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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1975, p. 5

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Çýongratulations to Anita Campbell, a grade 13 Courtice Secondary student, who spoke on "Making a Speech" in the speaking contest held at the Whitby Legion Hall, recently. ~Anita placed second in the Grade il to 13 category. . A total of 17 members of Kedron United Church "Hi C", took part in a Starve-a- thon fromT 7 p.m. Friday - 7 f m. Saturday, to aid in feeding the hungry of the world. Drinking only one glass of juice per hour, the group of youths raised approximately $200. Stepping into Spring is the theme chosen for this year's Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, fashion show, to be held in two weeks, at Eastdale Collegiate, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Women's Fashions will be presented by Franz Haute Couture Fashions, whi]e WiI- son's Men's Wear Store wili present fashions for men. 1A speciai car show wili be held March 7, 8 and 9th at the Toronto International Centre, 6900 Airport Road, Malton. Organized by "Dizzy L1ean Murray" and hosted by the Tackman Car Club, Toronto, the ail Canadian show, 'Mot- ion '75', a rod and customn car show, will feature Canadian buiît and rebuilt cars. antioue and vintage cars. In co-operation with the Art Gallery of Ontario, Extension Services. Whitby Arts Station Gallery wili be exhibitîng works of Stephen Hogbin. March 7th-3th 1975. Recep- ti or March 9th, from 3:00 to 5:(0 p. m. Lecture March 2lst at 8:00, Workshop March 22nd and 23rd. Gallery Hours-Tues. to Sun. 2-5 p.m. Tues. to Thurs. 7-10 p.m. Whitby Arts Station Gallery Henry and Victoria Streets, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gould and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ailn, Tara-Lee and Karli-Ann, and Mr. Rick Patterson, recently returned from an enjoyabie skiing holiday, staying in a chalet at Faith teoches Of ail men the most neglil ent is he that dispu eth idly. Let deeds, flot words, be your adorn ment. For further information please write, P.O. Box 36, Bowmanville, Ont. Mount Ste., Marie, Quebe SA surprise birthdayp was held for Mrs. IL Shirk, Bowmanviile, ai home of her son, Mr. and1 Don Ellis, Oshawa rece Mrs. Shirk's family;, from Hope, New Hamburg Bowmanvîlle were pre. Following a iovely ti dinner served b y Mrs. E]l beautiful drop leaf table cards were presented to guest of honor, by her fai and grandchildren. A cý was heid in the recreî room with music provide her son Carman. Sev friends attended, and gif ts cards received. Later, a ti lunch wasserved by Mrs. Ellis, mesdames Cari Douglas and GeraldS bringing a lovely evening close. Mr. and Mrs. Ja Shirk, Richmond, B.C. unable to attend. Mrs. Edna Wood Tyr was an overnight guest Friday with her cousin1 Winfred Cameron, Welii Street. Mr. and Mrs. Dou, Nichols, Kingston and1 Linda Raymond, Pembr spent las? Wednesday wili father, Mr. L.B. Nick Carlisle Avenue. Mr. Peter Feddemna officer of the Rehoboth Ch ian Reformed Church Bowmanville, ieft recentl a trip to the hungerstri: areas of Bangladesh. Feddema is the district rE sentative of the Chri: Reformed World Relief( mittee, which bas sent hirr to make hîmseif acquai with the reai situation t and to find together witho relief agencies ways means for heip that wil effective and reach those are in need. A special offe for the work of t he C.R.W. will be held in the Chris Reformed Churches in area in April. Each family be asked to contribute $ to help a family in ne& Bangladesh. The Ontario Arts Cou today announced that fi wiil be available to& professional creative ar and groups witb proj, designed specifically International Women'sY Awards for up to $1,000 individuai artists and u. $3,000 for groups will be n with priority given to oni creation, in choreogral playwrighting, composi visual art, film and literat The Arts Council wil make awards up to available towards admniniý The -Bowm a nv ille Pentecostal Church 75 Liberty St. S. 1 Pastor: Revv D. Rogers 1 Phone 623-5182 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:55 arn. - Sunday School 11: 00 a. m. - Morning Worship 7: 00 p. m. - Service of Water Baptisn Friday - 2:30 p.m. - Women's World Day of Prayer A Friendly Family Church St. PauIà'sUnited Church, Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. Organist - Gerald K. Buroess 't'leSunday, March 9, 1975 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship "FROM TRUTH TO TREASON" Comung PALM SUNDAY ST. PAUL'S SENIOR CHOIR WlLL PRESENT STAINER'S "CRUCIFIXION" Nursery For Pre-School Chiîdren Every Sunday World Day of Prayer Service Friday, March 7, 2:30 p. m. Peitecostal Church Sunday, March 9th, 1975 SUNDAY SCI-LOOL CLAiSSES 10:00o a.m. - Aduit, in Upper Room 10: 00 a.m. - Classes for ail ages, 9 and Up il1:00 a. m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten il. 15a. m. - Primary Dept., ages 4to 8 iiA.M.