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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1975, Section 2, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bawmanville, April 9, 1975 Section Twa Celebrates Firsi Birthdcy, The annual meeting of the Hampton Womcn's Institute was Mcd in conjunctian with the regular monthly meeting on April 1. Wc opened by singing the Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collcct in- unison. The Roll Call - pay your dues. The Minutes wcre read and approvcd andi the Correspondence was read. A Thank You note was rcccived from Mrs. Bryant. t was decidcd ta meet at the CE. guests ot the G. Bakers. Glad ta report Mrs. Gardon Baker returned home Sunday after a wccks stay in Port Perry Hospital following a minor aperation. Mr. Fred Partner, Orano was a Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kayacs and girls. Louise Kayacs entertained a numberof ber girl friends on ber birthday and then ahl enjoycd skating at the Dar- lington Arena. Club 50 ladies will meet Tuesday cvening April 8 at the home of Mrs. &G Gble with, Mrs. Gable and Mrs. J. Bateman as convenars., Mrs. Walter Vancyk bapes ta bc home from hospital the end of this weck,, witb, mucb better hcaltb wc hope. Glad ta repart Mr. Jack Malcolmson was able ta came home fram baspital Saturday afternoon. Wing on April 15 at 1:30 p.m. ta make up the, programmes for ýthe coming year. A committcc was p ut in ta look after arranging for the Straw- bcrry Dessert Tea. t was movcd by Mrs. Caverly and seconded by Mrs. White that wc donate $50 ta the Ed Hass family aftcr their tragic fîre. Mrs. Bryant read a verse 'At Easter'. The minutes of the 1974 annual meeting werc read and the(- Financial Statement 9' ven. The Convenors of the Sta'ndi :g Cuinmittees gave their reports. Mrs. Cavcrly repartcd on the meeting for the District Directors hcid recently. The District Annual will be hcld May 7 at Blackstock United Church. Mrs. Mountenay agreed ta look aftcr the Memarium - Hamptons contribution ta the District Annual. Mrs. Clemens read the slate of officers/for 1975-76 and moved its a dop- tion. Mrs. Fraser, District President, came forward and dcclared aIl offices open. It was movcd by Mrs. Mounte- nay and sccondcd by Mrs. Clemens' that Mrs. Burrows act as Sccrctary for the meeting. Mrs. Mackl in moved that we acccpt the slate of afficers as read and this was, scconded1 by Mrs. Cavcrly. Mrs. Fraser then installed the officers for the coming year. HAM PTO N W,.I. Mrs. Hodgson wschaîrlady for the reminerofthe meeting and cýalled on Mrs. Bryant for the Mýotta, - Farming aWnru a y ,VOf Life, A Yes or No contlest was. ,qnclwtp(d bvý Mrs. Bryant. TIhe meetinýg was closed with the siniginig of OCaniada,. Mrs. Slemon and Mrs. Hodcgsoni served lunch. The, siate of officers f or the caming yecar is as followvs: Past Pres. Mrs. T. Chant; President-Mrs. M. Bryant; lst, Vice-Pres.-Mrs. O. Mounte- nay; Sec. Treas.-Mrs. C. Yea,; Ass't Sec. Treas.-Mrs. S. Hodgson; Dist. Director-Mrs. T. Chant; Alternate Directar- Mrs. K. Caverly; Public Relations-Mrs. A. Macklin; C uratar-Mrs. L. Allia; Audit- ors-Mrs. L. Clemiens and Mrs. L. Allia; Pianist-Miss M. Collacutt; Ass't Pianist-Mrs. J. Burrows; Honorary Pian- ist-Miss Nora Horn; Birthday Box and Membership-Mrs. C. 51cm on; Cards-Miss Johns; Gifts and Flowers-Mrs. W. White and Mrs. C. Yeo. SEEKS MED IA MEET In an effort ta better the channels of communication between the local media the board of education is seeking a meeting with representatives of the press at a regular board meeting on April 24. For anc hour, it is suggcsted the media submit items for discussion by the board. The suggestions are ta be submit- ted ln advance. OPP Report The Ontario Provincial Pol- ice at the Newcastle, Detach- ment investigated the follow-. ing Motor Vehicle Collisions and Occurrences during the period March 24, 1975 to March 30, 1975. Twenty-jeight Motor Vehicle Collisions were investigated in which ten persons were in- jured., As a result of these' colsons!eight persons have been charged with offences Act. The Newcastle Officers also invcstigatcd