4- The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 26, 1975 Section Two Receives GoId Watch'For 25 Years At Glen Rae Premier William Davis, Cabinet Offices, Queen's Park, TORONTO, Ontario. Dear Mr. Premier: Council of the Town of Durham demands that your Government now respond to-it requests submitted to your Cabinet in person, by delega- tion, and by petition at Hanover in August of 1974, whereat your Government was asked to cause legislation to be passed changing the name of the ncw Region to one other than Durham. As the matter is no longer bel ore Courts, Council of the Town-of Durham, demands that your Government respond to that petition and req uest with a decisive answer by April ist, 1975. We await your reply. Mayor Beverly Wiggins and the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Durham., MAPLE SYRUP TIE The annual Millbrook Lions CIub's Pancake and Maple Syrup Festival will be held April 18 and 19 this year. Plans are already well. along to make this event even more entertaining for the many xwho attend. There will be wagon rides, helicopter rides and a bazaar. Red Cross Outlines Services Pro vided for This Area in 74, During 1974, the foliowing services werc provided by Red Cross to this area. Blood Donor Service: Mrs. W.M. Rudeil, 623-4677, Mrs. W. Spry, 983-5291 - 1,119 units of blood were collected at local volunteer clinics. Adequate blood supplies were availabie to Memorial Hospital at all times through the FREE Blood Transfusion Service of the Canadian Red Cross. Clinics are held at the Linns Centre, Bowmanvillc on the Ist Wcdnesday in February, May, August and November. Disaster Relief and Indiv- idual Emergency Aid: Mrs. G. Forscy, 623-3909- 24 aduits and children received emergence aid in the form of free foo clothing, bedding foilowing loss of their homes by fire. Red Cross maintatns a close liaison with Welfarc officiais and other relief agencies. Homemaker Service: 723- 2933 (1623-3909) Ended now -12 rcquests for Homemakers werc f illed where there was illness in the home or a mother hospitalized. Commencing Jonc lst 1974, this service will be administered by the Oshawa Branch, C.R.C.S. thus cnabling governmcnt Home Care to fonction in our area. Sickroom Supply Service: Mrs. J. Living, 623-32ît8 - 91 articles of sickroomn equip- ment (wheelchairs, hospital beds, crutclîes etc.) were loaned FREE enabling mndiv- iduals to convalesce at home thus releasing much needed hospital beds. These articles can be obtained for a period of 3 months on a doctor's recommendation. Water Safety Services: Mrs. D. Caverly, 623-2913- Red Cross trained instructors and examiners led Water Safety and Swim classes for children and adults in Bowmanville, Hampton, Newcastle and Orono. Equipment and teach- ing aids were supplied where necessary. Water Safety de- monstrations and literature were given to interested groups. First Aid Service: Harold Luxton, 623-3693 - 268 persons were instructed in mouth-to- mnouth resuscitation and First Aid casses. Women's Work Committee: Mrs. G. Evers 623-2639, Mrs. R. Spry,' 983-5291- 1,948 scwn and knitted items of children's clothing, baby layettes and afghans were completed by area volunteers for shipment overseas for the victims of natural disasters and for refueees from the war-tomn areas of the world.' Warm mitts, socks, sweaters, baby wcar, quilts are kept on hand for local disaster relief. 20,737 swa.bs and wipes were made for the. Blood Transfusion Service thus reducing consid- erably the cost of blood procurement. Al materials are suppliid by the Branch. Services For Seniors- Jean Brownlee 623-7785: Youth Campaign - Joan and Rick Santomero 623-4526.