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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1975, Section 2, p. 7

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Diam 4-H "Action Day '75" 4-H year, whiîcti rur he Counfy Organizational April flrougi to Sel O~ or tic 4-H Agriculfural 4-H members carry Clu'bs in Durham will lie ield project witiin a ccrta on Saturday, Marci 22nd at attend a number of ri flic Orono Public School, with for ecd of tic clubst registration of ail participants are enrolled in and lea from 10:00 fi 10:30 in tic about tic arca wiicli mnorning. Followîng Registra- specifically inferest.e ti on, a number of "Gef- well, 4-H'ers get a ct acquainfed-exercises, as wcli meet otier young peul as group acfivities and games tirougiout tic cour, will lie carried ouf. 4-H1 part in a number of members and parents wio activifies, suci as: attend arc askcd to bring ticir Competitioris, Bus T( lunch and douginuts and milk Club Aciievemeni will lie supplied af noon. If you would like Tic afternoon program wiil information on flic4 take fie forma of an informa- cultural club prograrr tion session, wiere flic in- contact tic a riculfur dividual clubs and ticir tenta- in Bowmanvifle or cor tive programs will lie ouflined tic "Action Day '75' and questions lanswcred on Orono Public Scliool wliat ducs take place in caci af 10:00 a.m. on S of tic 4-H clubs. Foliowing fils Mardi 22. wc will have registration of ail Sehool startiog at 10: 4-H members for tic upcom- un Safurday, Mardi ing year, SO we would encour- Apple Producers toi1 age ail young people befween Opinion on Licensg fie ages of 12 and '19 as of The Hon. Wm. January 1, 1975, wio- are Mnmsfer of Agriculi inferested in joining a 4-H club Food, lias announcec f0 corne out and takep art in lias acccpf cd fie rec flic day. If promises f0 lC a lot dation of fie Farm1 of fun, wiere you get tu mccl a Marketing Board f0 c large number uf people and at Expression of prudu( fie same time, learo more jil un a proposai about tic 4-H program- bofi Ontario Apple Mî on a couoty and club basis. Commission for a ci This ycar, we are offering a xidc range of projccts fiat members wouid lic able f0 take. Tiese include: Dairy; Beef; Swine; Sieep; Rabbif; Landscape Gardening; Field Crops; Conservation; Farm Engineering; Farm Manage- ment; Potato and Veferinary Clubs. As weii, we cao set up otiers clubs if tlicrc are sufficient number of members and a person wlio is intcrcstcd in leading tic club for fie upcoming year. During flic Tbacco C .lant LICE Tic fluc-cured tobacco var- iety evaluafion for Onfario composed of treprescofafives of al segments outhti tobacco industry includigResearch, Marketing 13oards, Domestie and Export Leaf and Manu- facturing 'Companies, Pedi- grccd Seed Growcrs, Plant Produefs, Ministry ut Agricul- ture and Food, met February 14, 1975 and discusscd infur- mation on new and iccnscd varieties. Tiecocmmittcc was unanimous in support uft tus statement. SGrowers are adviscd f0 plýant prcfcrably fhelicecnsed va1rieties Dlii 34 aý'nd Virginia 115 on a more balanced a121cage basis and produce mnature, ripe fobacco to eni lanice tic favorable balance ut chemical composifion and smoking qualiiy of Canadian tobacco. Tobaccu sliouid lic ut traditional ciaracter f0 main- ý ain tic qualifies needed for bufli flic domesfic and cxport markets. Mafurity and ripe- ncss siould be cmpiasizcd as tic mosf important cliaracter- istie to lic obtained in product- ion practices. If is recommended fiat nu unliccnscd varieties lie grown thc metnua of cc producer 'icense fe commissions propo, license fee of $1000 pe apple trees, wif i proexemption of new1 under tic age of scv( and tic Spy variety for new plantiog, fwelve ycars ofï growcrs will aiso hav exemption from t. $2500 ut license minimum of 30 per c( fees collecfcd un( proposai will lies ýNe ins f rom itember, youf a un club; mieetings thiat thcy îrn more ticy are d in. As liance to opie from nfy, take )f counfy Judging rours and itDays. furtier 4-H agri- m, please irai office )me ouftu iat tic 1f sart ing Saturday, :00 a..m. 22. Express e Fee Stewart, Iure and Id fiat lie ýcommen- Products obtain an cer opin- Jof' fie Iarkefing change in ,llecting fees. Tic sai is a )r acre of )vision for plantings en ycars, y exempt s under age. All ve