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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1975, p. 13

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",,Waverly Gardens" n Bowmanville Built by Marianfla Developmnefts Your Quarantee of Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 DOWN Features include: Clean Dependable Electric Heat -Large family kitchen -Finished family roomn -Completeiy broadloomed -11/2 baths -Fireplaces Fully oddedlots -Compitely serviced Open for Inspection Thi s Weekend a nd Da ily 10 A.M. to 7 P M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle Saturday &Sunday 1-4:30 p.m. Choice of 2 Deluxe Models fo Choose From. MAR IAN NA DEVELOPMENTS Bui t by Division of Veltri, & Son Limited WeII known for quaiity construction and superior workm an shi p. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS w9 ~234 Kng Si. îÈ., Bowmanville 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 43tff The Canadian Red Cross Society has 26 outpost hospitals and nursing stations, located in re- mote areas where medical care is flot, readily available to. the residents. Artisi endering OnIy SMALLaduIt f ami ly wishes f0 rent three or four bedroôm home in Bowmanville area for l-ona ferm fenancy. Please reply f0 Box 534, c-o The Canadian Stafesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 12-2x SMALL apartmenf or house. keeping rooms for woman and youth. Write Box 535, c-o The Canadian Statesmani, Box 190, Bowmanville. 13-3 SUITABLEoné or fwo bed- room apartment for niother and child, in Bowmanville. Urgent for May sf. Phone 623-4314. 13-ix BROOKS, Alta Doreen- Peacefully af ber residence 136 Wellingfon St .on Wednes- day, March 26, 1975, Alfa Doreen Van Nest. Wife of the lafe Samuel W. Brooks and dear rnother of sýGwendolyn (Mrs. L. Malcolm) Nestlefon and Grant of Port Hope. firedeceased by a son Glenn'. Resting af fhe Norfhucuff Ellioff Funeral R-ome, Bow- manville for service on Friday af 2 o'clock. Inferment Eben- ezer Cemetery. Visiting from Thursday 3 o'clock. 13-1 TYB ONE Mr, and Mrs. Theinas DDdd spent Friday with their daugh- ber and famailv Mr. and Mrs- Frank Genereaux, Manilla., The Tyro ho ys accompanied bv their leader Mr. Alfred Knowlton and Messrs. Ralph Bowers and 3ernarc 1teming attended the hockey gamne between Oshawa GeneraY's and Toronto Marlboro's in Oshawa Saturday, March 22. Mr. and Mrs. George Ali- dread and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott were Monday even- ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrell,' New Toronto. Rory Gibbs and Joey Hilîs returned homne Sunday after a ten day visit f0 Florida. Master, Richard ,Bruce, Orono is spending the scbool holiday with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gobie 1and boys, lackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gobie and famnily, Pontypool were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Gobie. Leslie Gobe rémaining for a HLJTTER GRANITE COMPANY resp tfully wishes to announce a 10 per cent reduction on ail cemet.ery, Memorials and Mrkers ordered and paid for between no.w and March i3lst for Spring erectioh. This offer is made annually in order that their entire staff may be employed during the winter months. RUTTER G;RANITE COMPANY bas an excellent selection of [domestie and foreign granites in many colours from hchto choose. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY is holiday with her gl'and- parents.- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, Nestieton. Glad to report Constable Douglas Park was able to be home from Hospital Saturday in tim.e to attend the family luncheon in honor> of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park's 3th weddinE anniver- sary and ls is Mother's -birthday on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park visited the Howard Steels in Peterborough Sunday after- noon. Mrs. Park remainîng for a few days. Mr. Glenn Miller is visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr n Mrs. Archie Virtue, Oshawa this week. Mr. arnd Mrs. Peter Mur- doch and girls, Bowmanville were Sunday afternoon callers of Ir. and Mrs . F.L. B yarn. A number of married cou- ples held a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. John W est 8th con. on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary Sat- urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Love- ridge were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Martin, Ajax. Miss Adele Nelson, Canning- ton;- Mr. and Mrs. David Morrow and Alexandra, Tor- onto were weekernd guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Loveridge and family. Alexandra' re- mnainingfor a holiday. Misses Joy Loveridg e, Adele Nelson, Alexandra Morrow and Mr. Charles Lovèridge accompanied Messrs. Paul and Wm. Trewin, Haydon to Bowman- ville Saturday evening and attended their cousin's Mr. Mark Trewin Teen age party. Hall Board Euchre was well attended with 17 tables. Prizes goi ng to John Laverty, Oshawa; Evelyn Lavert , Oshawa; Doreen Parý Tyrone; Bertha White, Orono; ÀïMa White, Orono; Bert ýwbuon, Ilackstock and the 50- 50 going to Lillian Harvey, Bowmanville.