2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 26, 1975 ProvicialCour Jutige R.B. Baxter presided with Assistant Crawn Attarn- ey N. McCrank and duty caunsel B. Walters. Steven Schwets 3637 Queen- stan Dr., Mississauga pleaded 'guilty' ta careless driving November 18 on ighway 35. It was an unexplained single car accitie t. There was $450. damage ta is car. The fine was $100. and casts, in detault 10 da yS. Arthur G. Wrigbt, R.R. 4, Marmora, was cbarged in absetîtia wiîh excess speed-on highway 401. Be was travel- ling 90 miles an hour in a 70 zone., The fine was $40. and casts, in default 4 days. Const. Coe was the investigating otticer. Eric Barrett, 255 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, pleaded 'gulty' ta a Marcb 1 charge of having the care and control after consumning over .08. Be was westbound an 401 and ended in the median. Be was slumped behind the wheel. Tests were .17 and .18. The fine was $100. and costs, in detault 10 ýdays. Be was prohibited tram driv- ing for tbree months. Paul Bowen, 18 and Geof- frey Ross, 17, bath ot Bow- manville, pleaded 'guilty' toaa charge of miscbief on January 30. It was stated tbey bad broken a glass in the door at the Castle Botel wicb exceed- ed $50. They bad been drink- mng.- Restitution bas been made. They were put an probation for two years. A conditional discharge will be given if they keep the peace doring thattime. Any offence is a violation of. probation. Bencb warrant ta be issued for Mark Langley. Boy J. Mackie, 34, 23 Athol St. 'W., Osbawa, cbarged January 25 did drive after NOTICE TO VOTERS IN WARU 1 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE (FORMER TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON) Council of the Town of Newcastle bas decided by By-law to hold an election to fi the vacancyv caused by the resignatiôn of the Area Councillor or Ward 1. CLERK'S NOTICE 0F'FIRST POSTING 0F PIIELIMINARY LIST The Municipal Elections Act , 1972,- section 23 (1) and (2). Preliminary List, 1975 of Town of Newcastle Regional Muicipality of Durham. Notice is hereby given.that I have compied with Section 23 of The Municipal Elections Act, 1972, and that I have posted up at my office at 40 Temperance Street, Bowman.. ville on the 26th day of- March, 1975 the list of ail persons entitled to vote in the mlinîcipality at municipal elections in Ward 1 of the Town of Newcastle, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby cali uponai electors to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. *The last day for Miing complaints is the 11lth day of April, 1975. *The Place at which the revision will commence is 40 Temperance 'Street, Bowmanville- *The time at which->the- revision will commenct 9: 00 a.m., 27th March, 1975. DATED this twenty-sixth day of March, 1975. J. M. Mllroy, J. Aý M. MLlroy, AMC.T. Cekof The Town of c Newceastle Returing Oficer TU1E CORPORATION 0F T1E1TWNOF NEWCASTLE No-TI1c E 0Fr TAKE NOTI CE that the Council aI the Corpora tion 0f the Town of Newcastle, at a Council Meeting ta be held in the Council Chambers on Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Manday, the Fifth day of May, 1975, proposes ta consider and pass a by-law ta ~jTp and convey that portion of Lyctt Street in the Yoose'jof ewasle(formerly in, the Town of Bowmanville) described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lot Ten (10) in the First Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington formerly in the Town af B0wmanville, County of Durham,-and being-part af Ly,,ctt Street as established by By-law Nuniber 1877 of the former Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, dated My 28, 1963, the baundaries of the said parcel *en mr particularly described as follews: PREMISING that the South-limit of Registered Plan 652 has a bearing of North 72 degrees 08 minutes East and relating ail bearings herein thereto; Beginning at the intersection af the South limit of said' Lot 10 with the production Southerly of the East limnit of Lycett Street as shown on said RegisterecV Plan 652, said intersection being distant 735.71 feet measured Nrth 72 degrees 46 minutes 30 seconds East a long the South limit of said Lot 10 from the South-West angle thereof; Thence North 17 degrees 52 minutes West along said production Sautlerly of the East limit of Lycett Street_ a distance aI 519.62 feet more or less ta the Sôuth-Westerly angle of lot Tiirty-nine (39) accordinq ta Regstered Plan Number 652; this is the point of commencement of the lands ta be herein described; THENCE South 17 degrees 52 