrs. Alun Foster at the organ. Rev. GIR. Montgomery chose to speak on the "The Compassion of Jesus". There 'are five girls attending the communicant's class who will be joining the church on Palm Sunday. Some of these are from Kenidal. Therewas a short congrega- tional meeting right after the service. Next Sunday the ordination and induction of the Elders will take place. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Howson of Peterborough on Sunday. 11 This is the month for the cllecting of the Hleart Fund. WI. News The February meeting of, the Hamnpton.Women's Insti- tute opened with the singing of the Ode and r epeating the Mary Stewart Collect. Rol Caîl - A new product and my, reaction to it. Minutes were read and approved. Corres- pondence was read. Mrs. Allin m oved w send somreonie to the Oficers' Confereïe-at Water- Ioa on Ap r. 29, 3» and Aay 1, seconded by Mrs. Caverly. The Nominating Coimmitee for the coming year is Mlrs. Chant, Mrs. Yeo and Mýrs. Clemens. Itwas suggested the ladies bring old Christmas Cards to the May meeting to finish a scrapbook started sometime ag o. Mrs. Allin volunteered to fithe auditor',s spot left vacant with the death of Mrs. Salter. Convenorsare remind- ed to bring thir reports to the April meeting. Mrs. Bryant read a selection "Happy Valentines Day". Mrs. Allin took the chair for the South Group and read a poem "Noise". The motto Bushel for bushel" was given by Mrs. Mountenay. Enter- tainment for the afternoon was provided by the Nancy Jayes Singers from Oshawa. The vocal music supplied by these ladies was greatly enjoyed by ahl. Home Economist, Miss- Thompkins, was guest speak- er and dedicated her talk to the housewife. Miss Thomp- kins spoke on the.convenien- ces we have in our kitchens and the importance they are to us. The meeting closed with the Lords Prayer». Road $30, and Harvey Smith's TV Repair on Duke Street where a plate glass window in the front door was smashed, valued at approximately $50. No suspects have been apprehended yet. The investi- gation is being conducted by the Crîminal Investigation Departmentin Oshawa. Reserved Position Newcastle council bas de- cided that a parag raph will be added to aIl of planner George Howden's comments tote Land Division Committee pointing out that the commit- tee does flot decide the officiai position of the town,,and that the town's final position is reserved. 000Scheiders' Weekaut A,&P! 1I SCHNEIDERS W ieners DUTCH TREAT 1l acc79< SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, 7 VARIETIES Coke Ma ts 6-oz Vac Pac 44< SCIINEIDERS, BLUE RIBBON Bologna BY NHE PIECE lb85 SCHNEIDERS, SLICED Cooked Ham 6-oz Vac Pac99 SCHNEIDERS, MINI SIZZLERS Idr OR COUNTRY STYLE b99 9Ij I.PkG OPF4ROLLS E1W F B 1 - PUJRE, FtOM CONAcLNTRATE ACTION PRICED) Aptple Juice 48-f -oz bottie57 VANILLA, CI4OCOLATE, BANANA, CINNAMON Kraft Koogle Spread 12-f'l-oz jar65 RECONSTITUTED LEMON JUICE ACTION PRICED! Realemon Juice 331/2 n l-,,bottle79 A&P BRAND - PEANUT BUTTER CHIP 14 OZ. OR ffl Chp CookeS16OZ. TINO9 Choàjcolate npC oisTIE BAG SWEET OR UNSWEETENED ORANGE OR UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT, RECONSTITIJTED ACTION PRICEDI A&P Juice 4 19-fi-oz tins 89< CONTAINS RICH BRAZILIAN COFFEES 8 O'CLOCK (SAVE 30c) ACTION PRICEDI Istant Coffee 10-oz iar $'0 6 INSTANT (SAVE UP TO 28c OVER NATIONAL BRANDS> A&P Coffee Creamer 6-ozar$1 .019 SALTINES OR UNSALTED (SAVE UP TO 10c OVER NATIONAL BRANDS) A&P Crackers 1-lb pkg 5 9< A&P Cmheese Stiks o.k.69~ ALL PRICES SI4OWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCK4 1ST, 1975. COOKED SMOKED HAMS lb 8 < lbBUTT PORTION CETRE CUTS OR HAM STEAKS LB $1.14 TOWN CILUB, SLICED Side acon 1-lb Vac Pac $1.3 8 K NIVERSAL Pepperoni Pizz SELECT QUALITY, MEATY Pork Hocks POWDER DETERGENT ACTON PRICEDI BEEF, CIKN IEtATO RCD Polie Dog Food 615 p $100 RICE OR TAPIOCA ACTION PRICED! Atmbrosia Puddings L151/-fl oz tns 8 90 CREAMETTES - MACARONI OR ACTION PRICEDI Spagetti2-lb pkg-69<ý CA NA DA GRA DE VA " BEEFN BONELESS'ROASISi Blade Roast Short Rib Roast Shoulder Pot Roast i .1le8 IEXCELLENT FOR BRAISING - - 'a - a -__ A i.B ýo PE la 5 teakS LB 9 4< s l 9 7 9 F R E S HL BW ) lb49< Ground Beef LB68< RABRYOR RASBERRY - WITI PEI Mr.Luke's Jaims PANTRY SHELF SmaII Shrimp CINDY - LEMON Liquid Detergent ECTIN ACTION PRiCEDI 16-f -oz 1jar 79 ACTION PRICEDI 4'/2-oz tin 79Alm ACTION PRICED! 32 FL. OZ. 59l PLASTIC BTL.> Fresh from Our Own. Ovens! IJANE PARKER, ENRICHED WHITE OR 60%1 WHOLE WHEAT (BUY 2 LOAVES - SAVE 9c) JANE PARKER Bran Muf fins JANE PARKER JelIIy Rol JANE PARKER Lemon Rol JANE PARKER, RAISIN TWIST Coffee Cake JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGARED, C.ake Donuts , (SAVE lOC) pkg of 649< (SAVE 6c) 9-oz cake 69< (SAVE 4c) 14-oz cake 75< (S AVE 4c) 14-oz cake 75< CINNAMON (SAVE lOc) pkg ofl1259< JANE PARKER (BUY 2 LOAVES - SAVE 11h) Pumpernickel Bread 216-ozloaves m79<' JANE PARKER (PKG 0F 12 $1.19) Hot Cross Buns pkg of 6 69< JANE PARKER, "BROWN 'N SERVE" ROLLS PLAIN OR WHEAT (SAVE 6c) Twin Roils -PKG OF 12 pkg49< PLAIN, POPPY SEED, SESAME (EDSAVE 6c) French Rolis PKG 0F 10 pkg 4 9< Snowflake Rolis pkgs o 289 CandaO.IOGadeFIJLL 0F FrmURCE CRANAAGAE""BE lbl TEXA CUT & FREEZERDYWRAPCOD Spîn AT N 1O EXTRA CHAGE BRIGHT$,. FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48-F L-0Z TIN REGULAR, DRY, OILY 7.5 FL. OZ. PLASTIC BTL AibrtoBalsam Shampoo $1@&35 6 VARIETIES ACTION PRCEDI Miss Mew Cat Food 6-o t in s 49 Disposabe-Regular Pkg. of 30 or Super Pkg. of 24 ACTIORCEDI babyScott Diapers pkg$19 SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE SIZE (HAND SAVER FPAIR b ê) LIVING Playtex Gloves 9LVS " FAMILY SIZE 100 ML TUBE Pepsodent Toothpaste $ 2 Fuink &Wagnalls It's here! A world of facts on the world of living. mratures. 22 volumes. More than 2,500 color ilUustratonS& 1 Vols, 2-22 WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, GREEN WHIwuuTE SWAN BATIIROOM TISSUE I; KNGC SIZ1E 5-LB Box REGULAR OR DECORATOR WHITE SWAN TOWELS PKG 0F 2.ROLLS Action Priced! A SUPERB BLEND, RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES EUGHT O'CLOCK BEAN 1CQÉIFFiI E E 1 B BAG; 3-LB BAG 99< $1 SAVE 16c'A VE 50 ÀO umummmmmuqlK ew, Mo.