v PAGE TEN, PROMENADE WHITE . .. White is elegance ii all-wool, worsted summer suit by Rubin Bi features half-inch saddle stitching; reverse-î pockets; a French buttonhole on one lapel and t, vest has six buttons grouped in pairs. (Photo taken at Canadian Ai Tbingsyour mother ne-ver toi yiou-about the i.tty gritty apects of "kepngbouse" Quick now - truc or false? * A carpet can hold its own weight in dirt, yet look - dean, * Regular gentle vac- uuming heips keep lush, leafy plants healthy and lustrous. * Failure of an air con- dîtioner resulting from a dirty con- denser is usually flot covered by the war- ranty. * You can demoth clos- ets with a canister vacuum cleaner. Ail of these statements are true - but don't throw Up your hands in dîsgust if you flunked this mini- quiz. You probably cidn't know the answers because these are just a f ew of the many things your mother mnay neyer have told you abouit running a house. With 94 percent of this year's niew brides planning to work full or part time, according to a Bricle's AIazýïine survey, and the plethor-a of modemn con- ~-venience cleaning tools available, housework is be- ing relegated to part-time status, That's why it's more imi- portant than ever before to know ail about your homie: how to keep it sparkling and running Ssmnoothly with a minimum ofef,ffor t Didi your mnother tell youx what can be youir best home -care helpmate? No? Well, how about av uumr cleaner? Many w( en consider it their n important home care, ites f ound in 9-7, percer all households. Sure, you know ail ab vacuums. from watch your mother, but, say perts at the Eureka Hc Care Institute, tode vacuum is a very differ appliance from that vacuum mom conter, with. The contemporatyv uum cleaner is an purpose time and ente saver that quickly thoroughly cleans not o carpets and furniture, eveythngfrom lei plants 'to dirty airco: tioner condensers. Mother probably diÈ teIl you about' ther Power Team two-in-i vacuums that combine versatility of a cani with the deep clean ability of an upright; that ne-w uprighta Power Team vacut have a wide range of r Pet heighIt adjustment, effectively dlean eve. thing f rom low-nap kili en carpets to thick she She May' have mis. telling youI about ther conveieýnce ,features Edge Kleener which ma (cleanîng- those hard rahPlaýces-,cornerso arounýd baseboards-ea Or tou,!ch control on- Supplement of The Canadian Statesman, March 5thi, 1975 BRIDES '7,i j -mâ mm mm m mmm m MMMMLM MMM m w M iWe Arffe Pleasedi IhWI L~fohoic 4 I Horn spekIr I I1 RadSy' -piI * t 11 1Ip 1a1ý Watt iII * Pakers 44 ain o a chasse! reales artstwechant TrargeTapeelsy-acideisla stereop ,wcflanttheorS scersTachrmorapee artrttCcrtcttrr *Garatdtyecor Idlacqalplaydstheeslae carme ec> 5 16 SpeaEr Sr hspenstonOsocoseSud oSs n~~~r this thre-pice,1iîreigtei ros oMtreal. ofthe jacketn oThe Perfect Gif t to ol atahmnts doesndf rt eJu tM-id ample, that: *'A vacuum's long, slim4-1' crevice tool cleans dust and dirt from vac- fireplaces, hot air reg- isters and the con- 'om- densers e coils and Mnost evaporator pans 'of II ally, humidifiers, air con- nt o diiones ad reriI ,bout ýaos cx-n e The sof t bristles of a orne, dusting brush willI iay's dlean wicker furni- ýrent ture, books, leafy old lant andbeI ndld splantsadbd îded springs I IeA otwiha uhl ail- stery brush wil bene- I- Lergy fit mattresses, pillows * Reg. $225-.00 * and - even clothing? * Na but And mom probably ~i+ + ~ af y didn't' mention that a riurrv - Q a tiisAre i te ndi- canister vacuum's, blower >III~ idn't new -one the ster ning ý;or and Sm s car- s to ry- tCh- iags. ssed new like akes 1to and asy; -off part will moth-proof clos- ets quickly. Want more information about household shortcuts and other things mother may neyer have mention- cd like: what type of vac- uum cleaner is best for your needs, how to organ- ize a home, cleaning cen- ter or how to plan a home care schedule? Then write for the bookiet "Every- thing You Always Wanted To Know About Your Home." Send 20 cents with your narne and address to: Eureka Home Care i- stitute Bookiet, Dept. MES. 1201 Bell Street, Bloomî- ingtbn, III. 61701.