minutes East alang the Easterly limit of Lycett Street,-being the Westerly limil 0f LOT Une 0). according ta Registered Plan Number 697, a- distancee of 115.00 feet ta the Sauth-Westerly angle of Lot r, Registered Plan Number 697; THENCE South 72 degrees- 08 minutes West in t he Westerly production -of' he Sautherly limit 0f Registered Plan 697 a distance of 66.00 feet ta a point in the Westerly limit af Lycett Sréet afaresaid; NOTICE 0F STREET CLOSING THENCE North 17 degrees 52 minutes West in Iast-mentioned limit a distance ai 115.00 feet mare or less ta the Sauth-Easterly angle of, Lot Forty (40) according f0 Registered Plan Number 652; consuming Over .08 pleaied 'guilty'. He was westbound on highway 2 and swerved over the centre line forcing a police cruiser ta the shoulder of the road. Tests -were .21 and .20. The, fine was $200. andcasts,, in default 15 days. He was prohibited fromn driving for- three montbs. He was given 2 weeks ta pay. Donald G. ThiËlWe-ll,, 19, R.R. 3, Belleville, pleaded ýguiltv' ta drivinig while àbility was- impaired by, alcohol or dru'g; The charge was laid Fehru-ary 15. B-e was west, bound on 401 and crossed over the lane on -to the shoulder. Be began ta fight -wben arrested and was, a hazard ta all persans concerned. The fine was $2aO0.-and easts,, in ,default 15 dayý.--Be was prohibitèd from driving fortbree monthis. Allan James Adcock, 21, 44 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, pleaded 'guilty' ta a February 3 charge of having marijuana in bis possession. Const. Ricard's attention was drawn ta a car in which Adcock was a passenger. Be bad a -home mnade pipe antd hart - aa gram- in his j0cket'. The fineé wa a1*knd cats, in default 10 days, Be was given 3 weeks ta pay. Richard Wm. Anderson, 18, Greenhora Dr., Bîackstock, pleaded 'gui1ty' ta having marijuana in b is possession Decemnber- 15,, Const. Smnith checked the parking'lot at the .arena anid checked à car. À cigarette package was foui on the driver's sîde- of the car. Be had a- previous conviction - in July .974 at Oshawa . Thé finle was $100. and -costs,, ini default 10 days. Be wais given 2 weeks to pay. Riobert, M-chibald, R.R. 2, Oshawa, cbarged witb danger- ous driving and driving-.whiie disqualified, pleaded 'guilty' at a hearing on March-4-&itd was today senitenced'W 0three mnontbs on the -dangeraus< driving charge and one month, concurrent on, driving while disqualified, Several -convict- ions were read -out. The crown said be bas bad an unfortunate background and bas an alcoh- olic problem. Judge Baxter told- him 'you -should- try ta m-ake sometbing of yourself -or yoiu will end up on skid row. If a persan really wants ta -do sometbing AA -can really belp." The last montb of bis sentence is ta be served at an alcoholic centre. Otis F. Sarty, 20, R.R. 4, Port Perry, çbarged February 1, witb baving- care andi contrai after consuming over .08, pleaded 'guilty'. Be was parked at the -Blackstock arena. Tests.-were.12. The fine was $125. and-cogssin detault 10 days. Be was prohibited from driving-f or tbree months. Bruce R. Sharrard, 51, 317 Powell Rd., Wbitby, pleaded 'nat guilty' on March- 4 toaa charge laid Decemfber 19q for baving care and control after consumning over .08?. 1-ewwa)s represented by T. Kelly. Const. Jerratt cbecked a truck off the road on bigbway -'2. Tests were .21 and .20ý. Be Was found 'guilty'. The fine was $175. and costs, in default 15 days. Be was prohibiteti tromn driving for tbree months. 1Robert Greenbham;,396 Park Rd. S., -Osbaw a, bad four charges read out; driving while disqualified, faiîing to remain, failing ta repart an accident and no insurance. The fine was $75. and costs. BHe was given 2 weeks ta pay. License suspension for three montbs. Consùurners (from page 1) be considered until hee beard the results of the suit. Mr. Currier stated bie would try ta gel them the information-. C ýouncillors in jest told- th -e. representa-tives of Corisumers Gas that tbey sbouldn-t bave cancelled the town's bu}k rate just, before aski-ng ,f.or a franchise. The town after April will pay a bigher price for gas ta hea tthe new police station and fire hall on Cburch of te-Rd. ross, Mrs. Kay Forsey, Disaster .Service Chairman, accepted a cheque lor.