TheCanadian Statesi R.DS ýman, Bowmanville, Apnil 9,197-5 il DEJADLINE FOR 9 Tues., 4:30 p.m ROWELS- eneth and Lauraine (nee Cook) are pleased fo announce the birth o)f their son, Jack Edward, born March 31, 1975, wee brother for Jamie and De- anna. 15-1 x EASTON- Alan and Linda (nee Stevens) are p roud ta announce the arrivai oft thei r daughter, Jennifer Ann, 8 lbs. 2 oz., on) March 24, 1975 at Port Hope and District Hospital.. 15 lx SLEEP--Doug and Fran (Henning) wish ta announce the birth of a son, David Douglas, March 18, 1975, 6 lbs. 2 oz. Parry Sound Hospital, a brother for Stephan je. 15-1 TERRY-Gene and Viv (nee Graham) are proud to an- nounce the safe arrivaI of their second son, Jason Ed- ward, borni Tues. Apr. 8, 1975 ats:40a.m. andweiahedllbs. 151/2 ozs. A brother for Jamnie and a grandson for Mr. and MVrs. W. Terry and Mr. and MrAs. R. Gralhamr. Also a great grandison for Mrs. Har- niet Ellis. Speciai thanks ta doctors and mnaternity staff. Mr. and MrS. ClaytonMl fer, R.R. 2. Blackstock, are pleased ta) anniounce the forth- comning marrnage of their daughter Patricia May ta Ralph James McLaughlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. James M\cLaug hlin, R.R.' 2, Black- stock . The marriage ta take place May 31st in E nniskillen United Church at 3:30 p.m. 151 Mr. andi Mrs. R. Wright, Bowkmanville, are happy ta announce the forthcoming maârriage of their daughter Nancy ta Mr. Robert Hicks son of Mrs. Irene Hicks, R.R 2, Newcasfle,,on May 12, 1975. 15-1 ANDREWS -- Soddeniy at R.R, 1, Orono, an Fiday,' Apnil 4th, 1975, William Fred- erick Andrews, aged 59 years, dean brother ot Beatnice (Mrs. Prcy Gold), Benniece <Mrs. John D. Moffat) and Norman, Service was held in the Mannis F menai Chapel, Bowman, e, ani Manday at 1:30. interment Orüo Creeey. 15-1 Manor, Oshawa, an Satorday, April 5th, 1975, RaseAne Ba-zinet, agaed 85 years, wife of thýe late Djaniel B azineti,dean maothen of Pearl (Mrs. L.. La Forge), Kapuskasing, Noa s.A., Desgrosseilliers) and 5? -n Bazinet, Pantiypoal, and ~i0ate May (Mrs. . Des- grosseiliers), Sudbury. Resf- ed af the Mrris Funerai Chapel, Bawmrranville, F-uner- aI mrass in S. Jaseph's Romnan Cathiolic Chorch on Tuesdlay at 11:30. iterment Bowmanvilie K EN NE DY - Mar Ida at1 Peterborough an PFniday, Apr i! 4, 1975. Mary da Hotchinson beiaved wife of the late Hierbent Kennedy, dean sister of Weston Htchinson 0t Bethany, and Miss Laura Hutchinsan of Peterborough. Rested at Comnstack Foneral H-ome, 356 Rubidge Street, Peterborough. Service was heid onriManday April 7. Internrient St. John's Ceme- tery, Ida, Ontario. 15-1 K,RAWCHUK, John Thomas - tt Memnoriai Hospital Bowmrranviiie on Satunday, Apnil 5, 1975, John Thomas Kaw,chok, beIaved hosband of Stella NMikoiew, Mapie Grave. Fathen of Chenyl Krawchuk at home, Barry, Ai1bany, N.Y., Dennis, Guel ph. Brotlher of Mns. Jean Arych, Mrý,s. Bernice Werbecki, Ed- wadand Walter, Oshawa, in his 63rd year. Re5ted at the Armnstnang Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Reqoe Hg Mass in St. Joseph's Cathoîîc Chon-ch, Bowmanviiie, Tues., April 8atl1030a.m. Interment BowmanvilleCemetery. Prayers wiil be heldat the tonerai home Monday. 5- ROSE, Amnie- At Memnonial Hospital on Friday, A pnil 4, 1975 Amnie Rase of 264 King Sf. East, Bowmanvilie. Aged 72 years. Rested et the Northcuft Eil1iott, Funerai Home. Foner- ai se.rvice was heid Il 'clock Mondlay marning. lnterme&it Bowmanvile Cemneteny. 