4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 5, 1975 NESTLETON Winners at the W.I. euchre party were: Ladies First- Marion. Heasiip, Second-' Bernice Gibson, Third-Ruth Proutt. Men: First-Frank : Hoskin, Second-Beatrice Cool-O edge, Third-Bert Gibson. Next party is March 10. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore i S g spent last weekend with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robinson, at Stroud. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs, A.W. Brown of Oshawa were mid-day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow, of parents at a noon luncheon in Lindsay on Saturday. Mr. and FANCY QUALITY Mrs. Win. Brown, of Lively, were Sunday af ternoon callers ý A&P iPec with the Thompsons and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maires were A&P, CHOICE QUALII evening dinnerè guests. Mr. Jack Johnstone of Manotick, Green BE was a Monday visitor. Miss Janice Williams spent a few days last week with her aunt Mrs. Dorothy Chapman - and family in North Bay and attended the winter carnival. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Ira Argue, Mr. and Mrs. Tom I-odge, Tommy and John, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin to honour Tommy's birthday. Improved health is wished for Mr. Fred Dayes who returned from Bowmanville Hospital on Friday. On Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. Dayes were hosts to their f amily for evening dinner in honour of Fred's birthday, February 28. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Chartes Andrews Jr., Tracie and Colleen of Prince Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dayes and JA family, of Brooklin. Mrs. Lawrence Cooledge left on Friday to~ spend a few days with hier 'sister, Mrs. Florence Thompson, in Toron- to. She will also visit bier daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris and family at Seeley's Bay. Miss Ruth Proutt, Nestie- ton, Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan, Carolyn and Douglas, Lindsay visted for Sunday afternoon and were eveningI dinner guests of Mrs. Ivan Proutt. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew returned from a delightful two weeks' cruise in the Caribbean. The boat (ship) provided luxury accom- modation a theatre. swim- ming pool, and orchestra for dancing and super-delicious food with a menu for every meal. At midmigtt food was provided, buffet style, for the seven hundred and seventy Fro, passengers. There were also three hundred and twenty in RICH'S, FROZEN the crew. With over one thousand on board ship the i food outlay was tremendous. Cof ee During thie cruise theboat YRKFRENF docked at fine islands which, gave the passengers an oppor- turfity to tour these. At the BarbdosMr.andMrs Frw ~ .~ A&P, FANCY, FR02 had an interesting experience when two brothers who work- ta b ed for them in the summer, met them at, the dock, took them to their. homes and g ave them an extended tour o f the island. The group also spent one day in Venezuela where they took a bus trip. e 1On the return to Toronto A c the group was privileged to return on a 747 jet with 320 passengers. Each day provi d- ed a ful schedule of activities so there was neyer a dul moment - a neyer-to-be-forgot- ten vacation i the blue waters of the Caribbean.e Mr. Frew paused to reflect that there are so many people with so littie of this world's goods and yet continue to be happy, we, as Canadians, may have much to learn as we strive to receive more for less effort. Presbyterian Sunday Services In the Presbyterian Church e Sunday morning, Mr. Brian Fraser chose, "The Kingdom of God in Canada", as the toi ho is message, reading portions of Micah and Luke. "Many of our ideas are found thing to doiGbyatice.Bu JANE PARKER it 1s siigambling!I Jesus rejected Satan' s i Sweet Rc grand prize and accepted JANE PARKER God's. The Crown of Thorns became the Crown of Glory.I SweetRo He offers to, us ail the Crown of JANE PARKER Life. i Frosted EB NEW BALL EXECUTIVE 1975 Executive elected to represent the Bowmanville Basebaîl Association are as follows: President - Frank Hooper; Vice President - Max Yourth; Secretary-Treasurer -Bob Marjerrison; Past Pres- ident - Ted Dadson; Directors - Don Crossey, Larry Dewell, Don Fraser, Don Glhooiy, Harold Harnmond, Anyone wishing to coach, manage, umpire or assist the organization in any way is asked to contact Frank Hoop- er 623-4802 or -Bob Marjerrison 623-2478. 