ý' Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm visited the local sick in the hospital and later spent the evenhlng with Mrs. Florence SCott, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lindsay and family, Selkirk spent Saturday nîght with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Taylor and visi- ted other relatives. Mr. Stuart Hooey was a Friday luncheon guest of Mr. aiid Mrs. Earl Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Vandorp and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Rensink, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Rosevear, Hamp ton and Mr. and Mrs. JohnVandyk and family were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Delaney and family, Salem celebrating Greg's birthday. Don't forget to attend Good 'lrridaây-ehurclï gerVi-ee hétd in Enniskillen United Church Friday at lil ar. Glad to report Mr. Rick Rundie is home after a ten day MEADOW VI EWBLVD. 00 The Moi- of Building Excellence third Generotion Bulders HWY. 401" CALL BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 TORONTO LINE 923-9174 1Ask for Ext. 45 PHYIIISMc ROBBIE. -...... ...........6237 159 RON HURST....... ...... ........ 983-5131 BILL TURANSKY ......... .... ........983-5420 F: 0 RANK Service Club Presidents Have No Team Formation Monday night was inter-club at the Bowmanville Lions Centre. This is a once a year event when members of the five service clubs in town get together for a banquet. Guest speakers for the evening were Dave Raimey of the Toronto Argos, and a former Argo Fred Black. A film was shown of Iast year's Gre~y Cup. In taking a picture of the five service club presîdents, this photographer had hopes of gettîiw srr kind of foot bahl formation, but had to settle for a line up. The members of this team wish to keep thir differences, and not divulge any of their strategy. They are (from lef t to right) Lions President Bruce Lush, Legion President Stan Dunn, Former Argo Fred Black, Kiwanis President Charles Reîd, Argo Dave Raimey, Kinsman President Harvey Webster, and Rotary President Alf Allin. Spring Feotured in Oshawa Fashion Show sorority fashion show held last week at Oshawa's Eastdale Collegiate. The sorority girls wore fashions from Franz Haute Couture Fashions in the Mid-town Mal, The men's clothes were Doug Wilson's Men's Wear on Simcoe St. S. Here Myrna Simpson wears a silky two piece ensemble in muted spring shades while her escort, Bob Linton, is more daring -in a three piece summer suit in soft yellow. Ext 'ensive -%Repvairs Undeêrwa-iy To 2 Bredkwaters at Harbor stay in Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Yeo and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Devolin, Waterloo. Little Christine Ynungman, Brampton spent the weekend with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Voungman. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young- man, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Youngman and son, Brampton; Mr. Herb Powell, Bowmanville were Sunday guests of mr. and Mrs. E.A. Youngman. The April meeting of bbe U.C.W. will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.K. Osborne on April 9 aI 8 p.m. 10 view their collectiuon uf buttons, dlocks and antiques. After whicb we \vill return to the CE. wing of tbe church for the remainder of the meeting. Anynne needing transporta- tion please contact J. Vaneyk 263-8460 or Marion Hoar 263-2582. Dont miss Ibis interesting display as ils well wortb an evening out, 4H bv Heather Southwell Meeting opened witb every- one repeating the 4H Pledge. Joy read her minutes of the last meeting. Everyone gave ner answer to roli eaui. Next meeting April 3. Wendy, Jennifer. Joy, Marlene, Betty, Janet and Susan Woodley were chosen for our skît for Achievement Day. We took up bbe uses of tbe French knot from the roll eaul and bow t0 write the club story. For group work everyone worked on their free choice article. Sorry 10 report Mr., George Alldread bas been a patient in Memorial Hospital for the past week. To ahl the sick in the community, a speedy recuverl, is wished for tbem. Two breakwaters at Port Darlington, Bowmanville, Ontario, will be repaired under a $181,548 contract awarded 10 The Ontario Con- struction Company Ltd., St. Catharines, it was announced today by the Minister of Public Works Canada. the Honourable Charles M. Drury. The St. Catharines firm offered bbc lowest of bree qualified bids received in response bo public advertise- ment. The bighest bld was $198,181, The breakwaters, whicb, Throughout the Canaddan Red Cross Society's.program for Youbb young people devel- op a concern for and an awareness of community needsý along with the skills needed for a wîde range of community involvement. They are encouraged f0 devel- op and plan their own pro- grams, for which they raise their own funds, f0 provi de needed assistance f0 commun- ities at home and abroad. I Fresh, Crisp The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 26, 1975 13 Ho rti c Ultural Smciety Sets Up Hobbyp7 Table For 'its Members The regular monthly meet- ing of the Bowmanville Horti- cultural Society was held Wednesday evening in' the Public Library at 8 o'clock. The society h as started up a new p oint of interest, for its members. A hobby table, is to be set up at each meeting with varlous members dîsplaying their hobbies. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gingeli of Bowmanviile dis- played their hobbies at this meeting. Mrs. Joan Virtue is in charge of the Hobby Corner. Lt was decided that the Society members would take a bus trip t Hamilton on the 3lst of May, to view the spring flowers and varions points of interest in the area. Mr. Aif. Brown is taking care of bus arrangements. If the bus cannot be filled by' society members it will then be open to the public. The guest speaker on Wed- nesdav evenina was Mr. Kobes of Henk Kobes Nurser- ies, R.R. 1, Bowmanville. Mr. Kobes is in the wholesale nursery business of shruber- ies and trees. He talked and showed slides on this aspect of nurseries. There is to be a plant sale in May, at. the regular meeting. Watch the notice board by the Bank of Montreal for further information. After each meeting there is a light lunch and coffee served by Mrs. Pat Harford, the social director. SIn Peterborough on Satur- day, March 15, 1975, A Day for Gardeners. was presented by Sir Sanford Fleming College of Peterborough, in co-opera- tion with the Ontario Horticul- tural Association, District 4. Several members from the Bnwmanvillç' Societv attendedv this day. If was very interest- ing and informative. There is a small flower show held in conjunction with each meeting., This month was an arrangement done in the themne of "Wearin' O' The Green". The winners were Mr. Merle Slute first, Mrs. Emily Slute second, Mrs. Barb Arnbrug third. The next meeting will be on April 16, 1975, at 8 p.m. in the library. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Laird of Maple Grove, who will speak on the subjet "Being Aware". Te Society bas gained some new members,' so this shows the people are still interested in keeping our town and gardens green and beauti- fui. There'is a Junior Garden- ers section of the Horticultural Society for young people aged 6 f0 16 years. Maybe you know a young person who would like toon Contact Mrs. Winnie Dil ing 623-3783. The gardening or nursery industry is lacking young people educated in this line of work. Your horticultural society could help promote more interest in this direction. Just imagine homes, in the future with no landscaping, tbey would look barren and boring. Gardening creates a more interesting life. REAR END COLLISION On Monday at 11:25 p.m. a rear end collision on King Street East resulted in $700 damage to both vehicles. A 1966 Buick was westbound on King when it slowed for an animal and a 1966, Meteor hit the rear of the car, according to Police. LETTUCE ,3!5C aheadi1 provide a sbeltered entrance 10 Bowmanville barbour, are 640 feet by 16 feet and 200 feet by 16 feet. The repairs will require 2,900 tons of quarry rock. 1,700 tons of three-to-five ton armour stone, and 5,000 tons of five-to-seven ton arm- our stone. The work'should be finished in eight weeks. 1Plans and specifications were prepared for Environ- ment Canada in the Ontario Region office of Public Works Canada, Toronto. Project manager is E. Wurts of Public. Works Canada. Preston the Mover Win Six Consecutive Games in Tourney The Bowmanville Preston the Movers are doiniz ex- remely well in bbc Annual Brampton Invitational Tour- nament, winning six consecu- tive games. On Saturday, bbey defeated Sbouffville 5-1 and Thornhilî 2-1. On Monday morning, tbey banded a strong Leamington squad a 2-0 defeat and in the aflernoon the Toros defeated Merritton 4-1. On Tuesday, Preston the Mvovers tangleo wîtn (jeorge- town and wvon by a slim 4-2 margin. In bbc afternoon, bbe Tomos again played Thornhilî and won by a close 3-2 score. The Bowmanville team-h&s_ played througbout most of the series without one of their players, and part of the Tuesday morning and all of' the affernoon gamne, without the services of their top goal scorer, botb these boys lef t wingers. Througbout the ournament s0 far, bbc defence and goaltenders have been spec- tacular, with Bowmanville baving the best goals againsb average. The Toro's next game is Ibis affternoon at 4: 00 p.m. against Sbouffville and on Friday they meet either Lindsay or Ancaster for the Division Cbampionship. TOASTMASTER SUMMIT OR Store Sliced White Sliced CHAPMANS CORN MEAL BREADICE CREAM BACK BACON, 2/79 $~~91gal. '58b. IZ, BOWMANV 111E Welcome tf0 MEADOWVIEW HEIGHTS Alil Single Family Homes N ow!!- is the time fo buy and save EXECUTIVE HOMES (Up to 2,000 Sq. Ft.) ESTATE SIZE LOTS - FROM 80 ft. f0 100 ft. FRONTAGE Priced from' $64,995 o'nd Up

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