15-1l M 0J "F 1owers ISayiît h Best" wlzmm VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto... Oshawa - Bowmanvilie Area Phone 623-4441 ---ARNAT ION For AIl Yaur Fîower Needs STOP IN AND SEE, OUR WVEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 12-tf The chiidren of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissberger wish fa invite relatives, friends and neighbars ta an open hause in the honor of their parent's SOth wedding anniversary on Sun- day, April 2th, 1975 tram 2 ta 8 p.m. in the C. E. Wing of Zi 'on United Church. Best wishes oniy, please. 15-2 BROWN - n iaving memnory of a dear husband, father and grandfafher, Howard John Brown who passed away April 9, 1967. God fook him home it was hîs, wiii But in aur hearts we love, him still His memory is as dear today As in the hoor he passed away We atten sit and think of him When we are ail alane For memory is the anly f riend That grief can caîl its own - Sadiy missed and neyer forgatten by wife Mary and famiiy. 15 lx COOMBES, George Hilliard- n laving memary of a dear husband, wha passed away April 10, 1965. Gad knew that he was suffering, That the hulis were hard ta ciimb, Sa he ciased his weary eyelids And whispered, '"Peace be thime." Awa in the beautiful his of By the vaiiey of nest sa fair, Somne time, some day, we know not when We wiii meet aur ioved one there. -Ever remembered by wife, Mabel. 15-1 x COOMBES, George Hilliard- n fond memory of a loving father wha passed away April 10, 1965. He is gone but nat forgatten And, as dawns another year, n aur ianeiy haurs of thinking, Thaughts of him are always nea r, Days of sadness wi Il came o'en Sus, Many think, the waund is heaied, But they 1littie know the sorraw That lies in the heart conceai- ed. -Lavingly remembened by daughter Gladys and son-in- iaw Benny. 15-1lx McROBERTS - In loving memory of aur mather, MAarg- aret (Brown> who passedi awa y Apri1 7, 19ý72._ __ As time unfolds arnther year Memnories keep yau ever near Sulent thaughts of fimnes toget- her Oid memories that wi;l ast farever. -Lovingiy rememnbered by Lillian, Howard, Reta and grandchiidren. 15-1 KERSEY- ln loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Mildlred Susan, who passed away Apr;il 3, 1968. We oten think af bygone days When we were ail1 togetiher, But family chain ;s broken now But mnemories wiil live foarever. -SaIly missed and lavingly remnembered by dad and famniiy. 15 lx LU XTON - n ioving memary of myv dear mother, Emma Elizabeth, wha passed away April 1, 1952, and my dear father, Eredrick James, who rasse d away April 9, 1959. hings we teel most deepiy Are the hardest things ta say Dear mother and dad i love yoo n a ver y special way if 1 cou Idhave one lite finie wish One thing that wouid came true i'd pray ta God with ail my heart n yesterday and yau. - iovingiy remembered by daughter thel. 15-1 HAYWARD - Percy. In laving memory of a dear husband, father and grand- f ather. who passed away April1 11, 1964. What we wouid give if we could say, HellIo dad, in the sa me aid vway To hear your vaice see your smile Ta sit with yau and chat awhiie. If we cauld have one lifetimne wish One dream cauld came true, We'd pra y ta God w it h ail a u r hearts For yesterday and you. - Sadlv mnissed and deeply loved by ail. Wife Roseina an famiiy. 