eîgbty occurren- ces of a gencral nature. Some of these occurrences wcre as follows. There werc six inves- tigationfs into "Theft" off- fenes, five investigations inta "Break and Enter" offences and four investigations into complaints of "Wilful Dam- age". Other investigations cn ce ned re or s 0 f lost and found popetes, rving com- plaintsp and variaus d9mestic caps. Chc-amber Seeks Rooms For Visitrors Attending World Plow«ing Match Ross Murison, Chairman of "vr2O00pol from the Oshawa Chamber of ail parts of Cad, te1 S Commerce Billeting Commrit- and overseas mil! be attending tee, ie seeking private home this match " he went on ta Say . and farm home accommoda- "and some of these are tion' for visitors who will be requesting accommodation in attending the World Plowing private homes." Match being held in Oshawa' Anyone wishing to partici- during the latter part of pate in billeting visitors and September. meeting some interesting new '-We'Ill e filling every people, plus making some available hotel and motel revenue on the spare rooms room in the area"I says Mr. they have available, should Murison. .'but, in addition, phone the Chamber office we'll need a considerable (728-1683) and r9quest the number of rooms in~ private necessary forms to. register homes in both urban 'and rural their rooms. This should be locations." done prior to April l4th. HARVEY ORONO 983-5206 ESSO'HOME NEAT SERVICE This happy littie girl is Karen Lorraine Reyenga and she will be one year old on April 1 3th, 1975. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Reyenga, Orono and nroud gr2ndt-bqretst are Mr. and Mrs.> James Revenga, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dalby of R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Ontario. Great grandparents are Mrs. Paul Antil, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Mrs. S.,Reyenga, Holland and Mr. and Mrs. Sa-,m Buma, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Fiïv e Y ears n P eniteIntfla ry For-Shootinghiseigh bo r Because 1A CobourI9 ,ý,'g ouh coulWdn' t find hiscdo gISa heshot bis neighor to deatýh. Nineteen.-yeaýr-old Reagh "HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH?" We advise aur insureds that they accepi a Ideductible' and carry the smal!lolsses them- selves, but pay for 'higher imits' and 'full value' insur- ance ta protect fram financi- aly crippling lasses. The James Agency will gladly adlvise you an yaur insurance needIs.-' 24 Kinig St. E., Box 100 BOW'\ýMANV!LLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES Office 623-44062 Residetice 623-502 DogWals Campbell Stewart was sen- tcnced recently ta five years in penitentiary by Justice Thomas Zuber of the Ontario Supreme Court for the, man-> slaughter of 57-year old Perry Giddings of 99 D'Arcy St. In an carlier trial, Stewart testificd he couldn't remem- ber pulling the trigger of the 12-gauge sbatgun that killed bis neighbour. Stewart's dlog had been a source: of friction. Wben Stew- art1 rcturned ta bis bouse on ilhe day of1 the slaying, he found is dog was not there. The acuscd then went on a drinkinig bout downtown and at a party later. Wben be returned home agaiin, he found the dog stili missing. Stewart then taok bis 12-gauge sbotgun and blasted bis next-door neighbor. Charles Ross, a production foreman at Pyramid Homes where Stewart workçed priar ta the offence, told the court the accuscd was a goad employee and han a good work rating. Crow n Attorney Kennetb Stubingtan noted there bad been excessive use of drugs and alcohol, but Stewart had- given up "bard drugs" at an carlier time. Patrick McGlynn, a father of five wba was a close neighbor of the Stewarts, saîd he knew Stewart wben be was four or five years old. He said he knew the boy came fram a large family. "The famîly in general I would se cutting t he grass. They struck me as being industriaus. He did, bis share of the work willingly. I was kind of sbocked and surprised when I learned wbat be had done. " Stewart's baby was baptised ane week ago, but the accused bas not seen hlm since he was MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL OIL FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dia l 1-668-3381 CALL US D)XFU L I FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE o AUTO &USED CARS LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WREC'ýKS AND SCRAP GOOD SELECTION 0F USED CARS R. R. 2 -.Newcastle 98,47 -4 636 Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd. MISsing born. Stewart bas been in custody since Aug. 30, 1974. The jury recommended the accused lobtain furtber psy- chiatric help., Wben asked if he had anything to say on bis own behaîf before passing sen- tence, Stewart replied simply, no' He was defended by Terence V. Kelly, Q.C. of Oshawa. LONG SAULT Mrand Mrs.-. Jobnsùon, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Fugene Bent, Newcastle; Mrs. Ivan Rowley were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Sorry to report Mrs. Bert Johnson was taken ta Port Perry Hospital on Tues- day and transferred ta Osha- wa General Hospital on Wed- nesday for further'tests. Mr. and Mrs. F0O. Smith, Bowmanville were Sunday visitors of Miss Grace Smith. Mr. Allan Baker, Burlington and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall, Brooklin were Sunday supper Business Directory Accountancy WM. J.H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Li berfy Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B. comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeepiflg-and Tax Service Business: 623 ý4597 Residence: 623-7308 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C., Chîropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey St reet Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment, Dental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D. S.r 26 Frank St., Bowmanviîle near Dominion Store)~ Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional BIdg. Office Hours: Telephone 623-7412 if busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLiAM KENT C. D. S. 222 King St. E. , Suite 106 Professional Bidg. Bowmanville Office Hours: Weekdays 83-50 CLOSE[) WEDL)NE$DýAY DR. W. M. RU DE LL, D.D.S. 75 King Si. E., Bowmanivtle Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs. 9 tî1 5 Wednesda y 9tfi1,,' 1Fridy 9til 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Of f ice Pho n e 63-5790 "Help us celebrate by joining with- us in a Free Coffee and Cookie"s Wed ., Thur s., Fr1L, a nd S at." BEEF OR IRISH -Schneider's stew ZDON Fig Bars MK. MARTINS GRAPEFRUIT OR ORANGE (FROM CONCENTRATE) Fruit Juices 0 GA FANCY Peach Halves IGA (IN TOMATO SAUCE) Beans with Pork CRISCO PUJRE î 3 Vegetable O1 PREPARED French's Mustard, 89C HANDLE BAG BRANO (26 ,x36' 15 MIL POLYý Garbage Bags OF10 OAYTIME 30 , OR EXTRA ABSOReENT 24' Pamper'sDiapers ' F,6-2.25 48- FL:N', 7 SUPER STAiN-LESS- PKG. 0F 5 oz. T 47illt Razor Blades 14 FL 39 OZ. TIN,39 19 FL i OZ TIN 370 OZý BTL. 16 Fi oz JAR35U HOSTESS (REGuLAR. OlP. SALT &VINEGAR OR ,ARBECUE FLAVOREDI 5 G A Potato chips K 79 -d 1*"'1~~ SWEET .tJUICY Fqtlori da Oranges SPAGH1IMNI, READY-CUT MACARONI OIR Lancia Spaghetti f:RASERlVALE ROZEN Fancy Peas BAG 75ý~ BW.E WATER FROýEN Cheese Fishwich i Z.79e CRUNCHIE, RUM & BUTTER, DAIRY MILK, CARAMILK OR SNACK BAR Cadbury's Candy Bars ..OK65' LARGE SIZE FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS SZ Ut627 White Grapef ruî FR8u CRISP, PRODUCE 0FbU SA.'NO. 1 GRADE Celery Stalks 24' EACH39 NU 1 GRADE SWEET Greeln 4Peppers 39C 24 79 OZ. TIN 9 FROZEN FRIEO CHICKEN, SALISBUJRY STEAK OR TURKEY S a v a rin'l1 -z PKG.5 77 KING ST. E. SUNDAY STORE HOURS Th ree persans have been charged with offences uinder the Liquor Contrai cttwo persans have been charged with "Impaired Driving" and tbree persans bave been charged witb affences under the Criminal Code. Inattention Causes Collisions Motorists!' Any gaad dri-,-ýi knaws that driving is a ,seri'Ž' business, and requir-es yýÏù full attention every second'tbe car is moving, Even at slo)w speeds, if a d1river's attentionl is diverted, lieCan! be lil trulhef are lie knawý,s it. PENDUE, "A SK YOt/R NE/GîHBOL/R HEZ L REMEMBER sopEAO EEA Habitant 01Z TMN39Ï

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