6 Th)e(Canadlian Statesmian,SBowmranville, April 2,1975 SPORTALKr *623-3303 I FLASHBACK-25 VEARS AGO - Commencing Saturday, April lst, the office of the BowmanVille Community Council will be occupied by the new Recre-ationý Director, 'Don Shay. Mr. Shay was chosen for this position out of 25 applicants. FLASHBACK-10 YEARS AGO -In the girls' hockey piayoff on Friday, March 12, the Cor- vettes def eated the Buicks 7-1. Bonnie Simpson picked up 5 of the Corvette goals, while Wendy Closs had 2. Maureeni Tiglie had one assist. The locne Buick goal was scored by Donna Wiicox. SQUASH TOURNAMENT - The Labatt Open, will be held April 4, 5 and 6, at the Toronto Squash Club, and will feature 16 of North America's finest, Professional and Amateur squash players. Among those competing will bé Sharif Khan, holder of six consecutiVe North American Open'and Prof ession- ai tities, and Clive Caldwell, the Professional at Toronto Cambridge Club. SWEET REVENGE - Those Toronto Maple, Leafs who suffered such a humiliating defeat in their last encounter with Buffalo had their revengse on Sunday night when they defeated the Sabres 5 to 4 and knocked them out of their first place standing. The Leafs seem to be coming on strong with the -playoffs approach- ing. A LOT 0F POINTS - It probably will be a long time before anyone equals the record set last week by famed Gordie Howe who at 47 years-of-age has piled up a total of 2,000 points during his hockey ca reer. He's planning to retire, from the Houston Aeros this year and will be sorely missed, but his sons will keep the Howe name in the spotlight for many years. BOWMANVILLE - minor hockey teams are in the midst of piay-offs and reports of the games appear elsewhere. The teams are strong con- tenders to go al the way, so come out, support the teams, and watch some fast exciting games. APRIL 6 - APRIL 12 - has been set aside by the Canadian Governiment as National Wildlife Week in Canada. This year's theme is "Peol3le and Wildlife". More information on this important matter mnay be obtained from the 'Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. WHTl'BY McDONALDS - Senior A hockey teami bowed out for the season, losing the, seventh game of the series to Brantford Forest- ers in a 10 minute overtime game. The Mý'cDonaids are to be congratuiated, on their season as a.first year club, and promnise to be back next seasoni as a reai championship threat. THE SOUUH CENRAL- Qntarîig ~Game Assýociatiôn's memibership drive toward the target of 500 landowners and hunter sportsmenl within the districtL united as a combined group, dedicated toward conservation education is wý,ell within range according to latest reports issued. Memnbership chairman John Bilenduke advises that the group now consists of 310 members with more coming in daily. And once again wve remind our readersý interested in the "Ouitdoors" and its wildlife management policies that the next general membership meeting will be held in the Regional Police Building, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, Newcastle Council Chambers (upstairs), Sunday Aprîl 13, 7 p.m. sharp. Bowmanville, Hampton, Newcastle and Orono now ýcarry a good cross represenitation of landowners and hunter sports- men within the South Central Association. MEN'S SOFTBALL - There's been a change of daite for anyone wishing to play in the Men's Softbali League. The date for registering has been extended to April I2th and they must register at.either Frank's