-WORSHIP SERVICE Sacra ment of Baptism 7:30 - EVENING WORSHIP World Day of Prayer Service FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2:30 P.M. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH, LIBERTY ST S. Sunday, March 16, 7: 00 P.M. Dewi Sant WelsIi Choir under direction of Glyn Roberts (100 voices) wiII be at Trinity Church for an evening of hymn singing and Ross Metcalf wiIl be guest soloist. Reserve these dates: May 15, 10 a.m. to 12 nmon, U.C.W. Bake Sale; Oct. 7th, Thank Offering Talent Tea; Sat., Nov. ist, Annual Beef Dinner. Please cali 623-5483 or 623-7252 for pickup of unwanted articles for Jack' &JilI CIub's Auction Sale in April, the proceeds for -MealIs on Wheels". )ec. party Henry it the iMrs. metly. nPort and ýsent. irkey lis, a ,and to the imily lance eation ld by ,'eraI s and buffet sDon -man, 'Shirk ig to a James were ro ne, ;las? SMrs. igton iglas Mis roke, ih his chois, à,an 'hrist- ,h of Ily on ricken Mr. epre- istian Com- lm out inted there iother ;and IlI be Items oflInterest Phone 623-3303 Stamp ,who by BILL SMILE fering I HAVE personally had V.'R.*C. istian Canadian Postal Service. iour I am sick to, death of p« I wiil and threats of strikes. $ And I almost throw up, Honorable Bryce Macka, ouncil ter in charge' of the - [unds cornes on television to sti ,tssthat postal employees lasl )jects only a million dollars or 7for which is just a drop in t Year. D for and that we have the up to postal service in the worl made, His first statement ginal condones thef t by publice ition,; His second must be sor .tuwe. hallucinated while recovi also an overdose of stamp glui $2000 istra- Admitted, that for yeî -employees were sorelyi and rmost of -them wvere only for the security it off 1But the security is stili they are now far fr< underpaid. Some of them, what they do, and thei ý2 simple qualifications requ be overpaid, in compai some other jobs.. 1 Admitted, many posta« unexciting, even boring a n onous. This is no excuç flouting of the public's nei the thumb-to-the-nose ai jwards the government, er the postal workers. Nobody forced those work in the post office. other jobs are just as moni -,they wanted excitement' they go into high steel massage parlors? Isn't it about time foi down? Either Canada gE rate postal service, as w have, or we scrap the wl and turn it over to enterprise. In my far from humbi, the latter course should1 taken years ago. For several decades, the perfo the post office in this cc been a dismal one. Each year, efficiency d each year the costs increi new broom appointed as has carefully swept the c the rug, instead of out the IL think it's too late forî the post office, which has 1 constipated that nothing dynamite wouild move th( bowels. No new minis ter has the Sin and ream out the dot public pipeline. It would bi on a platter if he tried. Nope. It's too late, Get well wishes are extend- ed to ail those local people in bospital-H-azel Fallis in St. Joseph's, Peterborough; Miary Curtis in Bowmanville; Ross Smith and Benny Ben- ford in Toronto. Retunning home oven the weekend from vacations spent in the soutb were Mr. and Mns. Gien Bradley, Mn. and Mrs. Pete Miller and family, Mn. and Mrs. David Sutcb and Mn. and Mrs. Jim Curtis. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs., Gordon Stnong who recently celebrated thein for- tieth wedding anniversany. On Satunday night, a presentation was held for tbem in Ballyduff Hall. Music for dancing was suppl)ied by tapes and George and Vera Timms. Jim McMul- len nead the addness and Winnie and Gordon, each replied aften the presentation Vol un teers. Receive Pins of Recognition Out Postal Strikes y - measures. Lt's'time to put the whole, it, with the shambling, sick, half-paralyzed lev- , 0 called. iathan on the auction block, and seli )stal strikes it to the highest bidder: buildings, bricks, equipment and jobs. every time And let's flot get any phony [sey, minis- nationalism mixed up in it. If one of ?ost office, the new rich oil countries wants to bate bluntly buy the mess and put in in running ýt year stole order, why not? Canadians can't do whatever, it, apparently., he bucket, You think this is too drastic? It third best seems the only alternative we have d. to limping along with a postal practically system that the word "rotten" employees. inadequately describes. .ething he You think something as big and ,ering from important as the postal non-system te. should be controlled by the govern- ýrs, postal ment? Hogwash! Anyone with ears underpaid, to hear or eyes to read knows that in the job govern-,ment 'is nabyinefficîent as fered. an employer. there, and Let's look at one exaniple. We om sorely have two transcontinental railways. in view of CPR, privately owned, has shown a realatively thumping profit year after year. The .ired, may CNR, government owned, highly rison with subsidized, is always in the red. You think I'm a little hot today? d jobs are You're right. Postal strikes have nd monot- cost me considerable, in terms of se for the anxiety and cash. And I'm only a ýeds, or for little frog. Imagine what the lousy ttitude to- service is doing to slow down and rnployer of- thwart large companies, whichhire hundreds of thousands. people to As I write, postal employees in Plenty of Toronto are not working, while 'mail iotonous. If piles up in thousands of tons. why didn't Why are they not working? 1work or Because they won't cross the picket lines of another, comparatively ýr a show- small union that is on strike. ets a first And get this. The Post Office gave ve used to its non-working employees leave of rhole thing absence without pay. They wiere not priva te fired. And those employees have the unbelievable gaîl to talk of suing the le opinion, post office because they are not have been drawing their pay when they are not the past working, even though they are not on )rmance of strike. Can you figure that out? Lt 'untry has makes my head reel. This week, I sent a letter "special lecreases; delivery." Lt cost me 48 cents in ,ase. Each postage. To make me expend such a sminister sumi, the letter had to be' mighty dirt under important. It's sitting in a post door. office, unsorted, in which the a purge in ýemployees are NOT on strike. become so I've had enough. Who'll join me? rshort of And in closing, may I add and I don't ýse turgid put the blame on the postal union, not al of it. These people are human guts to go and will reach for all they can get. tle of the The real root of my rage 'and the ýe his head fifth-rate Caniadian postal non- service is the gutless politicians in for haîf Ottawa. Fortunately no bones wene broken, but the arm was badiy cut and swollen. Penny even bas cuts on the face from the machine. Barbara and Lee Pleadweli spent the weékend with rela- tives in Toronto. Master Danny Bazinet is back to scbool but jus? attends pant-time. Danny took quite sick las? Octobei' and stili tires veny easily. At a recent meeting of the Park Board, officers elected. wene :Pres.Fnances Radcliffe, Secretany-Heather Stanley and Treasuren-Gloria Dun- fond. A very lange crowd attended the dance in Pontypool Com- munity Hall on Saturday night. Music was supplied by Gary Bristow and Tfhe Coun- try Peven. During tbe evening. the Chamben of Commerce held a surprise presentation for Letty Carter. Letty, who retired Dec. 3lst, after being a mos? faithful postmistress for many years, was presented with an engnaved silver tray. Yvonne Fallis read the ad- dress and Jim'Staniey made the presentation. Letty, ai- though taken completeiy un- awares, made a very fitting reply, She. then drew the winner's namne for the 50-50 draw. (That was the reason for Letty being escorted to the platform). The winner of the draw was Christelia Neais. Another draw was made during the evening and the winner was Ian Page. Com- mittee for the dance was composed of Jim and Norine Propp, Curtis MeKay, Eileen Mucha and Letty Carter. ' CREST oCMnte TOOTHPASTE ONLY 9 CONTACC $109 CoId Capsules ON Boy Howend Save! OUMi' -.w of-a table lamp, a swag lamp, a coffee table, two end tables and a purse of -money. Margaret Wrigbt, Hazel and Lloyd Fallis, Lucilie and Jim McMullen fonmed the commit- tee for the evening. Mn. and Mns. John Mangan have been "baby-sitting" thein two