$150 tramn Valerie Luç:as, This money will go mbt a local fund for Disaster anti Emer- gency Services which pro- vides clothing, food ant emp- orary accommodation to fara- ilips after minor disaister like tires. This fund myn_ also, be used ta suLpply miiedication or. other emergency bealtb neetis ta underu)rivileweti children., For fne-secon time in as many- weeks Lord Elgin Scbool received a citatian, tram the-Ontaria Division -of Red- Cross 'for their tremnen- dous effort .,Principal Marjor- ie Couch is looking around for a suitable spot ta display thie two citations one for 73-74 and another for 74-75. Congratula- tions sbould be extended to, bath taffand students-for- their-ijne effort.f Opens Nelw Fashion Store Wé -area pleased to, introduce Mrs. Connie, TownsenÎd who opened a new ladies' fashion stère here on Monday and couldn't have picked a worse day for it with the weather pelting down rain and some of her stock held up in transit. However, by the time this appears in print, everything should be cleared up and set to go. She is located at 78 King St. West, in the Statesman Centre, You'l see her sign 'n the window. 'ORONO Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Gay of Bowmnan ville were--Saturtiay evening visilars of Mr. and Mrs._ Ken Baîl., Cangeatulations ta Mr. and MUrs.- David, James Shlter - (the former ADril Lina Wâte- fahl -of WestlHBll),on Iheir marriage'-on Marcb BtJ in Oronio Unitedi Churcb, Rev. Blasil E. Long, B. Th. officiaI- eti, Mr. antiMrs. Shelter naw reside ai 82 David Court, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Varice Cooper af Oshawa, Mr. anti Mrs. Ernesl Bowen were recent Saturday evening dinrer guesîs of Mr. anfd Mr Is Oea. Kimbail of N1ewcasble. On Gooti Friday - -Marcb 28th service aI St. Saviaur 's Anglican Cburcb, Orono at 10 arn. ant i a Orono United Cburcb - il a.m. service. Mr. anti Mrs. Doug Bird of Wbilby ývisitet iber parents Mr.* anti Mrs. Lawrence Harris- on Sunday. aIn b te' near future dag licenseS will be solti in the village of Orono - ai Midtown Confectionery on the Main Street. Mr. anti Mrs. G.W. Bawke, Mr, - anti Mrs, Bon Barris attentiedthe funeral of the laIe Wm.- Raiston -(Ross> Bawke hùghand "of- -Mrs. ' Ellen Gallaugher Hawke,-faîber of Doreen. anti Earl. Funeral service was on Tuestiay aI 10 o'clock from the Anglican Cburcb of the Resur- rectian, Woodbine Avenue, Toronto-. Spring inlerment Union. Cemelery, Alliston. 1Mrs: Ilobt. Bancock, Mr. ecil Graham anti Mr. Milton, ,Wannan - have been patients.- in thfýe -Memorial Baspital, Bomavlle.* Mris.- Mabel Williams of Penibroke- bas been visiting, Mr_ýanc Mrs.-Jack Williams anti- dÏaïi-hters -anti other relations anti frientis. Mr.--"anti Mrs. -Robert Rutherford anti ber aunt Mrs. Bruce Whitney of Newcastle visiteti Mr. , anti Mrs. Dawson Beebe ai Mrrish an Suntiay. Mrs. B.HG. Freeman of ,map le 'Grove, Mrs. Ernest Gilbnk anti Miss Donna, Gilbank 1ýpent several days visiîing Dr'. anti Mrs.-_Rager Nagaraýjon_ anti daughter Delphinie aI Greenhurg Penn., Mr. anti Mrs. Gardon Power spent Sunday witb Miss B-azel Power w ho recently returneti home tram tbe Osbawa General Bospital - also visiteti Miss Merle Power anti Mr. BHarold Power, Oshawa. On Palm Sunday at Orono Unitedi Cburcb a reception of new members were receiveti by Letter af Transter anti by Profession of Faiîb. Mr. anti Mrs. Baroldi Allen, Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Bans- berry, Mrs. Donald Cochrane, Mr. anti Mrs. Lawrence Barris anti son Charles anti Alan Stewart -attentiedth e Sportsman Show in Toronto. An exhibitiWonfaIworks, mainly watercalors oa, Mr. A.A. Drummanti of Orona was apeneti on Marcb 251h. The exhibit will run until May 111h aI the .McLaugblin Gallery, Oshawa. On Sunday atternoon, April 6th there will be a reception bonorîng Mr. Drummonti anti anyone interesteti is welcome ta attend. The Mayor af the Town of Newcastle, Mr. Garnet ickard will officiate. Hiearîng- (From Page One) îng that there were two reasans for asking for a postponement. There was new legislatian about ta be mInro- tiuced la the legisature re- garding tieparýmentIl ear- ings anti that there was new macbinery ta study the envir- onment aspects being propos- eti, Be siateti that the tawn w ould not be reatiy until some timO in May andtil hati been discussedt t seek an adjouro- ment of two months. InquiryOfficer Baroldi-S. GoltikiP stteti that t bey coulti no t wait for1 new legislation, il being intietinite, anti coulti take a month ta twa years. Be agreedtta.a post- ponemnent anti stateti that tbey shoulti decitie an bow long the hearings shoulti take, estab- lisb a date anti take a list of the peoples names involveti in the proceedings at Ibis meeting. Ontarioa Bytros Lawyer J.B.S. Southey statedt Iat be intenidedt t give evitience wby the site was cboseni anti why il was appropriate but Ibat the envîronmental aspect shoulti not be