Variety or D & R Sports. Anyone joining the league will not be allowed to play with any other league. Persons initerestëd in umpiring, coaching or sponsoring a team are invited to attend the next executive Beers Plumbing Minor Atoms Down East York but Lose to Burlington in Clancy Tourney Tuesday, March 25, saw the In the final period, Kevin Minor Atoms playing their Norton set up Preston for first exhibition game of the Bowmanville's fourtb goal. King Clançy Tournament, at East York then scored twice to the Chartwell Arena in Agin- close the score to 4-2, but court. Eàst York supplied the Stocker finished it off with his opposition and Bowmanville second goal of the gamne, walked away with a 5-2 assisted by Tod Stephiens. victory-. Logan, and Mike Glass The first Toro goal wàs by played stron g defensive Timn Little, assists going to games as did Shaughn Hous- Tim Preston and Robbie ton and Dan Combes. Trevor Green. Paul Stocker p ut Martyn played well offensive- Bowmanville two uýp, wvith a ly. solo effort. Green b&anged in On Saturday, March 29, the the puck frorn a scramble in team returned to Scarborough front of East York's net to to play th eir -third game of the ma)ke it 3-0. Stephien Ta1ylor Timmiy Tyke Tournament. and" Jeff Logan received They faced a tearn frnrn asqsists. Burlington. and the winner Major Bon toms Eliminote Hes peler in Ont. Sem i-Finals Last Wednesday night here, Knapp's Towing Major Bantams wrapped Up the Ontario semi-f inal playoff when they downed ilespeler 10-6 to win the series in three straight games. Here, Gary Dusseldorp has just scored, assisted by Ed Visser (5). -Photo by Rick James Sports Midgets WiI Meet Paris In Best of Seven Starting Tonioghi By virtue of a 5-3 win over Hespeler on Sat., Mar. 29th in Bowmanville, Bowmanivîlle Sports Midgets will meçt Paris in a best of seveni series for, the Ontario finals. Inthe third game of the series played at Hespeler on Wed., Mar, 26th, Bowmanville Camý-e up f4itand 1ost to Hlespeler by a 5-2 score,. Penaltie.s also were an imiport- ant factor as Hlespeler scored four times while havinig a man advantage. It was also the best effor t shown by Hespeler in the sertes. Nick Van Seggelen scored both goals for Bowmanville. The first was unassisted and the second assisted by Kirk Kemp and John Cornish. The fourth and final game of the series turned out to be the best game, as both teams played well. Bowmanville took a 3-0 lead but bv the end of the second, Hespeler had narrowed the margin to 3-2. This set the stage for an exciting third period. Bow- manvile scored first in this period but Hespeler kept the game close by scoring s hor tly after. W'ith one minute to go and while enjoying a man advantage, Bowm-aniville scored the final go1al of the game. Bowmanville's first goal of the game was scored by Terry Sarginson on a hard blast. Duke Brunt earned an assist as he won the draw and got the puck back to Sarginson. Ted Puk scored the second goal after receiving a pass fromi Kirk Kemp. Bowmanville's only goal of the second period came off the stick of Kemp with Cornish and Van Seggelen assisting. In the third period Ralph Cryderman scored on a quick snap shot which turnea out to be the winning goal. A valiant effort by John Hogarth who kept the puck inside the blue line, passed to Cox behind the net who set up Cryderman. The insurance marker coming late in the game, was- scored by Van Seggelen iafter being put wp by onih Ted Trudeau stopped miany good