youngest grandcbild- nen while their daughter-in- law was in hospital in Toronto. Miss Chenyl Stewart spent several days las? week in Quebec, She, along with sev- eral Oshawa fiends, were attending a hockey tourna- ment. Penny Bradley bad the misfortune last week to be injured in an industniai acci- dent in Lindsay. While work- ing a? Armstrong Carpets bis lef? arm go? caugbt n a machine and was taken in rigbt up to the shoulden. tive costs for non-profit organ- izations co-ordinating culturàI programs for International Women's Vear. Individuais and groups seeking assistance for pro]ects takîng place before August, 1975 must submit their proposals in writing to the Arts Council no inter than March 28. Requests for projects to be undertaken after August, 1975 must be submitte by June 1. Appli- cants will be informed no inter than April 30 and August 1. For further information, please write to: International Women's Vear, Ontario Arts Council, 151 Bloor Street West, sth Floor, Toronto M5S 1T6, Ontario. .Mr. and Mrs. James Colliss, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hooper, have returned from a most enjoable holiday at St. Lucia, in te Caribbean. Blair and Jo Haviiand who started the Whitby Theatre Compnyi 1973, have decid- ed to em= k on professional acting careers, and recently resigned from the company. A new interim executive has been formed, under the direct- ion of Greg. Lang, who came to Canada from Australia and is a teacher at Overlea Secondary Schooi in Toronto. it wiil be of interest to local residents to learn that the Central Chiefs defeated Port Perry 39-38 to take the LOSSA junior basketball crown. The "Chiefs" are coached by a former Bowmanville athiete Don McIlveen, of Centrai Collegiate staff, Oshawa. Orono Park The bull rush area of the Mil Pond on the Orono Park property wiirbe bulldozed out some time this s pring and filled in with dirt. T he wooded area at the back of Orono Park wiil be slightiy cieared, join- ing the par k with the new park area. The outfieid of the bal dîamond will also be levelled properly. I.D.A. Brand DECONGESTANT SYRUP The Canadian Statesman, Bc Mrs. Carl Porter held a trousseau tea on Saturday afternoon for Irmadella, who is being married on Sat. March 8th in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Lind- say Pouring tea were Mrs. Audrey King, Mrs. Christine Quinn and Miss Carolyn Porter, ail of Toronto. Ladies, again we remrind you of the World Day of Prayer at 2 p.m. on Friday, Mar. 7th in Pontypool United Church. (In last week's news the date was, printed incor- rectly). Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dun- ford, Chris and Melissa, spent the weekend with friends at a I.D.A. Brand COUGH SUPPRESSANT SYRUP EVERYOAY PRICE ý1,95' I.D.A. Brand' BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP EVERYDAY PRiCE $1*39 ALEX1 Mc GREGOR Drugs 5 King St. West 623-5792 -me. Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Admîinistrator Dick Elston presented three ladies with pins of recognition for the many hours they have given the hospital as volunteers. The presentation was- made Tuesday night, February 25, during a banquet in the hospital cafeteria. In charge of Volunteer Services is Mrs. Dorothy Childs (left). Ladies recieiving their vins are from left to right Mrs. Neil Yates, Mrs. Marion Hoar, and Mrs. Marilyn Martin. Other volunteers who will receive pins are Mrs. Olive Honess and Mrs. Doreen Parks. They were absent when the picture was taken. LYNN BRIEN Wshes to Announce that GINI'S HAIR FASHIONS is now under the Ownership of ENID CLIEFF and would lîke to thank alher customers for their patronage, during her ownership. Added to the Staff wiII1 be Sonia who specializes in Unîsex Hair Styles. GI1NI'S Haijr Fashilons 103 King St. E. 623-7312 Bowmanville Open Monday Through Saturday PONTYPOOL NEWS Bowmanville, March 5, 1975 5 cottage at Twin Lakes north of Havelock. They reported a wonderfui snowmobiling weekend. Congratulations to George and Bessie VanDam, who cele.brated their 29th wedding anniversary on Sunday. (also on Saturday night) Mrs. Ivison Fee, Omemee, was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bradley on Saturday. Mrs. Margaret Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Masters visited on Sunday with Mrs. Vera Masters, who is a patient in Oshawa Generai Hospital. 00,

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