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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1975, p. 10

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joThe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. April 9, 1975 SWorld War I Veterans Entertained ai The Annual Vimy Night dinner at Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion gets smaller each year as fewer World War 1 veterans are available., On Saturday night, their numbers were to be augmented by three carloads of veterans from Divadale but an accident involving two tractor-trailers west of Whitby apparently forced them to turn back. Those who did attend had a great time enjoying the entertainment after they had been well fed by the Ladies' Auxiliary members. They are shown here, from left to right, along with their ages. Herbert Gilson 75, James Murray 75, Gladstone G,"'M's CoId Weather Testing E.xplained by -Sr. Engiera The annual Ladies' Night of the Men's Canadian Club, Bowmanville, was held aI Ebenezer Unted Chumch Hall, on Wednesday evening April 2, wîth 90 present. The meeting was called 10 order by Pres. Wesley Down, and aftem "The Blessing" by Rev. D. Harris, the toast 10 "The Queen" and the singing of "God Save the Queen", the ladies of Ebenezer U.C.W. catered with a delicious oast beef dinner. Hend table guests included: Mm. and Mrs. Wesley Down, Mr. MG. Malloy, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethic, Rev. and Mrs. D. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. John Pogue, Mr, and Mrs. John Rickard, Mr. and Ms. Leslie Collacutt, Mr. and Ms. Ronald Bckle and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pascoe. The MOBILAIRES (Barber- shoppers) quartet, Ontario Champions, delighted the gathering with several num- bers. The appreciation of the Club was expressed by Mr. Clifford Pelhie, 10 the quartet andl also 10 the ladies of Ebenezer U.C.W., Mr. John Rickard proposed the toast 10 the Ladies wilh Mms. Wesley Down making a very appropriate response. As this was the last meeting of the Club before they wvould PLUMBING & HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO ul Phonie 263-2650 leave for the Canninglon district, Mr. and Mms. John Rickard were presented wilh a cut lass Rose Bowl, on behaîf of' the Club, by Mr. Walton Pascoe. A short sing-song of old time favourites waî, held wilh Mr. Leslie Collacult at the piano and Mm. Ronald Bickle as song leader. Mr. M.G., Malloy, Senior Experimentai Engineer of General Motors of Canada, Oshawa, the guest speaker of the evening, was intoduced by Mm. Clifford Trewin. Hie biefly reviewed the hislory of the speaker, being a native of Stirling, Ontario, where he received his public and high school education. He joined General Motors of Canada, in 1962, as a co-op student at General Motors Institule. Afler completing his train- ing for a Bachelor of Mechan- ical Engineering Degmee at G.M .I, e was ganled a scholarship to McMaster Un- iversity where he earned a Master of Engineering De- Mi. Trewin pointed out that the speaker's responsibilities now inchude the management of ail vehicle and component cold weather testing, par- ticularly at the Company's cold weather test facililies at Kapuskasing, Ontario. lis ýtalk, supporled by color slides, dealt chiefly wlh the cold weather vehicle test pogram by G.M.C. The speaker advised that ast week, G.M. of Canada engineering personnel com- pleted testing opeations for the winter season at their cold weathem facility at Kapuska- sîng, Ontario, 150 miles south of James Bay, This termmmalec a cola weather lest programn which was begun last November and during which, vehicles were subjected to lemperatures as low as 40 degrees below zero. He stated that November, 1974, to March, 1975, was the third season of opeation for the Kapuskasing facilily, which was specifically design- ed and constructed for the purpose of cold weather test- ing.' Prior 10 the construction of this facility, testing trips had been made to the Kapuskasing area each winter for the past two decades. He said that during the wintem rograms, both current Men's Canodian C.i Legion During Annual Vimy Night Graham 86, Bert Mundy 75, Tom Haves 87, Jim Newman 75, Charlie Ross 79, Frank Gilmer 78, Bruce Berry 76, George Martin 91, Bill Shotter 96 and Jim'Abernethy, not in picture, 80. Others whose absence was noted because they were unable to attend for various reasons were, Bert Parker, 'Bun' Moore, Reg. Harding, Charlie Garrard, Norm Hoit, Tom Dodd, Don Cameron and Jack Living. Tommy Hayes was presented with his 50 year pin as a Legion member, Bert Mundy his 15 year and Jim Newman his 44 year pin. Bruce Stainton and Ryan, Oshawa. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Davenport, Richmond Hill. Choir practice will be held at 8 p.m. this Thursday evening. Please note change of time. Mesdames Paul Vaneyk, Alfred Knowlton, James Woodley, Douglas Southwell, John Rundie and Miss Dawn Vaneyk attended the Presby- terial Annual Meeting held in St. Mamk's United Church, Whitby when Rev. Robert McClure was the guest speak- er at both services. Mr. and Mrs. James Wood- ley and family were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Drysda 1e. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Feddema and family to our community, they haye built a new home just east of Bethesda, School. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar were Mr. and Mrs. J. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Awde, Mrs. G. Andrews, Miss Dorothy May, Miss Joyce Andrews, Toronto; Mrs. Leila Wermy, Gordon and John, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. George White, Bowmanville. lKENDAL Miss Neisha Neal and three girl fiends returned- home recently from a holiday at Daytona Beach, Florida. Sorry to report Mm. Minnie Wybenga is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mrs. Wybenga who was visit- ing hier parents Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kim in Holland has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elgear spent a day in Toronto ast week and saw hier mother Mrs. N. Thertell. PONTYPOOL Pontypool U.C.W. held its regular meeting on Wednes-' day, April 2nd. The President, Isabelle Challice, opened the meeting with the poem "Tel Him So." Theme for the Devotional, taken by Jessie Fisk, was "Show Jesus Your Hands."' Hymns sung were "Jesus Christ is Risen To- day", "Rejoice the Lord is King" and "Take up Thy Cross." Jessie Fisk read "The Legend of the Easter Flower" and Ina Cain read the scrip- ture and poems "The Little Black Dog 'and "My Thanks" Violet Anderson, Nellie Mich- elle and Grace Fallis sang "Praise Him! " During the offering "A Charge to Keep I Have" was sung. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, several "Thank you" cards received and rnuch comespondence. Much of, this was lef over for the nexl meeting. The Trea- surer's Report was read by Grace Fallîs. At this time four Past Presidents were called forward and presented with Life Membership pins by Isabelle Challice and Ina Cain. They were Jessie Fisk, Fran- ces Van Wieringen, Dorothy Lethangue and Yvonne Fallis. A fifth, Betty Lou Preston, was unable to be present. It was announced that at an Official Board Meeting on Mar. l9th, motion was made that Rev. Jim Sommerville of London be asked to corne to Pontypool for the week of May 4th to May lth to lead in an Ecumenical Rally to celebrate the 5oth Annivesary 'of the United Church. Mrs. Challice reported that she had attended the regular Chamber of Com- merce meeting and had out- lined the programn for the week. A motion was passed by the Chamber of Commerce that the Community Hall be given free of charge for the rally. To promote this week- long rally invitations will be sent out and there will be notices in papers and over radio. The C.G.I.T. and Ex- plorer girls are making post- ers and banners and the U.C.W. are presenting cash in the Psy-chiatric Hospital in Whitby from 1958 until her retirement In 1973. Mrs. Fisk thanked Mrs. Slute and pre- sented her with a gift. Rev. Ficks closed with the Benedic- tion. During lunch a surprise birthday cake was presented to Yvonne Fallis., Get well wishes are extend- ed to Letty Carter in Sunny- brook Hospital, Toronto, and to Dorothy Lethangue in Civic Hospital, Peterborough, and to anyone else fromn the community who is iii without our knowledge. Mayor Repjalies to ODpen Letter From Preston ville Resident Mrs. Bett R.R. 4 Prestonva Dear Mad A few addressed through th suggested reply via First, writing,e cerns. AI Courtice "Identity "PressurE many pro with large is quite tri the shock would hav today. Unforti back, or el 1 think Communi the deve]( Svmpatt Nora Dei Bazinet ar the fami]i Annie Bà away in Oshawa. Mr. and Dam,' Sr. to Ottawa, Mr. and last week. of Martin' was 99 ye Several Sutch.V familiess end in Brz Congrat Mrs. Wai Christine1 married ii terian Ch April sth the son of Mitchell daughter Kevin Mo Courtice, somewhat more in- formative, as it related more closely to the practical pro- blems. 1 trust that you will continue to follow the activities of the Municipality with intemest. I shal ýbe glad to hear from vou ty Bellmngham, upon the natural and physical nie hpIe lwems, relate to at any time. resources which it possesses, nzthe paroble mreatnetoSincerely, aie Rd. 1 the betterment of th hi e s nibl anr Garnet B. Rickard inhabitants. People have been 1 trust you rÎound the second Mayor dam. attracted to Courtîce and will meeting which was held in Town of Newcastle ý1weeks ago you, continue to be, because of its i an open letter to me geographical -location, access- his paper . It hasbeen ibility to employment, shopp- d to me that I should ing etc. I think we should then, the saine source. try to develop Courtice as a H a v e 'Y ou I thank you for community rather than, an expressing your con- extension of an urban sprawl,1 ,t the meeting in enhancing as muc h as pos- you say I mentioned sible, without destroying the -e". You mention the that area have sought. oblems which evolve What pressures do we have?--- 7e urban centres. This As more people seek the samie ue. You also mention opportunities and standard of7 -k your grandfather living, we must try to respond. ive if hie could see us Shouid development sprawl ail over the countryside? One unately, we cannot go of the greatest problems, most even stand stili. When often brought before Councils, of Identity of a is the scarcity and high cost of ity, I like to think of housing, the lack of serviced opment of that area land, etc. In Courtice the land can be serviced. There are hv is extended to many people asking to build M esgroseilliers, Alan on a vacant lot, these requests ýnd other members of have often been denied for [y of the late Mrs. sanitary reasons: problems, azinet who passed with wells, septic tanks etc. iHillsdale Manor, Others complain about vacant lots growing up in weeds. Fire d Mrs. George Van- protection has been asked for, were recent visîtors street lights, sidewalks, storm i. sewers and many more ser- 1 Mrs. Martin Dwyer vices. Should the development attended the funeral take p lace piece meal, or 's grandmother, who should it be planned? ears of age. The Planners have project- 1members of the ed what could happen. How VanDam and Fajt can this best be done is the Morley Watson, of the Public spent Easter week- question. The 46,000 people Uiiis a pnoe rei h antford.