scoring chances by Hespeler. Bowm-anville de- fence played a muich im- proved game over thecir pr1e- vious encounter. The series withi Paris becginis Wed., Apr. 2nd (tonight) in Bowmanville at 800 p .m,. The second game of the secries will be played in Paris on Fni., Apr. 4,h with the third game back in Bowmanville on Sun., Apr. 6th, also at 8:00 p .m. The fourth is scheduled f or Paris for Tues., Apr. 8th. Hl. Knapp's Towing Malor Bantams Split First Two Games wîth Essex WiII PIay i The Knapp's Towing Major Bantams jumped into the O.M.H.A. finals over the weekend. playing two games in Essex and coming out with a split in points winning the first game 6-5 and dropping the second 5-4. Essex will be in Bowman- ville this coming weekend with games going at the Bowmanville Arena at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday and 6:00 p.m. on Sunday. The fifth game if necessary will be back in Essex on April, l2th. In the first game in Essex on Saturday, Scott Stevens open- ed the scoring in the first period on a man advantage situation to giv'e Bowmnanville the lead. At this point both teams began to loosen up and some stiff body checking opened up the play. Ken Broham scored for Essex to even thing up, only to have Brad Godfrey_ put Bowman- ville ahead 2 1 assisted by Brent Badour. Essex opened the scoring in the second peniod, Dave, Flood the goal-getter. Bowmanville, lead by God- frey's two goals and Don Farrow's single tally, surged ahead into a 5-2 lead. Ed- Visser, Gary Dusseldorp and Dean Rutherford earned as- sists on the goals. Essex scored on a power play effort late in the period to make the score 5-3, Bowm-anville at the end of the secoind. Don Farrow scored his second goal of the contest, set up in the siot by Scott Stevens and Dean Rutherfnrd. Mark McGuire scored for Essex two minutes later, then Bowman- would play in Maple Leaf Gardens in the final.' 1Burlington scored early and poured in six goals before Kevin Norton got the Toros on the scoresheet with an assist trom Jeff Logan. Scott Bate and Jeff Vyfschaft played well in net, despite the six goals, as theyv made several fine saves. Finial score: Burlington 6, Bo)vmanville 1. lere Sat. and Sunday ville went into a defensive sheli to proteet the lead but Essex rallied late in the period, coming within a goal of a tie as Wayne Milîs scored at the 17:29 mark. Goalie Britt Murphy-held the fort in the Powerfully qMIUi et. Quietly powerful. The irritating noise 'and vi- bration are gone. The rug- ged workpower remains. Powerful 16 horse, twin cyl- inder engine. Precise, un- complicated controls. A power-locking collar clicks attachments in uine with just fingertip pressure. One treadie-pedal controls speed and direction. Attach- ment clutch and hydraulic lift are flip switches, not arm-wrenching levers. Someday, ail tractors will be this sophisticated. Why wait?,Bolens. A good yard ahead. MC Consumer ,f I Products FICE'S SHMELL Taunton and Wilson Rd. Oshawa, Ont. 728-2021 dying minutes of the gamre as Essex put on the pressure. Lose Second Game The second garne played on Sunday, the Bowrnanville squad had their undefeated play off record on nine wins, no losses, go down the drain as they were edged 5-4 in an exciting game. Both teams started off the first peniod playing a litle cautious as neither tcami scored ànd when they did have chances sharp goaltending by Britt Murphy of the Bowman- villeteam and Bill Wverch of the Essex squad came up) withi some fine