15-1 i wauid like tfa thank ail my relatives and friends for their mnany kindnesses ta me during my five weeks in Toronto Generai Hospital and since coming home. They were certainiy appreciated. Leone Lane 15Six My sincere thanks ta fa miiy, friends, nel ghbors and acquaintances f or gifts, flaw- ers, cards, phone cails and visits ta see me during my stay in different hospitais. Velda Gray 15-1 I would like ta thank friends and relatives for cards, fruit and phone calls. Thanks to Dr. Kestie, Dr. Grant, Dr. Culp, nurses in Intensive Care and 6G Oshawa Hospital for their kindness. Earl Luxton 15-1lx - ur sincere tanks ta famiiy and fiends for ftiowens, cards, and visifs aiso ta Dr. Ewert and the nursing staff on the Matenniity Ward, Memoriai Hospital, Bowrrîdrlviile, for their excellent cane duniîng aur recent stay. Cathy and Christie Corden 15-1 My sin cere thanks ta Dr. Hobbard and Dr. Anfassi, nurses and staff 0f the second floor for. their excellent cane. Speciai thanks ta relatives, friends and neighbars fan thein many kindnesses. Jack Hatherly Stephen and Doreen Doyle wauld like ta express their thanks for the iavely camne and go tea for their 25th Wedding Anniversany arnanged by thei r family. Many thanks ta relatives, friends and neigh- bars tan the laveiy gifts and cards. 15-ix I wouid like ta thank Dr. McKenzie, Dr. Cunningham and Dr. Andenson and' the nurses on the 3nd floor, Aisa the people who called ta sç'p me and ton cards and fiowens. The volonfeen girls and candy stipers wene also veny heip?- foi. Thank yau ail again. Eve Stone 111 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRE.D- Parts available fan mast anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modern wafches and dlocks. Our ropairs. are dane with modern op-ta date eqoipmenf and lqoaiified Swiss trained wafchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34tft BEDROOM suite, 7 piece; dining roam, 9 piece; living raam, ail Burma-Danish teak waad. New fornnîfre very neasonabie. Phone 'l-247-4377 52-tf PADDY'S Market now haS new turnitore, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and aisci used furniture and appliances. .Wiii accept frade-i. Paddy'.- Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33t'f USED Fomnitune and, Ap ances. Paddy's Mari Hampton 263-2241. 2 ALUMINUM siding, dai windows, awnungs, railir ain cannying systemrs. Lai Aluin, 1 Prince St. 623-3E Sopreme Window and Di Ca. 1 Announcement TOPO'S PIZZA VILLA IS NOW OPEN 7 DAYS AWEEK P HON E 623-2533 FREE DELIVERY STORE HOURS MONDAY-THURSDAY - 4 p.m. 12 P.m. FRI1DAYAN DSATU RDAY - 3p.M. -2 a.m. SUNDAY -4 p.m. -il1p.m. Fish and Chips. Ail yoo can eat, every Satunday $1.49. Antiques baug ht and soid. Open eveny Sa.. and ý'Sun. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Raad. 14-4 Sonshine Tours: Mystery Tonr - Sonday, April 6th., Rochester Liiac Festival May 16-19, W.WX.V,A. Wheei- ing, West Vingi niýa May 1 9 For -informnation , cati..Port Hope 885-2200 an Cobourg 372-99,61. 1- MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Spansared by Oshawa Mi non Sof tbaI11 JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 504tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P. M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OS HA WA 21 tt BINGO Royal Canadian Legion 84 Queen St., BowmanvilIle Every WEDNESDAY at 8:00 p.m. 13-4 St. Paul's Opportunify Clearance Sale. Thursday, April lth, il-4. 