*1 that was talked about, is a Uiiis a pnoe rei h tulations to Mr. and long range possibility. We "Trees for Canada'" program. He is yne Mitchell (nee should project our plans on a shw ab e wih D u Brd McCrum) who were much smaller scale, in stages h w ab v wi D u Brd in Ballyduff Presby- and accept growth at a rate explaining the programi procedure. hurch on Saturday, whîch the economy of that Y U wub otce ntena at 5 p.m. Wayne is area can afford and only as Ô wil ecot tdin he ea fMr. and Mrs. Alvin fast as it is socially accept- future. and Christine, the able. of Mr. and Mrs. The purpose of Public Meet- cCrum. ings is to get response from IRY lS NOW ub Dinner and future G.M. products, as well as competitîve products were evaluated. Specîfie characteristics tested, included engine start- ing ability, vehicle drive- ability, heater and defroster performance, and overal] vehicle system, and comp on- ent durability in Caaian winter conditions.' He further advised that the durability testing phase of the prograin, required that the vehîcles be driven daily over a precise 200 mile drivingf schedule in a variety of road traffie, and weather condi- tions. Approximately haîf of the test drivers, who were hired from that locality, were women. They performed the samne functions as men, which included, driving, mechanical checks on cars, and critical analysis of the vehicle's oper- ation. The results of this test program will be analyzed and applied 10 ensure the suitabil- îty of G.M. products for the -Canadian climate. An interesting question and answer period followed his speech. The thanks of the Club, together with a memento of the occasion, were presented 10 Mr. Malloy, by Mr. John Pogue. Mr. Wesley Down expressed the thanks 10 ahl who had contmibuted 10 the success of the evening. The meeting closed with the singing of "O Canada". LONG SÂULT Glad 10 report Mrs. Bert Johnson arrived home from Oshawa Hospital Sunday much improved in health following two mninor opera- lions., Mm. and Mrs. Bill Johnson, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. E. Bent, Newcastle; Mrs. Flet- cher, and Mr. John Johnson, Oshawa and Mrs. Ivan Row- ley, Paîgrave were visitors wîth their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mur- phy were Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Davis. Mrs. Lloyd Harmer, R.R. 1, Bowmanvile,ý spent Wednes- day with Miss Grace Smith. Glad 10 report Mrs. W. Vaneyk returned home from hospital Wednesday afternoon much împroved in health. TY RoNME The community gel together Hockey game was played in Darlington Sports Centre Sun- day aflemnoon with the ladies 20 and over easl of the church playing the ladies west of the church wilh the easl ladies winning. I bel there were some on Monday momning who had muscles lhey neyer knew they had. Then the men played their game with the wesl men winning. Il will be basebal next.'This liasthue imakings of an irîleresting summer, if we ever gel any af ter, the womst snow and wind storm in many years hit us last Wednesday nighl blocking roads. The snowmobilers had the lime of their life. Mr. and Mrý. Ralph Bowers and family weme Sunday dinner guesîs and Mr. and Mms. Dougla s Parkand boys were Sunday supper guests of Iheir parents, Mr, andMrs. W. Park, 1Mr. and Mms. Jack Gibbs were Satumday supper guesîs of Mr. and Mms. W. Simpson, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan and boys were Sunday lunch- eon guesîs of Mr. and Mrs. AI West and boys, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mms. Walter Staple- ton and Mark, Orono werE Sunday aftemnoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards. Mrs. Ethel Horton, Mr. anû Mrs, Howard Brent, Oshawa weme Sunday evening dînner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Phare.* Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stain- ton -Ad0ail1 .C.r) spelth TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Election for Area Councillor in Ward 1 of the Town of Newcastle to fi the unexpired term ending December 31, 1976. NOMINATION PROCEDURE Nomination papers can be obtained at: The Town Clerk's Office 40 Temperance St., BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. Nomination papers must be filed at the Office of the Town Clerk on: Thursday, April l7th FriayApril i Sth Monday, April 2lst, 19,75 during business hours - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If an election is required Polling Day wiil be 1 Monday, May 12, 1975 with Advance Poli on Saturday, May 3, 1975. Polling Hours - il a.m. to 8 p.m. local time. J.M. Mellroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Town of Newcastle Returning Officer. 1 nennlA thnt -0 miclhf reýAcf- eý

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