stops. P'our goals were score(!Iin the second period, two-by each teamn. Gary Dusseldorp and Gerard Morrison. tallin for Bowmanville, Daie Floodand Mark McGireý( for Ess-ex. Brad Godfreyý picked up assists on both goals, Ruther- ford and Stevens also earned assists. ln the third period, EFssexý outscored Bowmanville 3-2 for the win. Mark McGuire hlad the hat trick in the pen iod for- Essex, complAeting a four goal splurge for his record. Don)i Farow and sCott Stevensilýl combip~ed forBomnies two goals. Bowrnanvlle pulled their goalie Murphy' jin the late stages of the peniod trin or the equalizer but camie upI empty. Don't forget Saturday an Sunday-. You may seea Championship won' Legtion Ladies Sutcliff e 25 pts., 3 5,86 8 pinr.s; Sheehan 22, 35,73; lazek17, 34,347; Partner 14,346. High Single NyhlSheehan .. . . ,..295 High Triple Joan Sutelîffe. .........--675 To 10 Averages Joan Sluteliffe 224, Nyhl Sheehan 207, Bernice Partneici 197, Irene Whitney 196,', Anni Plazek 19.3, Mary B3ates '192, Diane Howarth" 188, ar G~\186 KavBrrt 185, Ladies Mair Top 10 Averaees O. Etcher 223, D. Bradley 218, N. Evans 218, J. Brown 21u, 0. Patfield 216, F. Bradley 214, J. Patfield 213, S. Davis 211, Hf. Depew 209. M. Flintoff 209. H-igh Triple D. Bradley............ 832 High Single D. Bradley ...... ......3ý 29 Team Standings Depew '35663, 24 J. Patfieldl 35567. 24; Me ~ 42,;. 19;1 Forrester 33893, 19;1 Davis 34610, 18; Flintoff 34425, 17, Evans 33687, 15; F. Bradley 33533, 15; D. Bradley 33060 13, Bowers 34191, 11. Recreation Reviewîs Schedule of Games Mlon., Mar. 31 5:00 p.m., DSC, P.W.B., Mug Semi F. - Kinsmen and Rangers; 8:00 p.,m ., Bow, P.W.A., Mug Final -Cable T.V. and Rires; 8:50 p.m. , Bow, Bantam, Mug Final - Grape Crush and Huskies. Tues., Apr. 15: 00 p.m., DSC, Atom B., Mug Semi F. - Franks and Kinsmen; 7:00 p.m., DSC, Girls, Pract. - Bloopers and Purpies., Tues., Apr. 1 6:O00p.m. Bow, Tyke A., Mug Finals - Cable T.V. and Consumers Gas; 6: 50 p.rn., Bow, Tyke B., Mug Finals - Bon Rae, and Forest- ers; 7:40 p.m., Bow,, P.W.B., Mug Semi F. - Glen Rae and Clippers; 8:40 p.m., Bow, Bantam, Mug Final - Grape Crush and Huskies. Thurs., Apr. 3 4:00 p.m., Bow, Girls, Practice- Bloop- ers and Purpies, 5:00 p.m., Bow, Tyke A., Mug Finals - Cable T.V. and Consumers Gas; 5:50 pm., Bow, Tyke B, Mug Final - Bon Rae and Foresters; 6:40 p.m., Bow, Atom B, Mug Semi F.- Glen Rae and Clippers. Fr, Apr. 4 5:00 p.m., Bow, Atom B, Mug Final; 5:50 p. m., Bow, Atom A, Mug Final- Orange Crush and Cable T.V. Sat., April 5 8:O00a. m. to 5: 00 p.m. MinorHockey Day at Darlington Sports Centre. Mon., Apr. 7 8:00 p.m., Bow, P.W.A., Mug Final - Cable T.V. and lires. Tues., Apr. 8 - 6:00_ p.m., Bow, Tyke A, Pract.- Kool Enterpriseand Hornets; 6:50 p.m, Bow, Tyke B, Pract. - Garys Sports and Vie Metals; 7:40 pm., Bow, P.W.B., Mug Final. Thurs., Apr. 10 4:00 p.m., Bow, Girls, Pract. - Bloopers and Purpies; 5:00 p.m., Bow, Atom B, Mug Final; 5:50 p.m., Bow, Atom A, Mug Final- Orange Ci'ush and Cable T.V.; 6:40 p.m., Bow, Atom A, Practice - Grahams I.G.A. and Local 12219. Fri., April il, 6:00 p.m., Bow, P.W.B3, Mug Final. Sat., April 12 8:00 arn., 5:00 p.m. Minor Hockey Day at Bowmanville Arena. Minor Hockey Day Schedule at Darlington, Saturday,-April 5th - 8:00 arn. Bantam Finals, 9:05 arn. Girls Finals, 10: 10 arn. Pee Wee B Finals, 11:15 arn. Pee Wee A Finals: 12:25 p.m. Atom B Finals, 1:30 p.m. Atom A Finals, 2:40 p.m. Tyke B Finals, 3:25 p.m. Tyke A Finals. Minor Hockey Day Sehedule at Bowmanville, Saturday, April l2th.