a part of Ibese hearings. TOWN 0P NEWCASTLE 8OWMANVILLE AREA GARB.AG E COLLECTIO GARB4GE WHICH WOULD NORMALLY BE PICKED Up ON GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 28 WILL BE-- PICKED Up ON THURSDAY, MARC H 21. J. Dunham Direclor of Works He stated that Ontario Hydro would soon release a detailed environmental study on- the -plant site. Tt will be circulated to 10. different goverfiment agencies and public meetings will be held. Mr. Southey stated this matter would have to be approved by the Ministry of Communications and Transportatn and the Minis- try of te rvironment. He stated he. did not want to get into "contentious proceedings on that subject.' Harold S. Goldkind stated that the Expropriation Act prevented him from dealing witb, this issue, in that hie couldn't-make engineerin g decisions. Mr. McNeely stated that it mnight have a- bearing' on wbether the site was neces- sary, and that the inquiry offî,cer should assess the relevance of evidence during the time it was Dresented. i Mr. Goldkind asked Ontari Hydro for, aný affidavit thal people involved in the exprop- riation had been made aware. Mr, Southey replied hie had the material but flot in the form askecl and stated lie would present that at the time of the hearings., It was 9ettled that two da s would be locked in for te hiearings, ta be held in the Holiday Inn in Oshawa on May 5 and 6-, starting, at 10 a.m. each day, Refiring (f rom page 1) Insley,,that the working chair- man offices are to commence in June of each year. It was moved b y Mrs. Thompson and seconded by Mrs. M. Kelly that the ruling be accepted. It was suggested a speaker be obtaned for our annual faîl meeting. Transportation 'chairman, Mrs. R. Brock, reported there had been about 1,000 miles driven last month. Treasurer's report was read by Mrs. D. Tillcock. It was with deep regret we accepted the resignation of Mrs. D. Tillcock, as treasurer. Clar- ence- Bell, president of East Central District presenied Mrs. D. Tillcock with a certificate of serviceon behalf of lier many years of devoted service. Mrs. S. McMurter, President of the Bowrnanville Unit, presented Mrs. Tîllcock with a caduceus on behaîf of the Bowmanvi lie Unit. Mrs. Tillcock's wit and devotion ta a most difficult job will bie greatly missed. It was moved by Mrs. D. Bubbard and seconded by Mr. R. Coombes that Mr. Glen Prout be named as aur niew Treasurer. The next meeting will at be Mr, R. Coombes on May 12 at 8 p.m Courtîce (from page 1) a lif th question be added to the questiona ire: Do you think it good to be concerned about saving farm land? A spokes- man for the Ratepayers Asso- ciation stated that there was a space at the bottom of the questionaire for comments and that residents could write that question in, or any other qustion and answer. Bon Amyôtte asked Mayor Rickard if residents indicated that they didn't want develop- ment in Courtice on the questionaire, and it was an unanimous concensus, would the Towin of Newcastle scrap the (iourtice Concept?' Mayor Rickard replied that it was a democratic -systeni and the town would have to follow the. consensus of the people. .Jimn Robinson caution- ed the audience that the land was already zoned,. and that developers would go to the Ontario Municipal Board ta get approval ta build.' He stated'they would indicate ta the board the need for housing, and the decision wnuld be ma-de on hehaîf of all people of' Ontaria and not just Courtice residents. Mr. Robin- son told the audience that suchl develo pment _by_ builders Darlington and a portion af nortb-east Oshawa, which-is a mjrpart of the riding, will ginothe new riding of East Durham, under the bill. Cavan -township will go ta Peterborough riding, Manvers townlship will go ta Victoria and Cartwright will go into the Nortb Durham riding. Mr. Carruthers stated his regrets on having the riding broken up which was, the former Caunty of Durham. Bowever, he stated it was logical that political bound- arios t ollow regional' boutîd- aries and added -it is hard ta figbt that logic.' le stated the reason for his reti rement was the same as before. That it would be difficult. to serve a riding where the population centre is SO far tram where vou live. C.ourse for Ast hmatîc Children Begîns Apr.,4 An 8 weekc physical con- dilioning course for astbmatic children will be conducted hy the Durham Region TB and Bespiratory Disease Assoc- iation in co-aperatian witb the Oshawa Recreation Depart- ment and beld at the Civic Auditorium, Thorntan Rd. S., Oshawa, commencing Satur- day, April 4th tram 5:00 - 6:45 p .m. There is no charge for this course. The programme is a service of the Durhamn Regioîi TB-RD Association and made passible througb the Christ- mas Seal Campaign and a pproved by its medical a visory cammittee. A registered physiother- apist bas been engaged ta Mr. Carruthers lives in Gar- den Hill. If the redistribution bill is passed this week, then tbe next provincial election will be f ought -on these new boundar- les. An election at the present lime is up ta Premier William Davis. Il is expected this year. In Northumberland riding, il is expected that Russell Rawe will seek re-election for the Progressive Conservative Party. The Liberal party bas about 12 pssible candidates in mind, ritiing association pres- ident Lloyd Williams stated. .The New Demnocratie Party bas already formeti a new riding association ta include Part Hope anti Hope Townsbip and bas ai least four possible candidates under considera- lion. In the new riding of East- Durham, Doug Mottatt will seek the nomination for the NDP Party. Mr. MottaIt said there was no 'if' this new riding cames about. Be slated that at the la'st Newcastle Plann ing Advisory Commiltee meeting, a man presented a development proposaI with maps pravided by the Minis- lry of Transportation and Communication. On Ibose maps, the new political bound- aries dividing the Durham Riding were marked. Mr. Moffatt cbecked witb the regislry and found that Ibey bad aleeatiy changed aver ta the new political boundaries. Mr . Mottatt is a member of the Newcastle Planning Ad- visory Commiltee. Be added tbaW il was a "sneaky way of getting the bill tbrougb with- out telling anyone B e stated thal wben it camnes ta the legislalure, a few Conserva- live backbenchers may ab- ject, but the Conservalive vote will pass it. Mr. Moffatt stated - that the NDP Association in this area have sel up a cammittee of whicbheý is a member, ta make prepara- lions for the apparent bound- ary chaiges. 1Mrs. Fred Cale, a mnember of the Progressive Caniserva- tive Association in Ibis area, sîated that the Association is wailing for the approval of the bill betore sleps are taken ta reorganize.. Kingsley VanNest, -armema ber of the Liberal Association in Ibis area, tld the Canadian Statesman that planning meetings bave been beld over the past several monlbs, in preparation for tounding a new Durham East Liberal Association in the evenî of the boundary change. WiIh the expeclancy of a provincial election, Mr. VanNest staîed the Liberal Part y bas several prospective candidates in this riding. Bowever, no one wants ta make a definite commit- ment before the new bound- aries are officially passed. conducî the special breatbîng exercises. Dactors, nutrition- isî, ublic bealtb nurse' will speakta the parents while the cbildren are exercising, anti a special tilm on astbma will be sbown. The chlîdren spenti the first bour exercising anti the re- maining lime in the pool for fun ant furîber exercises. Participation is by doctors Sýpecial referral only. The application form in this paper may be used, or one can be obtained from your family physician. The doctors had been ad- vised that the programme would start on Saturday, March 29th, but since this wI be the Easter weekend, y date bas been, changed t Saturday, April 5tb. For furtber information or add- itional application forms, please cal the TB-RD Assoc- iation office at 723-3151. Last year, Red Cross loaned Me. than 87,700 items of sickroom r equipment, Area Music Students Participate in Concert, Last Saturday evening, Bowmanville High School was the scene of a concert spon- sored by the Canadian Con- servatory of Music, under the new ownership of Mr. Glenn Cook. Piano students of Mrs. M. McGee and Accordion stu- dents of Miss A. Zinni Pezr-, formed to an enthusiastie audience. Each studio bas approximately two concerts per year and students partici- pate in examinations and competitions. Organ, drums and guitar are also taught. Students from Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby perform- ed in this concert. DELOITTEJ, FHASKINS &SELLS Chartered Âccountants OFFICES. IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Building OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners: Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Econ.) C.A. Gardon F. Sedgewick C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phone 728-7527 - 839-7764 6 for Electrical Speci7-,,uals 4 Ft. Flu.orescent Tubes-ý7,7 Romex Indoor Wire NMD-7 Copper 14/2 Gauge, THESE SPECIALS IN EFFECT UNTIL APRIL 5 OR UNTIL STOCKS ARE DEPLETED,