15-1 Your last chance ta croise the inside passaqe ta Alaska and see the M idnight'sun on board the S.S. Prince George. For details of'this ,exciting trip through Western Canada, Alaska and into the Yukon failowing the trail 0f '98 departing June 3, 1975. Write or Cali Alfred Allin Creighton & AtIin Travel Service P.O. Box 149 Thornhill. Tel. 416-889-5643 15-2 OPEN HOUSE Princess Margaret, Hospita I (Cancer Treatment & Research Centre), 500 Sherbourne St., Toronto Sunday April 13, 1975 Groups eaving Bowmanville at 12:30 p.m. Please caîl:' Jean McMurter 623-2705 or Joan Mann 623-2705 142 CANADIAN FORRESTE' RUMMAGE SAL at Bowmanville Public Libr Friday, April 251 lOa.M. -4 P.M. Proceeds for Cancer Research 15- Rtim'age- sa!e spansored- by the Foorth Bowmiranvilie SýA. Brownies, April l8th from 110 a.m, ta 2 p.m. at Saivation Anmry, 35 ivision St. (dawn- staîrs). 15-2 BINGO N EWVCASTLE- COM.-MUN'ýITY HALL Tuesday, April 151th Ealy Bird Games 7:30 Regular B3ingo 8:00 $400 IN PRIZES PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by , NEWCASTLE LIONS 15-1 f DAN CE Saturday, April 12 Solina Community Hall Abernethy's Orchestra 15-1 DANCING Saturday Night Aprill12 AT CLUB ANNRENÉ on Scugog Island f ea t urin g P ET E R'S PLATTE RS (Our sf. Annversary) 15-1 Penny Sale heid by Kendai WlI. April 26th at 8:00 p.m. in Kendai Public Schooi Auditor- ium. 153 Pancake Sopper Sat. April l9th t ram 5 7. Ail you can eat. Price $1.00. At the Saivation Anmy Hall, 35 Division St. Spansoned by the th Gnaup Committee. 15-2 Dance-Pontypoal Commun ity Hall, Satorday, Apnil l2th. Music: Gary Bristaw and the Country 'Fever. Admission $5.00 couple. Retneshments. 15-1 Dumhiam N.D.P. Dance, Sat- uday, April 19th, Newcastle Community Hall, '9 p.m.-1 a.m. Music by,'SON.' Doon and spot prize5, lunch. Ad- mission $6 per couple. Every- one weicome. 15-1 Ladies N ight at the Legion, Satunday night. Suppen, gifts, dancing. Tickets $1200 per couple. 15-1 'Cobs in Bowmanviiie Pop Bottie Drive Apnil 19 at 9 a.m. 152 >DEPARTMENT F RECREATION CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Newcastle Recreation Department SOFTBALL LEAGUE MEETING Town Hall1, Committee Room, Thursday, April 10th, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. Anyone interested in forming this league is invited ta attend this meeting. This is a Intermeàdiate Recreation Softball League, 1ý8 years and up. ket, 26-tf APPEARING AT The Queen's Ho NEWCASTLE COU NTRYGO FR 1.- SAT. APRIL Il - 12 Dancing 9 Dte I )LD Reward $25. Table top an Liberty St. 623-7161 or Flying Dutchman, P. Lanimer. ONE quarter hanse, mare, 2 nine years, hleavy buiid, spirited, good endurance, needs experienced owvnem. One geiding, four yeams, reasan- 15 1 able. 263-8195. 15-2 MI L~ L4-U i.'i ~ lu SECONDS- Mac appies, $2.50 a bushel. Phone Bill Feddema after 5 at 263-2074. No Sonday sales. 152 ONE bay's high ise bicycle. 20" trame,-gaad condition. J, Kilieni, phone 623-5068. i 15-1 20 FOOT Runabout, 100 hp Johnson, excellent condition. ful' convertible top, bonks under front deck, bow ail, etc. Fibergiass aven plywoad $2,950. 623-5683 or Part Dam- lingtan Marina. 13-3 ors, W HI1TE'S Ig, TV ANTENNAS Bu7. Towers, UH F, VH F 'aar ' Aerials, Rotors& - x Repairs SApartment & Homes Pre-Wired U Ask About Our Guarantee ,~Phone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf Oshawa TV Antennas (f & Towers 151 ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Colored Aeriaîs Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed Ail priced ta SAVE you Money ýRS . Phone 623-5122 - 'L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf amy SWIMMING Pool Sacrifice. Leading manufacturer' and distributor has above gnaund aiuminom pools ieft aven from 1974 seasan. /2 price. Guanan- teedý installation and' terms. Caîl Credit Manager caliect 416-292-2268. il tf COLD storage Deliciaus and Sovy apples. Aisa seconds. No Sunday sales. FnankHiemstra 263-2260. 