- 8: 00 arm. Bantam Finals, 9:05 a.m. Girls Finals, 10: 10 a.m. Pee Wee B Finals, 11:15 arn. Pee Wee A Finals: 12:25 p.m. Atom B Finals, 1: 30 p.m. AtomAÀ Finals, 2:40 p.m. Tyke B Finals 3:25 p.m. Tyke A Finals. All games to be three fifteen minute periods. The Mug Finals and Championship Fin- als will be a two game total goals series. Mug Hockey Playoffs Marcb 31st Pee Wee A Hires Root Beer 2,- Eddie Lott, Brian Sarginson, Shutout to. Kirk Tripp. Cable T.V. - 0. Pee Wee B Kinsman 2 - Gary Schissler, Brian Sudsbury. Rangers 1 - Paul Cornish. 1 Bantam Grape Crush '3 - Glen Ferrili, Neil Osborne, Brian Dennis." Kiwanis Huskies 2 -Gleni Austin, Ron Burgess. MIXED MAJOR LEAGUE 'Top 'len Averages Hon Etcher 259, Doris Joli 250, Larry Piper 244, Joan Sutcliffe 235, Pete Dobbins 231, Peggy Haynes 231, Ross Wright 231, John Ford 222, Jirn Murphy 221, Maurice Annaert 221. Team Standings JolI 24-38,577, Haynes 22- 37,249,' Dunn,22-36,983,, Crossey 20-35,950, Coole 20-35,950, B. Buday 18-37,125, Bagneli 17- 36,193, Sheehan 17-35,757, Pat- field 15-36,118, Fairey 15- 35,912, Suteliffe 14-37,037, K. Buday 12-34,407. Mens High Single Hon Haynes ............. 299 1Ladies High Single Joan Sutchiffe........... 295 Ladies Highi Triple Joan Sutliffe .......... 80)5 *Mens Higb Triple Larry Piper ............. 738 ATTENTION lI Coaches and Managers Anyone who is interested in a position as a coach or manager in the Bowmanvilie Minor Hockey Association for, the 1975-76 season is asked to contact: DON WELSH. 23 Sunset Rd., Bowmanville. Present coaches, managers and trainers are aiso required to appiy in writing. It is necessary that team officiais be appointed this spring as we must register our teamis with O.M.H.A. before June 1, A short 'note inicluding your namie, address, the age level you mnight prefer to work withi, previous experience, etc., ivould be appreciated. REPIES SHOULD BE RECEIVED BY APRIL 8. Interested In Updating Your Transportation? (î I1 M IEHV TOGLN-tPO EËDBECR 197ASRE2Dr A tomti, u cet, cnsle floo sift 171 UýK KYL RK2-r. artop V8,autmai I 'raio whtewalsviheidiss.Lic H C04 bckesconol, pwe sterngpoer raesraio In Iwe.Lc.EF1 I 97 IS R A C B C u k t , c n ol , 4 s e d 9 0CH V W g n -,a t m tc o e 't e i o e ra io whtIalw e ld s s î .H C 1 r k s r d o rc dt el i .E J 7 I 93 R ND R X DrIad o .IO -, o e se rn 9 9 P NT A - r a d o .V8 u o ai , s f I o er Irk s o e id vs ar c n iinn .L c I Ic hce n ed frtera.O L 95 197 IM P IT30V8 uomtc oe tei Ioe Irks aiwtcme o n ofrcs n " I A U I w er Ii.C42 N E T F E A S I 97 P N I C S ai n W g n -'u o ai , V 8 po e' 16 V V o ie g c n m ca .N e s s $4 00 i tic 1974rASTE 2r. Atpowemacbkets, cosolehiteoor s ift,19671PLYUTHSKYLAK2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, automatic, 1974 i. ASTE0A4 BA1Bckt, osoe495ed, oe e.0 Lc0EF 1970 CHE Wags Muray Oin -, StalsMc,rserigpo rado, hit wals whel ise. hLc. H meof1 tasiraesdo.Pidt o el. ic EJ29 * in 193GADPI r ado.40V-,pwrsern, 16 OTA -.Hrtp ,atmtc aey* ? poErbs, p6r2nd3-ar33d96nn.Lc. cekd n edyfrte od NL 95 Qo __ _ __ _ __ _ HOOPER*'STROPHY CENTRE TROPHIES-AWARD RIBBONS-GIFT AWARDS CLUB BADGES - PLASTIC SIGNÉS ' DESK SETS - PEWTER MUGS - LAPEL PINS PLAQUES - METAL SIGNS - NAME TAGS SPECIAL CLUB and SCHOOL DISCOUNTS I~ on Trophies and Engraving. VISIT OUR SHOWROOMI MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED HON and DAN HOOPER 19 King St.E. Phone 416-623-5747 Bowmanville-