a basic lic first fees. A cent of tic ider this spent on irowers Advised To mDced Varieties unless on an experîmental hasis beca use most higi yield- fureigo varieties are later fiowering, lowcr in quaiify andi tend tu produce iess desirabie tobacco from flic standpuint uf cliemical composition and physicai cliaracterîsfics of fie cured leaf. Extensive festine is conductcd on newly releas- cd varicties from tic U.S.A. and uflier countries, and from flic brccding and genetics Sruogram at fie Research tation, Delhi, and uniy fliose LONG SAULT intended for Iast week) Mir. and Mrs. Eugene Bent NwJsl;Mr_ iïd!Mrq. Wm. JoIlInson, Blacksfock; Mrs. Fletcher and Mr. Juin John- son. Oshawa wcre reccof guests of ticir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Juohnson., Mrs. George Armour and Miss Bertha Armour, Hamp- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cornisi, Shannon and Ken- neti wcrc Sunday supper guesfs of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cornish and Misses Mary and Wendy Cornisi. Ruth Baker entertained a number uf lier girl friends at founci superior fto existing varieties in characteristies important f0 ail segments uf tic indusfry are licensed. 0f fie seven varieties of flue-cured tobacco licensed fur use in Canada preference siould lie given f0 Dlhi 34 and Virgiîîia 115 since these varief- ies provide higier returns per acre. t is reiterated fiat tiese variefies lie grown on a mure equal basis to produce a beffer lialanccd quaiity crup. her birthday party on Satur- day affernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Keiti Goble and boys, Biackstock; Mr and 'lrii. Bruc Baker andt Pàiiln Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. TeA Hall, Brookliin; Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys wcrc Sunday nîgit dînner gucsts of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker celebrafing Ruth, Pam and Stepien's birthdays. Judy Knavcs spent flic weckend witi, Judy Virtue, Enniskilicn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parisi and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs Do Stephienson and Jamecs, Newcastle were Sun- day gucsts ut Mr. and Mrs. Harold- Murphy. We Are Off ering a 90-Day-4,OOO Mile Parts and Labour Guarantee on thejse SPRIN GTIME SPECIALS Wheel Alignment Brake Re-line 2 Wheels,-$12.00 4 Wheels -$24.00 Parts 10 Per Cent Off Wheel Bearing Re-Pack SDrum Brake -$4.95 Disc Brake -$15.95 Minor Tune-Up Standard Ignition Includes: Plugs-Points-Condenser 8 Cyl. $35.95 6 Cyl. $31.95 EECTRONIC IGNITION 8 Cyl. $30.95 6 Cyl. $26.95 Ineludes Plugs IALL SNOW TIRES AT COST FULL LINE TO CHOOSE FROM TIIESE SPRINGTIME SPECIALS IN EFFECT UNTIL MARCH 31, 1975 Count'y Chrysler-Dî%odge Ltd. Hwy. 2 anîd Maple Grove 623-2586 Bell Manger Makes Home in Bowmanville Pws promotion and aclvertising. In making this announcement, Mr. Stewart said the exemp- tions under this new proposai were significantly different from the origina vote one year ago. Ail growers who were sub- ject to license fees of $2500 or more in the 1973 crop year, or who will declare t ha t their existing plantings wili gener- ate at least $25.00 of license fees when in full production, will be entitled to ballot. The list wili be modified to accommodate the short crop year in 1973. Those without crops, but who would normal- iy qualify, will lie included. The sehedule of eligible pro- ducers will be posted in county and district offices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food early in March. Apple producers are invited to examine these ists and assure themselves that if eligible, their namnes are included. Enquiries should be directed to the Ontario Apple Market- ing Commission, Ontario Food Terminal, Toronto, or to the Secretary of Farm Products Marketing Board, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. An infor- mation letter wili be forward- ed to ail eligible producers in mid-March, however, if due to the mail siow-down, you do not receive a letter, you can pic k up a copy at the Agricuiturai Office. Balioting wil l e conducted on Wednesday, Mardi 26, 1975 in the Ministry Offices and a convenient Ap pie Storage Offices throughout, the pro- ducing areas. Balioting in the local area will be carried out at the Agricultural Office in Uxbrîdge, the Agricultural