5-tf NEW Hoose plans fan thnee bedraom bungalow, 1299 sq. ft. Phone 987-4923. 15-1lx QUANTITY of Herda bariey. Phone 987-4565. 15-1 14' SURF Master boat, 40 Johnson, convertible top, tape deck, $1,000. Phone 986-4835. 15-1 ANTIQUE dining noom suite, love seat with two chairs ta match, brass bed, bnass and iran bed. Phone 623-7602. 15-1 CENTRAL Marine Electron- ics. Phone 263-2918. Distribu- for for ComDev Marine Pro- ducts. 15-1 WHITE Embden gosiings. AI Venema, Hampton. Phone 263-8888. 13-tf WASHSTAND $39, buffet $49, dressing table and bench $49, trunk $12, trunk $14, trunk $18, aid office chairs $15. each, t1wo piece chesterfieid suite $49., five piece chrome stt~e, $19., aluminum door $20., Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temper- ance St. Bowmanville. 15-1 19" BLACK and White T.V. and stand. Good condition, very reasonable. Phone 623- 4148. 15-1 GENDRON baby carriage, converts ta car bed and stroller. A-1 condition. $35. Round walker, seldom used, 15. Baby seat wVih cd S2. Diaper bag, seldom used $2. Cali anytime 623-4252. 15-1 SPEED Queen washen and dryer in venygood condition, 14 horse power electric motor., One bathroom space saver. Phone 987-5205. 15-1 NEW Otaco flexible harrows. Beacock's Hardware, Black- stock. 1-986-4971. 15-1lx ON E Ca se m an ure spreader i n goad condition. $295. 1-986-4971 15-1 x CUSTOM MADE hutch and buffet (solid wood). Priced reasonabiy. Phone 725-1303. 15-1 38 INCH propane g as range, good working condition. 987- 4062. 15-ix SMITH Corona portable type- writer, excellent condition, 6 monfhs aid. Mark Steel, 623- 3687. 15-1 AMH ERST playen piano, seen ~by appointment onlV', 623-3257. 15-1 %#OSHAWA SAND- AND GRAVEL SUPPLY WASHED SANO - GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS AIl Sîzes for Driveway s and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL TRUCKS and LOA DERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 81 RI<iLiMyr.4 STi W, USHAVVA 576-55À April WAREHOàjUS"E SALE EVERY BALE MN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION As Low As 1/2 Price and. Less On Remanentls and Ends of Rolîs 81 RiCHMOND ST. W. (Nýextdaarto Ruddy Eiectric) Open tram 9 ta 8p.m. Mon, ta Fmi., Sat. 9 ta 4 CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY -s LANOLORDS - Houses, Apatments, Roomis, urgently needed. Dunhami HoosinQ Rec-istry 1-579-0622. Extpnsion, 8,69, 6-26 TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Sale 0f Surplus Equ ipment Sealed Tendets cieaniy mark- ed as ta contents wili be received by the undersigned ontil 12:00, Noon, E.S.T. Thursday, April 24th, 1975. For the Sale of: WHERE 15, AS 15 One: D.6. Caterpil lar 1946 model comrplete with biade, cab, vee-plow and two wings. This item will be available for inspection on Apnil l8th, 1975 only at the Works Yard, Hampton, Ontario, between the hours of 8:00 a.mi. and 3:30 p.m., The highest or any tender fot necessanily accepted. Terms- certified cheque. J. Dunham, Director of Public Works, Hampton, Ontario. DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanvilie 26-tf DARLINGTON MASON RY, Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY.CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45 