1 à.i, el....' ' l 2 A&P qKtr. SLMONBRAND p 2s TV eans CCKR 219 fi-oz tins 79Y 3 19-f -oz tins$1.00 SALTINES OR UNSALTED SAVE Up TO 10< OVER NATIONAL BRANDS ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH Sth, 1975. 73/-OZ TIN 1-LB PKG CHOICE, WHOLE, WHITE A&P Potatoes A&P BRAND Walnut Pieces 9qÀ SE 319-f i-oz tinm 8-oz cello 2 s$1.00 pkg97< zen Foods! tich 32-oz carton 59 FNCY Spruts2-lb pkg $1.19 )ZEN rre n r omi s$le.0 SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, SKINLESS .Sliced Beef Liver TOWN CLUB OR SUPER-RIGHT, SLICED Side accon 1-1lb Vac a W ieners 1-lb'Vac Pi PRIDE 0F CANADA, SLICED, 6 VARIETIES C.ooked Meats6oVc BURNS BRAND STORE PACK Sausages BEEF & PORK SUPER-RIGIIT QUALITY, MEATY Pork Hiocks ulity Baked Goods fresh from our own ovens! JANE PARKER, Siced (Delicious Toasted) (81JY 2 LOAVES-SAVE 19c) SH 12-ai cake ma. CAKE ff*,r (SAVE 10e) iPie FULL 8-INCH PIE Each 89<, PKG 0F 12 $2.19 ès Buns pkg of 669< LLA (SAVE 6c) n Cup Cakes pkgf6 5 9 (SAVE 4c) .oaf Cakce 10-oz cake 55< 15-OZ FOIL TRAY (SAVE 111c) :e Brownies 89< (SAVE 4c) NsJELLY TOPPED pkgof 8 7.5< (SAVE 4c) Ils3 PINE APPLE TOPPFD pkgof 875< (SAVE 10c) 3lu Donuts pkg of 65W JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) Jelly Donuts Pkgof669< JANE PARKER, SLICED (BUY 2 LOAVES - SAVE 9c) ize OLD-FASHIONED 224-oz lbaves 8Q 13rca"Brown'N Serve" pkg of 2,8-ozlbaves4,5< French Stix 12-,z pkg of 2 boaves 4W< JANE PARKER <BUY 2 PKGS - SAVE 21c) Twin RoUis 2pkgs of 25W IT'S NEW! JANE PARKER ACTION PRICEDI Cup Cakces ICED SPICED pkg of 669< JANE PARKER Sugar Cookies JANE PARKER Date Turn-Overs 18-oz pkg 89 lO-oz pkg 49< lb98fL BLUE WATER, FROZEN, THRIFT PACK $139 Fish & Chips 32-oz pkg$.25 'AC $1.38) GOLDEN CANADIAN %c 72< Frozen Kippers lbd49< CARIBBEAN QVEEN, FROZEN - 36 TO '40 COUNT Pac44< Large.Shrimp 5lb b.$7.99 8ýGOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, HEAT &. SERVE lb 78 Chickcen Cutiets lb 78< HIGHLINER, FROZEN lb 49< Cod Fillets lb 99< jI ACTION PRICEDI 8.8-oz pkg 79<% 8-f l-oz tin 39 26-FL0 L i 2 CANADA No. 1 GRADE, FLORIDA, FIRM, RIPE ý TOMATOES2-lb tray8' CANADA FANCY GRADE, ONTARIO, RED Delicious ÂApples 3-lb bag79< CANADA No. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, YELLOW Cooking Onions -5-lb bag 5 9< VARIETY 0F COLOURS FOR YOUR CH01CE Potted Hyacinth 4-nchpot69< Remember .,If A&P sells if, A&P guarantees if! A&P CHOCOLAtECHIP COOKIES A & P PEANUT BUTTE R CHI1P COOKI ES 1 lb. 89C 14 oz. 89,C PURE-Raspberry, Strawberry, Black CuFrant, Cherry ACTION PRICEDI E. D. Smith Jams 9-fl-ozjar 79< 4 VARIETIES C oke lO-oz box 49< NEW MINT OR SPEARMINT JMaccLeains Troothpaste 50-ml tube 5 9 DETERGENT Swan Liquid 2 24-fI-oz plastic btls $.39 MA LING 1-FL OZ TIN Mandarin Oranges 3/si1.00 DESSERT TOPPING MIX Dream Whip 4-oz pkg 75f' LIGHT CHIJNKS Star Kist Truna Fish 61/2-oz tin67K KING ST. E. BODWMA NVI LLE. SUPER-RIGHT, CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF 6AVERA85-LUS8 CUT AND WRAPPED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE AT A&P. CONSISTS 0F ROASTS, STEAKS, STEWING BEEF, GROUNO MEATS & SOUP BONES. Frozen Meut -and Seofoods! FACIAL TISSUE - WHITE OR COLOURED ACTION PRICEDI KLEENEX 031 9 TISSU E bo:f 003 89 FRUIT CREME, HOME ASSORTED, FAMILY DIGESTIVE, BOURBON CREME, ASSORTED CREME ACTION PRICEDI Peek Frean Biscuits 15-oztintebag 89W CHAMPION - 5 VARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI Dr. IBallard's Dog Food 415-oztns$1.00 LAY'S OR RUFFLES Po-tato Chips BIEF, IRISH, CHICKEN AND TURKEY Clark Stews iJ JAN E P AR K!MR WIENER ROLLS P>KG SA VE OFfl lot PARCHMENT WRAP ACTION PRICIEDI Monarch syâMrgcarine,1-b pkg 59< NON RETURNABLE BTL 7-MUP J JANE PARKER RAISIN PIE FULL' AV 8-INCH S V PIE ?20c J ROY*ALL L'UNCI'EON MEAT __r mir -7-7 1