12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 5, 1975 HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Will Ashton, Hampton, were Sunday visit- ors at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones, Welland, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones and fam-ily. Mrs. Bob Townsend, Kes- wick, visited ber grandmoth- er, Mrs. C. Garrard on Sunda and they visited Mr. C. Garrard at Memorial Hospi- tal, Bowmanville. Miss Mary Potts, Toronto, spent the weekend at her home. Mrs. W. Martin, Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potts, Charlene and Christopher were Sundlay visi- tors of the John Potts family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- humn spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shackle- ton at Wilburforce. Mr. Don Cameron came borne on Saturday from the Oshawa Hosptal. Best wishes and a speedy recovery Don. Mrs. A. Trewin, Mrs. T. Buttery, Mrs. W. Blackburn, Mrs. 'J. Potts and Mrs. J. Jones attended the meeting at Trinity United Church, Bow- manville, to hear Dr. Beckett, a gynecologist, speak on women's diseases. World Day of Prayer ser- vice will be held in Enniskillen Church on Friday,,March 7th. Rev. Hopkns of Bowmanville will be the guest speaker. Mrs. J. Potts, and Mrs. Arthur Trewîn visited Mrs. L. Christensen who is a patient in the Oshawa Hospitai, having had an operation. Miss Beth Ashton is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge, Missis- sauga. Frank Neilsen, Enniskillen and Bill Potts, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Potts. Cornwall. A social evening Will be held at the Centre, on Saturday evening. ELIZABETH VILLE Church services were beld as usual. Mrs. K. Trew assisteci andiread the Lenten thougbt. The choir sang an anthem. Rev. Bartlett spoke on "The Cross and the Towel". On Friday evening Mar. 14 at 8 p.m.. Garden Hill Euchre and crokinole party willl bc held, free and open to ail. Don't forget our World's Day of Frayer at Welcome at 2 ).m. In March the Men's Club wilI have a concert at Canton Hall, an evening of laughts and enjoyment. Mrs. H. Quantrill and Mrs. C. Beatty put in, quilts on Monday to be quilted. Mrs. H. Muldrew is in Port Hiope hospital. Mr!. G. Morris wasn't so well iast week buti s better now. Misses Dporis and Diane BeaItty were homre and went back.to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Casselton and Mr. and Mrs. P. Cassel- ton, Simcoe left 'for North Carolina on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. G. McMurray spent a few days' at Lake Temogami thîs-week at Mr. and Mrs. E. Yarrow's cottage. Mr. and Mrs.. G. Fowler, Toronto were home over the wekn.Ken Fowler went back with tbem' to take another mechani's course in Toronto at a comnmunity colege. MIr. and Mrs. C. Mercer Mr. and Mrs. R. M&r~er bac1 tea witbi Mr. and Mrs. W. Ter- bnePort Hope, Suniday. M0r. and Mrs. O. Mercer visited wffth Mr. and Mrs. D. Sýett'erinigton, Baltimore on Sunday. Mrs J. Robinson is baving more trouble with ber thumb and expects to have another operation on i t BURKETON son. Mr. H. Davey, Bowmnanville visited this week with Mrs. R. Davey. The community was sadden- ed ta learn of the sudden passing of Mr. Milton Virtue of Tyrone. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Virtue and leaves to mourn is loss one nrotber, Archie of Oshawà in. two sisters,' Elva (Mrs. L. Byam) Tymone and, Ruby (MVrs. A. bpicer.I oti sowman- ville. Interment wasin Beth- esda cemnetery. Mrs. S. Tabb, Bowmanville was a Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Swain and family. Mrs. S. Grant, Alan , James and David, Zion, were Sunday luncheon guests of Mms, R. Davey. 28 OZ. CONT. 1.59 isý. s, Round- Steaks SPECIAL! BONELESS, FULL CUT Joan Fielden telis how: Joan 1rifluen. )orniînion Horne Icononmiýt (onsultant Don Nichol. Nieat Manager Curried Meat Balis (Serves 6) 1 pound ground beef 14 cup finely chopped onion 1/2 teaspoon sait Dash pepper 3/4 cup soft bread crumbs 1 beatçn egg 1/4,cup tomatojuice 2 tablespoons fat 1. Mix beef. onion and seasonings. Add egg and tomatojuiceý 2. 1orm into l-inch halls. Bi Bmriin meat balls in fat until done' (about 10)minutes). 4. Remove from fat and drain. Sauce 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup chopped celerv 11/2 cups peeied diced apples 1 tabiespoon curry powder 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon sait, 1/ teaspoon pepper 1 1 0-ounce can beef consomme 3/4 cup water I teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon lemonrind 1 tablespoon lemonjuice 1. Drain ail but 1 tablespoon fat from pani. 2. Sauté onion, celery and apple in fat untit onion is transparent. Add Curr y pôwder and cook i minute. 3. Stir in flour, sait and pepper. Gradually add consomme and water. 4. Stir and Cook until smooth and thick. 5. Add remaining ingredients. Cover and simmer 1 hour. Add meat balls and simmer 30 minutes more. Serve with hot rice. The folowing char t ssiii serve as a guideline to keeping grouind beef. BRAVO, PLAIN SI(lI 28 FL DZ. TIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE 69C RICHMELLO SLICED Hamburg Roils SPICIAL! PKG.OF 8 McCAIN FROZEN JULIENNE 32 WZ F50 CANADA FANCY FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 69c ASST' OVARIETIES 9 O~i½ Z, PKG. LEEDS CANDY 89C CHEF BOY AR-DEE, BEEF 15 OZ. TIN RAVIOLI SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT B ALLS OR àc MINI RAVIOLI 51c One of the most popular meats we can buy is ground beef. It's delicious, economicai and nutritious. And there are endless ways to serve it. Like beef loaves. patties. meat balls, pies, spaghetti with meat sauce, chilli con carne and lasagne, to name a few of the favourites. There are also different types of ground beef that you can buy. For instance, regu lar grou nd beef or hamburg is generally the most economical. it's good for patties, hamburgers. meat balls. Meat that's labelied "Lean G round Meat- iR more expensive. And that's because it contains no more than 1 5% fat. whereas regular-ground beefcontains no more than 30% fat. Lean ground mneat makes excellent meat loaves and casseroles. For this week's recipe. l'd like to show you how to make meat halls with a d iffeére nce. MY GUIDE TO KEEPING GROUND BEEF DO DONT DO keep ground beef refrigerated. DO rewrap ground beef, before freezing in freezer paper, plastic or foil ta prevent any ioss of moisture or change in f la vaGr. DO use fresh ground beef within 1-3 days of purchase. DO store raw ground beef no longer than 3-montbs in the freezer at F., DO store coo ked beef dishes such as Chili, meat loaVes and sauces no more tban 3-months in the freezer-this will guarantee best flas'our and appearance. DON'T thaw ground beef at room temperature, thaw overnight in the DONT refreeze thawed raw ground beef -if tl s absolutely necessary ta ref reeze, cook it and then freeze it. Remember if, meat has been frozen once it s better ta cook t and then f reeze tl, rather than refreeze tl. DON'T serve ground beef raw. Cook ta the m ediump, wil-done stage until the pink colou r bas almost disappeared ta ensu re that al1 harmful1 bacteria is destroyed. PRODUCT 0F U.S.A. 10 OZ. BAG Spinach Oranges SPECIAL FLORIDA GROWN 5 LB. BAG 28C LE Rump Roast 18 SPECIAL! MEATY, BONE IN Pork Butt E nd, ,Pork Chops and Shoulder Chops 98LB. Breakfast Bacon LB. SPECIA! 