tf Geddes Electric Renovations - Alterat ions Rec. Rooms Rewining Older Homes New Homes- Free Estimates Phone 62.3-2398 48-tf D. BEERS& SONS CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs 0f ail types. P HO N E 623-2263 PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING &SERVICING Cemtified Piano Technician. Prompt mel jable service. Remem ber, "The tuner a lone, preserves the fane." Memben, Piano Techn.lcian's Gui id. Derek 'HilI 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby 668-6247 VINCE MOORE CA R PENTRY House Renovating Paper Hanging - Painting 247 4yberty N., Bowmanville 623-3568 49-tf Ref r ig erat ion AND Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days ..... ..... 623-5774 Nights ......... 623-3177 La nder Ha rdwa re and ELECTRIC TF William G. Beatty Painting and Paper Hanging Light Trucking and Odd Joabs P HON E 43-tf NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orona 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 41 -ff BiI11's GLASS and MIRRORSLTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Strorm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 17 tf WATER Wells bared, 30" file., Ward's Weli Baring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16 tf - 8 S BABYSITTER for 2 pre- schaaiers t ram 3-5 p.m., one an two days aweek. Cal1 623-32951 15-1 STUDENT wanted for baby sitting odd week nights and weekends. Phone 623-4318. 1 15-1 CARPENTER, dependabie, self-starter, skiiled in fram- ing, steady wank and goad pay. Phone 623-4960 fan inter- view. 15-1 REGISTERED Nursing Assis- tants, ful and part-timne Phone 987-4441. 9 \gtt MIDDLE aged lady ta live in and cane for eider!:, lady, in Newcastle. Gaod sany and goad home. Cail 9â7-4824 atter six p.m. 15-2 PRINTING Shap apprentice- 16-18 years of age. Appiy in persan aniy. The Canadian Statesman, 66 King St. West, Bowmanviiie. 15-1 Port Daïrlingtonî Hotel Full and Part-time Waiters and Waitresses for- Dining Lau nge. -Part-time Bartenders General Kitchen HeIp Part-time Banquet Staff This is a new hotel in this area-and we require people who are honest, neat and hard ,workina. OPENING EARLY IN MAY Please state: Position appîied for, name, age, marital status, transpor- tation, availability, and phone number. We wiII contact you for a personal interview. All inquinies wiII be answered. Please send information ta: Port Darlington, Hotel R. R. 2, Bowmnanville Ontaria MAPLE GROVE SMALL'ENGINE Repais toalail makesaof Lawn and Garden Eqoipment 579-2001 1 Stf Wm. G. Terhune CARPENTRY Kitchens- Rec. Rooms Old Homes Modernized 623-3575 15-1 x Custom ophoîstering, ne- cavering, ne-styiing, very neasonable, womk guaranteed, i20 years experience. Free estimates. Please cali coilect 1-986-5072. 15-5 GORD SIMPSON., PHON E 983i-5808 ORONO, ONTARIO Painting Canpentry RemaDdellinçg Genenral Repains Interior Extenior, 14-4x PLOUGHINCG, coltivating, 8weed cotting, light grading 623-3171. 14-3 C &C JAN ITOR, SERVICE Carpet - Uphoîstery Prof essionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLF JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf BOIB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs F Service and Estimates Calîl 623-2641 33-tf AP PLIANC E REPAIRS 1 RANGES-WASHERS DRYERS. REFR IGERATORS AND, AIR CONDITION ERS S.PECIALIZING IN Friidaire JIM COLLISS 623-2891 10-tf p &J ERECTORS CO. Specializing in Asbestos Siding and Roofing Metal Siding Installations and Repairs PAUL HUARD R.R.1, Pontypool LOA 1 Ko Phone (705) 277-2428, Caîl Anytime 13-4 RURAL GARBAGE PICK-UP Probably the best raies an~d service. in the area. Our se-rvice extends fromn the Lakeshore, Darlington Township, ta Scugog Island. Let us help you do your spring dlean-up al year. Caîl: 263-2094 OR 725-9712 J.P.J. DISPOSAL LTD. tf 13-4 BARBER and hairdresser needed for Artistic Barber and .Beauty Salon, full or part- time. Phone 725-8710. 