PAGE FIVE Supp lement of The Canadian Statesman, March 5th, 1975 BRIDES,'75, How to get along with your new, mother-in-law It's not as bad as it's been "cracked up" to be ...this relationsbip. Re- miember that sbe's a per- son, an individual, much the same asý you, and to sorne extent, she bas somne prîority rigbts. Because of her seniority alone, she deserves deference and respect, so it'swell to put the "problemn," if any, in proper perspective. In a very -real sense,0f tbe word, respect is tbe namne of the game, if you are gong to get aloflg witb your busband's motber, and sbe, witb you. it works botb ways. You no doubt will flnd many useful things about your new busband, from bis mott&er. Not the fam- ily secrets kind of thing, of course, but you will probably pick up little dlues to bis character, througb ordinary conver- ations with this lady. You may find out that his gustatory tastes, for in- stance, are flot 50 ex- travagant, after ail; be may bave been trying to impress you, ail those months. (Wbat a relief, these days of "cutting corners" - and wbo isn't, even if you were born for honcymooners. riding in the Poconos Over the river and tbrough the woods Wo a beautifully secluded farmn in the mountains of Penn- sylvani a, Meadowbrook Rîding Farm, in East Stroudsburg, go riding en- tbusiasts 0f all levels. Avid riders and, trainers, Jill and Walter Bredel, along with owner Jimmy Pîllet, welcome guests to ring in- struction and trail riding,- as weil as bomey bed and board. Arrive in time for din- ner (7:00 P.M.) on Friday nigbt, and after a good night's sleep, if you like, you may be awakened at 8:30 for breakfast and morning lessons. A team of capable instructors, beaded Iby Karen Boulton, a graduate of Morven Park, Graduate Center, and more than over 50 well trained borses insure not only a pleasant, but thor- oughly instructive week- end. Guests are grouped according Wo ability and are sure to enj oy and learn f romi their stay at Mead- owbrook, eacb according to bis own strengths and "problem areas." During the other five days of the week, the farm is as invit- ing, and witb, naturally,_ the samne instruction and fadilities. 1 1 There are two outdoor bunt and jumping courses,, 120 acres of land 'as well as a 13,000 square foot in- door Riding School and arena, to make cold and rainy weekends n 'o prob- lem, Twenty-flve years ex- perience as a "serious" re- treat for riders of Englisb saddle contributes to the f eeling of confidence and comfort you'll feel by Sun- diay evening of your week- end at the farm or after your full week or two. You'l stay in tbe miain bouse or converted miii of the, 125, year old f armr, dine beartlly three times DOWNTO a day, take advantage of excellent instruction and leisurely trails of wbicb there areover twenty-five miIes'of well ridden trails. Play tennis. Go cross country skilng, or just re- lax with a good book in front of tbe fire. There are evien Saturday inorn- ing in-saddle exercises to shape Up "city muscles." AUl meals, lessons, use of facîlities plus tips are included. Speclal "Week- end Clinic" Programs for concentrated instruction that includes 4 Wo 5 hours of lessons a day, are held at varlous times during the year. For information, cail (717)~ 629-0296. witb the proverbial silver spon in your mouth!) You may also pick Up tips on the handling of the "beast"ý (read "'unruly husband").- His mother may show you bow tact and patience can subtly turu bis interests in Sit- ting for hours on a Sunday afternoon in front of the television set, to a positive, if restrained willingness to view the Wyeth art at a local museum witb you. And so it goes. Start now. Make the most of knowing your'mother-in- law! Bride should choose ber diaÏmonds early Modern etiquette per- mits asking the bride to help select ber diamond gif t. This should be done well 'in advance of the wedding day, s0 she may consider it ini planning her biridal attire. Pendant, pin or earclips, ber dlamond jewelry can complement ber gown, in design and placement. If she chooses a gown with one of the new high necklines, and the gif t is a pendant, the neck-cbain, should be long enough to show ber diamond prop- erly., Pins are versatile, but this season's bride may wish to display ber dia- mond pin by centering it in her lheadpiece. Best Wishes for Your Wedding from ELECT]ROLUX SALESMEN AND SALES LAD lE S NEEDED TO à SERVICE AREA Phone 723-4163 BRIDAL SHOES ONLY $2e98 FREE TINTING SAME DAY )PEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TO 9 p.m. )WN OSHAWA 9 SIMCOE S. 728-7611 rMake Kramp's Your One-Stop Home Furnishings-% Headquarters We Carry a Wide Range of Top Quality Livingroom Groupin s by' Kroehler Braemnore-Roxton Corne în and Check Ouf the_ Reasonable--:* Prices on Carpeting..... ...... MANUFACTURED BY HARDING, ONE 0F THE C0OUNTRY'S LEADING MILLS INQUIRE ABOUT OUR CUSTOM-MADE DRAPERY SERVICE We Have in Stock Everything You'II Need for the Bedroomn: * Bedroom Suites, by Famous Manuf acturers * Mattresses and Maitching Box Springsi by Simmons I SELECTION OF Lamps-End Tables WIDE SELECTION Painings Cedar Chests *WE OFFER FREE STORAGE, FREE DELIVERY AND WE WILL SET UP THE FURNITURE TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS. *"Quality'Fur niture Is An Investment" 37 King St. E. 623-7071 Bowmanville's Headquarters for FURNîTURE - CARPETS and DRAPES