Office in Bowmanville, and the Agriculturai Office in Brighton. Secion Two Tic Canadian Statesman, Buwmanviiie, Mardi 19, 1975 7 Lac k of Uifor[«-med Leaders* in Scouting Movement Executive Director of the Oshawa District Council of the Boy Scouts of Canada, Stanley A. Richardson, told the Bow- manville Rotary Club on Thursday, tint Scouting or- ganizers had found the reason for the decline in the move- ment and were doing some- thing about it, both provincial- ly and nationally. The reason for the decline in =cutn is a lack of trained edrhip coupled with too many changes too quickly, he told The Canadian Statesman. He stated that Scouting lias HAYDON (intended for last week) Mrs. John Sim is staying with her daughter, Mrs. T. Buttery and family, whule recuperating from surgery. Mrs. Casey Myles and Mr. Ailan Myles, Coîborne, were Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts. Mrs. Casey Myles aiso called on Mr., and Mrs. Tom Potts and Ciariene. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Garrod and Timmy, Keswick, visited Mrs. C. Garrard on Sunday and also visited Bruce's father, Mr. Charlie Garrard, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Lori Ann Garrard spent Sunday afternoon with her grandmother, Mrs. C. Garrard. Mr. and Mrs. Afred Gar- rard and Barry were Sunday supper guests with Mrs. C. Garrard.. Wendy Blackburn, Enniskil- len spent the weekend witi lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Linda and Janet, were Friday evening visitors of the Lloyd Ashton family. There was a good attend- ance at the centre on Saturday evening. Everyone had an enjoyable evening. There were seven tables of cards. High Lady- Judy Metcaife; Higi Man Russell Tabb; Lone Hands, Lily Tabli, Glady Potts, Barbara Ashton, W. Blackburn. Several won prizes af bingo. Mrs. Irene Tabb, Lily and Shirley visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cowling, Salem on Mon- day. more boys interesteci tian aduits f0 iead. He stated there are fwo ways residents of a community support fie Scout- ing movement, witli uniform- cd leaders and participation on tic administrative commit- ftce. Mr. Richardson explained fie iack of leadership was of un fie administrative commit- tee, but in geffing peuple f0 take training and become fie uniformed leaders in fie various froops. Mr. Richardson emphasised fiat tiere was nu deicine la Scout ing because of fie pro- gram, and fiat flic lack of trained personnel was fie only problcm faced by Scoufing af fie present fimie. 11e sfafed fiat otier difficuifies iad been overcome and Scuuting was now on a solid footing. Tiere are five units in Scouting, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, and Rov- crs. He stated tic lack of uniformed personnel was mainiv in fie Scouts and Venturers. Peuple intcrested ini becoming leaders, cao take training courses in various scouting skills, locally and at nearby cms Wienasd if tis problem applies f0 Newcastle, Mr. Richardson replied fiat if was a definite problem in fie Durham Region and fiat if liad been reportcd f0 iim by members outhfecmovement in Newcastle, fiat if was a probiem liere. Mr. Richardsons speech f0 flic Rot ary Club dwelled un tic value of Scouting f0 flic boys and f0 fie community. 11e cautioned tic members fiat Scouts were ouf angeis but boys growing up, and patience was wliat was needcd. H1e compared fie principles of Scout ing tu tic four way test uf Rotary as bcing similar. H1e said Scouting had survived 60 ye ar s and tiere werc present- ly 250,000 scoufts in Canada. Mr. Richardson stated fie Scouting movement wiii sur- vive another 60 ycars. 11e was introduccd by Rotar- ian Morley Watson and tliank- cd by Rutarian Neil Newton. 1 JOHN F. 1 General Irisurancel FIRE and AUTOMOBILE INSU RANCE Contact: HARRY VOERMAN 623-3111 or 623-3950 118 KING ST. E. MARCH 201H TO SAT. MARCH 22ND ATTENTION FARMERS!1 WYPAY MORE ? 3AVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GAS - DIESEL FUEL MOTOR OIL Prompt Delivery 668-3381 Yvonne Turnham captures her lively 14-month old son Jeffrey long enough for the click of a shutter. TherTurnhams moved to Bowmanville from Montreal last June when Wlter Turnharn was promoted to residential manager of the Oshawa region by Bell Telephone, By Jean Ahlvik 1 Jeffrey if lie xerc in nursery position as Oshawa residential Bell Telephone lias a new school xwitli ter children and manager. lis Montreal job for residential manager for the il would also bce good for hier to thc Bell involved a good deal Oshawa region. He is Warren gel out ut the hou.e on a of writing which hie dîslîked. Turnham, who with his wife regular basis.. As part of ils job lic bclongs to Yvonne and 14 monthl-oid sun,. Theneibors are very miec severai community service Jeffrey, lives on Aslidalc but slie was surpiised to organizations in Oshawa, but Cres., Bowmanville. discuvr-4latmostol tlim are both Warren and Yvonne Tic Turnhams moved licre tr j a nld Torunfonians would lie happy to have some lasf June from Montreal and A ui ning tlie commut- community a ffiliation in Bow-. are lieartiiy glad to lie back n Iii f ficuit. Many of the manville. among English speaking 1 nis kund fie Turnliams The Turnhams are a young, people. Tliey find Bowman- aeu sale, whici gives active family who swim and ville a littie like their home-l1 n mity a special kind ski to keep fit. They are sure to town, Kingston. Yvonne ut uriti - .,. make a positive contribution misses the marvellous Mlon- varren very happy in lis to our community. treal shopping, but on tic wliolc she is happy to lie raising Jeffrey in the congen- i environmient of Bowman- ville. After sucli a big miove itY takes some time to get, settled and orieoted in a ocw community. Yvonne wo ex- d'omiesticated" is lookioig around for sojmething lu do. She feels it would lie good for ý Sorry to report Mrs. Walter Vancyk is a patient in Mem- orial Hosital, Bowmanville. Mr . and Mrs. Soutiwell and famiiy attendcd a surpriseI iirtidav oartv for Mrs. Di- anne Soufliwell, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. I en Fisher, Etobicoke, werc Sunday visit- ors of the Ryc Gibsoos. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. R. O A EF O Gîbson vîsited with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Speer and family, Bowmanville. The R. Gibsons were also recent guests at tie wedding of their nephew, Mr. David( Bentley to Miss Wendy Price'e ait St. Stepicn's Churcli, Oshiawa. CSS News On Feb. 24, our girlsB voleyball tcams competed in games wiich advanced tiem to fie L.O.S.S.A. finals. The Juniors finisicd 1sf in their division with 18 points and the Sr. finishced in a 3-way tic for first with Donevan and Clarke. Then on March 3rd,7 fie L.O.S.S.A. tournament was ieid. Athougi the JUn- iors finished ouf of tic running, ticy exhibit cd the kind of sportsmanship tint makes playing in any sportPa wortihile. Tic seniors placed 4th, playing againsf B. O'Ncil, Henry Street, Ander- son and Pickering. On Marchi2nd, Brian Mac- y Lean, John Vooys and Ted Bucianhan fook p art ini fie All-Ontario Wrestling tourna-E ment in London. Alfiougi nu ... C.S.S. winncrs wcrc dcclarcd, c fie boys al cnjoycd thepa experience of fie trip and ticheIo competition. fO Boti baskctball feams end- nv cd f ii-sea5ons this past su r wcek. In an cxcifing Junior......tu game againsf Bowmanville .. P/tv our guys wcnf down to thir first and only defeat of the scason. Howcvcr, this dîd nouf qualify tiem for COS.SA. Jo the other licarf-stopping Sen- ior game, our fans ciccrcd tic older (Jougars on f0 a b9-49 victory to win L.O.S.S.A. and J advaocc ficm to C.O.S.S.A. -~ ses Ar > Ferguson continucd . to re- bound and score, chalking up I 'Vceather C oats 21 points. Turowcc playcd hus bcst game of flic scason wif i an 18 point effort and some Specîal excellent defensive work. (He 9 was awardcd ftic gaine bail). Purchase T. Lyczba marked up 12 points, Sobul got 6,and Bory- siak scorcd 2. Tien, at, A. & B. WVe've showvn only twvo COS.SA. in Cobourg, tiey there are nany others in the storeý lost tic first gamc by a single poit. us ndd tc bst Single and double breasted vvith basketball scasun in Courfice buckle beits, tie beits or back beits; îistory. vvith slash, flap or pDatch pockets; vvîfh lots of stitchirig details. Browvn, Merry Makers navy, beige or off vvhite, Sizes: 7-1 5 and 10-1O8i n the group. Team Standings- Burgess 17,704; Moore 17,436; Sicehan 17,246; HuismanoM 17,013; Smith 16,808, McFeefcrs 16,792; Rutfy5 C4 E 16,405 ;Blunt 16,059. OPTION CHARGE 5 ing S . - Higli Single ACCOUINT Mary Huisman .... .....M30

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