15-1 NEEDED- bus people, part- time, must be 16 or over, neat and. personable. Phone 623- 3373, Flying Dutchman, for appointment. 15-1 CLEANING lady req uired f or home in Bowmanvilie;. $2.00 hr. Phone 623-7538., 15 tf ,MATURE, dishwashers, part and ful time. For interview, phone 623-3373, Flying DuJtch- man Motor Inn. 15-1 Applications wiil be neceivýed bythe undersigned until Malnday, April 14, 1975, for the position of Su 'pply Caretaker,- 40 hou.rS perf week at the variauS Schois. Knowiedge of cieaning matýer- ials and caretaking proce- d4es prefenred. Ability ta work tram verbal and wnritten instructionrs and vwii t aher people reqoired. H EAID CAR ETAKE R Applications wili be received bythe undersigned L!ntil1 Manday, April 14, 1975, for the Poasiti on of Head Caretaker at lhe Curtice South Pubýlicý SchoaI. Appiicantmost have practicai knowiedge of mechanicai and electricai apparatus. Gaod working knawiedge ef cane-p taking pracedores. The abiiity ta work harmoniousiy wt others. The ability ta organize own work and work of others. Reply in writing stating quali- fications, address and tele- phone number ta: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Admrinistrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat ion, BOX 470, Cobourg. K9A 4L2. 15-1 G BAR S Ranch We are pîeased ta annaun-ce.,~ that we wîiI be apening an March 8 fan harseback riding. $3 per hour. Our membership) is even cheaper, we have largep box stails- plenty of room. CALL US ANYTIME 623-4027 Dr. Keith billett wvishes ta express his regrets toalal the people who have been unable ta contact him doning his sudden ilIness. He hopes ta resume his practise, shontly. 15-1 The winner of the T.V. sponsored by Newcastle Dis- trict Men's Hockey League was won by Milt Con.son, 27 Frank St., Bowmanville. Tick- et No. 785. 15-1X If D. La Lande daoes nat pick op s'tored articles by the end 0f the manth, samie Mil be soid ton stonage. 15-2 RESULTS COUONT!- Multiple Listing Service OShawa & District Real Estate Board tf (RT CASH OA F01OR D fO L1ACE THROUezGH S rATyE SmA N C L A SîS 1 F.1 E a 3 CLIIS*l I E TREE PLANTERS WANTED Commencîng mîd Aprîl for appnoxîmately four weeks in Peterborough, Narwood, Orono and Lindsay areas. Interested pensons should contact Mdnistny of Natural Resources at 322 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario. Phone 1-705-324-6121. Min istry of Natural I Resou rces INSTALL AN O WmýFURNACE, BOILER HUMIDIFIER ýQor HOT WATER No Payments for Six M,4onths .CAU HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hîour Service 41 -tf DRESSING table, chest, cribs, baby carniage, child's rocking chair, jaily iumper, training chairs, waIkers. Tawne Used Furnitome, 19 Tempemance St., Bowman- ville. e Boy direct tram Manufac- ture -Rutten Granite Co, Lfd., has a hoge selection of fine, quaiity monuments, large and smaii ta fit any need. Came by au ,r dispiayyard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope or telephone 885 5216 for a monument that endures. 735-tf, ... .... . ..... 1