> The cost to Red Cross to provide these services, $3,665 x the 1974 Campaign receipts totalled $2,668. The deficit was covered by Divisional funds. Branch Headquarters, 28 Division St., Bowmanville is open Fridays 1: 30 p.m. to 3:30 P.m. Bsob Nixon Committed ta,' Integrilty in Governmenlt According to Opposition every session of the Ontario Leader Robert F. Nixion, "the Legisiature for eight years Davis Government seems de- during the late 1800's. Nixon termined to avoid the issues noted that instead of further- that affect the changing lives ing the situation of womnen, the of women". government has "acted to The Liberal leaders speech penalize women". H1e went on at Kitchener which was the to say that "the Davis climax of the Ontario New Government itself is among Liberal Annual Meeting held the employers that discrimin- recently in this city, deait ates against women". mainly with International Wu- men's Year. Nixon citedl Child care for working numerous statistics which parents is a major social need showed that women are in fact in Ontario. It is not a frili, he discriminated against in the said, while attacking the labour and educational fields. Davis Government on the day As an example of Liberal care problem. The Liberal commitment to the preserva- leader also discussed the tion of women's rights, he told recent Gallup Poils which of John Waters who introduc- have shown the party ieading cd a women's suffrage bill in the Progressive Conservative Government in popular, sup- f >ort. He presented the cha- enge to theNew Liberals 10o increase Liberal support among voters, under 30, who are now split almost evenly between our party and the N.D.P." H1e also stressed that the voters are to be told of the Liberal commitment 10 in - rity in government ànd e strengthening of individiual rights including those of women. The speech was greeted wîth a lengthy stand- ing ovation. Isoo ýHARVEY O PARTN ER ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME HEAT SERPVI CE Douglas Walker, a tank driver'for Glen, Rae Dairy, received a golden watch duly engraved from Bob Stevens, president of the company, Saturday night, March l5th at the Annual Profit Sharing meeting. The watch is for 25 years as a member of the firm. The meeting and banquet were held at the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn. Kay Cain who has been a bed patient at Bowmaniville Memorial Hospital for several years, through the efforts of the staff at the hospital was able to attend the banquet. Her husband Murr4y is an employee at Glen Rae Dairy. Durham Town StiliI Batfling to "lYou won'mit to Miss My Hiave Regior This Committee and Council for the Town of Durham today forwarded telegrams to, Pre- mier Davis, Honourable John White and M.P.P. Eric Wink- er demanding response and reply to Durham's petitioned request to the Cabinet of August, 1974. The Cabinet then refused to consider t. statine the matter was before the Court. The Premier claimed it ""WHAT A TREE HOhiSFI" Springtime brings new famiîy sports: boating, fishing, camping, baseball. Let the James Insurance Agency Ltd. check your risks and insur- ance policies to assure ad- equate iability and property> coverage. Jam»le5 nusc Agency iie 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES Office 623-4406 Residence 623-5023 's Name Ch would be "contempt of Court to comment". At their most recent meet- ing, Council agreed to "har- ass" the Government until it changed the namne of the New Region to one other than, Durham. This Committee lias reeeiv- cd suggestions to rename the New Region as "East Lunch- pail", "Ontariopolis", "Davis- ville, ,'Winkler's Folly", "Frost"', "Town With No Name". Attached are copies of ultimatum telegrams sent by the Council to Premier Davis, ,ïonourable John 'White and MPP. Eric WinïklerË. If the Governmient does not respond by April lst, 1975 with a ositive reply, an appeal tn the Supreme Court of Canada wîli be considered. Honourable John White, Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, TORONTO, Ontario. Dear Mr. Mînister: As this matter is no longer before the Courts, Council of the Town of Durham does hereby cali upon you to keep your word given in ynur offices in December of 1973, and if necessary, in the presence of the subsequent* Treasurer, personally set up and attend with a Committee of the Town's representatives, before a meeting of the Council for the Regional Municipaiity of Durham to request that Municipality to change its namne to one other than Durham. Lest anyone suggest your Government dues flot keep its word, Council therefore expects to hear positively from you as to the time and location of that meeting by April lst, 1975. Mayor Beverly Wiggins and e AUTO &USED CARS > LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY TOP PRICES FO R WRECKS 1AND SCRAP GOOD SELECTION 0F USED CARS R. R. 2 - Newcastle 987-4636 Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd. ian ged the Council ot the Corporation of the Town of Durham Honourable Eric Winkler, M.P.P. Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, TORONTO, Ontario. Dear Mr. Minister: Council for the Town of Durham now requests that you now publicly respond to and fully support the Town of Durham to tE full extent of Sour office in its attempts to, ave the name of the new Region changed to one other than Durham, by Iegsiahin or otherwise. As the matter is no longer before the Courts, Council anticipates and expects 'a public acknowledgment of your support for its position, and advice about what steps you are taking to advance its cause, at the latest by April lst, 1975. Mayor Beverly Wiggins and the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Durham. Business Directory Accountancy WM. J.H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Sfreef South Bowmanvii le Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V.SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residence: 623-7308 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9p.m. including Saturday Tel ephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg. Office Hours: Weekdays- 9- 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D. D.S. 222 King St. E.., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 8:30 -5: 00 )telephone 623-7349 CLOSED WEDNESDAY A FT E RNOON DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs. i 9til 5 1 Wednesda y9 til 2 Friday 9til 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Off ice Phone 623-5790 Succulent turkeys and hamns and garden fresh produce for everyone. Bill Armnstrong -Your Mr. IGA at Armîstrong IGA, Orono IGA UNSWEETENEO BLENDED ORANGE OR GRAPEFRUIT Fruit FROM 48-FL. Juices TIN 43t DinrNapkins PKG40F W9 IGA BroWn n, Serve RoIls 2 39 IGA ApDie Pie 20 OZ f . SIZE jd .. 79tM 77 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY OPEN GOOD FRIDAY CANADA GRADE "BA" FROZEN, EVISCERATED 'Young,10OTO 14LB5 j T urkeys FXCLIlSIVF AT iC.6 TABLERITE, CANADA GRADE "A" YOUNG Pre-Basted FROZEN VSEAD T u r keys 10QNBS MAFLE LEAF, READY TO SERVE, SWIFTS FR WHOLE HAIFOR GUARTERS $ READY TOS Smoked $ 09 Smoke Hams r,~~ LB. 9 Hams SCHNEIDERS READY TO SERVE Dinner Ham . "LB'AT?. ' LB. SWIFTS FREMIUM, PURE FORK Sausage Meat $1.79 SMOKEE RE Ham !, Steak ISLAND QUEEN Solid t!MSUGAR FLJM, LB, l1039 LB 1.9 26-FL. Dz. NON- MADY TO SERVE Mary Miles ..,~ 59e Side Bacon REGULAR DR DIET Seven- 7-Z.t à RETURNABLE 'u 'White Tuna TI Up BTL. a REYNOLDS SMALL PDLY BAG 0F 2 TIP TOP 5ALTED Aluminium Roasting Pans 651 Mixed Nuts rgz99 STUARTH DUSE SIN.SIZE SWISS KNIGHT Aluinim Pe lats K79 Plain Gruyere Cheese 69 IGA Hot Cross Buns B69 IGA Potato Chips ,% 69e, IGA INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED PRO CESS Cheese 1 Z Suices PG GRAVY OR VEAL PARMAGIAN FROZEN Meat Entrées P IKG 8 ONE SIZE, REGULAR & AiL SHEER. TAtI.. REGULAR b AI]. SHEER,OUEEN SIZE POPULAR SHADES Revelon Panty Hose .790 RED OR G REEN Close-Up Toothpaste TUBE93C LED D'OR EROZEN Onion Rings 6oz391 SA ME VOUR ® LABELS syüur boy 7 Io 17 years of age ..and errjoys- hockey? Then thîs is for you. IGA labels are your entry blanks in the Billy Harris -Cave Keon Hockey Sweepstakes. Sixteerr Iucky boys wrII ýwiT a week ath',ils fabulous [ive-in school, Start saving today, contest starts April l4th, f. ~ v SuppIred by TH-E OSHAWVA C4F UFIMITE 0 supply depot for progressiv e; rlT 1l MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM iIL FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 CALL us 1DX FmuEL 0OIL FOR -PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE 1,09 YOU CAN'T BEAT CANADIAN POTAIDES fl~I CANADA r.r~i .NO. iGRADE 20-LB. PuwratoeFs BAG FRESH FROM THE TROPICS PRODUCE 0F MEXICO TASTY. PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. Pineapples ZE* 2 FO 1 Yams 2 185. 491 SWEET Et JUICY SIZE 125s FRESII TOP, PRODUCE OF U.S.A. Florida Oranges 2n)OZ $1 Bunch Carrots BUNCH~33C S ASTER LILIES. FOTTEO MUMS, HYDRANGES, AND MIXED PANS. Easter Fower 000 SEtECTION 0F SIZES AND VARIETIES ATTRACTIVELY PRICEO, PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SAT. MAR. 26-29th. WE RESERVE THE RIGHI TO LIMIT OUAPdTITIES. a i i ii 'ww'w ,%né_