28 MARY MILES RINDLESS pê MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA MAPLE LEAF, MAC & CHEESE, CHIOKEN, P&P, MEAT & OLIVE OR, ASSORTED LOAF COOKED MEATS 46C MAPLE LEAF, MILD CURED LB. VACUUM PACKED119 C01TAGE ROLLS .19 SHOPSY'S VACUUM PACKED f B, CORNED BEEF BRISKET 1.68 MAPLE LEAF, VACUUM PACKED L READY TO EAT, BONE IN COOKED HAMSi 5 Peanut Butter, SPECIAL! 8 YORK, SMOOTH 48 OZ. JAR BITTNER S TRAY PACK BREAKFAST SAUSAGE BI1TTNER'S BONELESS COOKED HAM BITTNERS SKINLESS WIENERS MARY MILES, FROZEN HAMBURG PATTIESý FREMH'SPCJL, HAMBURGER FIXIN'S CONSOMME OR MINESTRONE, 2c CLARK SOUP 2 YORK PURE 24 FL OZ. TIN RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM 1.39 CASE OF24x10 FL. OZ. TINS PEPSI-COLA 4.59 Apple DOMINION, REFRIGERATED 64hL., (TJL wI UNSWEETENED, FROM CONCENTRATE Ju e ORANGE sPEcu~! 83 ALL PURPOSE PRE-SIFTED 20OLB. BAG SPECIAL! DOMINION FLOUR 2f65 ALLENS PURE FANCY, SALTED 16 OZ. TIN 48 FL. OZ. DOMINION MIXED 1.5 TIN4 MIITS.5 DOMINION, CANADA CHOICE 2 8 FL. OZ. TIN FRUIT COCKTAIL 65c DOMINO LIQUID BLEACH, u PANTRY SHELF, 1 L Z I CANADA CHOICE 1 LD I WHOLE ARROTS -29c ASST D VARIETIES 18.5 DZ. PKG. DUNCAN HINESc CAKE MIXES 93, INSTANT DOMINO COFFEE LIME OR REDWOOD AQUA VELVA 128 FL. OZ. CONT. NOXZEMA 99""c MOUTHWASH SPECIAL! 8 -OZ. JAR HILLTOP 12OZ, PKG, 0F 100 TEA BAGS 97 c RICHMELLO SIll I', 20 OZ. PKG. CHERRY PIE 79C RICHMELL0 PKG. 0F-6 HOT CROSS BUNS 79C LIQUID BUBBLE BATH MR. BUBBLE FIRM, EXTRA FIRM 155OZ. AEROSOL CONT. OR SOFT LADY PATRICIA - PROTEIN HAIR SPRAY il.-17 STANDARD ADULT SIZE' PEPSDENTTOOTH BRUSH 57) FLUSHABYES PKG OF 60 DISOSBLDIAPERS35 FACELLE ROYALE, 3 PLY PKG.0F 60 WHITE OR YELLOW FACIAL TISSUES 3Mc LB. KG Hamburg SPI c GROUNO BEEF 4LB. Bologna c SPE CIAL! RANCH STYLE, BY THE PIECE SLICE PREVIOUSLY FROZEN L BEEF LIVER 69e LB. FROZEN, POLY PACK L 1 .3-3 HADDOCK FILLETS 12 4 OZ. PKG. FROZEN, POLY PACK 83C SOLE FILLETS 10 LB. PKG BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA 1 V2 LB TIN 89 COOKED HAM 28 2L.BOX PARCHMENT WRAPPED 16 OZ. PKG. 138 BONNIEc 7 OZ PKG. MARGARINE3B 4 c STEAK AND KIDNEY OR 15 5OZ TIN STEAK &MUSHRiOMý - TYNE MEAT PIES 84c DIVIDER PACK, CHUN KING CHOW MEIN 21Ls83O ARMOUR BEEF OR' 24 FL. OZ. TIN IRISH STEW 85Mc REGULAR OR DIP CHIPS 13.2 ()Z. DRUM HUMPTY DUMPTY ,d POTA TO CHIPS 9i9c LIBBY'S CANADA FANCY 48 FL OZ TIN TOMATO JUICE 57 c CORONATION S(1I48 FL. OZ JAR BREAD 'N BUTTER PICKLES 99gc Cc ol Chip Cookies C BEEF FLAVOUR 720W PKG. 000 F000 GAINES BURGERS 2.7 CLOROX 2 40 OZ BOX DRY BLEACH 10 ASSST'D COLOURS, 2 PLY< 4 ROLL PKG. ROYALE BATHROOM 1.07 T ISSUE u POWýDERED SPICIAL! 140OZ CONT. DUTCH CLEANSER' 29c WîTH PORK 19 FIL. OZ. TIN" N TOMATO SAUCE A; LIBBY'S BEANS 5 iecause eis VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TIME TUESDAY, MAR. 11, 197S, N BOWMANVILLE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINIONSTORES. LIMITED Or our name ominion. DOMINION STORES LIMITED 4FLOZBTL 1-09 SPECIAL! SPI(l'I! 19 FL OZ. CONT. DOMINION 8 2c16 OZ. PG m